SNiP 31-05-2003 - Public buildings for administrative purposes

SNIP 31-05-2003 - Public administrative buildings

System of normative documents in construction



SNIP 31-05-2003




1. DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Center for Standardization Methodology(FSUE TSNS) with the participation of the State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design Institute of Educational, Commercial, Household and Leisure Buildings"( SUE IPO);Central Scientific Research and Design Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures( TsNIIPromzdaniy) and the working group of

specialists. 2. We have been introduced by the Office of Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the State Committee for Construction of the Russian Federation

3. ACCEPTED AND OPERATED WITH 1September 2003 by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia of June 23, 2003 No. 108

4. SUBMISSION OF SNIP 2.08.02 *( ed., 2003) regarding buildings for scientific research institutions, design and public organizations and management buildingsNia


This SNP contains the rules and regulations for a group of buildings and facilities, with a number of common functional and space-planning features and intended primarily for mental labor and non-manufacturing sectors of activity other than the building to carry out activities for the production of material assets or services to the public.

The defining features that unite the specified group of buildings are: the composition of the main functional groups of the premises, the volume-planning structure, belonging to the same class of buildings and rooms in the classification of buildings and premises established in SNiP 21-01, taking into account the use of buildings( only in the daytime), a measure of the threat to the safety of people in cases of fire and the characteristics of the main contingent.

These standards establish a set of mandatory regulatory requirements for the operational characteristics of buildings of institutions and organizations, including, first and foremost, their safety and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

In the development of SNiP took part: LA Viktorova, Cand.architect N.N. Polyakov( FTSS "Stroitsertifikatsiya" under Gosstroy of Russia);A. M. Garnec, Cand.arch.(State Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Public Buildings");V. A. Glukharev, S. Yu. Sopotsko, Sciences( State Building Committee of Russia);II Lerner, Cand.arch.(ZAO TSNIIEP named after BS Mezentsev);LA Skrob, Cand. Sc.arch.; T. Ye. Storozhenko, Sciences( JSC TSNIIPpromzdany), A. V. Gomozov( VNIIPO).




Date of implementation 2003-09-01


4.1.Design, construction and reconstruction of buildings should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these building codes and other regulatory documents that establish design and construction rules.

4.2.The location of buildings and structures in the area allotted for construction must comply with the current legislation, SNiP 2.07.01 and other normative documents for design and construction, as well as architectural and planning tasks and building permits.

4.3.When designing and building the buildings of institutions, they should be made available to the less mobile groups of the population who work or visit these buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 35-01.These requirements are specified in the design task, with the definition, if necessary, of the number of disabled and disability types.

4.4.When designing facilities located in the volume of a residential building, in addition to these standards, it is necessary to follow the requirements of SNiP 31-01, established for public premises located in residential buildings.

4.5.In buildings, it is allowed to provide for production and storage facilities required by the technology of the institutions and their members, which should be reflected in the design task.

4.6.Bearing structures of buildings should be designed and built in such a way that during the construction and in the design conditions of operation, the possibility:

of destruction or damage to structures leading to the need to stop the operation of buildings;

inadmissible deterioration of the operational properties of structures or buildings as a whole due to deformations or the formation of cracks.

4.7.The structures and the grounds of the buildings must be designed to accommodate the following loads and impacts:

constant loads from the weight of the bearing and enclosing structures;

snow loads for a given construction area;

wind loads for a given construction area;

hazardous geophysical impacts in this area of ​​construction.

The normative values ​​of the listed loads, taking into account the unfavorable combinations of loads or the corresponding forces, the maximum values ​​of deflections and movements of structures, as well as the values ​​of load reliability factors must be adopted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07.The additional requirements of the customer for loads from heavy equipment elements specified in the design task must be taken into account.

4.8.The methods of calculating their load-carrying capacity and deformability used in the design of structures must meet the requirements of the current regulatory documents for structures from the corresponding materials.

When placing buildings in the work area, on subsidence grounds, in seismic areas, as well as in other complex geological conditions, additional requirements of the relevant rules and regulations should be taken into account.

4.9.The foundations of buildings should be designed taking into account the physico-mechanical characteristics of the soils provided for in SNiP 2.02.01( for permafrost soils - in SNiP 2.02.04), the characteristics of the hydrogeological regime at the site of construction, and the degree of aggressiveness of soils and groundwater in relation to the foundationsand underground engineering networks and should ensure uniformity and minimum speed of sedimentation of the bases under the building elements.

4.10.For buildings and premises of institutions it is necessary to provide systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gutters, fire water supply in accordance with SNIP 2.04.01.

Hot water supply must be provided for the technological equipment of canteens and buffets, for draw-out sinks in inventory and cleaning facilities, for washbasins in medical centers and sanitary units, for appliances for women's personal hygiene cabinets, and for other devices for the design task.

4.11.Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings, as well as smoke removal during a fire, should be designed in accordance with SNiP 41-01 and the requirements of sections 7 - 9 of this document.

Thermal points( TSCs and ITPs) should be provided at the thermal network in the building.

4.12.In the buildings of institutions should provide electrical equipment, electric lighting, devices for urban telephone communication, wire broadcasting and television, fire and burglar alarm, fire alarm system( in accordance with NPB 104), gas alarms, smoke and flooding systems, automation and dispatching engineering equipmentbuildings, as well as a complex electroweak network.

In accordance with the special requirements set in the design task, the building complexes, individual buildings or rooms are equipped with local( internal) telephone systems, local wireline and television installations, sound systems, amplification and simultaneous translation of speech, time alarm settings.

4.13.Electrotechnical devices of buildings should be designed in accordance with the SAE and other applicable norms and rules approved in accordance with the established procedure.

4.14.Lightning protection of buildings must be carried out taking into account the availability of television antennas and trunks of the telephone network or wire broadcasting network in accordance with the Regulations RD 34.21.122.

4.15.Gas supply systems for buildings of institutions should be designed in accordance with SNiP 42-01 and Safety Rules in the gas sector.

4.16.In the buildings of institutions should provide for a system of cleaning from debris and dust collection. The need for the installation of garbage chutes is set by the design task. For buildings that are not equipped with garbage chutes, a waste collection chamber or an economic site should be provided.

The garbage removal facilities from the building must be linked to the cleaning system adopted in the village where the building is located.

4.17.Passenger elevators should be provided in the buildings of institutions with a difference in the floor markings of the lobby and the upper floor of 12 m and more;in the buildings of institutions constantly visited by the population, with a difference of these marks of 9 m and more;if there are rooms intended for the disabled on the second floor and above, in accordance with SNiP 35-01.

The distance from the doors of the most remote room to the door of the nearest passenger elevator should be no more than 60 m.

The need for the installation of other means of vertical transport in the buildings of institutions is established by the design assignment.

The number of passenger elevators should be set by calculation, but not less than two, while one of the elevators in the building( passenger or cargo-passenger) must have a cabin depth of at least 2100 mm for the possibility of transporting a person on stretchers.

4.18.At the request of the customer-builder, the documentation for the buildings should additionally include an instruction manual. It should contain the requirements and provisions necessary to ensure the safety of buildings and structures in the process of operation, including information on basic structures and engineering systems, layout of hidden elements of the framework, hidden wiring and engineering networks, and limit values ​​of loads on building elementsand on its electrical network. These data can be presented in the form of copies of the executive documentation.


5.1.Premises in administrative buildings, as a rule, comprise the following main functional groups:

a) management offices;B) working premises of structural divisions of institutions and organizations;C) meeting rooms and / or conference rooms;

d) premises for information and technical purposes, including: technical libraries, project offices, archives, information technology facilities, etc., depending on the design assignment;E) entrance group of premises, including: entrance hall, lobby, wardrobe, badge office, security room;

e) premises for social and consumer services, including: premises for public catering establishments, medical services, sanitary units, household facilities for maintenance and operation personnel, sports and recreational facilities, etc.;

g) premises for maintenance of the building, including: repair shops, pantries for various purposes, etc.; H) premises for engineering equipment, including: ventilation chambers, electrical boards, etc.

5.2.The composition of premises, their area and functional interrelation in the buildings of institutions are determined by the customer in the design task and( or) in accordance with the calculation standards given in Appendix D or in the codes of rules for the design of various types of buildings. The composition of the rooms of the functional groups a and d in institutions is set in the design task, and their area is determined by departmental or technological standards, and it should be borne in mind that per worker in the rooms of functional group 6 should account for at least 6 m2,intended for placement of orgtehosnastki. The composition, equipment, including the number of plumbing devices and the area of ​​the rooms of functional groups, are determined taking into account the norms established in SNiP 2.08.02 and SNIP 2.09.04.

5.3.The composition and area of ​​premises for information and computing equipment and communications, as well as the requirements for them are determined by special technical tasks attached to the design task.

5.4.The composition and areas of specialized premises of buildings of credit and financial institutions, banks, forensic and other institutions are defined in the design task, taking into account departmental standards and( or) codes of rules.

5.5.The height of the premises from floor to ceiling should be at least 3 m. In small offices located in the volume of residential buildings and in factory offices located in administrative buildings, the height of the premises may correspond to the height adopted in these buildings.

5.6.The height of the corridors and halls should not be less than 2.4 m;in offices located in residential buildings and in factory offices located in administrative buildings - at least 2.2 m.

The width of the corridors must be at least 1.2 m with a length of 10 m;not less than 1.5 m - for lengths exceeding 10 m and not less than 2.4 m - when using them as corridors or waiting rooms for visitors.

5.7.The height of technical floors should be taken taking into account the equipment, engineering networks and the conditions of their operation;while in the places of passage of maintenance personnel the cleanliness must be at least 1.8 m.

5.8.Throughpasses in buildings should be made clear by at least 3.5 m in height, not less than 4.25 m in height. Throughpasses through staircases of buildings should be located at a distance from each other not more than 100 m.

5.9.Exits from passenger elevators should be designed through the elevator hall, including through the lobby or hall of another purpose, if the elevator hall is included in their area. The width of the elevator hall of passenger elevators should be not less than:

- for single-row arrangement of elevators - 1.3 of the lowest depth of the elevator car;

- with two-row arrangement - no less than twice the smallest depth of the cabin.

Before elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more, the width of the elevator hall should be at least 2.5 m, and for two-row arrangement of elevators - no less than twice the smallest depth of the cabin.

From storerooms and other premises where combustible materials can be stored, the output directly to the elevator hall is not allowed.

5.10.The need for a device in the buildings of civil defense premises is defined in the design task in coordination with the headquarters of the Civil Defense and in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-11.

6.2 Safety of people in case of fire

6.2.1.The number of evacuation exits from the building and from the floor of the building is established in accordance with clauses 6.13 * and 6.14 of SNiP 21-01.

6.2.2.The width of the evacuation exit from the corridor to the stairwell, as well as the width of the stairway marches should be set depending on the number of evacuated through this exit at a rate of 1 m of the exit width in the buildings of fire hazard classes: no more than 165 people in the




»» 115 »

C2, C3

» »80»

The minimum width of the evacuation outlets should also be installed taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 6.16 and 6.29 of SNiP 21-01.

6.2.3.The distance along the evacuation routes from the doors of the most remote premises( except latrines, washrooms, smoking rooms and other servicing premises without permanent residence of people) to the outside or to the stairwell should be no more than indicated in Table 6.1.

Exits to a dead-end corridor or hall may have facilities with a capacity not exceeding 80 people.

Table 6.1.

Class of constructive fire
building hazard

Distance, m, with the density of the human flow
in the corridor *, person / m2

Up to 2

Sv.2 to 3

Sv.3 to 4

Sv4 to 5


A. From rooms located between staircase
cells or external exits













C2, C3






B. From rooms with outputs to a deadlock corridor or hall













C2, C3






* The ratio of the number of evacuees from the premises to the areacorridor on the way of evacuation.

6.2.4.The halls( conference halls, dining halls of dining rooms, etc.) should be placed on the floors in accordance with Table 6.2.

Table 6.2

Fire resistance class of buildings

Class of constructive fire hazard

Number of seats in hall

Maximum height of placing, m( according to SNIP 21-01)



Up to 300


300 to 600






Up to 300


SV 300 to 600


С0, С1

Up to 300



С0, С1

Up to 300



С2, СЗ

Up to 100



Not specified

Up to 100


In determining the maximum height of the accommodation arrangementa room with a floor slope, a floor mark should be taken at the first row of seats.

6.2.5. The greatest distance from any point in the room to the nearest evacuation exit should be no more than that specified in Table 6.3.When combining the main evacuation passages into the general passageway, its width must be at least the total width of the combined passages.

Table 6.3


Class of constructional fire hazard of buildings

Distance, m, in halls in volume, thousand m3

Up to 5

5 to 10

Exhibition halls, conference halls, gyms, etc.







С2 - СЗ



Dining rooms, reading rooms with the area of ​​each main pass at the rate of at least 0.2 m2 per person evacuated thereon







С2 - СЗ



Note- A dash in the table indicates that these rooms, as a rule, do not have the indicated volumes.

6.2.6.As a second evacuation exit from any floor of a multi-storey building, it is allowed to use a third-type ladder if the number of evacuees and the height of the floor arrangement meet the requirements of Table 6.4.

Table 6.4

Fire resistance level of the building

Class of constructional fire hazard of the building

Number of evacuees, people, from one floor of the building with the height of the floor, m( according to SNiP 21-01)

Up to 5

Up to 9

Up to 12

Over 12
























Not standardized

6.2.7.When installing the passage to external staircases through flat roofs or outdoor open galleries, the bearing structures of the coatings and galleries should be designed with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 30 fire hazard class KO, the base under the roof must be of the KO class, the roof must be at least RP-1.


1. The height of the buildings hereinafter in Section 6 is determined in accordance with SNiP 21-01( note to 1.5 *) and is measured from the surface of the passage of fire trucks tothe lower boundary of the opening opening of the upper floor, not including the top technical one.

2. A dash in the table indicates that a building of this degree of fire resistance can not have the specified number of floors.

Building fire resistance class

Class of constructive fire hazard

Permissible building height, m ​​

Floor area within the fire compartment, m2, with number of floors















































































6.3 Preventing the spread of fire

6.3.1.The degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire hazard, the permissible height of buildings( according to SNiP 21-01) and the area of ​​the floor within the fire compartment should be taken according to Table 6.5.

In buildings of IV degree of fire resistance with a height of two floors or more, the elements of load-bearing structures shall have a fire resistance rating not lower than R45.

When equipping the premises with automatic fire extinguishing systems, the areas indicated in Table 6.5 may be increased by 100%, except for buildings of the IV fire resistance grade of fire hazard classes C0 and C1, and buildings of the V fire resistance grade.

In the presence of open apertures in the floors of adjacent floors, the total area of ​​these floors should not exceed the floor area specified in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5 sets the standards for categories of buildings and fire compartments in the envisaged combinations of the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard of the building. In other combinations not provided for in this table, the floor area and height of the building are taken at the lowest of these indicators for this category of building or agreed in accordance with the procedure established in Clause 1.6 of SNiP 21-01.

The area of ​​the floor between the fire walls of single-storey buildings with a two-storey part occupying less than 15% of the building's building area should be taken as for a single-storey building.

Table 6.5

The degree of fire resistance of attached canopies, terraces, galleries, and other buildings and structures separated by fire walls is allowed to take one degree of fire resistance lower than the degree of fire resistance of the building.

6.3.2.In buildings I, II and III degrees of fire resistance to ensure the required limit of fire resistance of the bearing elements of the building, it is allowed to use only constructive fire protection( cladding, etching, plastering, etc.).

6.3.3.In the buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance for the attic floor, it is allowed to take the fire resistance limit of load-bearing building structures R45 with zero fire spreading limit when it is separated from the lower floors by the fire-prevention overlap of the 2nd type. In this case, the attic floor should be separated by fire walls of the 2nd type. The area between these fire walls should be: for buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance - no more than 2000 m2, for buildings of III degree of fire resistance - no more than 1400 m2.If there are automatic fire extinguishing installations on the attic floor, this area can be increased no more than 1.2 times. In the attic of buildings up to 10 floors inclusive, it is allowed to use wooden structures with fire protection, which provides the above limits of fire resistance and fire propagation.

6.3.4.In buildings, it is not allowed to provide production and storage facilities belonging to categories A and B( according to the airbags 105).In the premises of archives and storerooms of more than 36 m2 in the absence of windows, it is necessary to provide exhaust ducts with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 0.2% of the room area and equipped with automatic and remote control valves on each floor. The distance from the smoke exhaust valve to the outermost point of the room should not exceed 20 m. Under premises intended for simultaneous stay of more than 50 people, it is not allowed to place production and storage facilities of categories В1 - В3( storerooms, workshops, laboratories, transformer substations with oil-filled equipmentetc.).

6.3.5.In each compartment of basement or basement floors( buried more than 0.5 m) there must be at least two manholes or windows with a width of 0.9 m and a height of 1.2 m, except as specified in SNiP II-11.The area of ​​such a compartment should be no more than 700 m2.

6.3.6.Enclosing structures of transitions between buildings should have fire resistance limits corresponding to the main building. Pedestrian and communication tunnels should have a class of fire hazard KO.The walls of buildings in areas where junctions and tunnels are adjacent to them should be provided with a fire hazard class KO with a fire resistance limit of REI45.Doors in the apertures of these walls, leading to passages and tunnels, should be fireproof type 2.

6.3.7.In buildings above 4 floors, hardened or reinforced glass and glass blocks should be used as a translucent filling of doors, transoms( in doors, partitions and walls, including internal walls of staircases) and partitions. In buildings with a height of 4 floors or less, the types of glass-transparent filling are not limited. In buildings with a height of more than 4 floors, staircase doors leading to common corridors, elevator hall doors and gateways must be deaf or with reinforced panes.

6.3.8.Sliding partitions made of materials of groups G1 - G4 should be protected from both sides by materials of the group of NG, providing a fire resistance rating of EI30 and fire hazard class not lower than K1.

6.3.9.Premises of built-in baths of dry heat( saunas) are not allowed to be placed in cellars and adjacent to the premises in which there are more than 100 people.

When installing built-in saunas, the following requirements must be met:

1. The complex of sauna premises should be allocated in buildings I, II, III degrees of fire resistance classes of constructive fire hazard C0 and C1 fire-fighting partitions of the 1st type and overlapping type 3, in buildingsIV degree of fire resistance of classes C0 - C3 - fireproof partitions and ceilings no less than REI 60.

2. The complex of the hob must have a separate evacuation outlet to the outside;not allowed to exit directly into the lobby, halls, staircases, designed for the evacuation of people from buildings.

3. The volume of the sauna sauna should not be less than 8 m3 and not more than 24 m3.The height of the rooms must not be less than 1,9 m.

4. The power of the heater must correspond to the volume of the steam heater( according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the heater) and have, respectively, no more than 15 kW.The electric heater must be switched off automatically after 8 hours of operation. The control panel of the electric heater should be placed in a dry room before the steam bath. The protection of the supply cables must be heat-resistant and rated at the maximum permissible temperature in the steam.

The distance from the heater to the wall paneling must be at least 20 cm. A fireproof heat shield must be installed directly above the electric heater in the ceiling. The distance between the panel and the ceiling sheath must be at least 5 cm.

5. Ventilation must be provided in the steam room. Between the door and the floor it is necessary to provide a clearance of at least 30 mm. The temperature in the steam bath should not be automatically maintained above 110 ° C.

The parry room should be equipped along the perimeter with a deluge device( from perforated dry pipes connected to the internal water pipe) with control in front of the entrance to the steam room. Use for sheeting of steamy resinous wood is not allowed.

6. The sauna changing rooms must be equipped with smoke alarms.

6.3.10.Premises of model workshops in design institutes should have enclosing structures of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 60.

6.3.11.In corridors and hallways for flooring, the use of flammable, high smoke-forming capacity( D3 or more) and highly toxic materials( T3 or more) is not allowed.

6.3.12.Windows and openings from the projection room, if it is provided for in the conference room, must be protected by curtains or flaps with a fire resistance rating of at least EI15.

6.3.13.The decoration of the walls and ceilings of the conference halls, except for the halls located in the buildings of the V degree of fire resistance, should be provided from hard combustible or non-combustible materials.


7.1.The building should be designed, erected and equipped in such a way as to prevent the risk of injury to workers and visitors during movement inside and around the building, at the entrance and exit from the building, as well as using its moving elements and engineering equipment.

7.2.The slope and width of staircases and ramps, the height of the steps, the width of the steps, the width of the staircases, the height of the stairs, the basement, the technical floors, the attic in use, the level differences in the floor, and the dimensions of the doorways should ensure the safety of movement of people and the convenience of moving equipment andfurniture. In necessary cases, handrails should be provided. The use of stairs with different heights and depths of steps is not allowed. The number of lifts in one march between platforms( with the exception of curved staircases) should not be more than 16. In one-march stairs, as well as in one march of two or three-march stairs within the first floor, no more than 18 ascents are allowed.

The deviation of the stairs of the stairs intended for the evacuation of people should be taken no more than 1: 2.Slope marches stairs, not intended for the evacuation of people, allowed to take 1: 1.5.The slope of the ramps in the ways of people's movement should be taken no more:

inside the building

1: 6;

outside the building

1: 8;

on the way of wheelchair users inside and outside the building


7.3.The height of the enclosures of staircases, balconies, terraces, roofs and other places of dangerous altitude differences should be sufficient to prevent falling and be not less than 0,9 m. Enclosures made of metal structures must be carried out in accordance with GOST 25772.

Fences must be continuous, equippedhandrails and are designed to absorb loads of at least 0.3 kN / m.

7.4.In buildings, measures should be envisaged to reduce the risks of criminal manifestations and their consequences, thereby minimizing the possible damage in the event of unlawful actions. These activities are set in the design task.

These may include: planning separation of flows of people, checkpoints, application of explosion-proof structures, installation of monitoring and tracking devices for people, the installation of an alarm system, various fences, reinforcement of entrance doors, window guards, technical equipment of attics, cellars and other premises.

7.5.In order to protect against encroachments on valuables and information stored in special premises and for other purposes set in the design task, reinforced enclosure structures of these premises, as well as special doors and openings, should be provided. Technical means of access control should be equipped with information technology facilities, communications and other special premises, if it is established in the design task.

7.6.To protect the confidentiality of negotiations, the walls and doors of cabinets and other rooms, the number and purpose of which is determined by the design task, should be faced with sound-absorbing material, the doors must be arranged double.

7.7.Constructive solutions of building elements( including the arrangement of voids, methods of sealing the places of passage of pipelines through structures, devices of ventilation openings and placement of thermal insulation, etc.) should provide protection against the penetration of rodents.

7.8.Engineering systems of buildings should be designed and assembled in accordance with the safety requirements contained in the relevant regulatory documents, and instructions from manufacturers' equipment manufacturers.

7.9.For safety reasons, the following rules should be observed:

- the surface temperature of the parts of heating devices and heating pipes accessible to people must not exceed 70 ° C, 90 ° C is allowed if measures are taken to prevent them from touching them, the surface temperature of other pipelines should not exceed40 ° C;

- the temperature of hot air at a distance of 10 cm from the outlet of the air heating appliances should not exceed 70 ° C;

- the hot water temperature in the hot water system should not exceed 60 ° C.

7.10.Units and instruments, the displacement of which may lead to a fire or explosion, in buildings constructed in seismic areas, must be securely secured.

7.11.In buildings with a height of 9 floors and more, for safe repairs and cleaning of facades, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of fastening the building cradles with an electric drive.

7.12.If the height of the building is from the ground level to the fracture of the surface of the broken roof skylight of 10 m and more, fences should be provided with snow-retaining devices with a height of 0.15 m.

7.13.Buildings with a height of 3 floors or more with flat roofing should be equipped with a system of internal gutters with drainage of water to the external rain drainage, and in the absence of the latter - to the surface of the earth. In this case, measures must be taken to prevent the risers from freezing in winter.

7.14.When designing conference halls, provision should be made for the installation of chairs, chairs or links of them with devices preventing them from tipping over or sliding.


8.1.In the design and construction of buildings, measures established by these rules and regulations should be provided to ensure compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the protection of human health and the natural environment.

8.2.The level of natural and artificial illumination of premises of buildings of institutions must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-05.

It is allowed to design without natural light: rooms that are allowed in the basement floors( Annex D), conference rooms and lobby, rooms for physical fitness and sports, massage rooms, steam rooms, dry heat baths, parking spacesmachines, pantry.

Lighting only by the second light can be envisaged in rooms that can be designed without natural light, as well as decking recreational facilities.

In buildings designed for construction in areas with an average monthly temperature of July 21 ° C and above, light apertures of rooms with a permanent stay of people and premises where, according to technological and hygienic requirements, sunlight penetration or overheating is not allowed, light openings with orientation within 130-315 ° should be equipped with sun protection.

8.3.The microclimate parameters in the rooms should be taken in accordance with GOST 30494.

In this case, for the cold period of the year, optimal parameters of the microclimate should be taken as the calculation, for the warm period of the year it is allowed to take the permissible parameters of the microclimate.

8.4.In certain production and technical areas( workshops, laboratories, storage, copying and printing, etc.), the microclimate parameters should be accepted with allowance for GN and SanPiN

8.5.The supply of outdoor air to the premises should be provided in volumes not less than those specified in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1


External supply air volume( not less than)

during working hours( in maintenance mode)

during non-working hours( in idle mode)

Working premises of

employees 20 m3 / h • person( 4 m3 / h • m2)

0, 2 rpm


3 m3 / h • m2

0,2 rpm

Conference halls, meeting rooms

20 m3 / h for 1 person.

0.2 rpm


10 rpm

0.5 rpm


25 m3 / h for one toilet( 10 rpm)

0.5 rpm


20 m3 /h for 1 grid

0.2 rpm


20 m3 / h

0.2 rpm

Storage rooms, archives

0.5 rpm

0.5 rpm

Building maintenance facilities: withoutemissions of harmful substances;

1.0 rpm

0.2 rpm

with noxious substances

Assumed for assimilation of harmful substances

0.5 rpm

Note - Values ​​are given in parentheses.

8.6.A single system of supply ventilation is allowed to provide all rooms, with the exception of conference rooms, public catering facilities, film and battery rooms, for each of which it is necessary to provide independent supply ventilation systems.

8.7.For premises that are not equipped with a mechanical fresh air ventilation system, open adjustable air vent or air valves must be provided for the supply of outdoor air, located at a height of at least 2 m from the floor.

8.8.Supply of fresh air should be provided directly to the rooms with emissions of harmful substances in the amount of 90% of the amount of air removed by the exhaust systems, the rest of the air( 10%) - into the corridor or hall.

8.9.Recirculation of air in the premises with a permanent stay of people is allowed only during non-working hours.

8.10.Independent exhaust ventilation systems should be provided for:

- toilets and smoking rooms;

- working rooms, offices, etc.;

- premises of public catering establishments;

- premises for production and technical purposes and warehouse.

8.11.Removal of air from work premises with an area of ​​less than 35 m2 can be provided for by the flow of air into the corridor.

8.12.Exhaust ventilation with a natural impulse is allowed to provide in the premises of buildings with an estimated number of employees less than 300 people.and a height of 1 - 3 floors.

8.13.In the mock shops and other premises where dust and aerosols can be released into the air, the volume of air removed through the hood should be determined depending on the speed of air movement in the calculated opening of the cabinet in accordance with Table 8.2.

Table 8.2

Hazard class of hazardous substances in the work area *

Air speed in the rated opening of the cabinet, m / s( not less)





1st and 2nd


* According to GN

NOTE - In works involving the release of explosive substances into the air, the speed of air movement in the design opening of the fume hood should be taken as 1 m / s.

8.14.In storage of valuable documents and depositories for the requirements of storage conditions, air conditioning of the third class should be provided.

8.15.When installing the garbage chute, it should be equipped with a device for periodic washing, cleaning, disinfection and sprinkling of the barrel.

The trunk of the garbage chute must be airtight and soundproofed from the building structure. He should not be adjacent to office space with a permanent stay of people.

It is not allowed to place the collection chamber under the premises with the permanent stay of people or adjacent to them.

In management institutions, research institutes, design and engineering organizations with 800 employees.and more, as well as in buildings of institutions with increased sanitary and hygienic requirements, a centralized or combined vacuum collection system should be provided.

The need to design a central or combined vacuum collection system in other buildings is determined by the design task.

When designing a combined vacuum collection system, the service radius of a single intake valve should not be more than 50 m.

If there is no centralized or combined dust collection, the cleaning unit of the vacuum cleaner filters is determined by the design task.

8.16.Mines and machine rooms of elevators, ventilation chambers, as well as other rooms with equipment that is a source of noise and vibrations, should not be placed adjacent, above and below the meeting rooms, conference rooms, work spaces and offices with a permanent stay of people.

8.17.When used in workrooms PC( computers) should take into account the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340.

8.18.Materials used for construction and products subject to hygienic assessment in accordance with the approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia Lists of types of products and goods must have a hygienic certificate issued by the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.


These standards and regulations apply to the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of institutions and organizations listed in annex E.

In the design and construction of buildings and premises for these institutions, in addition to these rules and regulations,provisions of other more general regulatory documents, if they do not contradict the requirements of this document.

Norms apply to buildings regardless of whether they are built at the expense of the federal or municipal budgets, the funds of building organizations that build buildings for their own purposes or for subsequent leasing.

These standards do not apply to the design of buildings of the Administration of the President, the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation, customs;embassies and other objects of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, located on the territories of other states;state archives, buildings of laboratory and production-experimental buildings and special structures of scientific research institutes, as well as office premises located in mobile buildings.

Norms and rules established in the sections of this document:

4. "General Provisions";

6. "Fire safety";

7. "Security in use";

8. "Provision of sanitary and epidemiological requirements";

10. "Durability and maintainability" are consistent with the objectives of technical regulation established in the Law "On Technical Regulation" and are mandatory in accordance with Part 1 of Article 46.


These standards and regulations refer to normative documents,


This document uses the terms defined in Appendix B, as well as other terms defined by regulatory enactmentslisted in Appendix A. Section 6 "Fire Safety" adopted the terms and definitions given in GOST 12.1.033.

6.1.Basic provisions of

6.1.1.When designing buildings, the fire protection rules for people and buildings contained in SNiP 21-01 should be applied, as well as the additional fire safety requirements established in this SNiP, due to the specifics of administrative buildings.

6.1.2.These rules and regulations apply to the design of buildings up to a height of 50 m in the functional fire class F 4.3( according to SNiP 21-01), as well as premises of this class built into buildings of another functional fire hazard.

6.1.3.Automatic extinguishing and fire detection systems should be provided in accordance with NPB 110, as well as special lists approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Fire alarm systems should be provided in accordance with NPB 104.

6.1.4.Passenger elevators designed for the transportation of fire departments in buildings should be arranged in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-01 and NPB 250. When building an existing building with a floor mark of the upper floor not exceeding 28 m, another floor is allowed not to provide for the installation of such an elevator.

SNiP 2.01.07-85 *

Loads and effects

SNiP 2.02.01-83 *

Foundations of buildings and structures

SNiP 2.02.04-88

Foundations and foundations on permafrost soils

SNiP 2.03.11-85

Protection of building structuresfrom corrosion

SNiP 2.04.01-85 *

Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.07.01-89 *

Urban planning. Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements

SNiP 2.08.02-89 *

Public buildings and structures

SNiP 2.09.04-87 *

Administrative and household buildings

SNiP II-11-77 *

Civil defense defense structures

SNiP II-35-76

Boiler installations

SNiP 21-01-97 *

Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNiP 23-01-99 *

Building climatology

SNiP 23-02-2003

Thermal protection of buildings

SNIP 23-05-95 *

Natural and artificial lighting

SNiP 31-01-2003

Residential buildings

SNiP 35-01-2001

Availability of buildings and structures for low-mobile groups of population

SNiP 41-01-2003

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 42-01-2002

Gas distribution systems

GOST 12.1.033-81

SSBT.Fire safety. Terms and definitions

GOST 16363-98

Means protective for wood. Method for determining fire retardant properties

GOST 25772-83

Enclosures for stairs, balconies and roofs are steel. General specifications

GOST 27751-88

Reliability of building structures and substrates. Basic provisions for the calculation of

GOST 30494-96

Residential and public buildings. Indoor climate parameters

Airbags 104-03

Warning and evacuation control systems for people in fires in buildings and structures

Airbags 105-03

Definition of categories of rooms, buildings and outdoor installations for fire and fire hazards

NPS 110-03

List of buildings,facilities, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarm

airbags 250-97

Elevators for transportation of fire departments in buildings and structures. General technical requirements

PPB 01-03

Rules for fire safety in the Russian Federation


Rules for the installation of electrical installations

RD 34.21.122-87

Instruction for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures

SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03

Hygienic requirementsto video display terminals, personal electronic computers and the organization of work of


Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises


Maximum allowable concentrationii( MAC) of harmful substances in the air of the work zone safety rules in the gas sector

Note - If you cancel the regulations, which in the present rules and regulations are referenced, you should use the documents entered instead of canceled.


10.1.The building, designed and constructed in accordance with the current building codes, must maintain the strength and stability of its load-bearing structures during the period specified in the design task, subject to systematic maintenance, compliance with the building's operation rules and repair deadlines set in the operating instructions,specified in 4.18 of this document.

10.2.When determining the longevity of a building, the reconstruction project should take into account the factors that reduce its lifespan: non-estimated impacts associated with the changed operating conditions of the building and environmental conditions, and as a consequence of these factors - the change in the physico-mechanical( chemical) characteristics of the bearing and enveloping materialsconstructions.

10.3.The main unreconstructible elements of the bearing structures of the building, which determine its strength and stability, as well as the service life of the building as a whole, should maintain their properties within the permissible limits, taking into account the requirements of GOST 27751 and building codes for building structures from the corresponding materials.

10.4.Elements, parts, equipment with shorter service life than the expected service life of the building must be replaced in accordance with the inter-repair terms established in the operating instructions and taking into account the requirements of the design task. The decision on the use of less or more durable elements, materials or equipment with an appropriate increase or decrease in overhauls is established by technical and economic calculations.

10.5.Structures and parts must be made of materials that are resistant to possible effects of moisture, low and high temperatures, aggressive environment and other unfavorable factors, or protected in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11.

Where appropriate, appropriate measures should be taken against the penetration of rain, thawed, groundwater into the thickness of the bearing and enclosing structures of the building, as well as the formation of condensation moisture in the outer enclosing structures by sufficiently sealing the structures or the ventilation device of enclosed spaces and air layers.

In accordance with the requirements of existing regulations, the necessary protective compositions and coatings must be used.

10.6.Butt joints of prefabricated elements and multilayer structures should be designed for the perception of temperature deformations and forces arising from uneven sedimentation of bases and other operating impacts. Sealing and sealing materials used in joints should retain elastic and adhesive properties when exposed to negative temperatures and become wet and be resistant to ultraviolet rays. Sealing materials must be compatible with the materials of protective and protective-decorative coatings of structures in the areas of their interfacing.

10.7.It shall be possible to access the equipment, fixtures and appliances of the building's engineering systems and their connections for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

Equipment and pipelines, which can be adversely affected by low temperatures, must be protected from their effects.

10.8.When building buildings in a territory with complex geological conditions, subject to seismic influences, work-outs, drawdowns and other ground movements, including frost heaving, the inputs of engineering communications must be carried out taking into account the need to compensate for possible displacements of the foundation.

The equipment and pipelines must be fixed on the building's building structures in such a way that their performance is not compromised by possible movement of structures.





Elevator hall - room in front of the elevator entrance.

The loggia is an enclosed and fenced in the plan from three sides( from two - at an angular location) a room open to the outside, with a depth limited by the requirements of natural illumination of the adjacent building interior.

The tambour is a space between the doors, which serves to protect against the penetration of cold air, smoke and odors when entering a building, staircase or room.

Attic - the space between the ceiling of the upper floor, the covering of the building( roof) and the outer walls located above the ceiling of the upper floor.

Floor mansard - floor in the attic space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the surface( surfaces) of an inclined or broken roof.

Floor above ground - floor with a mark of the floor of premises not lower than the planning level of the ground.

Floor basement - floor at the marking of the floor of premises below the planning level of the ground more than half the height of the premises.

Floor technical - floor for placement of engineering equipment and laying of communications. It can be located in the lower( technical underground), the upper( technical attic) part of the building or between the above-ground floors.

Ground floor - floor at the marking of the floor of premises below the planning level of the ground to a height of not more than half the height of the premises.



1. The total area of ​​the building is defined as the sum of the floor areas measured within the interior finished exterior wall surfaces at the floor level without taking into accountskirting boards, as well as the area of ​​mezzanines, crossings to other buildings, loggias, verandas, galleries and balconies.

The area of ​​multi-luminous rooms( atriums), elevator and other mines should be included in the total area of ​​the building within only one floor.

The area of ​​the attic floor is measured within the inner surfaces of the outer walls and attic walls adjacent to the attic axils.

Underground areas, including technical ones with a height to the bottom of the structure of less than 1.8 m and an underground for ventilation of the building, an unused attic, a technical attic and interstorey space for laying communications at a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of less than 1.8 m, andalso outdoor open ramps and staircases in the total area of ​​the building are not included.

2. The area of ​​the buildings should be determined by their size, measured between the finished walls and partitions at the floor level( without skirting).The area of ​​the attic floor is taken into account with a decreasing coefficient of 0.7 in the section within the height of the inclined ceiling( wall) at an inclination of 30 ° - to 1.5 m, at 45 ° - to 1.1 m, at 60 ° and more - to 0, 5 m.

3. The building volume of a building is defined as the sum of the building volume above the mark ± 0,00( elevated part) and below this mark( underground part).

The building volume of the above-ground and underground parts of buildings is defined within the bounding surfaces with the enclosing of enclosing structures, light lanterns, domes, etc., starting with the mark of the clean floor of each part of the building, excluding protruding architectural and structural details, porticos, terraces, balconies,the volume of driveways and the space under the building on supports( clean), as well as underground canals and sub-spaces under the buildings.

4. The area of ​​building construction is defined as the area of ​​the horizontal section along the external contour of the building at the level of the plinth, including the projecting parts. The area under the building, located on poles, as well as the passages under the building are included in the building area.

5. When determining the number of storeys of a building, all above-ground floors include all the above-ground floors, including the technical floor, the attic floor, and the basement floor, if the top of its floor is above the average planning land mark by at least 2 m.

Underground under the buildingregardless of its height, as well as inter-storey space with a height of less than 1.8 m in the number of above-ground floors are not included.

With different number of floors in different parts of the building, as well as when the building is located on a sloping site, when the number of floors increases due to a slope, the number of floors is determined separately for each part of the building.

In determining the number of storeys of a building in order to calculate the number of elevators or determine the floor area within the fire compartment, according to Table 6.5, the technical floor above the top floor is not taken into account.



Underground floors

1. Boiler;pumping water supply and sewage;air conditioning and ventilation chambers;control units and other premises for installation and management of engineering and technical equipment of buildings;machine room of elevators, premises for fire extinguishing system equipment, parking lots.

1st underground or basement floors of

1. All premises, accommodation of which is allowed in underground floors.

2. Sports halls and rooms for physical culture and health.

3. Entrance hall at the device of an exit from it outside through the first floor;dressing rooms, restrooms, washrooms;smoking;dressing rooms and showers with saunas;cabin of personal hygiene of women.

4. Storage rooms and warehouses( except for rooms for storage of flammable and combustible liquids).

5. Premises of trade stalls of food and non-food products with a sales area of ​​up to 400 m2.

6. Dining rooms, buffets, eating rooms.

7. Modeling workshops of design institutes, workshops of engineering maintenance of a building.

8. Radio nodes;laboratory;premises for closed-circuit television systems.

Ground floor

1. All rooms, accommodation is allowed in the underground and basement floors.

2. Office of passes, reference, registries, ticket offices for the sale of rail and air tickets and others, transport agencies, currency exchange points, ATMs.

3. Operational and cash desks, as well as cash units of banking institutions.

4. Workers( office) and office premises.

5. The premises of photocopying and operational printing.

6. Saunas( dry heat baths).


1. In the basement floor, the floor of which is located below the planning mark of the sidewalk or blind area by no more than 0.5 m, it is allowed to place all the premises of the institutions, except for the rooms for the first-aid posts.

2. The possibility of placing in specialized floors of specialized premises typical for certain types of institutions, for example, cells for defendants in the buildings of courts of general jurisdiction, treasures of valuables in the buildings of banking institutions, is established by appropriate regulatory documents.



Table E.1 - Area of ​​offices and reception offices of institutions

Assignment of premises

Calculation unit or principle of area calculation

Area per unit of account, m2


Workspace and meeting rooms

Workstations of structural subdivisions

Per workstation:

When equipped with workstations with office equipment requiring special tables, their standardarea increases in accordance with the technical conditions for its operation

chief of department, chief specialist, chief accountant


deputy headHead of the Department( Chief Accountant), Senior Inspector, etc.


engineer, economist, accountant, inspector


clerk, typist


employee, leading individual reception of visitors( lawyers, administrators, social workers, etc.)

9.0( 12,0)

The area of ​​the separate cabinet for each employee is indicated in brackets.

When storing documentation in workrooms, it is allowed to arrange built-in cabinets at the rate of 0,3 m2 per employee

Breadboard workshop

For one layout


In design institutes in accordance with

task Meeting room

One seat in

room 0.9

engineers and technicians more than 300 people.the hall is calculated for 30% of the working

Couches in the meeting room

One seat in the

room 0.3

The area of ​​the lobby includes the corridor area adjacent to the meeting room

Meeting room( one of the executive offices)

One seat


In institutions with a number of engineering staff up to 300 people.

Conference hall( without stage)

One seat with a stand


It is provided for the number of employees of St..200 people.

Same without stand


Number of seats - 50% of employees, but not more than 800

Couches in conference hall or foyer

One seat in conference room



In view of SNIP 2.08.02

Movie equipment in the conference room

On the design task

Room for the presidium

Up to 350 seats


The same, over.350 seats


Room for inventory and furniture

One space in the conference room


At least 8 m2




For halls more than 500 seats

Estrada of the conference hall

Depth, m, atnumber of seats in the hall:

to 350


350 to 500


over 500


Information and technical facilities

Technical library with information on paper, including:

reading room

One place

2,7( 3)

Parentheses indicate the standards for the research institute



2,5( 2,7)

office space

One workstation


The area of ​​reception and issue of literature

The same


With a total area of ​​the technical library no more than 90 m2, these rooms and planning zones are combined into one room

Catalog area and exhibition areanew receipts



Archive, including:

In parentheses are the standards for the research institute

reading room

One place

2.7( 3)

working room

One workplace

4( 6)

The archive area is not more than 54m2 are placed in one room, unless otherwise specified by the design task

The premises of the department of computer facilities, including:

Under the design task

dispatching office



programming office



head office of the EC

Number of employees in the CC: up to 20 people.


more than 20 people.



One workplace


At least 12 m2.In management institutions with document circulation more than 30 thousand documents per year, in design organizations with a staff of more than 1,000 people.- at least 24 m2

Copy service, including: premises for receiving and issuing orders



PBX, radio node

For design assignment




Entrance group of rooms

Entrance hall

Onone employee


At least 18m2 excluding outer clothing wardrobe


In the northern building and climatic zone

Wardrobe of the outer clothing at the lobby

One hook of the hanger


In the buildings of the control counthooks honors set the rate: the number of employees, plus 10-20% - for visitors, plus 80% of the number of seats in the conference room, if there is no special wardrobe. In the presence of cabinets for outerwear in workrooms and offices, the number of hooks is calculated only for visitors

Wardrobe for outer clothing in the conference room



Number of hooks is equal to the number of seats in the hall

The lobby is

12 m2 plus 0.05 m2for each employee

For access mode

Guard station

For one post


Pass Office

For one workstation


For access mode

Room or waiting area with pass office



window The number of windows( workplaces) is determined by the design task

Security and security office room

Fits private technical task

information service room One room


At the entrance hall

Waiting rooms for visitors

For one person

1,5 m2 with the number of visitors to 20 people.and 1 m2 for each next visitor

Waiting rooms can be combined with halls and corridors adjacent to the offices in which the reception is conducted

Sanitary facilities

Room of food intake

One employee of

0,8 - 1

With the number of employees up to 50 people. When the number of employees is less than 10 people.- additional area 6 m2 in the working room


In accordance with the regulatory documents for the design of public catering enterprises

With the number of employees from 50 to 250 people.

Dining room


With more than 250 employees.

Wardrobe for home and work clothes for service and maintenance personnel

1 pers.


Recreation room for service and maintenance personnel

1 pers.


No less than 9 m2

first-aid post. With payroll number:





Medical center

According to the design assignment

With the number of employees over 300 people

Toilets for

employees 1 toilet bowl for 45 men and30 women

1 urinal for 45 men

1 washbasin for 40 men and 27 women

Personal hygiene facilities for women

1 installation for 75 women

When placed in toilets


1 employee


At least 8 m2.It is arranged when the number of employees is more than 200 people.

Room for cleaning inventory

per 100 m2 of floor or 1000 m2 of building area


At least 4 m2 for floor area less than 400 m2 - one space for two adjacent floors


For design assignment

Subject to the requirements of section 6of this document

Room for psychological relief or rest room


Rooms for outdoor activities, including sports


Appointment of premises

Area, m2, with the number of employees in the institution, people. Office of the head of the institution

27 - 36

36 - 45

45 - 54


Cabinet of the first deputy head


24 - 36

24 - 36

100 - 300

300 -36

Deputy Executive Director Cabinet

12 - 18

18 - 24

18 - 24

18 - 36

Executive Assistant Desk




12 - 18

Receiving Director of the





Institution Admissions Officer of the





Note -offices of the head and his deputy.

Table E.2 - Area of ​​offices and reception departments of structural divisions

Assignment of premises

Area, m2, with number of employees 1 person.


Head of department

18( 24)

24( 36)

36( 54)

In parentheses - the area of ​​the offices in the buildings of the federal level administration and in institutions with a staff of over 500 people.

12( 18)

18( 24)

The same is allowed in common with two cabinets

Head of department, laboratory,a computer center, and so on.

With the number of employees, people.

If the number of employees of the department is up to 5, the chief's workplace is located in the premises of the department

5 - 10

10 - 20





Table E.3 - Design standards for premises: workers, meeting rooms, information technology,and sanitary services

Table E.4 - Area of ​​premises for maintenance of buildings of institutions


Area, m2, with number of employees


Up to 100

100 - 200

200 - 500

SS 500

Repair workshop





In management institutions, administrative buildings

Mechanical workshop





In the design and engineering organizations

Joiner workshop




Assigned to design

Storeroom of stationeryThe number of employees is less than 100 people.storerooms are located in the same room

Storage room for equipment and inventory










In design organizations

Storage room for waste paper processing and packaging





In management offices

Storage pockets for models, models and illustrative materials for design objects

On a design assignment, but not less than 6

In design organizations, architectural workshops



IS DISTRIBUTED Institutions of government bodies of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies;

administrative institutions of various enterprises, including industrial ones;

offices( offices);

research, design and engineering organizations;

financial institutions and banks;

forensic institutions and prosecutors;

editorial and publishing organizations( with the exception of printing houses).

Note - The provisions of this SNIP apply also to the design of buildings and premises of other institutions in the non-productive sphere of activity, where the main premises are used only for a part of the day and in which there is mainly a permanent contingent of workers accustomed to local conditions.

Keywords: main functional groups of premises, classification of buildings and premises for fire hazard, provision of sanitary and epidemiological requirements, durability and maintainability of buildings


9.1.The building should be designed and built in such a way that, if the required requirements for the microclimate of premises and other conditions are met, effective use of non-renewable energy resources during its operation is ensured.

9.2.Determination of heat-shielding indices of building structures of a building should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 23-02 according to the norms of reduced resistance to heat transfer of building envelopes;is allowed - according to the normative value of the specific heat consumption for heating and ventilation of the building as a whole for the heating period.

The standards set mandatory minimum requirements for thermal protection of the building. When designing a building, it is allowed to apply higher requirements for thermal protection established by the customer, in order to achieve more economical use of energy resources.

9.3.Qualitative indicators of building structures and elements of engineering systems in terms of thermal characteristics and energy efficiency should be previously confirmed by their tests.

9.4.The area of ​​translucent surfaces of the building envelope should not exceed 18% of the total area of ​​the walls. It is allowed to increase the area of ​​translucent enclosing structures with the given resistance to heat transfer of these structures more than 0.56 m2 ∙ ° C / W.

9.5.The design parameters of the outside air should be taken in accordance with SNiP 23-01 and SNiP 41-01.

The calculated temperature of the internal air for calculating the thermal characteristics of enclosing structures should be taken at 18 ° C.

9.6.The building's engineering systems must have automatic or manual air temperature control. The heating systems of the building must be equipped with devices to reduce the required heat flow during non-working hours. With centralized supply of cold and hot water, electricity, gas and heat and if there are several groups of premises in the building belonging to different organizations or owners, each such group of premises should be equipped with energy and water consumption meters.

9.7.Heat supply of buildings, as a rule, should be provided from a central heat point with the mandatory installation of a heat meter.

9.8.Heat supply of a building or separate groups of premises can be carried out from centralized, autonomous or individual heat sources in accordance with SNiP 41-01, SNiP II-35.At the same time, gas-fired heat generators placed in buildings must be with closed fireboxes( burners) and adjustable gas burners.

9.9.The supply of heat for the heat supply of heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems should be provided through separate pipelines from a heat point.

9.10.Separate branches of pipelines for water heating should be provided for a conference hall, a dining hall in dining rooms, a lobby, a foyer, a lobby. For conference halls with the number of seats up to 400 and dining halls with the number of seats to 160 for their placement in the total building volume, individual branches may not be envisaged.

9.11.Air-heat and air curtains in the main entrances to the buildings should be provided provided that the calculated temperature of the outside air of the coldest five-day period in the construction area( calculated parameters B) is minus 15 ° C or lower and the number of employees in the building is more than 200 people.

9.12.For each building, a heat and energy passport containing heat-shielding characteristics of building structures and indicators of energy consumption of the building and equipment should be compiled.

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