The need for drainage systems
The very first stage of drainage is to think about it, more precisely in the correctness of its design. To choose the right way, you need to know what kind of soil is on your object. The drainage system is installed in several moments:
- When ground water is close to our surface.
- The object contains clay soil, in which puddles can appear due to heavy rainfall or watering.
- Due to the failure of the site, water can not flow under a certain slope.
- When the site is on a slope, when heavy rain is falling, all the water flows to the site.
Types of drainage systems
Drainage systems can be:
- Open systems that take drainage trenches in circulation.
- Closed systems using drainage pipes.
- Backfilling systems, brick, gravel or butylane are used as the material to be laid.
Open Drainage Method
When you decide which method is best used to make the drainage of the site with your own hands, you should pay attention to the simplest method of open drainage. This method is as follows, to start on our site you need to make ditches that have a depth of 0.7 m and a density of 0.5 m.
We must not forget that the walls of our ditches have a slanting view, about 30 degrees. Further, our water flows into the drain groove, which is designed for many objects. When our object has an arrangement on a slope, the open drainage systems perfectly clean the water.
Closed drainage method
This method has another name - deep, characterized by the fact that drainage pipes are pounded into the soil, and thanks to them the soil excess of water enters the drainage well. The most commonly used are polyvinyl chloride, which have a diameter of 63-110 mm.
The upper face is flat and the inner surface has a smooth appearance. Also, such pipes along their entire length have armholes. On its upper surface, geotextile or coconut materials are worn. This factor is very important, since it filters out soil particles with sand.
Drainage backfill method
The filling drainage method is very similar to the closed one, the difference is that the trench is filled with crushed stone or broken bricks. The top of our trench should be covered with small stones or gravel. It should also be remembered that the upper layer of the drainage system is made from soil.
You should remember that backfilling drainage has the property of quickly becoming silted. To avoid such a problem you need to remember about this in the initial stage of designing your project. To prevent drainage, it is necessary to create an additional filtering layer, which consists of geotextile material.
Staging the drainage of the
To make proper drainage of the site with your own hands, you need to remember about such stages of its construction:
- First you need to know what kind of relief is on this object. In this we will help special technical meters, such as leveling or laser rangefinder. If you can not use these devices, you can make a scheme of water flow.
- A trench is made into which pipes for drainage are laid.
- Do not forget about laying the geotextile along the entire length of the trench, about 60 cm is taken of its width.
- Over geotextiles, pipes are laid on drains and adapters, such as a tee, a crosspiece, are also used.
- The main thing is to know that the end of our pipe should fall into the drainage well.
- The latest stage is the backfilling with crushed stone, which has a size of 20-60 mm.
- To avoid sand and clay entering the pipe, it must be wrapped with geotextile.
- That the level of our pipe does not reach the surface to 30 cm, it is covered with rubble, then the trench can be covered with soil.
Definition of pipes for drainage of
Very recently many summer residents used pipes from asbestos-cement or expanded clay, it took a lot of time and human energy to lay them. At the moment, a great material has appeared to help them - plastic, which greatly facilitates the work in the drainage system.
Plastic pipes come with perforations, as well as for better strength they are made corrugated. In order for the drainage in your area to be made correctly, you need to choose the right type of soil:
- If your soil consists of gravel, the pipe can be laid without filter material.
- If you have clay soil, the crushed stone pours up to 20 cm.
- Loamy soil must be wrapped with geotextile.
- Sandy soil has a filter, which is wrapped with geotextile material, plus there must be rubble dust on the sides of the pipe.
There is a very great opportunity to purchase a pipe that will be covered with geotextile material. This option is very beneficial, as it reduces the waste of time for manual wrapping of the pipe and allows you to make a quick drainage of the site with your own hands.