Relay yourself

Relay for 220 volts

Relay for 220 volts

In the field of technology where relays are actively used, they are divided into:

  • telegraph
  • telephone
  • aviation

And according to the principle of operation there are:

  • electric
  • mechanical
  • thermal
  • acoustic
  • chemical
  • optical
  • magnetic and other types of relays

There are protection, monitoring, control, signaling relays. Closure and opening device This cyclic relay serves to switch on and off the electric consumers according to the set program, doing this on the automatic from the volt, in spite of the time of the day at the moment of contact. Also, these are easily programmed. Having standard programming capabilities: active - from 0 to 999 and seconds and minutes;inactive - from 0 to 999 and seconds and minutes;can be configured for one or several cycles.

Relay 12 volts 220

The standard relay used in electrical appliances has a core, winding, yoke, armature, contacts and a return spring. The 12 volt device is no exception, but it includes a simplified version of the assembly:

  • Electromagnet
  • Anchor
  • Switch

Relay for 12 volts 220

Relay 12 volts 30 amps

This relay is standard on a car with the following descriptions:

  • Power Size: 8. .. 16V;
  • This load: 12V;
  • Control current: not more than 0.2A;
  • Operating voltage: not less than 8.0V.;
  • Release load: 1.5. .. 5.0V.;
  • Maximum electrical current in the power circuit: 30A;
  • Active coil resistance: 80 ± 10 Ohm.

The main difference between relays that have such characteristics is their quality and switched contacts. There are power terminals for five and four contacts, but any relays have winding contacts, such as 85 contact and 86 contact. But it is worth remembering that in some imported devices between these contacts often put resistors and diodes, which extinguish contacts. They are used to protect the control circuits from large loads that can occur at the breaking moment of the relay coil chain.

Relay Coil


Relay with your own hands

So, for self-manufacturing, there is no need to have special skills and knowledge of electromechanics, enough basic concepts. Consider the example of manufacturing a temporary relay for 220 volts.

For this we need a large nail( most likely weaving), it is driven into the wooden surface, but up to half. We make an electromagnet. We use an isolated copper wire and reel it around our nail from one end to the other, then to fix it on the nail cap.

Let's leave approximately on centimeter on both ends, it will allow to supervise size of an electromagnetic field.

Attach the sheet of iron to the board. We bend it so that the end is higher than the nail head. We connect one magnet wire to the plus on the batteries. Click on the second end( minus).The nail should touch the iron plate. Connect the power to the device. We attach the clips along the edges( the bottom part of the nail and the iron strip).Turn on the magnet, then tension. And our 220 volt relay is ready.

A detailed story about the relay itself, see the video in the next tab.

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