Bypass in the heating system: benefits and functions

Bypass in the heating system - what is it?

Bypass in the heating system - what is it?

Bypass in the heating system - what is it?

Wikipedia gives the following definition: bypass - a bypass pipeline of process units used to transport various media( liquid, gas) in parallel with the shut-off and control valves.

The bypass is a pipeline that bypasses( in parallel) the section of the heating system. The bypass on both sides( entrance and exit) is surrounded by taps. The stop valves are mounted on a piece of pipe under the pump, between the input and the bypass output. The whole structure should be placed horizontally and can be equipped with a filter.

Bypass performs the following functions:

  1. ;
  2. Accelerating the process of filling and emptying the water heating system;
  3. Allows repair without stopping the flow of coolant in the system.

It is recommended to install the bypass and the circular pump on the outlet line. This method allows creating more favorable conditions for the equipment operation and prolonging their service life, since the coolant will cool down before reaching them, and accordingly the bypass and the pump will not come into contact with high temperatures.

Bypass in the heating system: accessories. Rod cranes

Rod Cranes

This type of crane can be used in a heating system, but this is extremely rare. This is associated with the method of overlapping the lumen, leaving a small internal diameter, which significantly reduces the velocity of the coolant and leads to additional heat loss. But such cranes have one advantage - they can be repaired, replacing worn out items.

Ball valves

Ball Valves

In heating systems, ball valves are more often used. Their use does not lead to additional heat losses, since they do not affect the velocity of the coolant. But the minus of such cranes will be the inability to repair( in case of breakage they need to be replaced with new ones).Also, ball valves should be used regularly( about 1-2 times a year) so that the main element of this design is that the ball does not "stick" to the seal.

Shut-off valves

Stop valves

Ball valves and check valves are used in bypass as a shut-off valve.

The main difference between these elements is the ability of the non-return valve to operate without human intervention.

But if you take into account the quality and service life, it is worth giving preference to the ball valve, since the check valve can quickly deteriorate under the influence of the coolant with chemical and mechanical( rust particles) impurities.

Filter and its role in the

The filter and its role in the system

system A structure consisting of a bypass and a circulation pump must be provided with a mechanical filter. It is a mesh that detains debris such as scale, rust, scale, and a special tank. The filter should be periodically removed and cleaned.

The filter is placed on the line: the input tap is the pump. And mount sideways down.

Advantages of the bypass system:

Advantages of the bypass system: conclusions

outputs If the system with natural circulation failed, then it is possible to return it to work by setting the circulating pump and bypass. This can be done independently and without much effort. The installation of this system has such advantages:

  1. High efficiency;
  2. Fast warm-up of premises;
  3. Easy installation;
  4. Reliability of work.

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