Which glue is best to choose for vinyl wallpapers

what-glue-better-for-vinyl wallpaper
When purchasing glue, it is necessary to remember that different types of wallpaper are used for different types of wallpaper. They should not enter into any chemical reactions with the wallpaper material, they must ensure good adhesion to the surface, the required "setting time".The glue should not leave marks on the surface of the glued strip. It should also enable you to simply remove the wallpaper if necessary.

For vinyl wallpapers special glue is used, however, some types of universal adhesives are also suitable. It is only necessary to bear in mind that the consumption of the adhesive mass will be large at the same time. The choice of adhesive for vinyl wallpaper is done based on the basis on which the wallpaper is made. Vinyl wallpaper refers to the heavy type of these products. Glue for them "grasps" almost instantly, which protects the strip of wallpaper from sliding down the wall during fastening. The fact is that vinyl wallpaper is much heavier than ordinary paper wallpaper. However, one should take into account that if in the process of pasting it is necessary to adjust the pattern, the glue of instant grasping will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to use a slow reaction adhesive.

Types of adhesive for vinyl wallpaper

Adhesive-for-vinyl wallpaper All types of adhesives are divided into household and industrial. Unlike professional types, household glue is packaged in sachets or boxes of cardboard. The weight of such packages is different, therefore it is necessary to calculate the necessary amount of glue in advance. Adhesive material is in the package in the form of a powdery mass. Dilute it with warm water immediately before use. The basis of household adhesives is starch.

As a rule, special substances are added to such powders, which prevent the appearance of fungi and mold. Glutolin glues, vinyl Dobrodel and German Moment Classic are popular. While providing high quality gluing, they have a relatively low price.

A special dye is introduced into some adhesives. In water, when preparing glue, it paints the entire mixture with some color. This allows you to control the uniformity of spreading the glue on the wallpaper, since the glue band is clearly visible - especially this is important when processing the edges of wallpaper strips. Such glues include the "Indicator".After drying, this adhesive loses its color and becomes completely invisible.

 Before going to the store for glue, you should carefully study the label on the package with wallpaper. The manufacturer usually recommends the use of an adhesive for his product.

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