Lamp for growing plants

Lamps for growing plants: the secrets and benefits of

The question before you is: which lamp to choose in this or the second case? Let us dwell on these. Lamp for growing plants

  1. German phytolamps for growing plants are used:
    • for highlighting seedlings, both in greenhouses and at home;
    • for lighting in greenhouses, conservatories, apartments;
    • flower shops - for better storage of goods in order to preserve the longer appearance of the flowers.

    Phytolamps have different modes of illumination, which take into account such factors as round-the-clock coverage, a shortened or extended light day, a reaction to the direction of the light fall. Lamp for growing plants

    It is very important to consider the uniformity and time of electric lighting when using them.

  2. Application of a LED lamp for growing plants is one of the most innovative technologies for creating ideal illumination in an artificial environment.

    Such lamps have many advantages, among them:
    • electric power is low( as a result - saving money),
    • is missing ballast,
    • heat dissipation is low.

    The latter feature allows you to install them in closer proximity to plants, reducing the area of ​​light scattering, and increasing the intensity of light radiation. Lamp for growing plants

    The application of the lighting is predominantly and for a number of reasons:

    • there are no harmful metals in the lamps( no mercury);
    • the level of heat released is very low( there will be no ultraviolet burns):
    • LED lighting comes in two spectra 460 nm( blue) and 660 nm( red), these light waves are absorbed by plants almost 100%:
    • LED plant growing lampsnot heavy, easy to install, have such a connection system, in which it is permissible to lengthen and shorten the lighting circuit.

    The use of LED plant lighting reduces the amount of watering due to lower evaporation from the surface of a particular crop.

    The lamp can consist of several different LEDs. In various variants, their use makes it possible to use the LED lamp in all stages of growth.

    It is important to understand, when choosing LED lamps for plant aeroponics, that different cultures have their own requirements, unlike others, for lighting.

  3. LED panels for growing plants differ from ordinary lamps with low power consumption. They are released with blue and red light to activate and maintain the maximum growth of plants. It is used both in conjunction with natural light, for additional lighting, and separately.

    In order for cultivation of crops to be successful, it is necessary to create conditions that are similar to habitual habitat. It must always be remembered that in nature there is a change in the time of day and it is not necessary to expose the plant to the constant presence of light. Lamp for growing plants

    Lamps, panels, phytolamps for growing plants are absolutely safe for both humans and plants. They can be used with any method of cultivation - soil, hydroponics, aeroponics.

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