How to choose the right toilet bowl with anti-slip system - features and tips

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y-1 Even non-specialists are familiar with the device of this sanitary appliance. Nothing fundamentally new, like, it is impossible to invent in a toilet bowl. However, manufacturers are constantly improving something, and there are reasons to believe that for the most part, trying not so much to improve the comfort of using the product, how much to increase the volume of its sales.

We will deal with one of these novelties - a toilet with anti-splash system. Does it really need a toilet bowl( or is it just another trick to attract potential buyers) and how effective is it?

 Judging by the reviews on thematic forums, little is known about models of toilet bowls with anti-spill. First, it is believed that such a design is a Russian development. Secondly, the approximate cost of budgetary options is from 3,700 to 5,000 rubles. The most famous are Sanita Ideal, Santeri Victoria and Santek( Alcor and Boreal series).Here, perhaps, and all the information.

Features of the

antisplash toilet bowl

in the bowl( also called a shelf)

The amount of splashes when draining the water, flying away in different directions, decreases noticeably. In fact, they are extinguished by this visor.

  • Theoretically - minimization of unpleasant odors coming from the toilet. Whether this is the case, you can only test it, in the process of using the model with an anti-splash.

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    • On such a ledge, there will be intensive deposition of various formations( limescale, rust from the tank, various mud fractions contained in any tap water).Who is not confused by the prospect of more frequent servicing of the anti-splash toilet bowl( good, there is enough different chemistry on sale), may not pay attention to such a lack of attention. Though preparations for clearing all the same have the price. And this - additional costs, and those who carefully regulate their spending, it should be noted.
    • Increased water flow. Therefore, the counter is additionally somehow, yes it will wind up.


    Special discharge version

    • The hole is slightly smaller than in traditional toilet models, and with some offset from its center to the rear of the appliance.
    • The water level in the bowl is reduced, and its circulation in models with anti-splash is characterized by uniformity and "attachment" to the drain hole. This is one of the conditions for a drastic drop in the amount of spray. At least, it should be so, taking into account the specificity of the functioning of this toilet bowl.
    • The drainage channel is located lower than in the traditional sanitary ware of this type.

    Specificity of the discharge of water

    The direction of the flow is implied. There is nothing to comment on here - the pictures explain everything.


    The rear wall of the

    It should have some slope. This is just a practical recommendation for those who are interested in toilet bowls, anti-splash.

     There are several variants of anti-spikes. According to experts, the most successful solution to the back wall is with a slope. Such models have only one minus - the brush will not remain without work. But people are clean and so it is constantly used, so this drawback of this constructional toilet design can not be taken into account.

    Everything else is the same as for conventional plumbing fixtures of this type. A variety of design, linear parameters, installation methods( floor, hanging toilet bowls), differences in the location of the tank and so on.

    How to choose a toilet bowl?

    Given the wide range of products, there can be only one advice. All criteria are indicated, therefore, one should acquire the model in which all the structural features of the antispanses are reasonably combined.

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