Replace the old water pipe in the apartment. Why paint for water pipes?

We replace the old water pipe in the apartment

First, let's talk about replacing the old steel pipeline with its modern analog. If a dozen layers of paint can no longer hide rusty stains, and a lot of clamps and seams from repair welding interfere with the eye, urgently replace such a water pipe. It not only spoils the appearance of the room, but does not meet the technical conditions of operation. Such a pipe at any time can burst and the damage you will inflict on yourself and your neighbors can not be compared with the costs that will go to install a new water pipe.

As we have already said, we will begin a brief examination of the advantages and disadvantages of replacing the pipes with a new steel equivalent. Everyone knows that a high resistance to flow has become characteristic, and the roughness inside the pipe leads to deposits on the walls. But you can find an alternative.

For example, galvanized steel is more resistant to corrosion, but the installation of galvanized pipes is quite complicated. It is necessary to use special types of welding or threaded connection. With all this, the quality of the protective coating at the joints deteriorates significantly.

Replace the old water pipe in the apartment. Why paint for water pipes?

The second alternative replacement will be copper pipes. It is worth mentioning about their shortcomings - they are expensive. However, despite this, they are beautiful and practical. For installation use capillary soldering. The copper pipe is used both in heating systems and for laying lines with hot and cold water.

And, of course, how not to talk about metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes. The former have been applying for a long time. The inner layer of polyethylene is practically not exposed to any sediments. Installation is carried out with the help of fittings and there is no need to be a fitter to perform it yourself. A variety of choices in the sizes of these pipes, allows you to make both the usual intra-apartment wiring, and the installation of risers.

Replace the old water pipe in the apartment. Why paint for water pipes?

Polypropylene pipes are used most often. Their connection is made by diffusion welding. As a result, we get an all-in-one connection, which is distinguished by its high reliability. For communication with high working pressure and for hot water systems, reinforced pipes are used.

The main stages of replacement of water pipes in the apartment

If the tenant is a multi-storey house, then you approach the replacement of the water pipe more responsibly. In advance, purchase all materials, especially consumables. When all purchases are in the apartment, then only block the water on the riser. In addition, do not forget to warn your neighbors that you are doing repair work and in connection with this they will have no water for a while.

To dismantle, you will need an ordinary Bulgarian. You quickly remove the old water pipe by fitting the least effort.

Before installation, be sure to check the operation of the valves for water. Very often it is broken, so repair begins with the replacement of the crane. If you are not completely sure of your skill, ask for help from a master or plumber from the housing office( which is much better).

Do not skimp on buying a new crane. You want him to serve more than one year? Plus, install special filters that will protect your health and your devices from scale, squeaks and metal scale. If you do not have large finances, get at least a coarse filter. It is a metal mesh and a so-called sump compartment.

When replacing the water pipe, you will come across a threaded connection that needs to be processed and sealed. We give two examples of sealing.

  1. For this, you need to purchase a winding and a paint. Fan the flax and wrap it around the thread in a small layer. Cover this layer with paint and wrap a new layer. Do this several times.
  2. Buy a standard ribbon tape or similar material that you just need to wind on the thread, without the use of paint.

Replace the old water pipe in the apartment. Why paint for water pipes?

We connect polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes

Remember that compression fittings have one unpleasant disadvantage. The compression ring of the fitting may become weaker with time, under the influence of different pressures and temperatures. After a while, you will have to tighten the connection with a key, so do not wall out the pipeline deep into the wall. You should have convenient access to the fittings at any time. For greater reliability it is possible to install press fittings, however, for dismantling it is necessary to use press-pliers.

Replace the old water pipe in the apartment. Why paint for water pipes?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in replacing the plumbing in the apartment. Modern materials and tools will ensure a long life of the new pipeline.

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