Shed roof with own hands

Single-pitched roof is often used in the construction of private houses, arbors, baths and outbuildings as the most simple, cheap and easily erectable roof construction. The construction of a saddle roof with their own hands does not require special qualification and is capable of any beginner builder. The construction of a saddle roof does not require the use of heavy construction equipment and large material costs.

A model for creating a homogeneous roof for a house

Sample of creating a saddle roof for the house

Advantages of a saddle roof include:

  • Simple construction and light weight;
  • Economy, a small amount of building materials for the roof;
  • Ability to erect a roof with an angle of gradient from 3 to 45 degrees;
  • High ability to withstand snow and wind load depending on the angle of inclination;
  • For a saddle roof, most roofing materials are suitable, which allows the implementation of any design solutions;
  • On a single-deck roof, you can arrange a place for rest or sunbathing.

The single-skinned roof also has disadvantages:

  • It is not possible to build a complete loft or attic under a single roof;
  • In regions with strong winds, a full-scale insulation of a saddle roof and downwind walls is required;

With a large snow load on a single-pitched roof with a slight slope, it is necessary to remove snow in a timely manner, however, this defect is easily solved by the right choice of roofing.

Single-pitched roof construction

A single-pitched roof usually consists of a rafter system, a roofing, a heater, a roofing covering and external cladding of gables and walls. Depending on the type of building, the gable roof system can be of three types:

  • Sliding, used mainly in log houses. This design allows you to exclude deformation when shrinking the log, reaching 15% for new homes. Sliding rafter system is rigidly fixed on the upper wall Mauerlate. On the lower wall rafters are supported by special devices, according to which when they shrink, they slip. single-pit roof fastening
  • Naslovnye rafters are used usually in brick or block houses, not giving a big shrinkage. They are supported by the lower end on the beams of the ceilings, and in the upper part of the support they are a high wall or pillar, which also rests against the beam of ceilings. Additional rigidity of the construction of the rafters is attached by struts or additional racks.
    The technology of creating inclined rafters

    Technology for creating inclined rafters

  • Hanging rafters - the most complex construction of a single-pit roof construction, in which each farm is assembled separately on the ground, after which it is installed on the walls. The walls for this type of single-pitched roofing should be of the same height, and it is used in both stone and wooden houses.
    Hanging rafters

    Hanging rafters

In addition, single-sloped roofs can be divided into vented and unventilated. Unventilated roofs usually have an angle of not more than 5 degrees and require high-quality insulation, hydro and vapor insulation. Ventilated roofs can have any tilt angle, their feature is the availability of free space between the roof and the ceiling and ventilation holes on both sides of the roof or on the gables. Air gap can improve the conditions of water vapor removal from the heater, extend the life of the structure.

The slope angle of a saddle roof is directly related to the roofing used. For a soft roof or roll materials, a slope angle of up to 10 degrees is used, with an angle of inclination of 10 to 20 degrees, usually a profiled sheeting with a longitudinal profile and a wave height of 30 mm is used, slate and ondulin can be laid when the roof is tilted from 20 degrees, and metal tiles from25 degrees. When calculating the roof, it is necessary to take into account this dependence and make a choice in accordance with the purpose of the roof and the chosen coating.

Single-pit roof technology

  1. The first stage of the construction of the roof is the installation of the Mauerlat and the beams of the ceiling, as well as the rafters. Their design depends on the chosen type of rafter system. Rafters are made from a dry pine board 50 mm thick. Before the construction of the rafter system, it is necessary to treat all wooden elements with antiseptic and fire protection.
  2. For a rafter of a sliding type, a wall of different heights is used to provide the selected angle of inclination of the roof. Beams overlap into the upper beam of the bottom wall of the log and into the corresponding beam of the opposite wall before the installation of the Mauerlat. On the walls are installed Mauerlat - the support beam. To the wooden walls it is fastened with metal staples. In the Mauerlate, grooves are chosen for the rafters, the rafters are fixed rigidly to the upper Mauerlat with the help of staples or corners and screws. To the lower Mauerlat, the rafter feet are fastened by means of a special fastener ensuring the sliding of the rafters when shrinkage. The rafter's step depends on the design load and is usually 60-120 cm.
    The technology of fastening the rafters with the help of metal braces

    The technology of fastening the rafters with the help of metal braces

  3. The rafters of the nylon type, unlike the sliding ones, are rigidfasten to both the upper and lower edge of the roof. Beams overlap put in pre-prepared nests in the walls, treated them with waterproofing. The lower part of the rafter's feet is fixed on the beams of the floors or on the Mauerlate with the help of metal plates forming a rigid fastening. Above the layered rafters rest on the posts or on the mauerlat of the upper wall. To make the structure more stable use struts and intermediate racks installed on the beams of the floors. They are attached to metal brackets or corners. The sequence of installation of rafters is as follows: first install the outer rafters, between them tightly tighten the string and align the rest of the rafter feet with a step equal to the gap between the beams overlap.
    Fastening of rafter type

    Fastening of rafters of

  4. nylon type. The hanging type system is assembled on a level platform. First they collect one farm, lift it up and put it on the roof, adjust it if necessary and use it as a template for the rest of the farms. Install them on the walls, treated with waterproofing materials, with the selected rafter step.
    Hanging type rafter system

    Hanging type

  5. When installing rafters, it is necessary to provide overhangs on both sides, sufficient to protect the walls from rain. With the impossibility of their device to the rafters attach additional boards - "mare".
  6. When installing rafters, it is necessary to provide overhangs on both sides, sufficient to protect the walls from precipitation. With the impossibility of their device to the rafters attach additional boards - "mare".
    Roof cover

    Roof cover

  7. The unventilated roof must be insulated, otherwise condensate will form on it. For the device of a warming "pie" from the bottom to the rafters, a unedged board is sewn on which a vapor barrier film is laid. The film is laid across the rafters, without interference, the strip of film is overlapped, with the joints glued with adhesive tape. Over the film put fibrous or foamed insulation plates, a layer of waterproofing film and a crate of the chosen type.
    Roof insulation

    Roof insulation

  8. Above the crates, the selected roofing is laid in accordance with the appropriate technology, the cork and wind bars, gutters are fixed, the gables and walls are trimmed. From the roof of smooth materials, for example, corrugated board, it is possible to collapse the snow during the thaw, so snowmobiles are additionally installed on them.
    Over roofing cover the roof covering

    The roofing cover

is laid on top of the roofing. The construction of a saddle roof, with all its advantages, is not always possible. If there is a lot of precipitation accompanied by wind, as well as a large snow load, it is better to choose another type of roof, gable or hip.

Video - fastening of the rafter system for a single-pitched roof

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