When discussing the topic of the quality of the liquid flowing from the faucets, it is somehow automatically implied that it involves the presence of various suspensions, that is, contamination. Accordingly, and the question is only about cleaning the water - with what filters, and it is desirable to inexpensively?
But such an indicator as the degree of water hardness, seems to be moving to the background. For some reason, this value is given much less - and completely in vain. By the way, owners of private buildings that have installed an autonomous water supply system, and even from a limestone well( namely, such sources are the most popular among individual developers), this question concerns directly. This kind of water is characterized by increased rigidity.
What problems can arise if it is not "softened"?Their set:
- Without going into the subtleties of medical terminology, it is enough to say in general - with our health.
- You can not pour such water into the aquarium - it will have to be defended for about 24 hours. It is believed that this is done in order for chlorine to evaporate. And it is right. But in the private sector, few people are engaged in water treatment, and "survive" the water still have to ensure that the salts of heavy metals precipitate.
- Watering of plants is not recommended, as most of them react painfully to increased stiffness.
- Regular failure of household appliances, the operation of which is connected with water( dishwashers and washing machines, boilers and so on), is guaranteed. And for two main reasons - scum on the walls of the tanks and on the heating elements, because of which the latter quite quickly burn out. Well, what does this "pour out", do not need to explain - time, nerves + money.
- The need for systematic cleaning of dishes from layers. Also there is little pleasure, especially if it is an el / samovar or a teapot.
How to soften water
Various home water softening methods are pretty much. To assess them by the simplicity of implementation and effectiveness, probably, does not make sense. To some extent, the effectiveness of each has been repeatedly tested and confirmed by practice. Yes, and the possibilities, the preferences of all people are different. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only listing the most famous ones, and the dear reader himself will decide whether any of them suits him or not in a particular situation. After all, some are characterized by speed, and the result from others will have to wait.
But before deciding on the appropriateness of the application, it should be understood that none of the so-called "folk" techniques will provide 100% of the result. Lower the hardness of water - it turns out, completely reduce to zero - no.
Almond bran
The cake, which remains after the extraction of the oil from the seeds of the plant, is ground to a powdered state in an industrial manner. The product of processing can be found on the market. It remains only to buy it and add to the water in a ratio of 200 ml of liquid - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
Everyone probably heard that if you put something made of this silver( a spoon, an old coin) in the dishes, then gradually the water will be purified. Here it is necessary to emphasize specifically on a gradual basis. This way of softening will do just that for a liquid in a room aquarium, and not for water, which is used constantly. In this case, you need to know that silver acts on bacteria, "kills" them, and so it is not necessary to talk about water softening in the true sense of the term.
Efficiency is not the highest, as the "cleaning" of water is only partial - some chemical compounds can not be removed. The procedure is simple: heating to boiling point - holding on the fire for about ¾ hours - cooling and settling within 4 - 6 hours.
An example is potash, ammonia, and borax. In principle, the list is quite large, but in practice, soda( food) is most often used. On a large glass - ¼ of a spoon( tea).
Chemical Composition
Many housewives load a special powder into the machine before washing. There are many similar products on sale, so it is pointless to consider the whole assortment. The information on the Internet is abundant.
The long-known method. The container with water collected from the water pipe is placed in the freezer. After a certain time, it is removed, and the formed piece of ice is thrown out. The water that remains is very clean.
All that is listed has a drawback - the scope of application and the volumes of purified water are somewhat limited. If it comes to a constant, continuous process of softening it for the whole dwelling, and not for one specific "goal", that is, the sense to buy the appropriate equipment.
How much does it cost? On sale there are many different systems from different manufacturers. For example, "TapWorks", "Ecowater", "Jurby", "Galaxy" and a number of others. All of them differ both in their capabilities and in price.
The simplest model of a reagent filter will cost about 1,200 rubles( "Barrier" series BB 10).When included in the highway, it will protect the structural elements of household appliances from scale. Naturally, the systems are more expensive - from 6 500 rubles.
But if you take into account the total costs of searching for spare parts, the time spent, the remuneration of repair specialists, the difficulty of delivering the same washing machine to a service shop( not all work is done "at home"), then probably this purchase is justified. And to what extent it is up to you, the reader.
And finally - a little advice. If we really need clean water in all respects, then there is no point in buying "narrow profile" products. Many systems provide for complex treatment of liquids, which implies simultaneous removal of suspensions and its mitigation. When choosing a budget option it is quite possible to meet( with regard to installation) in 8 000 - 9 500 rubles.