Tripod socket device
The wall-mounted tees are used to connect up to three electrical devices to the network simultaneously, without using additional network filters. This outlet is a composite design of three common single supply points, which have a single drive.
To make the triple socket look more aesthetically pleasing to the wall, its final element is a common external frame that combines all three devices in one composition.
How to dismantle the triple wall socket
Before starting the above process, you need to prepare several tools:
- screwdriver with a plastic handle;
- insulating tape;
- rubber gloves and shoes with rubber soles for working with electricity( in case you decide to work under voltage).
Please note! If you do not have experience with working with live electrical appliances, it's better not to start. Safety precautions prevent even experienced electricians from doing this. If you do not possess the gift of immortality, it is better to turn off the electricity for a short period of dismantling the socket.
The triple-rope dismantling process consists of several step-by-step actions:
- Preparatory work for
- Removing the fixing screw
- Detaching the fixing stops
- Detaching the device from the
cable Let's take a closer look at each of the above steps.
Step 1. Preparatory work for
Before starting work on dismantling the triple outlet in a residential area, you need to disconnect the mains voltage in the entire apartment. Then it is worth several times to check the absence of voltage indicator, and only then proceed to the dismantling work.
Step 2. Removing the fixing screw
First, disconnect the top cover of the socket to gain access to the fixing screw, then use a screwdriver to unscrew it. After that, you can completely remove the top cover of the outlet, thereby gaining access to the "innards" of the electrical device.
Step 3. Detachment of the
fasteners The socket is held inside the box with the help of special fixing stops. They must be loosened by unscrewing the adjusting bolts. Now the body of the point can be easily pulled out of the socket.
Step 4. Disconnecting the device from the
cable The last step in disassembling is disconnecting the cable. The wire is fixed to the device with the help of two bolts and detached by unscrewing them. Everything, the process of dismantling the triple outlet is complete.
Next, you can replace the device with a newer one by mirroring all the above operations.