It is not particularly difficult to build a bath from a SIP( panel) if you follow the step-by-step instructions below.
- Foundation
- Floor installation in bath
- Assembling of wall frame
- Assembling roof
- Completion of works
- Construction of sauna baths from self-supporting panels
Using self-supporting panels to build a bath with your own hands will be absolutely competent solution, since it will help to save considerably finances andtime for construction. This building material has a number of advantages that favorably distinguish it from analogues. The main ones include:
- high heat and noise insulation;
- material weight;
- quick installation.
It is the light weight of the buildings that makes it possible to equip them with lightweight foundations, for example, such as in the photo - a pile-screw basement.
The use of this type of foundation will significantly reduce the budget of the entire construction. Also, the bath of SIP panels is being built very quickly and is distinguished by a high level of seismic resistance.
Installation of the floor in the bath
Before proceeding with the installation of the floor in a bath of SIP panels, it is necessary to treat all wooden frame elements with antiseptics and special fire-fighting compounds in 2 layers. Each layer needs to be allowed time to dry completely.
Next, proceed to the installation of the floor, consistently performing the following:
1. Mount the board( thickness 50 mm, width 250 mm) to the pillars of the foundation. Fixation is by means of galvanized fasteners to the foundation piles.
2. Make the bottom bandage( full).By its internal perimeter, nails are fastened to the board( thickness 50 mm, width 250 mm).The harness repeats itself threefold and becomes a solid foundation for the future structure.
3. On the basis obtained, we lay a layer of finished SIP panels, pretreated with bituminous primer on both sides and additionally fixing the joints of individual sheets.
Assembling the wall frame
The pitch of the columns depends on the width of the SIP panels.
Assembling the frame of walls is done in the following order:
1. Throughout the perimeter of the future bath we attach a flat board, the width of which corresponds to the internal size of the width of the SIP panel, which makes it possible to comfortably install them vertically.
2. By this principle, we set all the details along the perimeter, clearly adjusting the size to the size, and also form the inner partitions of the room. To do this, we fix the wooden guides to the side walls( mandatory control of the perpendicular level) and we already install partitions to them. Do not forget about the door and window openings in the project.
3. Then we perform the upper strapping, we check the accuracy of the installation of all the parts and securely fix it.
4. From above lay the ceiling layer of the panels.
5. The sink is made. Sewage pipe is removed to the septic tank.
I would like to note that all the plates are attached to the groove-groove system. And everything, even small cracks, to get a high-quality seal, is blown out by mounting foam.
Assembling the roof
Before starting the installation of the four-slope roof, the baths are made of SIP panels, all elements from the wood are treated with flame retardant and antiseptic. Allow the wood to dry out.
Then you need to act according to the following scheme:
1. On the perimeter of the future bath from above we fix the Mauerlat.
2. In the center we attach the ridge board.
3. First we equip the outer rafters, and then the inner ones, in steps of 0.5 m. We cut the corners on them to provide the best stop.
4. Now we carry out the installation of interstitial jumpers, as well as the end part and make overhangs.
5. Cover the surface with a waterproofing material. The lapping is necessary not less than 15-20 cm.
6. Above is packed with a grating. Then the crate.
7. The last stage - fixing the roofing material( an air gap of 20-30 mm is required before the waterproofing).More details on the installation of metal.
Completion of work
Then the base is lined.
Install doors and windows. A porch is made.
Inside the bath is lined with lining.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the sauna built from the self-supporting panels, built with the observance of all technological nuances, will be able to serve the owners for many years.
There are a lot of options for exterior and interior decoration. Here everything depends on the taste preferences and financial capabilities of the owners.