We pass the meter readings correctly and quickly

Transmit the meter readings correctly and quickly

Using electricity meters with remote reading, the data transfer process is very easy and takes about 5 minutes. For this, you need to have access to the Internet.
Knowing your personal account number, which consists of 10 digits, it is enough to go to the Electron website and transmit the meter readings. To do this:

  1. Go to the main page of the site www.nsk.elektra.ru.
  2. Click on the link "Population".
  3. On the right, find the link "Transfer meter readings"
  4. Enter the account number in the appeared field.
  5. Verify your address with your personal account.
  6. Enter your current meter reading.
  7. Click the Submit button.

Also, it is best to register on the Energosbyt website in order to have access to your personal account. Thanks to him, you can easily print and store your receipts.

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How can I calculate the meter reading?

Naturally, remote reading of electricity meters simplified our life. But, not everyone uses this service and pays bills for electricity in the usual way - at the checkout.

For those who do not know how to correctly read the meter readings, we recommend reading the following instruction:

  1. Find meter readings for the previous month( if any).
  2. Remove the current reading, before the decimal point.
  3. Take away from current data, readings for the last month
  4. Multiply the received number by the cost of 1 kilowatt per hour( see established tariffs).
  5. The result is the amount you want to pay.

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Not counting yourself, you can also go to the Energy Sales website, where a calculator is used, designed for such purposes. You just need to enter the testimony and the program will calculate all by the current tariffs.
In order for the readings to be reliable, we advise you to purchase modern electric meters. In addition to accuracy, they have an increased degree of protection against alternating and permanent magnetic fields. Such properties are typical of electricity meters of NEC.This company has long been known in Europe for its production of measuring instruments, therefore, when buying their product, you will be convinced of the excellent quality that corresponds to its price.

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