SNIP 31-01-2003 - Residential buildings, multi-apartment


4.1 The construction of residential buildings must be carried out according to the project in accordance with the requirements of these building codes and other normative documents establishing design and construction rules on the basis of a building permit. The rules for determining the building area and the number of storeys of the buildings during the design are given in Appendix B.

4.2 The location of the residential building, the distance from it to other buildings and structures, the size of the land plots at the house is established in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01.The number of storeys and the length of buildings are determined by the building project. In determining the number of storeys and the length of residential buildings in seismic areas, the requirements of SNiP II-7 and SNiP 2.07.01 should be met.

4.3 When designing and constructing a residential building, the living conditions of the low-mobility groups of the population, the accessibility of the site, the building and the apartments for wheelchair users should be provided, if the accommodation of apartments for families with invalids in this residential building is set in the design assignment.

Apartment houses for the elderly should be designed not above nine floors, for families with disabled people - no more than five. In other types of residential buildings, apartments for families with disabled people should be located on the ground floors.

In residential buildings of the federal and municipal housing funds, the proportion of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs is set in the design task for local government bodies. Specific requirements for ensuring the livelihoods of people with disabilities and other low-mobility populations should be considered taking into account local conditions and requirements of SNiP 35-01.

4.4 The project should be accompanied by an instruction for the operation of the apartments and public premises at home.

The operating manual for the apartments and premises of the house should contain the data necessary for tenants( owners) of apartments and built-in public premises, as well as for operating organizations to ensure safety during operation, including: information on basic structures and engineering systems,and nodes of the framework, hidden wires and engineering networks, as well as the limiting values ​​of the loads on the elements of the structures of the house and its electrical network. These data can be presented in the form of copies of the executive documentation. In addition, the instruction should include rules for the maintenance and maintenance of fire protection systems and an evacuation plan for a fire.

4.5 In residential buildings, provision should be made for: potable water, fire and hot water supply, sewerage and drains in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01 and SNiP 2.04.02;heating, ventilation, smoke protection - in accordance with SNiP 41-01.

4.6. In residential buildings, electric lighting, power equipment, telephone, radio, television antennas and burglar alarms, as well as automatic fire alarms, fire alarm evacuation and control systems, lifts for transportation of fire departments and people rescue equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatorydocuments.

4.7 On the roofs of residential buildings should be provided for the installation of antennas for collective reception of transmissions and racks of wired radio networks. Installation of radio relay masts and towers is prohibited.

4.8 The elevators should be provided in residential buildings with a floor mark of the upper residential floor exceeding the level of the floor mark of the first floor by 11.2 m.

In residential buildings started by construction after 01.01.2010, IA, IB, IG, ID andIVA climatic sub-areas elevators should be provided in buildings with a floor mark of the upper floor exceeding the level of the floor mark of the first floor by 9.0 m.

The minimum number of passenger elevators for which residential buildings of different number of floors are to be fitted is given in Appendix D.

Allowed forit is not possible to provide elevators for the construction of existing 5-storey residential buildings with one floor. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to foresee the stop of the elevator in the superstructured floor.

In residential buildings in which floors above the first one provide for the accommodation of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs for movement, passenger elevators or lifting platforms should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 35-01, GOST R 51631 and NPB 250.

4.9 The width of the platforms in front of the elevators should allow the use of an elevator to transport the patient on an ambulance and be at least, m:

1.5 - in front of elevators with a lifting capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm;

2.1 - in front of lifts with a lifting capacity of 630 kg with a cabin depth of 2100 mm.

For two-row arrangement of elevators, the width of the elevator hall must be at least, m:

1.8 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of less than 2100 mm;

2,5 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more.

4.10 In the basement, first and second floors of a residential building( in large and largest cities1 in the third floor), it is allowed to place built-in and built-in-built public facilities, with the exception of objects that have harmful effects on humans.

1 Classification of cities - according to SNIP 2.07.01.

It is not allowed to place:

specialized stores of moskatselno-chemical and other goods, the operation of which can lead to pollution of the territory and air of residential development;stores with the presence in them of explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials;stores for the sale of synthetic carpet products, auto parts, tires and motor oils;

specialized fish stores;warehouses of any purpose, including wholesale( or small wholesale) trade;

all enterprises, as well as stores with a mode of operation after 23 h2;consumer services enterprises, in which flammable substances are used( except for hairdressers and repair shops for hours with a total area of ​​up to 300 m2);Baths and saunas( except for individual saunas in apartments);

2 The time limit for the functioning can be specified by the local government.

food and leisure enterprises with more than 50 seats, a total area of ​​more than 250 m2 and with music;

laundry and dry cleaning( except reception and self-service laundries with a capacity of up to 75 kg per shift);automatic telephone exchanges with a total area of ​​more than 100 m2;public latrines;funeral bureaus;built-in and attached transformer substations;

production premises( except for premises of categories B and D for labor of the disabled and older people, including: points of work at home, workshops for assembly and decorative works);dental laboratory, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories;dispensaries of all types;day hospitals of dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: trauma centers, substations for emergency and emergency medical care;dermatovenereological, psychiatric, infectious and phthisiatric rooms of medical reception;offices( rooms) of magnetic resonance imaging;

X-ray rooms, as well as rooms with medical or diagnostic equipment and facilities that are sources of ionizing radiation, veterinary clinics and offices.

Stores for the sale of synthetic carpets are allowed to have attached to the deaf areas of the walls of residential buildings with a fire resistance limit of REI 150.

4.11 In the basement and basement floors of residential buildings, it is not allowed to store rooms for storage, processing and use in various installations and devices of flammable and combustible liquidsand gases, explosives, combustible materials;premises for children;cinemas, conference halls and other halls with more than 50 seats, as well as medical and preventive institutions. When placing other rooms in these floors, the restrictions established in 4.10 of this SNIP and in Annex 4 * SNiP 2.08.02 should also be taken into account.

4.12 Loading of public premises from the yard of a residential building, where the windows of apartment rooms of apartments and entrances to the residential part of the house are not allowed.

The loading of public buildings built into residential buildings should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings without windows;from underground tunnels;from the highway( streets) in the presence of special loading facilities.

It is allowed not to provide specified loading areas for the area of ​​built-in public premises up to 150 m2.

4.13 On the top floor of residential buildings it is allowed to place workshops for artists and architects, as well as office( office) premises with a number of employees in each not more than 5 people, and the requirements of 7.2.15 of this SNIP should be taken into account.

It is allowed to place office premises in superstructured attic floors in buildings not lower than II degree of fire resistance and not more than 28 m in height.

4.14 In residential floors, it is allowed to place public premises for individual activities( within the area of ​​apartments).In the composition of apartments with a two-way orientation, it is allowed to provide additional premises for a family kindergarten for a group of not more than 10 people;study rooms for one or two doctors( in agreement with the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service);massage room for one specialist.

Family kindergarten is allowed to be placed in apartments with a two-sided orientation, located not higher than the 2nd floor in buildings not lower than II degree of fire resistance, providing these apartments with emergency exit in accordance with 6.20 *, a) or b) SNiP 21-01 and if the device is availableplaygrounds in the local area.

4.15 When installing in residential buildings built-in or built-in-built parking lots, the requirements of SNiP 21-02 should be observed. Residential floors and floors with facilities for children's preschool establishments and medical and preventive institutions should be separated from the parking lot by the technical floor.

4.16 In multi-apartment houses in the first, basement or basement floors it is necessary to provide a storehouse of harvesting equipment equipped with a sink.

4.17 The need for a garbage disposal system in residential buildings is determined by local authorities, depending on the adopted system of refuse removal.


5.1 Apartments in residential buildings should be designed based on the conditions of their settlement by one family.

5.2 In buildings of state and municipal housing stock, it is recommended that the minimum sizes of flats according to the number of rooms and their area( excluding the area of ​​balconies, terraces, verandas, loggias, cold storerooms and apartment tambours), according to Table 5.1.The number of rooms and the area of ​​apartments for specific regions and cities is specified by the local administration, taking into account the demographic requirements, the reached level of housing provision and the resource availability of housing construction.

In residential buildings of other forms of ownership, the composition of premises and the area of ​​flats are set by the customer-developer in the design assignment.

5.3 In apartments provided to citizens, taking into account the social norm of housing space1 in the buildings of state and municipal housing funds, it is necessary to provide living quarters( rooms) and utility rooms: kitchen( or kitchenette), front, bathroom( or shower) and restroomor a combined bathroom), pantry( or household built-in wardrobe).

1 Social norm of the area of ​​housing - the size of the area of ​​housing per person is determined in accordance with Art.1 and art.11 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy".

5.4 Ventilated drying cabinet for outerwear and footwear is provided for the construction of an apartment house in IA, IB, IG and IIA in climatic subareas.

Table 5.1

Number of living rooms







Recommended area of ​​apartments, m2

28 - 38

44 - 53

56 - 65

70 - 77

84 - 96

103 - 109

Logs and balconies should be provided for: in apartments of houses under constructionIII and IV climatic regions, in apartments for families with disabled people, in other types of apartments and other climatic regions - taking into account fire requirements and unfavorable conditions.

Adverse conditions for the design of balconies and non-glazed loggias:

- in I and II climatic regions - combination of mean monthly air temperature and average monthly wind speed in July: 12-16 ° C and more than 5 m / s;8 - 12 ° C and 4 - 5 m / s;4 - 8 ° C and 4 m / s;below 4 ° C at any wind speed;

- noise from traffic arteries or industrial areas 75 dB or more at a distance of 2 m from the facade of a residential building( except for soundproofed dwelling houses);

- concentration of dust in the air 1.5 mg / m3 and more for 15 days or more during the three summer months.

5.5 Placement of living quarters in the basement and basement floors of residential buildings is not permitted.

5.6 Dimensions of residential and subsidiary premises of the apartment are determined depending on the necessary set of pieces of furniture and equipment, placed taking into account the requirements of ergonomics.

5.7 The area of ​​premises in the apartments specified in 5.3 should not be less than: a living room( room) in a one-room apartment - 14 m2, a common living space in apartments with a number of rooms two or more - 16 m2, bedrooms - 8 m2( 10 m2-for two people);kitchen - 8 m2;kitchen area in the kitchen - dining room - 6 m2.One-room apartments are allowed to design kitchens or kitchen-niches with an area of ​​at least 5 m2.

The area of ​​the bedroom and kitchen in the attic floor( or floor with inclined enclosure) is allowed at least 7 m2, provided that the total living area has an area of ​​not less than 16 m2.

5.8 The height( from floor to ceiling) of living quarters and kitchen( kitchen-dining room) in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA should be at least 2.7 m, and in other climatic regions - at least 2.5m.

The height of the internal corridors, halls, front, mezzanines( and under them) is determined by the conditions of safety of movement of people and should be not less than 2.1 m.

In the residential premises and kitchen of apartments located in the attic floor( or upper floors with sloping enclosing structures), a lower ceiling height is allowed with respect to the area that is not more than 50% normalized.

5.9 The common living quarters in the 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments of the housing facilities indicated in 5.3, and the bedrooms in all the apartments should be designed not impassable.

5.10 Premises of apartments specified in 5.3, should be equipped with: kitchen - a sink or sink, as well as a stove for cooking;bathroom - bath( or shower) and washbasin;lavatory - toilet with flushing cistern;combined bathroom - bath( or shower), washbasin and toilet. In other apartments the composition of the equipment of premises is established by the customer-developer.

The device of a combined bathroom is allowed in one-room flats of houses of state and municipal housing funds, in other apartments - on a design assignment.

SNIP 01/31/2003 - residential apartment buildings

system of normative documents in construction

building regulations


SNIP 31-01-2003

on construction and housing and communal complex




1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Center for Standardization and Standardization in Construction( FSUE CNS), JSC"TSNIIEPzhilishcha", MNIITEP, Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health. A.A.Sysina with the participation of the team of specialists from leading research and design organizations

SUPPLIED by the Department of Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED AND OPENED AS OF October 1, 2003 by Gosstroi Resolution No. 23.06.2003109

3 CONVERSION OF SNIP 2.08.01-89 *


In sections 4, 6 - 10 of these Regulations, requirements are given that are consistent with the objectives of technical regulations and are subject to mandatory compliance, taking into account Part 1 of Article 46 of the Federationof the Law on Technical Regulation.

Multi-apartment houses started by construction according to the design documentation developed and approved before January 1, 2004 can be built and put into operation without adjusting the design documentation in accordance with the requirements of these rules and regulations.

The work was carried out by the authors' team: FSUE CNS( candidates of technical sciences SN Nersesov, LS Exler), FTS Gosstroy of Russia( architect LA Viktorova, NN Polyakov);JSC "TsNIIEPzhilischa"( Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu. G. Granik);MIITITEP( candidates: architect SI Yakhkind, IS Genkina, LV Petrova, Ph. D.Yu. A. Matrosov);UPPIN Moscomarchitecture( architect AP Zobnin);Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health. A.A.Sysina( Prof., Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. D. Gubernsky, Candidate of Medical Science NV Kalinina);TC 209 "Lifts, construction lifts and escalators"( SM Roitburd);Management of the engineering of the Gosstroy of Russia( VA Glukharev).

SNiP 31-01-2003




Date of implementation 2003-10-01


1.1 These regulations apply to the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed multi-residential buildings up to 75 m high( hereinafter referred to in accordance with SNiP 21-011), apartment dormitories, as well as living quarters that are part of the premises of other functional buildings.

1 The height of the building is determined by the difference in the road surface marks for the fire trucks and the lower boundary of the opening opening( window) in the outer wall of the upper floor, including the attic. In this case, the upper technical floor is not taken into account.

The norms and rules do not apply: to blocked residential buildings designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-02, in which the premises belonging to different apartments do not overlap one another, and only walls between neighboring blocks are common, and also mobileresidential buildings.

The norms do not regulate the conditions for settling a building and the form of ownership of it, its apartments and individual premises.


Regulatory documents referred to in the text of these standards are given in Appendix A.

Exceptions to existing regulations that are referred to in these standards should be guided by the rules introduced to replace the excluded.


This document uses terms defined in Appendix B as well as other terms defined by the normative documents listed in Appendix A.


7.1.1 Fire safety of buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-01 to buildings of functional fire hazard F1.3 and the rules established in this document for specially stipulated cases, and in operation in accordance with PPB01.

7.1.2 The permissible height of the building and the area of ​​the floor within the fire compartment are determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

building fire degree

class structural fire hazard building

Maximum permissible height of the building, m

highest permissible area fire compartment floor, m2




































Not standardized





Note - The degree of fire resistance of a building with unheated extensions should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of the building.

7.1.3 Buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance are allowed to be built on one attic floor with load-bearing elements having a fire resistance rating of at least R 45 and fire hazard class K0, regardless of the height of buildings specified in Table 7.1, but not more than 75 mThe enclosing structures of this floor must meet the requirements for the structures of the superstructure.

When using wooden structures, constructive fire protection should be provided to ensure these requirements.

7.1.4 The fire resistance limit for R-constructions in gallery houses I, II and III degrees of fire resistance should correspond to the values ​​accepted for building overlaps and to have a fire hazard class K0.The constructions of galleries in buildings of IV degree of fire resistance must have a fire resistance limit of at least R 15 and fire hazard class K0.

7.1.5 In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, only constructive fire protection shall be used to ensure the required fire resistance of the load bearing elements of a building.

7.1.6 The load-carrying elements of two-storey buildings of IV degree fire resistance shall have a fire resistance rating of at least R 30.

7.1.7 In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, intersection walls and partitions, as well as walls and partitions separating non-apartment corridors from other premises, shall have a fire resistance limit of at least EI 45, in buildings of IV degree of fire resistance - not less than EI 15

In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, inter-apartment non-bearing walls and partitions shall have a fire resistance limit of at least EI 30 and fire hazard class K0, in buildings of IV degree of fire resistance - fire resistance rating not less than EI 15 and fire hazard class not lower than K1.

7.1.8 The fire hazard class and fire resistance limit of interroom, including cabinet, collapsible, with doorways and sliding partitions are not standardized.

7.1.9 Partitions between store rooms in the basement and basement floors of buildings of II degree fire resistance up to five floors inclusive, as well as in buildings of III and IV degrees of fire resistance can be designed with an unregulated fire resistance and fire hazard class. The partitions separating the technical corridor of the basement and basement floors from the rest of the premises must be fireproof type 1.

7.1.10 Technical, basement, basement floors and attics should be separated by fire barriers of the 1st type into compartments with an area of ​​no more than 500 m2 in non-sectional residential buildings, and in sectional houses - by sections.

In technical floors and attics, in the absence of combustible materials and structures in them, the limit of fire resistance of doors in fire barriers is not standardized. They can be performed from materials of the flammability groups G1 and G2 or in accordance with 7.20 SNiP 21-01.

7.1.11 Enclosures for loggias and balconies in buildings of three floors or more in height should be made of non-combustible materials.

Of non-combustible materials, it is also necessary to perform external sun protection in buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance with a height of 5 floors and more.

7.1.12 Public facilities should be separated from the premises of the residential part by type 1 fire barriers and type 3 ceilings without openings, in buildings of the 1st degree of fire resistance - overlapping of the 2nd type.

7.1.13 The collection chamber must have an independent entrance, isolated from the entrance to the building by a blind wall, and be separated by fire barriers and overlapping with fire resistance limits of at least REI 60 and fire hazard class K0.

7.1.14 Roofs, rafters and crates of attics are allowed to be made of combustible materials. In buildings with attics( with the exception of buildings of the V degree of fire resistance), rafters and crates of combustible materials are not allowed to use roofs made of combustible materials, and roof rafters and crates should be subjected to flame retardant treatment. With the structural protection of these structures, they should not contribute to the latent spread of combustion.

7.1.15 The bearing structures of the cover of the built-in part must have a fire resistance rating of at least R 45 and a fire hazard class K0.If there are windows in the residential building that are oriented towards the built-in part of the building, the level of the roof in the adjoining areas should not exceed the floor mark above the living quarters of the main part of the building. The insulation in the coating must be non-flammable.

7.1.16 In the arrangement of solid fuel storerooms in the basement or ground floors, they should be separated from other premises by deaf fire doors of type 1 and floors of the third type. The way out of these storerooms should be directly outside.


7.2.1. The largest distances from the apartment doors to the staircase or outwards should be taken from Table 7.2.

Table 7.2

Fire resistance level of the building

Class of constructional fire hazard of the building

Maximum distance from the apartment doors to the exit, m

when positioned between staircases or external entrances

when exiting the dead-end corridor or gallery




















C1, C2




Not standardized



In the section of the residential building when leaving the apartments in the corridor( hall) without a window opening with an area of ​​at least 1.2 m2 at the end, The distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly to the staircase or the exit to the vestibule leading to the air zone of an uncontaminated staircase should not exceed 12 m, in the presence of a window aperture or smoke removal in the corridor( hall), this distance may be accepted according to Table 7.2 asfor the deadlock corridor.

7.2.2 The width of the corridor should be, m, not less: with its length between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the staircase to 40 m - 1.4, over 40 m - 1.6, the gallery width - not less than 1.2 m. Corridors should be separated by partitions with doors with fire resistance EI 30, equipped with closures and located at a distance of not more than 30 m from each other and from the ends of the corridor.

7.2.3 It is allowed to provide glazed doors in staircases and elevator halls, while in buildings with a height of four floors or more - with reinforced glass.

7.2.4 The number of evacuation exits from the floor and the type of staircases should be taken in accordance with SNiP 21-01.

7.2.5 In residential buildings with a height of less than 28 m designed to be located in the IV climatic region and IIIB climatic subarea, the device of external open stairs of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance rating of at least R 60 is permissible in place of staircases.

7.2.6 In residential buildingscorridor( galleries) type with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor up to 500 m2 allowed to provide access to one staircase type H1 with a building height of more than 28 m or type L1 with a building height of less than 28 m with the condition that at the ends of corridors( galleries) nExits to external staircases of the third type leading up to the mark of the floor of the second floor are provided. When these stairwells are placed in the end of the building, a single staircase of the third type can be arranged in the opposite end of the corridor( gallery).

7.2.7 When existing buildings of up to 28 m in height are built with one floor, the existing staircase of type L1 can be preserved provided that the superstructure is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with 6.20 *, a), b) or c) SNiP 21-01.

7.2.8 For a total area of ​​apartments on the floor, and for sectional type buildings - on the floor of the section, more than 500 m2 evacuation must be carried out in at least two staircases( conventional or non-smoke-free).

In residential buildings with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor of the section( floor of a corridor, gallery house) from 500 to 550 m2, one evacuation exit from the apartments is allowed:

, with the height of the upper floor not more than 28 m - in a standard staircase,in the apartments by proximity fire alarm sensors;

, with the height of the upper floor above 28 m - in one non-smokeable staircase, provided all the premises of the apartments( except for bathrooms, bathrooms, showers and laundry rooms) are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors or automatic fire extinguishing.

7.2.9 For a multi-level apartment it is allowed not to provide access to the staircase from each floor, provided that the premises of the apartment are located no higher than 18 m and the floor of the apartment that does not have direct access to the staircase is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of 6.20 *a), b) or c) SNiP 21-01.An internal staircase is allowed to be made of wood.

7.2.10 Passage to the external air zone of the staircase type H1 is allowed through the elevator hall, with the installation of shafts of elevators and doors in them must be made in accordance with the requirements of 7.22 SNiP 21-01.

7.2.11 In buildings with a height of up to 50 m with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor of a section of up to 500 m2, the evacuation exit may be envisaged for a staircase of type Н2 or Н3 with a device in the building of one of the elevators providing transportation of fire departments and corresponding to the requirements of the airbase 250.This way, the exit to the staircase H2 must be provided through the tambour( or elevator hall), and the doors of the stairwell, elevator shafts, tambour sluices and tambours must be fireproof type 2.

7.2.12 In sectional houses with a height of more than 28 m, the outward exit from unheated staircases( type H1) may be arranged through the vestibule( if there are no exits to it from the parking lot and public facilities) separated from the adjacent corridors by type 1 fire barriersfire doors of the second type. In this case, the message of the staircase type H1 with the vestibule should be arranged through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the first floor with a metal grill. On the way from the apartment to the staircase H1 must be at least two( not counting the doors from the apartment) consistently located self-closing doors.

7.2.13 In a building with a height of three floors or more, outlets from the basement, basement floors and technical underground must be located no less than 100 m and should not communicate with the stairwells of the residential part of the building.

The exits from cellars and basement floors are allowed to be arranged through a stairwell of residential part in buildings up to 5 floors. These exits should be separated within the first floor from the exit from the residential part by fire barriers of the 1st type.

Exits from technical floors should be provided in accordance with 6.21 of SNiP 21-01.

Exits from technical floors located in the middle or upper part of the building can be carried out through common staircases, and in buildings with staircases H1 - through the air zone.

7.2.14 When installing emergency exits from attic floors to the roof in accordance with 6.20 * SNiP 21-01, it is necessary to provide platforms and transition bridges with fencing according to GOST 25772, leading to stairs of the third type and stairs P2.

7.2.15 Public facilities must have entrances and evacuation exits isolated from the residential part of the building.

When placing in the top floor of the workshops of artists and architects, as well as office premises, it is allowed to take staircases of the residential part of the building as the second evacuation exit, with the message of the floor with a staircase to be provided through a tambour with fire doors. The door in the vestibule, facing the stairwell, should be provided with opening only from the inside of the room.

It is allowed to install one evacuation exit from public facilities located in the first and basement floors with a total area not exceeding 300 m2 and the number of employees not exceeding 15 people.


BUILDING 7.3.1 Building smoke protection shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 41-01.In buildings with a height of more than 28 m with smoke-free staircases, smoke removal from the floor corridors should be provided through special mines with forced extraction and valves, arranged on each floor at the rate of one mine per 30 m of the length of the corridor. For each smoke box, an autonomous fan should be provided. Smoke exhaust chimneys should have a fire resistance rating of at least EI 60.

In elevator shafts in buildings with a height of more than 28 m, in case of fire, external air supply according to SNiP 41-01 should be provided.

7.3.2 Ventilation systems for the supply of air and smoke exhaust shall be located in separate ventilation chambers enclosed by type 1 fire barriers. Opening the valves and turning on the fans should be provided with automatic outlets installed in the hallways of apartments, in the out-of-door corridors or hallways, in the concierge offices, and remote from the buttons installed on each floor in the cabinets of the fire hydrants.

7.3.3 Protection of buildings by automatic fire alarm should be provided in accordance with NPB 110. If there is an automatic fire alarm in the building, smoke detectors should be installed in the concierge's office, in the out-of-door corridors and in the dust collecting chambers.

Thermal fire detectors installed in hall apartments of buildings with a height of more than 28 m should have a reaction temperature of not more than 52 ° C.

Residential premises of apartments and dormitories( except for bathrooms, bathrooms, showers, laundry rooms, saunas) should be equipped with self-contained smoke fire detectors that comply with the requirements of the airbags 66.

7.3.4 The fire alarm system must be complied with in accordance with the airbags 104.

7.3.5 Internal and in-apartment electrical networks must be equipped with residual current devices( RCDs) according to the PUE.

7.3.6 In the kitchens of residential buildings with a height of 11 floors or more, the installation of kitchen stoves with gas fuel is not permitted.7.3.7 In the absence of possibility or expediency of joining new and reconstructed apartment buildings to a centralized or autonomous heating system in apartments and public buildings, except for children's and medical institutions, it is allowed to provide for individual heat supply systems with natural gas heat generators with closed chamberscombustion.

For hot water systems it is allowed to use heat generators with an open combustion chamber in the apartments of residential buildings of the class C0, I, II and III of fire resistance degree of fire resistance and not more than 5 floors high.

7.3.8 Heat generators should be placed in a separate non-residential room, while the total heat output of heat generators should not exceed 100 kW.Installation of heat generators with a total heat output of up to 35 kW is allowed foreseen in kitchens.

The room for heat generators is not allowed to be placed in the basement. It should have a window with a glazing area at the rate of 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume, with a window or other special device for ventilation located at the top of the window. The volume of the room is determined on the basis of the conditions for the convenience of operation of heat generators and the production of installation works and be at least 15 m3.

The height of the room should be not less than 2.2 m. The dimensions of the room should provide a device of passages with a width of at least 0.7 m.

Heat generators should be installed:

- against walls or on walls made of non-combustible( NG) and hardly combustible( G1) materials;

- at a distance no closer than 3 cm from the walls of combustible materials coated with non-flammable( NG) or hardly combustible( G1) wall materials. The specified wall covering should extend beyond the dimensions of the heat generator housing by at least 10 cm.

The section of the floor under the floor heat generator must have a protective coating of non-flammable( NG) or difficult-to-fire( G1) materials and protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator housing by at least 10 cm.

7.3.9 Heat generators, cooking and heating furnaces operating on solid fuels may be provided in residential buildings up to two storeys inclusive( excluding basement floors).Storage of solid fuels should be placed in economic buildings.

7.3.10 Heat generators, including furnaces and fireplaces for solid fuels, cookers and chimneys must be made with the implementation of structural measures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01.Heat generators and cookers of factory manufacturing must be installed also taking into account the safety requirements contained in the instructions of manufacturers.

7.3.11 The dust collection chamber shall be protected throughout the area by sprinkler sprinklers. The section of the distributing pipeline of sprinklers should be circular, connected to the network of drinking water supply of the building and have a thermal insulation of non-combustible materials. The door of the chamber must be insulated.

7.3.12 In double-storey buildings V of fire resistance with a number of apartments of 4 and more, a dry-tube device should be provided in the stairwell with its output to the attic.

The dry pipe must have outlets that are equipped with valves and connecting heads for connecting mobile fire equipment, and in the attic there is a connecting head for connection of the fire hose.

In the distribution( introductory) electrical boards of these buildings, installation of self-extinguishing fire extinguishers should be provided.


CONSTRUCTIONS 6.1 The foundation and supporting structures of the building must be designed and constructed in such a way that during the construction and in the design operating conditions the possibility of: destruction of or damage to structures resulting in the need to stop the operation of the building;

inadmissible deterioration of the operational properties of structures or the building as a whole due to deformations or the formation of cracks.

6.2 Constructions and building bases should be designed for the perception of permanent loads from the weight of the bearing and enclosing structures;time uniformly distributed and concentrated loads on overlaps;snow and wind loads for this area of ​​construction. The normative values ​​of the listed loads, taking into account the unfavorable combinations of loads or the corresponding forces, the maximum values ​​of deflections and movements of structures, as well as the values ​​of the reliability coefficients for loads should be adopted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07.

Additional requirements of the customer-builder specified in the design task, for example, for the placement of fireplaces, heavy equipment of public facilities built into a residential building, should be taken into account;To fasten heavy elements of the equipment of an interior to walls and ceilings.

6.3 The methods used to design their load-carrying capacity and deformability used in the design of structures must meet the requirements of the current regulatory documents for structures from the relevant materials.

When placing buildings in the work area, on subsidence grounds, in seismic areas, as well as in other complex geological conditions, additional requirements of the relevant rules and regulations should be taken into account.

6.4 The foundations of the building should be designed taking into account the physico-mechanical characteristics of the soils provided for in SNiP 2.02.01, SNiP 2.02.03( for permafrost soils - in SNiP 2.02.04), the hydrogeological regime at the construction site, and the degree of soil aggressivenessand underground waters in relation to the foundations and underground engineering networks and must ensure the necessary uniformity of the sedimentation of the bases under the building elements.

6.5 When calculating a building with a height of more than 40 m for a wind load, in addition to the strength and stability conditions of the building and its individual structural elements, limitations on the parameters of the overlap of the upper floors due to the comfort requirements of accommodation should be provided.

6.6 In case of additional loads and impacts on the remaining part of the residential building occurring during the reconstruction, its load-bearing and enclosing structures, as well as the foundation grounds, shall be checked for these loads and impacts in accordance with the applicable standards, regardless of physical deterioration of the structures.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the actual bearing capacity of the foundation soils as a result of their change during the operation period, as well as the increase in strength of concrete in concrete and reinforced concrete structures over time.

6.7 When reconstructing a residential building, it is necessary to take into account changes in its design that occurred during the operation of this building( including the appearance of new openings additional to the original design decision, as well as the effect of the repair of structures or their reinforcement).

6.8 When reconstructing residential buildings with a change in the location of sanitary facilities, appropriate additional measures for hydro, noise and vibration isolation should be carried out, and also, if necessary, reinforcement of the floors, where installation of equipment of these sanitary units is envisaged.


8.1 The residential building must be designed, constructed and equipped in such a way as to prevent the risk of injury to the occupants during movement inside and around the house, at the entrance and exit from the house, as well as when using its elements and engineering equipment.

8.2. The slope and width of staircases and ramps, the height of the steps, the width of the steps, the width of the staircases, the height of the stairs, the basement, the attic, and the dimensions of the doorways should ensure the convenience and safety of movement and the ability to move items of equipment in the respective rooms of apartments andbuilt in the building of public premises.

The minimum width and maximum slope of stair flights should be taken in accordance with Table 8.1.

Table 8.1

Name of the march

Minimum width, m

Maximum slope

Staircase marches leading to residential floors of buildings:




1: 1,5

three-story or more





1: 1,75

Marching stairs leading to basement and basement floors, as well as intra-apartment stairs


1: 1,25

Note - The width of the march should be determined by the distance between the railsor between a wall and a fence.

The height of the differences in the floor level of the different rooms and spaces in the building must be safe. Where necessary, railings and ramps should be provided. The number of lifts in one ladder march or on the level difference should be at least 3 and not more than 18. The use of stairs with different heights and depth of steps is not allowed. In the two-level apartments, the staircases inside the apartment are allowed in screw or staggered steps, the width of the tread in the middle must be at least 18 cm.

8.3. The height of the enclosures of staircases, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in hazardous areas should be at least 1,2Stair flights and platforms should have fences with handrails.

The fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to absorb horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN / m.

8.4 Constructive solutions of the elements of the house( including the location of voids, methods of sealing the pipelines through structures, the arrangement of ventilation openings, the placement of thermal insulation, etc.) should provide protection from rodent penetration.

8.5 Building engineering systems must be designed and assembled in accordance with the safety requirements contained in regulatory documents of state supervision bodies and instructions of manufacturers' equipment manufacturers.

8.6 Engineering equipment and instruments for possible seismic actions should be securely fixed.

8.7 A fireplace is allowed to be designed in an apartment on the top floor of a residential building, at any level of a multi-level apartment, placed last in height in the house.

8.8 In the residential building and in the local area, measures should be envisaged to reduce the risks of criminal manifestations and their consequences that contribute to the protection of people living in a residential building and to minimize possible damage in the event of unlawful actions. These measures are set in the design task in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of local government and may include the use of explosion-proof structures, installation of intercoms, code locks, security alarm systems, protective structures of window openings in the first, basement and upper floors, in the pit of the cellars, andalso entrance doors leading to the basement, attic and, if necessary, to other rooms.

General security systems( television monitoring, burglar alarms, etc.) should provide protection of fire fighting equipment against unauthorized access and vandalism.

Activities aimed at reducing the risks of criminal manifestations should be supplemented at the operational stage.

8.9 In separate residential buildings, determined by the scheme of placement of civil defense structures, it is necessary to design double-purpose premises in accordance with the instructions of SNiP II-11.

8.10 Lightning protection is designed in accordance with the requirements of RD 34.21.122.

8.11 On exploited roofs of residential buildings( except for residential buildings with public facilities on the upper floors), roofs of built-in public buildings, as well as in the entrance zone, summer non-residential premises, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including openNon-residential floors( first and intermediate), used for the construction of sports grounds for rest of adult residents of the house, areas for drying clothes and cleaning clothes or a solarium, the necessary measures should be provided(installation of fences and measures for the protection of ventilation releases).

8.12 In the design of saunas in apartments should provide:

- volume of steam - no more than 24 m3;

- a special prefabricated furnace for heating with automatic shut-off when temperature reaches 130 ° C, and also after 8 hours of continuous operation;

- placing this furnace at a distance of at least 0.2 m from the walls of a steam oven;

- the device above the furnace of a fireproof heat-insulating shield;

- ventilation duct equipment with a fire retardant valve in accordance with SNiP 41-01.

8.13 The switchboard room for headends, cable TV centers, sound transformer substations( ZTP), as well as places for telephone switchboards( SHRT) should not be placed under wet rooms( bathrooms, bathrooms andother).

8.14 Premises of HS, TC, ZTP must have inputs directly from the street;room electrical switchboard( including for communication equipment, ASUE, dispatching and television) must have an entrance directly from the street or from the floor-to-street corridor( hall);The approach should be also from the indicated corridor.


9.1 In the design and construction of residential buildings in accordance with these rules and regulations, measures should be provided to ensure compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological and environmental requirements for protecting human health and the environment( SanPiN and others.).

9.2. The calculated air parameters in the premises of a residential house should be taken according to the optimum standards of GOST 30494. The air exchange rate in rooms should be taken in accordance with Table 9.1.

Table 9.1


Multiplicity or air exchange value, m3 per hour, not less than

in idle mode

in maintenance mode

Bedroom, common, children's room



Library, cabinet


0, 5

Pantry, laundry room, dressing room



Gym, billiard room


80 m3

Laundry, ironing and drying room


90 m3

Kitchen with electric stove


60 m3

Room with gas-using equipment


1,0 + 100 m3 per plate

Room with heat generators and solid fuel furnaces


1,0 + 100 m3 per plate

Bathroom, shower room, toilet, combined bathroom


25 m3



10 m3 per person

Machine elevator department


By calculation

Parking place


By calculation

Waste chamber



The air exchange rate in all ventilated rooms not listed in the table, in non-operating mode should be at least 0.2 volume of the roomhours per hour.

9.3 At teplotehnicheskoe calculation of protecting designs of inhabited buildings it is necessary to take temperature of an internal air of heated premises not less than 20 ° С.

9.4 The system of heating and ventilation of the building should be designed to provide indoor air temperature within the heating period within the optimal parameters set in GOST 30494, with estimated outside air parameters for the relevant construction areas.

With the air conditioning system, the optimum parameters should be ensured even during the warm season.

In buildings erected in areas with a design outside air temperature minus 40 ° C or lower, the floor surface of living quarters and kitchens, as well as public facilities with a permanent residence of people above the cold underground should be heated, or thermal protection should be provided in accordance withwith the requirements of SNiP 23-02.

9.5 The ventilation system must maintain the cleanliness( quality) of the air in the rooms and the uniformity of its distribution.

Ventilation can be:

- with natural inflow and removal of air;

- with mechanical motivation for inflow and outflow of air, including combined with air heating;

- combined with natural inflow and air removal with partial use of mechanical motivation.

9.6 In residential areas and kitchens, airflow is provided through adjustable window sashes, transoms, window vents, valves or other devices, including self-contained wall air valves with adjustable opening. If necessary, the apartments designed for III and IV climatic regions should be additionally provided with a through or corner ventilation.

9.7 The removal of air should be provided from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other premises of apartments, and provision should be made for the installation of adjustable ventilation grilles and valves on the exhaust ducts and air ducts.

Air from rooms in which harmful substances or unpleasant odors can be released must be removed directly outside and do not enter other areas of the building, including through ventilation ducts.

The combination of ventilation ducts from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms( showers), combined bathrooms, storerooms for products with ventilation ducts from rooms with gas appliances and car parks is not allowed.

9.8 Ventilation of built-in public facilities, other than those specified in 4.14, should be autonomous.

9.9 In buildings with a warm attic, the removal of air from the attic should be provided through one exhaust shaft for each section of the house with a shaft height of at least 4.5 m from the ceiling above the last floor.

9.10 In the exterior walls of cellars, technical sub-floors and a cold attic without exhaust ventilation, there should be provisions for a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the floor area of ​​the technical underground or basement, evenly distributed around the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​one blowout must be at least 0.05 m2.

9.11 The duration of insolation of apartments( premises) of an apartment building should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 /

The standardized duration of insolation must be ensured: in one-, two- and three-room apartments - at least in one living room;in four-room apartments and more - in at least two living rooms.

9.12 Natural lighting should have living rooms and kitchens, public facilities built into residential buildings, except for premises that are allowed in the basement floors in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02.

9.13 The ratio of the area of ​​light apertures to the floor area of ​​living quarters and kitchen should be taken no more than 1: 5,5 and not less than 1: 8;for upper floors with light apertures in the plane of inclined enclosing structures - no less than 1:10 taking into account the lighting characteristics of windows and shading with opposing buildings.

9.14 Natural lighting is not standardized for premises located under the mezzanine in double-light rooms;laundry rooms, storerooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms, lavatories, combined sanitary units;front and inner corridors and halls;apartment tambours, floor-to-door corridors, hallways and halls.

9.15 Normalized indices of natural and artificial illumination of various rooms should be installed in accordance with SNiP 23-05.Illumination at the entrance to the building must be at least 6 lux for horizontal surfaces and at least 10 lux for vertical( up to 2 m) surfaces.

9.16 When illuminated through light apertures in the outer walls of common corridors, their length should not exceed: in the presence of a light opening in one end - 24 m, at two ends - 48 m. With longer corridors, it is necessary to provide additional natural lighting through light pockets. The distance between two light pockets should not be more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and the light opening at the end of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket, which can serve as a staircase, should be at least 1.5 m.a pocket is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides of it.

9.17 In buildings designed for construction in III climatic region, lightways in living rooms and kitchens, and in IVa climatic subarea also in loggias, should be equipped with external adjustable sun protection within the sector 200 - 290 °.In two-story buildings, sunscreen is allowed to provide means of landscaping.

9.18 Exterior building envelope should have thermal insulation, insulation from penetration of outside cold air and vapor barrier from diffusion of water vapor from the premises, ensuring:

- required temperature and no condensation of moisture on the internal surfaces of structures inside the premises;

- prevention of accumulation of excessive moisture in structures.

The difference between the temperatures of the internal air and the surface of the external wall structures at the design temperature of the internal air must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-02.

9.19 In I-III climatic regions, with all external entrances to residential buildings, tambours not less than 1.5 m in depth should be provided.

Double vestibules at entrances to residential buildings should be designed according to the number of storeys of buildings and the area of ​​their construction according to Table 9.2.

Table 9.2

Average temperature of the coldest five-day period, ° C

Double vestibule in buildings with number of floors

Minus 20 and above

16 or more

Below minus 20 to minus 25 inclusive.

12 »»

»» 25 »» 35 »

10» »

» »35» »40»

4 »»

»» 40

1 »»


1 At the direct entrance to the apartment a double vestibule should be designed whenunheated staircase.

2 A veranda can be used as a tambour.

9.20 The premises of the building must be protected from penetration of rain, thawed and groundwater and possible domestic water leakage from engineering systems by constructive means and technical devices.

9.21 Roofs should be designed, as a rule, with an organized drainage system. It is allowed to provide an unorganized drainage system from the roofs of 2-storey buildings, provided that the visors are installed above the entrances and the blind area.

9.22 It is not allowed to place a toilet and a bathroom( or a shower) directly above the living rooms and kitchens. Placement of the lavatory and the bathroom( or shower) in the upper level above the kitchen is allowed in the apartments located in two levels.

9.23 When using new materials and products in construction, the latter must have a hygienic certificate issued by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

9.24 In the construction of buildings in areas where, according to engineering and environmental surveys, there are soil gas releases( radon, methane, etc.), measures should be taken to isolate the floors and basement walls touching the ground in order to prevent penetration of soil gas from the soil intobuilding, and other measures to reduce its concentration in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sanitary standards.

9.25 Sound insulation of external and internal enclosing structures of living quarters should provide a reduction of sound pressure from external sources of noise, as well as from shock and noise of equipment of engineering systems, air ducts and pipelines to a level not exceeding that permitted by SNiP 23-03.

The inter-apartment walls and partitions must have an air-noise insulation index of at least 50 dB.

9.26 Noise levels from engineering equipment and other indoor noise sources should not exceed the specified permissible levels and not more than 2 dBA exceed the background values ​​determined with the in-house noise source idle, both day and night.

9.27 To ensure an acceptable level of noise, sanitary devices and pipelines should not be fastened directly to the inter-apartment walls and partitions enclosing the living rooms, the machine room and elevator shafts, the garbage collection chamber, the trunk of the muscovel and the device for cleaning it and washing it above the inhabitedrooms, under them, and also adjacent to them.

9.28 Supplying the house with drinking water should be provided from the centralized water supply network of the settlement. In areas without centralized engineering networks for one- and two-storey buildings it is allowed to provide individual and collective sources of water supply from underground aquifers or from reservoirs from the calculation of daily consumption of domestic and drinking water not less than 60 liters per person. In areas with limited water resources, the estimated daily water discharge may be reduced in agreement with local bodies of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

9.29 For sewage disposal, a sewerage system - centralized or localized - must be provided in accordance with the rules established in SNiP 2.04.01.

Wastewater must be disposed of without contamination of land and aquifers.

9.30 Devices for the collection and disposal of solid domestic waste and waste from the operation of public buildings built into the residential building, including garbage chutes, must be carried out in accordance with the rules for the use of housing stock, adopted by local authorities.

9.31 The refuse chute must be equipped with a device for periodic washing, cleaning, disinfection and automatic fire fighting of the barrel in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 4690.

The trunk of the garbage chute must be airtight, soundproof from building structures and not adjacent to living quarters.


7.4.1 Throughpasses in buildings should be taken to be at least 3.5 m wide, not less than 4.25 m high for buildings up to 50 m high and at least 4.5 m high -for buildings with a height of more than 50 m. Throughpasses through staircases of buildings should be located at a distance of one to the other not more than 100 m.

It is allowed not to pass through passages through staircases when constructing water networks with the installation of fire hydrants on two opposite sides of the building.

7.4.2 In each compartment of the basement or basement with fire protection barriers, at least two windows measuring at least 0.9'1.2 m with pits should be provided. The free area of ​​these windows should be taken as calculated, but not less than 0.2% of the floor area of ​​these premises. The dimensions of the pit should allow the delivery of the extinguishing agent from the foam generator and the removal of smoke by a smoke exhauster( the distance from the wall of the building to the boundary of the pit should be at least 0.7 m).

7.4.3. In the transverse walls of basements and technical sub-floors of large-panel buildings, openings of a height of 1.6 m are allowed. At the same time, the threshold height should not exceed 0.3 m.

7.4.4 The fire-fighting water pipe must be constructed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01 andSNiP 2.04.02.

In buildings with a height of up to 50 m, instead of the internal fire-fighting water pipe, it is possible to provide for the arrangement of dry pipes with outlets with valves and connecting heads for connecting fire trucks. Connecting heads should be placed on the facade in a place convenient for installing at least two fire engines at an altitude of 0.8 - 1.2 m.

7.4.5. On the utility water supply network, each apartment should be provided with a separate tap for connecting a hose equipped withspray, to use it as a primary device of intra-apartment firefighting to eliminate the source of fire. The length of the hose should provide the ability to supply water to any point of the apartment.

7.4.6 In residential buildings with a height of more than 50 m, one of the elevators shall provide transportation of fire departments and comply with the requirements of the airbags 250.


11.1 The building should be designed and constructed in such a way that when the established requirements to the internal microclimate of premises and other living conditions are met, efficient and economical use of energy resources during its operation is ensured.

11.2 Compliance with the requirements of energy conservation standards is assessed by the thermal characteristics of the enclosing building structures and engineering systems or by the integrated indicator of the specific heat consumption for heating and ventilation of the building.

11.3 When assessing the energy efficiency of a building in accordance with the thermal characteristics of its building structures and engineering systems, the requirements of these standards are considered fulfilled under the following conditions:

1) reduced resistance to heat transfer and air permeability of enclosing structures not lower than required by SNiP 23-02;

2) heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems have automatic or manual control;

3) the building's engineering systems are equipped with heat energy, cold and hot water, electricity and gas meters with centralized supply.

11.4 When assessing the energy efficiency of a building based on a complex indicator of the specific energy consumption for its heating and ventilation, the requirements of these standards are considered fulfilled if the calculated value of the specific energy consumption for maintaining the rated parameters of the microclimate and air quality in the building does not exceed the maximum permissible standard value. The third condition must be satisfied. 11.3.

11.5 In order to achieve optimal technical and economic characteristics of the building and further reduce the specific energy consumption for heating, it is recommended to provide:

- the most compact volume-planning solution of the building;

- the orientation of the building and its premises in relation to the countries of the world, taking into account the prevailing cold wind and solar radiation streams;

- application of effective engineering equipment of the appropriate nomenclature series with increased efficiency;

- utilization of heat from exhaust air and sewage, use of renewable energy sources( solar, wind, etc.).

If, as a result of these measures, conditions 11.4 are provided with lower values ​​of resistance to the heat transfer of the enclosing structures than required by SNiP 23-02, then the resistance to heat transfer of walls may be reduced in comparison with the established norms.

The thermal characteristics of the building and the energy efficiency class are added to the energy certificate of the building and subsequently refined by the results of operation and taking into account the energy saving measures implemented.

11.6 In order to monitor the energy efficiency of the building according to the normative indices, the project documentation should contain the section "Energy Efficiency".This section should contain the energy certificate of the building in accordance with SNiP 23-02, information on the assignment of the energy efficiency class of the building, the conclusion on the compliance of the building project with the requirements of these standards and recommendations for improving energy efficiency in case of the need for finalizing the project.



SNiP 2.01.07-85 * Loads and impacts

SNiP 2.02.01-83 * Foundations of buildings and structures

SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations

SNiP 2.02.04-88 Foundations and foundations for ever-frozensoils

SNiP 2.03.11-85 Protection of building structures against corrosion

SNiP 2.04.01-85 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.04.02-84 * Water supply. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.07.01-89 * Urban planning. Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements

SNiP 2.08.02-89 * Public buildings and structures

SNiP II-7-81 * Construction in seismic regions

SNiP II-11-77 * Civil defense protection structures

SNiP 20-01-2003Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions

SNiP 21-01-97 * Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNiP 21-02-99 * Parking of vehicles

SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings

SNIP 23-03-2003 Protection against noise



1 Building, site

1.1 Residential building multi-unit, including:

Residential building in which apartments have common non-residential premises and engineering systems

1.1a Residential building section type

Building consisting of one or more sections,separated from each other by walls without openings, with apartments of one section that have access to one staircase directly or through the corridor

1.1b Residential building of gallery type

A building in which all the apartments of the floor have exits through a common gallery of at least two staircases

1.1 to a residential corridor-type building

A building in which all the floor apartments have exits through a common corridor for at least two stairs

1.1g Blocked residential building

A building consisting of two apartments andmore, each of which has a direct access to the near-land plot

. Note - In this document - in addition to blocking residential buildings consisting of self-contained residential blocks designed by SNIP 31-02

1.2 Land plot

Land plot,(apartment) with direct access to it

2 Floors

2.1 Floor above ground

Floor with floor marking not below ground level

2.2 Floor underground

Floor with a floor mark below the ground level marking for the entire height of the premises

2.3First floor

Lower elevated floor of the building

2.4 Ground floor

Floor with a floor mark below ground level to a height of not more than half of the height of the premises

2.5 Basement floor

Floor from Abovefloor space below ground level of more than half the height of the premises or the first underground floor

2.6 Floor attic

Floor in the attic space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the surface of sloping, broken or curved roofs

2.7 Technical floor

Floor for storageengineering equipment of the building and the laying of communications, can be located in the lower part of the building( technical underground), the upper( technical attic) or between the above-ground floors. The interstorey space of 1.8 m height and less used for communication laying is not on the floor,

2.8 Land check mark

Ground level at the land border and blind area of ​​the building

3 Premises, platforms

3.1 Balcony

A fenced platform protruding from the plane of the facade wall. Can be glazed

3.2 Veranda

Glazed unheated room attached to the building or embedded in it, not limited in depth

3.3 Loggia

Built-in or attached, open to the outside, enclosed on three sides by walls( from two - with angular arrangement) a room with a depth limited by the requirements of natural illumination of the room to the external wall of which it adjoins. Can be glazed

3.4 Terrace

An enclosed outdoor area attached to the building, or located on the roof of the lower floor. Can have a roof and exit from the adjoining rooms of the house

3.5 Elevator hall

Premises in front of the entrance to the elevators

3.6 Tambour

A space between the doors to protect against the penetration of cold air, smoke and odors when entering the building, staircase or other premises

3.7 Light pocket

A room with natural light, adjacent to the corridor and serving to illuminate it. The role of the light pocket can be performed by a stairwell separated from the corridor by a glazed door with a width of at least 1.2 m.

3.8 Underground

According to SNiP 31-02

3.9 Underground ventilated

Open space below the building between the ground surface and overlap of the first above-ground floor

3.10 Attic

The space between the ceiling of the upper floor, the covering of the building( roof) and the outer walls located above the top floor overlap

3.11 Economic pantry( outside the apartment)

The room is intendedfor the storage of objects, equipment, vegetables, etc., except for explosive substances and materials located in the first, basement or basement floors of the residential building

3.12 Parking

According to SNIP 31-02

3.13 Entresol

Space in the volumedouble-light room with an area not exceeding 40% of the floor area of ​​a double-light room or an inner area of ​​an apartment located within a storey with a height above that having an area of ​​not more than 40% of the area in which it is built.

3.14 Premisespublic purpose

In this document - premises intended for carrying out in them activities for servicing the residents of the house, residents of the adjacent residential area, and others authorized for placement in residential buildings by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority

SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting

SNiP 31-02-2001 Residential apartment buildings

SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for low-mobile groups

SNIP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

GOST 25772-83 Enclosures for stairs, balconies and roofs are steel. General specifications

GOST 30494-96 Residential and public buildings. Microclimate parameters in the premises

GOST R 51631-2000 Passenger elevators. Technical requirements for accessibility for people with disabilities

POE Electrical installation rules

NPB 66-97 Independent fire detectors. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 104-03 Warning and evacuation control systems for people in fires in buildings and structures

NPB 110-03 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire alarm

Airbag 250-97 Elevators for transportationfire departments in buildings and structures. General technical requirements

PPB 01-03 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation

RD 34.21.122-87 Instruction for lightning protection of buildings and structures

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises

SanPiN 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises of residential and public buildings and territories

SanPiN 4690-88 Sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas

Instruction on the registration of housing stock in the Russian Federation





B.1 The area of ​​residential buildings should be determined by their dimensions, measured between the finished walls and partitions at floor levelskirting boards).

The area occupied by the stove, including the stove with a fireplace, which is part of the building's heating system, and not decorative, does not include space in the premises.

B.2. The area of ​​open spaces( balconies, loggias, terraces) should be determined by their dimensions, measured along the inner contour( between the building wall and the fence) of the open space without taking into account the area occupied by the fence.

В.3 The area of ​​public premises allocated in the volume of a residential building is counted according to the rules established in SNIP 2.08.02.

B.4 The building's building area is defined as the horizontal sectional area along the exterior of the building at the base level, including the projecting parts. The area under the building located on the supports, as well as the driveways under it are included in the building area.

B.5 When determining the number of storeys of a building, all above-ground floors include all the above-ground floors, including the technical floor, the attic floor, and also the basement floor, if the top of its overlap is at least 2 m above the average landmark.

Undergroundthe building regardless of its height, as well as the interstorey space with a height of less than 1.8 m in the number of above-ground floors are not included.

With different number of floors in different parts of the building, as well as when the building is located on a sloping site, when the number of floors increases due to the slope, the number of floors is determined separately for each part of the building.

In determining the number of storeys for calculating the number of elevators, the technical floor above the top floor is not taken into account.


1 The area of ​​the apartment and other technical indicators counted for the purposes of statistical accounting and technical inventory are determined according to the rules established in the "Instruction on the recording of housing stock in the Russian Federation".

2 The rules for determining the area of ​​a residential building, its number of storeys and the construction volume, which are not technical indicators, are transferred to the Code of Practice for Architectural and Planning Solutions for Residential Buildings.



Number of floors of the building

Number of elevators

Carrying capacity, kg

Speed, m / s

Maximum floor area of ​​apartments, m2

Up to 9


630 or 1000



10 - 12



630 or 1000



13 - 17



630 or 1000



18 - 19



630 or 1000



20 - 25



630 or 1000

630 or 1000



20 - 25




630 or 1000

630 or 1000

1, 6



1 Lifts with a lifting capacity of 630 or 1000 kg must have a cabin size min 2100'1100 mm.

2 The table is made up of: 18 m2 of the total area of ​​the apartment per person, the height of the floor is 2.8 m, the interval of movement of elevators is 81 - 100 s.

3 In residential buildings in which the values ​​of the floor area of ​​the apartments, the height of the floor and the total area of ​​the apartment per resident, are different from those taken in the table. The number, carrying capacity and speed of passenger elevators are established by calculation.

4 In residential buildings with multi-level apartments located on the upper floors, a stop of passenger elevators may be provided for on one of the apartment floors. In this case, the number of floors in the building for calculating the number of elevators is determined by the floor of the upper stop.

Keywords: multi-apartment residential buildings, number of storeys, passenger elevators, first, basement, basement, attic floors, fire safety


10.1 Subject to the established rules, the load-bearing structures of a building shall maintain their properties in accordance with the requirements of these rules and regulations during the expected service life that can be set in the design assignment.

10.2 The building supporting structures, which determine its strength and stability, as well as the service life of the building as a whole, should maintain their properties within the permissible limits, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 20-01 and building codes for building structures from the corresponding materials.

10.3 Elements, parts, equipment with service life less than the expected service life of the building shall be replaced in accordance with the inter-repair periods specified in the project and subject to the requirements of the design task. The decision on the use of less or more durable elements, materials or equipment with a corresponding increase or decrease in between-repair periods is established by technical and economic calculations.

In this case, the materials, construction and technology of construction work should be chosen in view of ensuring minimum subsequent costs for repairs, maintenance and operation.

10.4 Structures and components must be made of materials that are resistant to possible effects of moisture, low temperatures, corrosive environment, biological and other unfavorable factors in accordance with SNiP 2.03.11.

Where appropriate, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the penetration of rain, thawed, groundwater into the thickness of the bearing and enclosing structures of the building, as well as the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensation moisture in the outer enclosing structures by sufficiently sealing the structures or the ventilation device of enclosed spaces and air layers. The necessary protective compositions and coatings must be used in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

10.5 Butt joints of prefabricated elements and layered structures should be designed for the perception of temperature and humidity deformations and forces arising from uneven base deposits and other operating impacts. Sealing and sealing materials used in joints should retain their elastic and adhesive properties when exposed to negative temperatures and moisture, and also be resistant to ultraviolet rays. Sealing materials must be compatible with the materials of protective and protective-decorative coatings of structures in the areas of their interfacing.

10.6 Access to the equipment, fixtures and appliances of the building's engineering systems and their connections for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement should be provided.

The equipment and pipelines must be fixed to the building's building structures in such a way that their performance is not disturbed by possible movements of the structures.

10.7 When constructing buildings in areas with complex geological conditions that are prone to seismic impacts, underwork, subsidence and other ground movements, including frost heaving, the engineering communications inputs must be carried out taking into account the need to compensate for possible deformations of the foundation in accordance with the requirements specified in the regulatory documents fordifferent engineering networks.

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