Stucco walls with their own hands is always an interesting, and very tedious event. That is why it is always necessary to adhere to the standard rules, correctly preparing the surface for the future work front and purchasing the building material with improvised tools that allow to correctly apply the plaster, to equate it, and also to remove flat planes, regardless of the type of room and its squaring. If is used for the first time, we recommend that you watch the video of this event in our article below. Video lesson will allow you to determine as best as possible all the stages of the process, identifying all the "pitfalls" and get rid of many errors in the future.
- Preparation for stand alone plaster
- Required tools
- Creation of mortar
- Mounting of
- planks
- plastering
- plaster
plastering Video for self plastering
Preparing for self-leveling plastering
If plastering walls with your hands for wallpaper or painting is necessary,, since all undeveloped and subsequently manifested flaws will adversely affect the overall perception of the room, whether it is a kitchen, a hallor a bedroom.
Required tools
When it is necessary to implement plastering of walls, it is recommended to purchase pre-fabricated tools in advance, which will allow to properly conduct all the stages of this finishing event.
For plastering, it is always necessary to have guide rails from which the master will repel, creating smooth surfaces and planes. In addition, it is necessary to have a level that allows you to set the necessary location to the surfaces, whether it is an absolutely horizontal plane or a gradient of 45 degrees.
It is further recommended to purchase a trowel with a spatula and a container in which it will be necessary to mix the solution. A trowel with a trowel needs to be selected, taking into account the front of the work being carried out, while the container should allow mixing different volumes of the solution. Final purchases are PPE( rubber gloves) and shampoo, which creates the effect of fluffiness of the solution( high-quality application on the surface).
Creation of
solution Standardly, shampoo( gel for washing dishes), cement, sand and water with lime take part in the plaster solution. These "components" can avoid the formation of fungi on surfaces, optimally apply the solution, and also qualitatively and without removing a large layer of it to level.
It should be noted that in order to ensure proper plastering of the walls with your own hands, the solution must be thoroughly mixed, not saving on its composition.
Assembly of
slats In order to apply plaster, it is necessary to put rails in the level, for example the same profiles required for hanging and other structures. With the help of the rule, it will really remove the extra layer, while the application will be provided with a spatula and trowel.
When plastering the walls with your own hands, the minimum layer of applied material should be equal to 0.6 millimeters, as a result of which the plaster will seize and not fall away from the surface after drying. Also it is necessary to remain calm in the event that certain not dried pieces of plaster fall away from the wall( a normal phenomenon).
After all the above measures have been carried out and the surfaces have dried, the final plastering of the walls with their own hands will be required. As a result, all microcracks will be eliminated, after which it will be possible to start the plastering and other finishing activities.
For carrying out of independent plastering in any premises it is necessary to buy all improvised materials with tools, and the reference to videoclips and set of photos never will prevent to lead this finishing action at the highest level.
Video plastering the walls with your own hands
For more visibility, see below video plaster walls.
Wall plastering mortar Rothband:
Wall plastering by hand on lighthouses: