Balcony glazing in Khrushchev with own hands

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The fact that glazing of balconies in Khrushchev's will significantly increase energy saving, make the apartment warmer and more comfortable, even you can not speak. It's not for nothing that such a variant of housing is often called "Khrushchev's refrigerator."


  1. Materials for glazing the balcony
  2. Stages of balcony glazing in the Khrushchevka
  3. Video glazing of the balcony in the Khrushchevka

Materials for the glazing of the balcony

The first question from which to begin preparations for glazing balconies in Khrushchev with your own hands is the choice of material. There are several options available that differ in price, functionality, load on the bottom of the balcony, as well as in thermal insulation properties. The most popular for today glazing of balconies in Khrushchevka , photos of which can be seen below, is:

1. PVC windows .The advantages of this solution include good sound insulation and heat preservation, due to which you can organize a living room in this area. Of the disadvantages noted a significant weight of the construction, which leads to increased requirements for the base, which will be attached to the frame( it must necessarily be made of brick or concrete), as well as the comparative high cost of the material.

2. Windows with aluminum profile .Advantages of this option: light weight, compared to PVC windows, weight, low price. The disadvantages include reduced thermal insulation performance.

3. Windows with wooden frames .Advantages and disadvantages are similar to windows with aluminum profile, only the index of thermal insulation is even lower( especially if the frame with one glass).

In addition to the above, the following balcony glazing options are available in the Khrushchevka :

  • French glazing, in which the frames are installed to the full height of the balcony;
  • is a frameless type.

For siding, choose siding panels, plastic, wood and lining. If you have decided in favor of a particular material, then we will consider step by step the process of glazing itself.

Stages of balcony glazing in the Khrushchevka

1. We carry out a thorough revision of the state of the concrete panel and metal elements. Only then do we decide on the material for the windows.

2. Determine whether the remote version of the glazing or the classic. We calculate the necessary amount of material. If there is glazing of balconies in Khrushchev on the top floor, then you need to additionally take into account the materials on the roof. A simpler version is to make a visor made of galvanized, more durable and quiet - the roof of the tile "Ondulin".

3. Complete cleaning of the territory from plaster, excess items, old frames, if any. As a result, one concrete parapet should remain.

4. Most often, the metal frame is in rather poor condition. It is dismantled, and the frame is made of a thick metal profile in the vacant space. It is impossible to perform this stage without welding. But it is possible to foresightly make a remote structure, due to which the total area of ​​the balcony will increase. You can do and just a wide window sill, ordering a frame with a remote element.

5. Fastening the frame from the metal profile to the wall of the house and the parapet. Outriggers are also mounted by welding, with an angle of 45 degrees.

6. The base of the roof is extended using a profile. It is attached directly to the roof itself for smooth installation of frames. The protruding element, if left, becomes a visor and covered with a galvanized sheet or any other material.

7. Mount the window directly onto the finished structure. If you plan to sheath the metal frame, then start with it. The windows are inserted last.

A step-by-step process can be viewed on the video about balcony glazing in the Khrushchev's .

Before deciding to do this work yourself, it's worthwhile to weigh all the pros and cons. Since the work is not only complicated, but also dangerous, without any practical knowledge of the process, it is better to pay specialists for installation than then suffer from non-compliance with rules and, as a consequence, spoiled materials. If you really want to do the work with your own hands, stop at the interior decoration. It is not so dangerous, and if something is not done correctly, then it is possible to remake it with much less financial loss.

Video of balcony glazing in Khrushchevka

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