Panel radiators for heating

Many owners of houses and private, undertaking large-scale repairs, plan and replace or upgrade the heating system. And then the necessarily rises the question of new radiators. If before, the only choice was cast-iron batteries, today a lot of various radiators are represented on the free sale, differing not only in their appearance, but also in the material of manufacture, thermal capacity, other technical and operational parameters.

Panel radiators for heating

Panel radiators

Panel radiators are one of the many options that have become particularly popular primarily due to their elegant appearance. However, in order to decide on these batteries, you need to know their technical and performance characteristics, since, unfortunately, they are not suitable for all heating systems, and means can be wasted.

This kind of batteries appeared in the 70- e years of the last century. It was developed as an alternative to traditional cast iron radiators, which were installed ubiquitously .

The new type of batteries in those years did not catch on, as the performance was much inferior to the customary for all cast-iron version, the more

the quality of the of the very first models was still rather low. Therefore, it was decided to abandon the panel batteries. Only after years, thanks to new technological developments, their design was improved, and for the production of new quality materials began to be used.

Modern panel radiators

Modern panel radiators

The updated variant of panel batteries has found quite wide popularity. They are produced in a wide range of sizes and are designed for different heating capacities. Quality panel radiators, properly selected and installed, will serve for a long time.

  • 1
  • 2
    • 2.1
    • 2.2
    • 2.3 Calculator for calculating the required heating power of the
    • radiators 2.4 How to connect the radiators
  • 3 Advantagesand disadvantages of panel heating radiators
    • 3.1 Video: Steel heating radiators "Kermi"

Processmanufacture of steel panel radiator in includes several stages:

Stamping parts for panel radiators

Punching of parts for panel radiators

  • Stamping of panels from sheet steel with a thickness of usually 1.25 mm.
  • Manufacture of convectors of the U-shape, required for greater heat transfer, made of steel strips 0.3-0.5 mm thick.
  • Connection of two stamped panels together.
  • Fastening on two connected convector panels.
  • Mounting the valves for inserting the radiator into the system.
  • Painting steel panel surfaces.

Painting panels - is one of the most important stages in the manufacture of panel radiators, since the depends on the quality of the applied coating for the long-term of radiator operation.

It is known to all that steel is exposed to corrosion, especially - for a long time in a humid environment. Therefore, , without high-quality painting, which is carried out using special technology, is indispensable.

Staining of steel panel radiators can be carried out in several ways:

- Traditional, by immersion in the coloring composition( OP).

- Based on the technology of anodic electrophoresis( AEF).

- by the method of cathodic electrophoresis( KEF), which is usually used in the automotive industry.

Scheme of application of protective coating and painting of radiators

Diagram for applying protective coating and radiator coating

KEF - is the most advanced method for painting steel panel radiators. It has proven itself with high durability, durability and coating reliability .The technological process of the assembly has three main stages:

  • The first stage consists in applying to the steel the finest coating of manganese and zinc phosphates. This layers increase the metal's resistance to corrosion, which extends the life of the radiators.
  • The second stage - is the immersion of the radiator in the dye composition and the further conduct of the cathode electrophoresis staining process. The meaning is that the capacitance with the paint is connected to the positive electrode( cathode), whereas the panel itself is connected to the negative( anode).Staining stops when the composition covers the whole surface of the panel - with a uniform layer, this layer acts as an insulating material.
  • The third stage is the process of applying epoxy powder on the paint layer and its melting at high temperatures. This layer forms a glossy high-quality coating of a specified color that does not fade and does not turn yellow, well resists external abrasive, scratching effects.

For coloring, substances containing formaldehyde constituents and heavy metals are not used. In the composition of the applied paint contains only 2% of the solvent, , while when staining a less advanced AEF method, its content is 9 ÷ 10%.It is thanks to the small content of the solvent, the radiator, even with heating to 100 ÷ 120 degrees, does not emit substances harmful to the human body.

After all stages of painting have been completed, the finished radiators are subjected to the test load - crimping under pressure 1,3 MPa .The successful passing of the tests gives a guarantee for accident-free operation of the batteries for 10 ÷ 12 years.

When using to find the panel batteries, it is necessary to inquire which of the of the three methods was applied on the meta ll cr aska.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the quality of the coating. It should be equally smooth and homogeneous, as from the outside of the radiators, so with the rear. If the quality of the exterior and the back side of the radiator is visually different - this indicates unfair manufacture in some semi-artisan way, and it is better to refuse this option.

Construction of panel radiators

The radiator can be of different design and consist of one, two or three panels, each of which is made of two steel stamped metal plates welded together on the contour. When stamping, vertical channels are formed in the plates, which will be by for passing the coolant. Plates are connected by roller welding to finished panels. If there are several panels, then they are connected with each other using nozzles. In order to maximize the heat transfer between the panels( or, if it is single - then behind it it ) can additionally attach plate convectors.

Typical scheme of the internal device of panel radiators

Typical scheme of the internal device of panel radiators

If the radiator consists of several panels, then often on the sides of the gap between them are closed gratings-housings .

Classification of steel panel radiators

There is a special classification of panel radiators, which is expressed by two-digit number . This is very convenient, because by the name of a particular model similarly immediately shows how many panels and convectors make up the overall design.

For an example, take a look at the following table:

Classification of standard-sized panel radiators.

The length can vary depending on the model.

Type of radiator Miniature - appearance in various projections Description Mounting dimensions of manufactured models
Mounting height in mm Mounting length in mm Mounting width in mm
10 Type 10 Single row radiator without convector and cladding 305-905 405-3005 63
11 Type 11 Single row radiator with one convector and lining 305-905 405-3005 63
12 Type 12 Double-row radiator with convector and lining 305-905 405-3005 66
20 Type 20 Double-row radiator without convectorswith air-permeable grille 305-905 405-3005 102
21 type21 Double-row radiator with one convector and a closed casing. 305-905 405-3005 102
22 Type22 Two-row radiator with two convectors and a lining. 305-905 405-3005 102
30 Type 30 Three-row radiator without convectors and lining 305-905 405-3005 157
33 Type33 Three-row radiator with three convectors and lining 305-905 405-3005 157

It is clear that the design of the radiator directly depends on the functionality and heat dissipation. For example, type 10, due to the lack of convectors, is only capable of direct heat transfer from the surface and, to some extent, to thermal radiation. But the convectors installed on the panels contribute to the creation of powerful convection ascending streams of heated air, and the room warms up much more quickly and efficiently.

When choosing such radiators, you need to take into account a few more points:

  • The upper critical temperature limit for the coolant, provided for panel radiators, no more than 110 degrees. With a stable standard temperature in the central heating system of 70 degrees, the batteries will last a long time.
  • Operating pressure should be not more than 1.0 MPa ( 10 bar), otherwise the design can not withstand and give a leak. In the central heating system, the working pressure is usually 9 bar, but if there are water hammers, jumps up to 11 ÷ 12 bar are possible, and this becomes dangerous for panel radiators. Pressure at the factory test - 1,3 MPa ( 13 bar) - is the maximum possible pressure for panel radiators.

Power and dimensions of radiators

Manufacturers have foreseen a variety of very impressive size range for panel radiators , both in height and width, so they can pick up for any niche in the wall, for any window, or just on the wall - for any interior style. Almost flat, or having -defined , the body can have a height of 300 to 900 mm, and a length of 400 to 3000 mm.

The power of the radiator depends on its design, and on the size

The power of the radiator depends on its design and on the size of the

. Considering the installation site and the desired power, which must be selected depending on the heated area, the required radiator models and their number are selected.

For the - example, the power table of the most popular types of radiators, depending on their sizes:

VKO 11 - one heating element
+ one convector element
VKO 21s - two heating panels
+ one convector element
VKO 22 - two heating panels
+ two convector elements
Height in mm 300 450 500 600 300 450 500 600 300 450 500 600
Length in mm Power of radiators W
400 265 382 420 495 370 513 559 650 476 656 715 832
600 398 574 630 742 555 770 839 976 714 984 1072 1247
800 531 765 840 989 740 1026 1119 1301 952 1312 1430 1663
1000 663 956 1051 1236 925 1283 1398 1626 1190 1641 1787 2079
1200 796 1147 1261 1484 1110 1539 1678 1951 1428 1969 2145 2495
1400 929 1338 1471 1731 1295 1796 1958 2277 1666 2297 2502 2910
1600 1061 1529 1681 1978 1480 2052 2237 2602 1904 2625 2860 3326
1800 1194 1721 1891 2225 1665 2309 2517 2927 2142 2953 3217 3742
2000 1327 1912 2101 2473 1850 2566 2797 3252 2380 3281 3575 4158
3000 1990 2868 3152 3709 2774 3848 4195 4878 3570 4922 5362 6236

And what thermal power of radiators is necessary to provide for a particular room, depending on its area and on the specific features of the house - in a special article of our portal.

In addition, you can use a special calculator that is designed specifically for calculating the required heat output of the radiators:

Calculator for calculating the required heating power of the

heating radiators. Enter the requested values ​​or select the required options in the proposed lists
Set the slider to the room area value, m²
100W / sq. M.m
How many external walls are there in the room?
one two three four
To which side of the world do external walls look
North, North-East, East South, South-West, West
Indicate the degree of insulation of external walls
External walls are not insulated Average degree of insulation External walls have high-quality insulation
Indicate the averageair temperature in the region in the coldest decade of the year
- 35 ° C and below -25 ° C to -35 ° C to -20 ° C to -15 ° C not lower than -10 ° C
Indicate the ceiling height in the room
before2,7 m 2,8 ÷ 3,0 m 3,1 ÷ 3,5 m 3,6 ÷ 4,0 m more than 4,1 m
What isIs it over the room?
cold attic or unheated and not insulated space insulated attic or other room heated room
Indicate the type of installed windows
Conventional wooden frames with double glazing Windows with single-chamber( 2 glass) double-glazed windows Windows with double-chamber( 3 glasses) double-glazed windows or with argon filling
number of windows in the room
Specify the height of the window, m
Specify the width of the window, m
Choose the battery connection diagram
Specify the installation details of the radiators
The radiator is located open on the wall or is not covered with a window sill. The radiator is completely covered from above with a window sill or shelf. The radiator is installed in a wall niche. The radiator is partially covered by a frontal decorative screen. The radiator is completely covered with a decorative casing
. Below it will be suggested to enter the power rating of one section of the selected radiator model.
If the purpose of the calculation is to determine the total heating power needed to heat the room( for example, to select non-separable radiators) then leave the field blank
Enter the heat rating of one section of the selected radiator model

Connection methods for radiators

Panel radiators can be embedded in the circuit either side or bottomconnection - it depends on the design of the selected model. Therefore, this circumstance should also be provided for the with the acquiring batteries.

An example scheme of installation with a lower connection

Approximate installation diagram with bottom connection

The side connection can be made from the left or right side of the panel, and the process itself with the battery and loop connection is quite easy.

Radiators with a lower connection are considered more versatile, as they are equipped with the thermostatic regulator, which gives the the ability to set the temperature in the room.

Thermostatic controls for different connection methods

Thermostatic controllers with different connection methods

In addition, if you plan to install batteries with a bottom connection, the heating system pipes can be hidden in the wall.

Side connection of the radiator with the pipe, supplemented with a thermostat

Side connection of the radiator with a pipe, supplemented with a thermostat

The panel radiators connecting from below with the "V" symbol are marked and have a higher cost than those connected to one side of the battery.

Advantages and disadvantages of panel radiators heating

Like any other type of battery, panel radiators have their positive and negative sides.

For starters - about positive qualities :

  • The convenience and speed of mounting panels are explained by their integrity. All installation of batteries on the wall is to attach them to the brackets, fixed in the wall, and connect to the heating circuit. However, it should be noted that such integrity may turn into a disadvantage, for example case of , if there is an emergency situation with the formation of a leak. The panel in such situation it is necessary completely to change, unlike section options where it will be enough to replace one of sections.
  • High heat dissipation from panels is sometimes the main factor when choosing this type of radiator. This quality is achieved due to the good thermal conductivity of the metal and its small thickness, and the convectors, through which the heated air circulates, help the heat to quickly spread over displacement.
Thermogram of heat spread from the panel radiator

Thermal diagram of the heat spread from the panel radiator

  • The economical use of the panels in the - autonomous heating system is explained by the small amount of coolant circulating through the pipes and radiators. The less liquid coolant will be used in the system, the faster it will heat up, and the means the will spend less fuel, which today costs a lot of money, to achieve its desired temperature. When using panel radiators, energy savings averages up to 35 ÷ 40% compared to cast-iron batteries.
  • If the house has small children, then installed panels will be much safer than traditional cast iron radiators. If the falls accidentally and the hits the soft metal of the panel radiator housing , the child will not receive heavy injuries, but if falls and hits the edge of the cast iron battery, the wound can be much more serious .Therefore, many parents prefer to close the batteries from the cast iron screens, that carries additional costs. For panel radiators, screens are not required.
Panel radiator can easily fit into any interior

The panel radiator easily fits into any interior

  • Neat, often even the can be said - elegant appearance will not spoil the style of any interior, Panel radiators perfectly fit into the various design of the room.

There are weak points for panel batteries and , which also need to be known when choosing them for a heating system. Some of the negative qualities of TV appear only when occurs in certain conditions, and knowing this, you can avoid troubles.

  • Low resistance to water hammering, which can occur in the central heating system. Even the most reliable welding panels can not withstand differential pressure. To keep such radiators intact for a long operating period, it is necessary to install a pressure reducer at the coolant inlet into the heating circuit of the apartment, which will prevent damage to the panels and leaks of the coolant. For a stand-alone system, this disadvantage of the is absolutely irrelevant to the - the critical pressure drops there simply do not happen .
  • Exposure to corrosion. This disadvantage, however, can manifest itself only when installing cheap , poorly colored radiators. Therefore, as it was already recommended above, should be paid special attention to the coverage when using .
  • Specific requirements for the cleanliness of the coolant, as the internal channels in the panels are narrow enough and can be clogged with dirt or with solid inclusions. Alas, the purity of the coolant can not always be guaranteed when housing is connected to the central heating system - during the movement, the heated water passes through the most different and according to the "age" and cleanliness of the pipes and radiators installed in other apartments. Therefore, it is recommended to install this type of batteries nevertheless in an autonomous system, where the owner of the house himself has the ability to monitor the quality of the coolant.
  • Special care during transport is very important for maintaining the integrity of the panels. At random impacts, the radiator may be damaged by , dented, and scratches left on the surface will become the source of occurrence and spread of corrosion sites.
The choice of different models of panel radiators is very wide

Selection of various models of panel radiators - very wide

The market offers a wide range of panel radiators for the heating system as domestic and foreign. 's first seats for are held by manufacturers from European countries, as well as Turkish production panels. The latter have a price of 20 ÷ 30% lower than the radiators from leading European companies, but it should be noted that recently they are few in the than the inferior in quality to the same "Europeans".When selecting new radiators, it is of course very important to study the responses of those owners of houses or apartments who have already made a similar replacement in their possessions. Having become acquainted with the opinion of people, after reading the technical documentation of the advertised models, it will be easier to make a really correct choice.

And at the end of the article - very visual video material, telling about the design, the principle of operation, the main advantages of panel radiators:

Video: Steel heating radiators " Kermi "

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