How to hide heating pipes: preparation
Before choosing a decor, investigate the condition of the heating system. If this is central, then disguise will be difficult and can lead to damage to the apartment and the heating system of the whole house. And if individual, then the decoration will be painless, both for you and for the neighbors.
It is necessary to consider:
- It is impossible to hide pipes if the wiring is made with the help of metal-plastic constructions with compression fittings. If a leak occurs, you will have to dismantle the entire decoration design. Either replace the fittings with crimping, or re-equip the pipe system.
- Inspect pipes for suspected locations. All damaged sites are replaced.
- Waterproofing. It is necessary to cover with a waterproofing agent to protect the walls.
- Pipes hidden in the skin must not have any connectors and can be disconnected arbitrarily.
- If the room is cold due to an unscrupulous robot heating system, then completely close the batteries and pipes is not worth it. But it is possible to install designs that can ensure air circulation.
Pipes from the towel can be hidden with gypsum board and false wall.
How to hide heating pipes: masking options on the photo
There are two ways of masking. The first is the deepening of the pipes in the wall. The second is the creation of a false wall. Both options are often used, but only determined immediately at the repair stage, in order to think through the design, mount with minimal losses and minimal harm to surrounding apartments and houses.
The thickness of walls in the house plays an important role, since in order to place in the excavation system, it will be necessary to carry the reinforced concrete wall with the help of heavy tools.
How to hide heating pipes: masking of pipes in the wall
Before disguising, make up a detailed scheme of communications in the room, in order to place them on a normal scale and without mutilation. T-pieces, corners, fittings, all connecting elements are taken into account. And that all radiators have a conclusion and connection it is necessary to distribute them according to the scheme.
- The scheme is marked on the walls taking into account the diameter of the pipes and the distance between them.
- To create shtroby use shtroborez, which is represented by a bulgarian, which has a regulator of depth and width of the opening.
- If there is no shrouding, then it is sufficient to use a diamond wheel, and then a perforator.
- Suddenly, there is no puncher, you can use a hammer and chisel.
When the shtroba is made, heat insulation is laid in it to preserve heat energy. The owner of the apartment independently determines the building mix, which is used, but often it is plaster putty, because it "tolerates" moisture.
All these actions will lead to the appearance of a large amount of debris in the house, and moreover, to approach these communications in case of an emergency situation can not be without prompt intervention by plumbers.
How to hide heating pipes: mounting
Mask piping systems in the best way with gypsum cardboard and other decorative walls. Whenever possible, the radiators and batteries are removed.
- The frame is assembled from a metal profile, plasterboard and wooden slats.
- First of all, the profiles are fixed to the walls using self-tapping screws, then they are connected to the central element. If you have experience in installing gypsum board structures, you will not experience global difficulties.
- Different materials can be used for the cladding, but it is worth considering that for example plastic does not withstand temperatures is deformed, moreover, it does not correspond to fire safety.
- The most optimal material is a special screen, which apart from what looks elegant, promotes air circulation. Such a screen can also be made independently, using plasterboard.
For example, apply on a sheet of drywall any pattern you like and carve it with an electric jigsaw. Then, using putty and paint, draw a box of aesthetics. This screen does not interfere in any way with heating, but it is necessary to provide access to potential risk places( fittings, couplings, etc.).It is possible to divide the structure into doors and put one of them on two self-tapping screws, which will quickly dismantle it and cope with the problem of leakage.
There are many ways of decorating pipes, but only one is able to completely change the design of the room.