Cesspit is exactly what you have presented
Usually in any family there is a natural sludge digger, a scraper that draws out, takes out, digs in, or simply uses all the living products of all permanent residents and visitors of a country house with autonomous sewerage. Let's partially relieve him of these unpleasant worries.
- Let's start with the simplest. Correctly arranged cesspool is already in itself an excellent system of natural biological and chemical wastewater treatment. It is important that the proximity to living quarters and places of permanent rest does not interfere with the enjoyment of nature.
- The second option. The cesspool or pit was mounted( calculated, installed) incorrectly. Did not take into account the wind rose, the direction of movement of the aquifers, slopes and characteristics of the soil. The problem that must be solved.
- The plot itself is rather small( say, 6 hectare hometown) and it is not possible to carry the cesspool from the house to a sufficient distance: neighbors will not give it, but to accelerate the recycling process simply can not wait, because almost ready compost.
Why do you need biologics and tablets for the country toilet
? The answer you already know, it remains to discuss the effectiveness and operation of biological rescuers of our cesspools. To throw a handful of tablets of a biological product into a storage tank or to introduce liquid solutions of miraculous bacteria into your autonomous sewage system is not difficult, and what will we have in the end.
- processing, liquefaction, theoretically reducing up to 50% of the volumes of any solid sewage waste;
- decomposition of fecal matter into chemically neutral fractions, suitable for application to the ground( ready compost - greetings to horticulturists and truck farmers);
- almost complete isolation from unpleasant odors;biopreparations and tablets start to work before you try to sniff;
- ecological safety: the bacteria in the biopreparations and tablets for cesspools do not come into contact with related and similar organisms, and humans in particular;
However, there are several limitations on the conditions of application of such agents:
- biopreparations are effective in a fairly rigid temperature range from 3 to +30 degrees: at low or high temperatures, microorganisms die elementary;
- is not recommended to use bio-cleaning products in environments with high content of active chlorine, phenols, acid and alkaline residues.
How to choose biopreparations for pit latrines
Do not wait for an unambiguous answer, since the autonomous sewage system of the dacha according to its functionality, the number of drains involved( including swimming pools) can be very different. First of all, let's see what the producers offer us: liquid, powder or tablet for septic tanks, cesspools and water closets.
- Conditioned liquid for pit latrines .The consumption of such a drug on average is 1 liter per 2 tons of sewage. The composition of the bio-liquid is standard: a colony of aerobic bacteria, which in your organics will begin to multiply actively and convert feces into a muddy sediment.
- Powder biopreparations .Anaerobic bacteria( saprophytic soil microorganisms) are in a dormant state. Before using them, you need to wake up by simply adding water to the bio-powder, and release it to freedom.
- Tablets for cleaning the sewage system .Combined version of chemical and biological processes of wastewater treatment. In our opinion, simultaneous processing of solid waste, deaeration and ease of use make such products the most popular.
Note that the price gradations of drugs in different designs differ only by 50-60 rubles, and one package, bottle, etc.with a capacity of 400 mg at a price of 650-700 rubles you will be enough for the entire summer season.