Entering the house, we invariably strive to find there everything that is necessary for a comfortable stay and coziness. The first room we see is the hallway. From how it is arranged and what objects of furniture we meet, it will largely depend on how comfortable we will feel when we return home again and again.
- Video for making padded stools with your own hands
- Photo of padded stools for the hallway
Among the various home furniture, padded stools for the hallway take a special place. These simple products help to sit comfortably, taking off their street shoes, besides they can become reliable custodians of home slippers and, possibly, brushes and creams for shoes.
These soft wheeled seats are indispensable in the interior of urban apartments, which, as a rule, have not too extensive an area. If for any reason you can not buy a ready-made padded stool, then the idea of making this product on your own will be the solution to your problem. It can be noted that it is hardly feasible to make a sofa at home at home, but to make
padded stools for the hall with their own hands as on video, if desired, everyone can.These products come in various shapes and designs: corner and round pedestals for the hallway, with and without a drawer, with and without a lid. Upholstery fabric, no less than the chosen form, can influence the impression that your creation will produce not only on yourself, but also on loved ones and guests. You can familiarize yourself with the various options by looking at the photo of in this article.
Video of manufacturing padded stools with your own hands
In order to start your own production, you should first familiarize yourself with the materials from which padded stools and hallway stools are made. For the basis of the future product, you can take sheets of plywood, the thickness of which will be not less than 13 mm. From it, using a saw-saw, we cut out four identical rectangular walls, the size of the latter - a matter of your personal choice. However, it is worth remembering that the height of our shoe for shoes in the hallway will be equal to the height of the wall of the roller wheel added to the height( we need four of them).
The walls must be fastened together with corner pieces, which must also be prepared in advance. The lower and upper covers of the product are also made from a sheet of plywood, their size can be determined using a tape measure, when the walls will already form a single box. Attach roller wheels to the bottom cover with screws. On the top cover, apply a layer of foam rubber, then cover with the selected fabric( you can artificial leather - which is more like it).The product is ready for use.
Choosing furniture for the hallway, ottomans can also be purchased in a store, for example, in a fairly well-known IKEA.It will take a little time and will, of course, require less trouble. It should be noted that self-made padded stools will help save a significant amount for the family budget. Among the advantages of a product made by hand, one can call it unique, the ability to match all the preferences of the owners, as well as the possibility of creative realization in direct involvement in the creation of a home interior.