Which firewood is better for heating

From the correctly selected and of the stocked for winter, wood will depend on the efficiency of heating the house. Fuel should burn for a long time, giving as much heat to the rooms as possible. But, not every wood possesses such qualities, therefore it is necessary very to clearly to represent which wood is better for heating to acquire, and how it will be more properly organized and x x wound.

Which firewood is better for heating

Which wood is better for heating

Each tree species has its characteristic density of structure, and the more dense the wood, the longer it will first burn, and then smolder in the oven. However, such varieties for a long time light up, and therefore with them "in the kit" it is necessary to store more light wood, which is used for ignition.

No less important for maintaining the high quality of the - fuel is their proper preparation and arrangement of their storage location in rainy days of autumn and in cold and snowy winter.

Qualitative and correct firewood can create a cozy and special heat in the house, which can not be compared with gas or steam heating. When the furnace is heated, from which a pleasant roar of natural draft and crackling of logs are heard, creates a special atmosphere of comfort in the

.Probably, that's why the furnaces are still installed even in those mansions where there are other types of heating.

Characteristics of firewood

Contents of the article

  • 1 Characteristics of firewood
    • 1.1 Video: a sign of quality firewood
  • 2 What kind of firewood is the best for heating?
    • 2.1 Coniferous species
    • 2.2 Hardwood
  • 3 Firewood storage
    • 3.1 Basic storage rules
    • 3.2 Wood storage
    • 3.3 Types of woodpiles
    • 3.4 Video: original types of woodpiles - on your site
    • 3.5 Video: how to throw woodin the furnace

The wood of each rock has its own individual characteristics, sometimes very different from each other. Therefore, some types of wood are more suitable for construction, and other - for heating housing.

Not all firewood is equally good for use for heating purposes

Not all firewood is equally good for use for heating purposes

In addition, it should be noted that for the stove, according to the large account , almost all firewood is suitable( of course, not in the same degree, but still), but for a fireplace you needchoose the fuel that the will bring the to the room, in addition to the heat, still and a pleasant aroma, created the as an cozy cozy atmosphere for the .

So, for a fireplace not the fuels from too resinous rocks will approach, as when burning such wood creates excessive smoke and soot. Moreover - for example, pine firewood, burning, very often shoot with embers that can get on the combustible surface, and then there is a very high probability of a fire. That is why coniferous rocks are not recommended for use in open fireplaces.

For the stove, it is optimal to choose long-fire wood, with its low intensity and pronounced heat transfer. An important factor for furnace heating is the minimum amount of smoke emitted by the burning wood, as well as the ash remaining in the furnace.

Good, the most suitable firewood for firewood furnaces should be well prepared for the winter period - dried and stacked for storage. The quality of these events directly depends on all the above qualities.

The is a freshly-cut wood that is never used immediately for heating, as it is dried in the furnace, gives the a lot of smoke, and then it is very sluggish because of the large amount of moisture. Burning such a fuel gives the very little heat, and that is why "fresh" wood should be subjected to good drying.

To check whether the firewood is dried, it can be in the old simple way: if, when one log is struck about another , the sounds like a sonorous, not a dull sound, so the wood is fully ready to hit the stove.

Video: a sign of quality firewood

Quality firewood can be obtained from trees that are cut down in the winter - during this period in the trunks of trees there is practically no movement of juices. But the trees felled in the summer or spring require a longer drying, since they have a very large process nt ow .

Which firewood - is best for heating?

Coniferous wood

The use of coniferous wood for house heating is undesirable

Coniferous wood used for house heating is undesirable

Coniferous wood burns very well, but it is not recommended for heating furnaces due to the reasons mentioned above. In addition, it is undesirable and because such firewood burns too quickly and intensively, but with minimal heat emission. Therefore, , such fuel is more often bought or harvested for of baths, as in wood many x x war rocks include not only tar, but also essential oils, favorable for certain quantities for human health. So, during bath procedures, they will contribute to the prevention and treatment of the respiratory system, calm nerves, general relaxation and the removal of accumulated muscle tension.


Hardwoods are the best for furnaces of furnaces, since they have a denser structural structure, which significantly increases the time of their burning with a constant high energy output. In connection with lack of resinous substances in the wood composition, such firewood gives less soot and burnt, preventing the rapid accumulation of soot in the chimneys.

Among hardwoods there are types of wood that give the maximum heat output, and there are also those that will serve for ignition or for carrying out preventive measures with the stove.

Heat furnaces and fruit tree species, but it is better to store this wood for fireplaces or for kindling an open fireplace, because when burned, such firewood emits flavors, giving the products a special taste and creating a comfortable atmosphere.

About firewood from hardwoods you need to talk a little more in detail, as they - are the most used for heating houses.


It is interesting that alder gives the most beautiful firewood. On the cut, this tree can have a yellowish, densely buffy, bluish, orange or even almost saturated red color. Shades of wood depend not only on the specific tree species( and there are about 20-25 different alder species), but even from the place where it grew.

Olhovye firewood outwardly you will not confuse with any other

Olive firewood does not seem to be confused with any other

The convenience of purchasing alder logs or finished firewood is that they do not need to be subjected to additional drying - they themselves reach the desired state of residual moisture. usually takes alder, which grows far from the water - on elevations where there is low humidity in the soil, so the wood dries quickly enough.

Alder is also good for use in smokehouses, because it contains aromatic substances. However, you need to know that they are stored only during the first 3 years after harvesting firewood. The rest does not lose its properties for a very long time and is well preserved during for a long period.

When burning alder gives little smoke and good heat dissipation, and thanks to these its qualities such firewood was often used for the " black " bath. Evaporation of firewood from alder can clean the chimney pipe from the sludge deposit.

Alder sawdust is used for smokehouses, so they should not be thrown away if the firewood is cut in the yard of the house.

In addition, this wood perfectly is suitable for for firebox chimney, if you put alder in it and add birch field - to it, together they give a beautiful flame and excellent heat.


Oak wood for heating - is an ideal option, but similar wood is quite expensive. However, if there is an opportunity, and oak firewood was bought, will never regret it , as they will give excellent high heat output, and such wood turns out to be very economical in use. Its is often used as an additive to another kind of firewood, since even a couple of oak poles will make the kiln burn more durable.

Oak firewood - very efficient heating, but also a considerable price

Oak firewood - very efficient heating, but also a considerable price

Oak has a very dense fiber structure, so its wood is much heavier than other breeds. It lasts much longer, but also burns long enough, turning into coals that, for a long time, smolder, keep the oven warm.

Do not choose too thick logs, since they, for sure , are from a very old tree, and such wood will give less heat. We need to take logs of medium diameter, which are spiked from a middle-aged tree - , this kind of fuel has the highest qualities for heating a house.

Good oak firewood has a pleasant astringent aroma - , it is excellent in the burning of wood. Therefore, such firewood is suitable not only for the oven, but also for open fireplaces. Oak essential oils create in the room a healthy, firming body and spirit atmosphere.

By the way, an interesting fact - is very valued oak wood in Italy, because it is believed that the real pizza, the birthplace of which is considered this country, you need to cook exclusively on these firewood.


Birch for heating of houses and baths has been used since .Therefore connoisseurs of natural heat and today, by virtue of tradition, prefer to heat baths only with birch with firewood. And this is no coincidence !In addition to aromatic fumes, birch has pronounced disinfecting qualities, which is important for bath rooms.

Traditional birch firewood

Traditional birch firewood

Bath, heated with birch wood, has always been considered curative. It is excellent for preventing colds and joint problems.

The tar of contained in the wood of the birch helps the woods to quickly burn and burn with constant intensity for a long time. Such fuel, burning almost completely, does not give a lot of coals and ash.

Due to the qualities of bark , its often uses as for ignition of more heavy for firewood structure.

Heat transfer from birch logs is quite high, exceeding the heat transfer of pine and aspen to 20 - 30%, depending on the age of the tree felled for firewood.

However, you need to know that the birch loses its properties after two years of storage, so you should not prepare its for many years. forward is not worth it. Through the , the defined log length begins to deteriorate from the inside, becomes rotten, and when burning starts to emit an unpleasant smell. They will no longer give the necessary heat transfer and the heat familiar to fresh dried wood.


The linden has a property for a long time to flare up, but then when it burns the the will go, the intensity of the fire becomes quite high. Therefore, the furnace heats extremely quickly with such firewood.

Lime firewood has a good healing effect

Lime firewood has a good healing effect

Lime, as well as birch , well suited for baths. It turns out that not only its color is healing - similar qualities are also possessed by the aroma that comes with evaporation when burning such wood. For treatment in the bath , which is heated by in a black , used to combine honey with fake firewood earlier. It was laid out on burning logs, and the total aromatic vapor very well helped in the treatment of inflammation of lungs or when healing various wounds on the skin.

Such properties of lime firewood are preserved, alas, only during for 2 years after cutting the tree, but then the healing qualities disappear. But for the heating of the stove, such firewood is quite suitable and after this time.


The properties of aspen wood are very similar to the already mentioned features of alder - they are also able to soften the sediments in chimney pipe, facilitating its cleaning. The aspen during combustion does not strongly smoke and gives the a minimum amount of soot, and its evaporation, settling on the soot in the pipe, easily loosens and flakes its from the walls of the chimney. The soot falls into the combustion chamber, from which the of its is very easy to remove.

Aspen is more suitable for regular cleaning of the chimney

Aspen is more suitable for regular cleaning of the chimney

As these firewood do not give a worthy mention of heat emission, they are often used only for periodic cleaning of the chimney, or for firing wood with a dense structural structure, which self ignites heavily.

Poplar and willow

Firewood from willow or poplar is used only if there is no longer any opportunity to purchase others, or in conditions of forced cost savings, since they are much cheaper than other types of solid fuel. However, they are unlikely to be saved, as these firewoods burn very quickly, giving very little heat, and a very large number of them is needed to at least somehow heat the house.

Even the cheapness of a poplar or willow does not justify the extremely low heat transfer of such firewood

Even the cheapness of a poplar or willow does not justify the extremely low heat dissipation of such firewood

It is the low grade of this wood that predetermines such a low price. It should be very soberly weighed whether it makes sense to buy a large volume of firewood of poor quality, or to pay the same price for more suitable types of wood, but buying them in a slightly smaller amount.

Firewood from fruit breeds

In order for the to heat the house, firewood from fruit breeds will perfectly suit, but they can be purchased infrequently. Some of them are similar in quality to oak wood, for example, such as a pear or middle-aged apple. Since it is rare to find these varieties as fire rarely, they are stockpiled when cutting down gardens and take care of them for smokehouses or for cooking meat dishes on a grill.

Storage of firewood

Having chosen and purchased quality "correct" firewood, needs another and correctly organize and x x wound, otherwise they will quickly lose their original properties.

It is not enough to buy quality firewood - they need to be able to save

It's not enough to buy quality firewood - they need to be able to be stored

Basic rules for storage

You can store firewood differently, but the main conditions in this process - is a good airing woodburner and reliable roof over storage.

You can simply fold the harvested wood chips into a woodpile and create a top cover of polyethylene or slate sheets. But some owners prefer with and decorate their plot, using interesting forms.

Before send firewood brought to to woodburner or put in woodpile, wood needs to be well prepared, and the right place to store is right. This site should be suitable not only for good safety of fuel, but also be comfortable to use for home owners. Therefore , it is important to take into account the following points:

  • The
    • , should be arranged nearby from the entrance to the house - it is necessary for convenient replenishment of the home stock of firewood in winter when on all area can liedeep snow.
    • Saw and cut wood in the field in advance, before the cold weather, to rid yourself of these activities in the winter season.
    • The fuel should be well dried, and it is very important that it is kept in this state all the time it is stored. For this purpose, special constructions are often built, resembling ventilated arbours. It is better if they are raised above the soil by 10 ÷ 30 cm, and under the construction there will be a waterproofing material( usually for this purpose a roofing material is chosen).This is necessary in order that moisture from the ground does not penetrate into the woodwork.
    Uncomplicated drower with a good clearance from below for ventilation

    Uncomplicated drier with good clearance from below for ventilation

    • The firewood storage can not be installed in lowland terrain areas, where is assembled is collected and the longest is morning mist. In such places, firewood will again become damp, then rot, lose its properties and become inefficient for use in heating purposes. In addition, when burned, spoiled firewood not only does not give a healthy flavor, but will fill the room with a very unpleasant putrefactive odor.
    • Firewood should be protected from any rain, snow or snow, since water, falling inside woodpile, also will spoil the wood. Therefore, the roof on the d rovings is simply necessary. Another option may be the correct stacking of firewood, which will prevent moisture from penetrating the into the woodpile.
    • No matter how the field was built, they should be ventilated. That is why they are stacked in such a way that there is always a small space between them.
    The woodpile is folded so that the wood is ventilated, and that the masonry possesses stability

    The woodpile is folded so that the firewood is ventilated and the masonry has the stability of the

    • . To ensure that the wood is always quality and well prepared for the winter season, the wood needs to air and dry it before stacking the woodpile. Collapsed in winter, tree trunks intended for and are dried prior to their storage during the of three s ÷ six months, depending on the breed. Spring or summer firewood requires more time for drying, which can last from six months to a year.

    Drying time for wood depends directly on the number of warm days, on air humidity and the storage location of wood during the carrying out this process.

    Storage of firewood

    When storing prepared firewood, it is necessary to execute certain rules, with which it will be easy to keep fuel for a long time in a good condition.

    Organize the storage of firewood in different ways, but with the same rules

    You can organize the storage of firewood in different ways, but in compliance with the unified rules

    • The wood harvested in winter is sawn and chopped in the spring, throwing the resulting material into a bunch of chaotic - so the tree will be easier to dry out and be ventilated during the summer months. In the woodpile or woodburner the firewood is folded already in autumn, in its initial period, before the onset of the rainy season.
    Stove top should be covered from rain water

    Stove top should be covered from rain water

    • If field is laid in woodpile , then it must necessarily be covered from above with one of the waterproof materials. Under the future woodpile it is necessary to arrange basis - trellises from metal pipes or long trunks of small diameter. This flooring will help to protect wood from the impact of wet soil, create under them a ventilated space.
    • Along the sides of the woodpile, vertical trellises are installed, which will not allow it to fall apart - they reliably fix the woodwork in the given position.
    Laying of lateral rows of a common woodpile

    Laying side rows of a conventional woodpile

    • To increase the rigidity of the structure, it is recommended that the side rows stack one along the other across the .

    There are several types of woodpiles, which identically reliably will save firewood if they are laid correctly.

    Types of woodpiles

    Perhaps not all owners of their own homes represent what interesting shapes can take piles, and how amazingly picturesque they can look in the landscape design of the house area.

    Original woodpile as a sheaf

    An original woodpile in the form of a sheaf

    For example, such canopy-like piles can decorate any territory, but, unfortunately, their is not often can be found on local farmsteads. This is a very convenient way of stacking and storing firewood, which does not require auxiliary fasteners, except for one pole in the middle of the building. Yes, and it is rather necessary, only as a guide for creating circular masonry, to be the center of the entire structure.

    Укладка поленницы-"снопа"

    Stacking of the log sheave "sheaf"

    The diameter of this log is approximately three meters. At this distance from the stuck in the pole a waterproofing material is placed along the circle.

    On top of it lay flat stones that will serve as the basis for the laying of firewood. After this, a woodpile begins to be laid out along the circumference, and the middle of the circle is filled with chunks of poles.

    Outside - smooth laying, and inside - a chaotic arrangement of logs

    Outside - level masonry, and inside - a chaotic arrangement of logs

    This arrangement of logs will enable the entire building of firewood to be constantly ventilated. After laying the last row, the top of the resulting original structure can be covered with any waterproof material that is able to protect it from direct water ingress during rain.

    Such a woodpile will help to keep firewood in high quality condition very long time .

    The woodpile in the form of a house will also become a decoration of the site

    A woodpile in the form of a house will also decorate the plot of the

    . Another kind of woodpile is laid out as a house under a roof. This - is the same usual woodpile, but only she was given the shape of a fairy-tale house, which has windows through which the ventilation of the firewood is made, and a roof protecting it from rain. It is installed such a log house on with a stone pile, which itself is an ornamental decoration of the site and, in time, also protects wood from moisture penetration from below.

    Удобная поленница - топливо всегда "в шаговой доступности"

    Convenient woodpile - fuel is always "within walking distance"

    This version of the woodpile is located, as well as possible. It is located next to the house, under the projecting forward roof, which covers not only the wood stowage, but also the path along the dwelling. Such a woodboy is especially convenient in winter, when the whole area is covered with snow, as the path to it will always remain clean.

    The structure is well ventilated, as there are no solid walls, and the bars, which are the frame, are covered with a grid-rabitsa. Such a woodburner will create the most favorable conditions for both home owners and for the safety of fuel.

    It's not difficult to build such a woodburner. It will be necessary to purchase bars, fastening parts, mesh-mesh and roofing material. Prepare the in the for all the tools required by , details and materials, you can collect such an original woodpile in just one day, but - will serve for many years.

    Video: original types of woodpiles - on your site

    In order for the house to be warm, and the wood for heating has never failed the of the owners of , it is necessary to prepare optimal types of such fuel in advance and properly organize its storage without losing its natural qualities.

    Near the stove is also always kept the necessary minimum stock

    The required minimum stock

    is also always stored near the stove. You can add that additional drying of firewood before the furnace is carried out near the stove, placing them in special stands. Firewood is brought into the room a day before they get into the oven. Such stands are often a decorative element of the interior of the room, fitting into a single "ensemble" with a stove or fireplace .

    Finally - a small video about how to properly put firewood in the furnace stove.

    Video: how to throw wood in the oven

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