SNIP 21-01-97 * - Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNIP 21-01-97 * - Fire safety of buildings and structures

System of normative documents in construction



SNIP 21-01-97 *



1 DEVELOPEDThe State Central Scientific Research and Design Institute of Complex Problems of Building Structures and Structures them. V.A.Kucherenko( TsNIISK named after Kucherenko), the Center for Fire Resistance Studies and Thermal Protection in the Construction of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Scientific and Technical Information( TsITITS TsNIISK), the Central Research and Design Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures( TsNIIPromzdaniy) and the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute(VNIIPO) with the participation of the territorial agencies of the State Fire Supervision Service of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

2 SUPPORTED by the Russian Ministry of Construction Management

3 ACCEPTED AND ENTRY INTO ACTION from 1 January1998 by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of 13.02.97 No. 18-7

4 RESTORATION OF SNIP 2.01.02-85 *

5 These building codes represent an authentic text of the Interstate Building Norms SIT 2.02-01-97 "Fire SafetyBuildings and Structures »

of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation
of February 13, 1997 No. 18-7

On the Adoption of State Building Code and Regulations
" Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures "

1. Accept and put in force on January 1, 1998yearsnnye building code SNIP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures" designed TSNIISK.Kucherenko SSC "Construction" and "Center for Fire Prevention Studies and Thermal Protection in Construction CNIISK" and contributed by the Office of Technology Ministry of Construction of Russia.

2. To recognize as invalid from January 1, 1998 in the territory of the Russian Federation SNiP 2.01.02-85 * "Fire regulations".

To establish that the provisions of SNiP 2.01.02-85 *, which are based on the requirements of building codes and rules for the design of buildings and structures for various purposes and engineering systems, continue to operate until the revision of building standards for these buildings and structures.

Minister E.V.Basin

In SNiP 21-01-97 * Amendments No. 1 and No. 2, adopted by the resolutions of Gosstroy of Russia dated June 3, 1999 No. 41 and dated July 19, 2002 No. 90 and amended as of July 1, 1999 andJuly 1, 2002, respectively.


These norms and rules are developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 10-01, recommendations of international organizations on standardization and standardization and are the basic document of complex 21 "Fire safety" of the System of normative documents in construction.

The main differences between this complex and these rules and regulations from SNiP 2.01.02-85 * "Fire regulations" and related documents for fire safety in construction are:

priority of requirements aimed at ensuring people's safety in case of fire, in comparison withother fire prevention requirements;

Applicability of fire protection requirements to protection objects at the design, construction and operation stages, including reconstruction, repair and modification of functional purpose;

description of the main requirements for fire protection of buildings and structures in the form of the objectives of this protection;

maximum possible reduction of descriptive requirements for means and methods of ensuring fire safety;

significant development of the classification basis of fire protection for more objective and differentiated accounting of the functional purpose of buildings and structures, the reactions of people in them, as well as the structures and materials from which they are built, to the occurrence and development of a fire and to widen the variance and increase the adequacy of the choice of meansand methods of fire protection to the threat of fire.

In these standards, fire safety requirements are listed, subject to mandatory compliance;in cases where the possibility of derogation from any claim is assumed, it is stated with the reservation "as a rule" and with the conditions under which derogations are allowed.

The tried and tested means and methods of fire protection requirements given in these standards are set out in the currently developed codes of practice, primarily in SP 21-101 "Ensuring the safety of people" and in SP 21-102 "Preventing the spread of fire."

The renewal of the system of normative documents in construction does not take place simultaneously. Many of the current SNiP and other regulatory documents contain fire regulations and rules based on the provisions of SNiP 2.01.02.Therefore, when these rules are enacted, it is established that the provisions of SNiP 2.01.02, on which the requirements of building codes and rules for specific types of construction products are based - buildings, structures, engineering systems, structures and materials, continue to operate until the revision of these building codes andrules.

During the transition period technical specifications for these types of construction products can simultaneously include fire and technical characteristics, regulated by both SNiP 2.01.02 and these standards.

The possibility of using the documents of the complex 21 and these standards for those types of products, the norms for which were introduced earlier, is not ruled out. At the same time, it must be taken into account that both the fire protection system of buildings and structures based on the provisions of these standards and the system based on the provisions of SNiP 2.01.02 should be applied in a comprehensive manner for the facility as a whole, and not for its individual parts or individual facilities andways of protection.

It should also be noted that the introduction of new standards for methods for determining fire and technical indicators of construction products in most cases allows competent( accredited in the GOST R Certification System) organizations to establish these indicators in accordance with the classification adopted in SNiP 2.01.02.

These standards are developed by CNIISK them. Kucherenko( responsible executive, the head of the theme of Candidate of Technical Science VN Zigern-Korn), VNIIPO( responsible executive of the Doctor of Technical Sciences IS Molchadsky), TsNIIpromzdany( responsible executive of the candidate of technical sciences TEStorozhenko), TsPITZS TsNIISK( responsible executive of Candidate of Technical Sciences M.Ya. Roitman) under the direction of the Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification Department of the Ministry of Construction of Russia( GMKhorin, NN Polyakov) and the Main Directorate of the State Fire ServiceMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia( EE Kiryukhantsev, YM Kondrashin, VE Tatarov).




Date of introduction 1998-01-01


1.1 These norms and rules establish general fire protection requirements for premises, buildings and other building structures( hereinafter referred to as buildings) at all stages of their creation and operation, as well as fire classification of buildings, their elements and parts,building structures and materials.

1.2 Sections 6, 7 and 8 do not apply to special purpose buildings( for the production and storage of explosives and explosive devices, military equipment, underground structures of subways, mine workings).

1.3 Normative and technical documentation for buildings, building structures, products and materials shall contain their fire-technical characteristics, regulated by these standards.

1.4 * Fire standards and requirements of the regulatory documents system in construction should be based on the requirements of these standards.

In addition to these standards, the fire protection requirements set out in other regulatory documents approved in accordance with the established procedure should be observed. These normative documents may contain additions, clarifications and changes to the provisions of these standards that take into account the features of the functional purpose and the specific fire protection of certain types of buildings, premises and engineering systems.

1.5 * For buildings that are not subject to fire safety standards, as well as for buildings with a functional fire hazard class F1.3 with a height of more than 75 m *, buildings of other classes of functional fire danger with a height of more than 50 m and buildings with a number of underground floors of more than one, andfor particularly complex and unique buildings, in addition to complying with the requirements of these standards, technical conditions that reflect the specifics of their fire protection, including a set of additional engineering, technical and organizational measures. The specified technical conditions must be agreed with the management body of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and with Gosstroy of Russia and approved by the customer.


* Hereinafter, except for specially specified cases, the height of the building is determined by the height of the location of the upper floor, not including the upper technical floor, and the height of the floor is determined by the difference in the road surface marks for fire engines and the lower boundary of the opening opening( window) in the outer wall.

1.6 * Permission to deviate from fire safety requirements of building codes and regulations for specific facilities in justified cases is made by the State Construction Committee of Russia in the presence of measures that compensate for these deviations agreed upon by the management of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

1.7 * When changing the functional purpose of existing buildings or individual premises in them, as well as when changing volume planning and constructive decisions, the applicable regulatory documents should be applied in accordance with the new designation of these buildings or premises.

The need to bring existing buildings in line with these standards is determined by 8.5 SNiP 10-01.


These standards refer to the following normative documents:

SNiP 10-01-94 System of normative documents in construction. General provisions

SNiP 2.01.02-85 * Fire regulations

SNiP 2.04.05-91 * Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 23-05-95 Natural and artificial lighting

SNiP 2.07.01-89 * Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements

SNiP II-89-80 * General plans of industrial enterprises

SNiP II-97-76 General plans of agricultural enterprises

GOST 12.1.033-81 SSBT.Fire safety. Terms and definitions

GOST 12.1.044-89 SSBT.Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination.

. GOST 25772-83 Enclosures for stairs, balconies and roofs, steel. General specifications

GOST 30244-94 Building materials. Test methods for flammability

GOST 30247.0-94 Construction structures. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements

GOST 30247.1-94 Construction structures. Test methods for fire resistance. Bearing and enclosing structures

GOST 30247.2-97 Construction constructions. Test methods for fire resistance. Doors and gates

GOST 30247.3-99 Construction constructions. Test methods for fire resistance. Valves for fire-prevention of ventilation systems( NPB 241-97, Valves for fire-fighting ventilation systems - Test method for fire resistance)

GOST 30247.4-99 Construction constructions. Test methods for fire resistance. Air ducts( NPB 239-97, Air ducts, Fire test method)

GOST 30402-96 Building materials. Test Method for Flammability

GOST 30403-96 Construction constructions. Method for determination of fire hazard

GOST 30444-97( GOST R 51032-97) Building materials. Test method for flame spread

ST SEV 383-87 Fire safety in construction. Terms and definitions

PPB 01-93 ** Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation

NPB 101-95 Standards for the design of fire protection facilities

Airbags 104-95 Designing fire alarm systems for people in buildings and structures

Airbags 105-95 Definition of categories of premises andbuildings on explosion and fire danger

NPB 110-99 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire alarm

NPB 233-96 Buildings and fragmentsyi. Methods of full-scale fire tests. General requirements

Airbags 250-97 Elevators for transportation of fire departments in buildings and structures. General technical requirements.


In these regulations, except for specially stipulated cases, the terms and definitions given in ST SEV 383 and GOST 12.1.033 are adopted.



5.1 The fire-technical classification of building materials, structures, premises, buildings, elements and parts of buildings is based on their separation according to properties that contribute to the development of fire hazards and its development - fire hazard, andproperties of resistance to fire and the spread of its dangerous factors - fire resistance.

5.2 Fire-technical classification is intended to establish the necessary requirements for fire protection of structures, premises, buildings, elements and parts of buildings, depending on their fire resistance and( or) fire hazard.


5.3 Building materials are characterized only by fire hazard.

The fire hazard of building materials is determined by the following fire and technical characteristics: flammability, flammability, flame propagation over the surface, smoke-forming ability and toxicity.

5.4 Building materials are classified as non-flammable( NG) and combustible( D).Combustible building materials are divided into four groups:

G1( low-combustible);

G2( moderately flammable);

G3( normally-flammable);

G4( strong).

Combustibility and groups of building materials for flammability are established in accordance with GOST 30244.

For other non-combustible building materials, other fire hazard indicators are not determined and not standardized.

5.5 Combustible building materials for flammability are divided into three groups:

B1( hardly flammable);

B2( moderately flammable);

B3( highly flammable).

Groups of building materials for flammability are installed in accordance with GOST 30402.

5.6 Combustible building materials for spreading the flame on the surface are divided into four groups:

RP1( non-spread);

WP2( weakly spread);

IS3( moderately spreading);

FP4( highly propagating).

Groups of building materials for spreading flames are installed for surface layers of roofing and floors, including carpets, according to GOST 30444( GOST R 51032-97).

For other building materials, the flame propagation group over the surface is not detected and is not standardized.

5.7 Combustible building materials for smoke-forming ability are divided into three groups:

D1( with a small smoke-forming capacity);

D2( with moderate smoke-forming ability);

D3( with high smoke-forming ability).

Groups of building materials for smoke-generating capacity are set according to 2.14.2 and 4.18 GOST 12.1.044.

5.8 Combustible building materials for the toxicity of combustion products are divided into four groups:

T1( low hazard);

T2( moderately hazardous);

T3( highly hazardous);

T4( extremely dangerous).

Groups of building materials for the toxicity of combustion products are set according to 2.16.2 and 4.20 GOST 12.1.044.


5.9 Building structures are characterized by fire resistance and fire hazard.

The fire resistance index is the fire resistance limit, the fire hazard of the construction characterizes its fire hazard class.

5.10 The fire resistance limit of building structures is established by the time( in minutes) of the occurrence of one or more of the following limit values ​​normalized for a given design:

loss of load capacity( R);

loss of integrity( E);

loss of thermal insulation capacity( I).

The limits of fire resistance of building structures and their symbols designate in accordance with GOST 30247. At the same time, the limit of fire resistance of windows is established only on the time of the onset of loss of integrity( E).

5.11 For fire hazard, building structures are divided into four classes:

K0( non-flammable);

K1( low-risk fire);

K2( moderately flammable);

K3( fire hazardous).

The fire hazard class of building structures is set in accordance with GOST 30403.


5.12 Fire-fighting barriers are designed to prevent the spread of fire and combustion products from the room or fire compartment with a fire outbreak to other rooms.

Fireproof walls include fire walls, partitions and ceilings.

5.13 Fireproof barriers are characterized by fire resistance and fire hazard.

Fire resistance of a fire barrier is determined by the fire resistance of its elements:

of the enclosing part;

constructions providing stability of the obstacle;

designs on which it relies;

knot attachment in between.

The fire resistance limits of structures ensuring the stability of the obstacle, the structures on which it rests, and the fastening points between them on the basis of R should be no less than the required fire resistance limit of the enclosing part of the fire barrier.

The fire hazard of a fire barrier is determined by the fire hazard of its enclosing part with attachment points and structures ensuring the stability of the obstacle.

5.14 * Fire barriers according to fire resistance of their enclosing part are divided into types according to Table 1, filling openings in fire barriers( fire doors, gates, manholes, valves, windows, curtains) - table 2 *, tambour gateways provided in the openingsfire barriers, - Table 3.

Partitions and overlapping of the tambour gateways shall be fireproof.

Fire protection barriers must be of class K0.It is allowed in specially specified cases to apply fireproof barriers of 2 - 4 th types of class K1.

Table 1

Fire barriers

Type of fire barriers

Fire resistance limit of fire barrier, not less

Type of filling openings, not lower

Type of gateway, not lower than



REI 150




REI 45





EI 45




EI 15





REI 150




REI 60




REI 45




REI 15



Table 2 *

Filling openings in fire barriers

Type of filling openings in fire barriers

Fire resistance limit, not lower

Doors, gates, hatches, valves


EI 60


EI 30 *


EI 15



E 60


E 30


E 15



EI 60

* The fire resistance limit of elevator shaft doors is allowed to be at least E 30.

Table 3

Gateway type

Gateway type, not below



Fillings of openings










5.15 * Stairs and staircases intended for evacuation are divided into stairs of types:

1 - internal, located in staircases;

2 - internal open;

3 - outdoor open;

ordinary staircase types:

L1 - with glazed or open apertures in the outer walls on each floor;

L2 - with natural light through glazed or open apertures in the coating;

smoke-free staircases of types:

H1 - with an entrance to the stairwell from the floor through the outer air zone through open junctions, with the non-smokeability of the crossing through the air zone;

H2 - with air support in the staircase in case of fire;

H3 - with an entrance to the staircase from the floor through a tambour gateway with air support( permanent or in case of fire).

5.16 Fire extinguishers are provided for fire extinguishing and rescue operations:

P1 - vertical;

P2 - marching with a slope of not more than 6: 1.


5.17 Buildings as well as parts of buildings designated by fire walls - fire compartments( hereinafter - buildings) - are subdivided according to the degrees of fire resistance, classes of constructive and functional fire hazard. To distinguish fire compartments, fire walls of the 1st type are used.

The degree of fire resistance of a building is determined by the fire resistance of its building structures.

The class of constructive fire hazard of a building is determined by the degree of participation of building structures in the development of a fire and the formation of its dangerous factors.

The class of functional fire hazard of a building and its parts is determined by their purpose and the features of the technological processes placed in them.

5.18 * Buildings and fire compartments are subdivided according to the degree of fire resistance according to table 4 *.

Bearing elements of a building usually include load-bearing walls and columns, links, stiffening diaphragms, overlap elements( beams, girders or slabs), if they participate in ensuring the overall stability and geometrical immutability of the building during a fire. Information on load-bearing structures that are not involved in ensuring the overall stability of the building are provided by the project organization in the technical documentation for the building.

The fire resistance limits for the filling of openings( doors, gates, windows and manholes, as well as lanterns, including anti-aircraft and other translucent coating decks) are not standardized, except for specially stipulated cases and filling openings in fire barriers.

In cases where the minimum required fire resistance rating of the structure is R 15( RE 15, REI 15), unprotected steel structures may be used regardless of their actual fire resistance limit, unless the fire resistance limit of the building's structural elements is less than R 8.

In non-smokeable staircases of type H1 it is allowed to provide staircases and marches with a fire resistance rating R 15 of fire hazard class K0.

5.19 Buildings and fire compartments for constructive fire hazard are divided into classes according to Table 5 *.

Fire risk of filling openings in the enclosing structures of buildings( doors, gates, windows and manholes) is not standardized, except for specially stipulated cases.

Table 4 *

Building fire resistance rating

Fire resistance limit of building structures, not less than

Building load-bearing elements

External curtain walls

Overhead interlayers( including attics and above basements)

Elements of stone-free coatings


Floorings( incl.insulated)

Trusses, beams, runs

Internal walls

Marches and platforms of stairs


R 120

E 30

REI 60

RE 30

R 30

REI 120

R 60


R 60


R 90

E 15

REI 45

RE 15

R 15

REI 90

R 60


R 45

E 15

REI 45

RE 15

R 15

REI 60

R 45


R 15

E 15

REI 15

RE 15

R 15

REI 45

R 15


Not specified

Table 5 *

Class of constructional fire hazard of building

Class of fire hazard of building structures, not lower

Supporting rod elements( columns, crossbars, trusses, etc.)

External walls from outside

Walls, partitions, ceilings and uncovered coatings

Staircase walls and fireproof wallsMarsha barriers

stairways and platforms in stairwells


R0 R0 R0

K0 K0


K1 K1 K2

K0 K0








Not standardized



5.20 * When introducing into practice the construction of structures or structural systems for which a fire resistance limit can not be established or that can not be assigned to a certain class of fire hazard based on standard fire testsor by calculation, fire tests of full-scale fragments of buildings should be carried out taking into account the requirements of NPB 233.

5.21 * Buildings and parts of buildings - rooms or groups of rooms functionally interconnected,on functional fire danger are divided into classes depending on the way they are used and on the extent to which the safety of people in them in case of fire is threatened, taking into account their age, physical condition, the possibility of being in a state of sleep, the type of the main functional contingentand its number:

F1 For permanent residence and temporary( including round-the-clock) stay of people( rooms in these buildings are usually used around the clock, the contingent of people in them canThere are different age and physical condition for these buildings, for these buildings there are sleeping rooms):

Ф1.1 Kindergartens, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled( non-residential), hospitals, dormitories of boarding schools and children's institutions;

Ф1.2 Hotels, dormitories, sleeping buildings of sanatoriums and holiday homes of general type, campsites, motels and boarding houses;

Ф1.3 Multi-apartment residential buildings;

Ф1.4 One-family houses, including the blocked apartment houses;

F2 Spectacular and cultural and educational institutions( the main premises in these buildings are characterized by a mass stay of visitors during certain periods of time):

F2.1 Theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with stands, libraries and other institutions with a calculatednumber of seats for visitors in enclosed spaces;

F2.2 Museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar facilities in closed rooms;

F2.3 Institutions specified in F2.1, in the open air;

F2.4 Institutions specified in F2.2, in the open air;

F3 Enterprises serving the population( the premises of these enterprises are characterized by a larger number of visitors than the attendants):

F3.1 Trade enterprises;

F3.2 Public catering establishments;

F3.3 Stations;

F3.4 Polyclinics and dispensaries;

F3.5 Premises for visitors to the enterprises of household and public services( mails, savings banks, transport agencies, legal advice, notary offices, laundries, tailoring and repair shops for shoes and clothes, dry cleaning, hairdressing and other similar, including ritualand cult institutions) with an uncountable number of seats for visitors;

Ф3.6 Recreational and recreational complexes and sports training facilities without tribunes for spectators, household rooms, baths;

Ф4 Educational institutions, scientific and design organizations, management institutions( premises in these buildings are used for a day for a while, they are usually a constant, used to local conditions contingent of people of a certain age and physical condition):

F4.1Schools, extracurricular educational institutions, specialized secondary schools, vocational schools;

F4.2 Higher education institutions, institutions of professional development;

F4.3. Management bodies, design and engineering organizations, information and editorial and publishing organizations, research organizations, banks, offices, offices;

F4.4 Fire depots;

F5 Production and storage buildings, structures and premises( for premises of this class there is a constant number of employees, including around the clock):

F5.1 Production buildings and facilities, production and laboratory premises, workshops;

F5.2 Warehouse buildings and structures, parking for cars without maintenance and repair, book depositories, archives, warehouses;

F5.3 Agricultural buildings.

Production and storage buildings and premises for explosion and fire hazard, depending on the number and fire-explosive properties of substances( materials) in them, taking into account the specifics of the technological processes of the plants placed in them, are divided into categories according to NPB 105.

Production and storagepremises, including laboratories and workshops in the buildings of classes Ф1, Ф2, Ф3 and Ф4, belong to the class Ф5.



6.1 The requirements of this section are directed to:

the timely and unhindered evacuation of people;

rescue of people who may be exposed to fire hazards;

protection of people on evacuation routes from exposure to hazardous fire factors.

6.2 Evacuation is a process of organized self-movement of people outside the premises in which there is the possibility of influencing them with dangerous fire factors. Evacuation should also be considered as the dependent movement of people belonging to the low-mobile groups of the population, carried out by the service personnel. Evacuation is carried out by evacuation routes through evacuation exits.

6.3 Salvation is the forced movement of people to the outside when they are exposed to dangerous fire factors or when an imminent threat of this effect occurs. Salvation is carried out independently, with the help of fire departments or specially trained personnel, including using rescue equipment, through evacuation and emergency exits.

6.4 Protection of people on the evacuation routes is provided by a complex of volume-planning, ergonomic, constructive, engineering and technical and organizational measures.

Evacuation routes within the premises should ensure the safe evacuation of people through evacuation exits from this room without taking into account the fire fighting and smoke protection systems used in it.

Outside the premises protection of evacuation routes should be provided from the condition of ensuring safe evacuation of people taking into account the functional fire hazard of the premises facing the evacuation path, the number of evacuees, the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard of the building, the number of evacuation exits from the floor and the building as a whole.

Fire hazard of building materials of surface layers of structures( finishes and linings) in the premises and on evacuation routes outside the premises should be limited depending on the functional fire hazard of the building and the building, taking into account other measures to protect the evacuation routes.

6.5 Activities and facilities designed to save people, as well as outputs that do not correspond to 6.9 *, when organizing and designing the evacuation process from all premises and buildings are not taken into account.

6.6 It is not allowed to place rooms of class F5 of categories A and B under premises intended for simultaneous stay of more than 50 people, as well as in the basement and basement floors.

In the basement and basement floors, it is not allowed to place rooms of classes F1.1, F1.2 and F1.3.

6.7 * Smoke protection of buildings should be carried out in accordance with SNIP 2.04.05.

The fire alarm system must be performed in accordance with the airbags 104.

6.8 The effectiveness of measures to ensure the safety of people in a fire can be estimated by calculation.


6.9 * Outputs are evacuation if they lead:

a) from the first floor rooms to the outside:


through the corridor;

through the lobby( foyer);

through a staircase;

through the corridor and the lobby( foyer);

through the corridor and staircase;

b) from premises of any floor except the first:

directly to the staircase or to the stairs of the third type;

into the corridor leading directly to the staircase or to the stairs of the 3rd type;

in the hall( foyer), which has an exit directly to the staircase or to the stairs of the third type;

c) in the adjacent premises( except for class F5 premises of category A or B) on the same floor, provided with outputs specified in a and b;exit to a category A or B premises is allowed to be considered evacuation if it leads from a technical room without permanent workplaces intended for servicing the above-mentioned premises of category A or B.

The exits from the basement and basement floors being evacuation should generally be provided directly outsideSeparated from the general stairwells of the building.


evacuation exits from cellars to provide through common staircases with a separate exit outward, separated from the rest of the staircase by a deaf firewall of the 1st type;

evacuation exits from the basement and basement floors with rooms of categories B, D and D include rooms of categories B4, G, D and in the vestibule located on the first floor of buildings of class F5, subject to the requirements of 7.23 *;

evacuation exits from the foyer, dressing rooms, smoking and sanitary units located in the basement or basement of the buildings of classes F2, F3 and F4, to provide for the entry into the lobby of the first floor of individual staircases of the 2nd type;

evacuation exits from premises to provide directly to stairs of the 2nd type, to the corridor or hall( foyer, lobby) leading to such a staircase, under the conditions stipulated in the regulatory documents;

equipped with a tambour, including a double, the output directly out of the building, from the basement and basement floors.

6.10 * Outputs are not evacuation if there are sliding and lifting and lowering doors and gates, gates for railway rolling stock, revolving doors and turnstiles in their openings.

Swing gates in these gates can be considered evacuation outlets.

6.11 * The number and width of evacuation exits from rooms, floors and buildings are determined according to the maximum possible number of people evacuating through them and the maximum permissible distance from the most remote place of possible stay of people( work station) to the nearest evacuation exit.

Parts of the building of different functional fire danger, separated by fire barriers, should be provided with independent evacuation outlets.

6.12 * At least two evacuation exits should have:

premises of class F1.1, intended for simultaneous stay of more than 10 people;

premises of basement and basement floors, intended for simultaneous stay of more than 15 people;in the basement and basement floors intended for a simultaneous stay of 6 to 15 people, one of the two exits may be envisaged in accordance with the requirements of 6.20 *, g;

premises intended for simultaneous stay of more than 50 people;

premises of class F5 of categories A and B with the number of employees in the most numerous change of more than 5 people, category B - more than 25 people.or an area of ​​more than 1000 m2;

open shelves and platforms in class F5 premises intended for equipment maintenance, with floor area of ​​more than 100 m2 - for rooms of categories A and B and more than 400 m2 - for premises of other categories.

Premises of class F1.3( apartments) located on two floors( levels), with the height of the upper floor above 18 m, must have evacuation exits from each floor.

6.13 * At least two evacuation exits should have floors of class buildings:


F1.3 with the total area of ​​apartments on the floor, and for sectional buildings - on the floor of the section - more than 500 m2;with a smaller area( with one evacuation exit from the floor), each apartment located at an altitude of more than 15 m, except for the evacuation should have an emergency exit at 6.20 *;

F5 categories A and B with the number of employees in the largest number of shifts more than 5 people, category B - 25 people.

At least two evacuation exits should have basement and basement floors with an area of ​​more than 300 m2 or intended for simultaneous stay of more than 15 people.

In buildings with a height of not more than 15 m it is allowed to provide one evacuation exit from the floor( or from a part of the storey separated from other parts of the floor by fire barriers) of the class of functional fire danger F2.2, F3, F4.3 with an area of ​​not more than 300 m2 with the number ofmore than 20 people and when equipping the stairwell with doors of the 2nd type( according to table 2).

6.14 The number of evacuation exits from the floor must be at least two if there is a room on it that must have at least two evacuation exits.

The number of evacuation exits from the building must be at least the number of evacuation exits from any floor of the building.

6.15 * In the presence of two evacuation exits or more, they should be located dispersed( except for exits from corridors to smoke-free staircases).The minimum distance L, m, between the most remote evacuation exits should be determined by the formulas:

from the

room from the corridor

where P is the perimeter of the room, m;

n - number of evacuation outputs;

D - length of the corridor, m.

In the presence of two or more evacuation exits, the total throughput of all exits, except for each one, should ensure the safe evacuation of all people in the room, on the floor or in the building.

6.16 The height of evacuation exits in light should be not less than 1.9 m, width not less than:

1.2 m - from premises of class F1.1 with the number of evacuated more than 15 people, from rooms and buildings of other classes of functional fire danger,with the exception of class F1.3, - more than 50 people;

0,8 m - in all other cases.

The width of the outer doors of the stairwells and the doors from the stairwells to the lobby should be no less than the calculated or width of the stairway march established in 6.29.

In all cases, the width of the escape route must be such that, taking into account the geometry of the evacuation path through the opening or door, it is possible to easily carry a stretcher with the person lying on them.

6.17 Evacuation doors and other doors on evacuation routes must be opened in the direction of exit from the building.

The door opening direction is not normalized for:

a) premises of classes F1.3 and F1.4;

b) premises with a simultaneous stay of no more than 15 people, except for premises of categories A and B;

c) storerooms with an area of ​​no more than 200 m2 without permanent workplaces;

d) sanitary units;E) access to the sites of stairs of the third type;

f) exterior doors of buildings located in the northern construction climatic zone.

6.18 * Doors of evacuation exits from floor corridors, halls, foyers, vestibules and staircases must not have locks that prevent their free opening from within without a key. In buildings with a height of more than 15 m, these doors, except for apartment doors, must be deaf or with reinforced glass.

Staircases, as a rule, should have doors with devices for self-closing and with sealing in the vestibules.

In staircases, it is allowed not to provide devices for self-closing and sealing in the vestibules for doors leading to the apartments, as well as for doors leading directly to the outside.

Doors of emergency exits from rooms with forced smoke protection, including from corridors, must be equipped with devices for self-closing and sealing in the vestibules. The doors of these rooms, which can be operated in the open position, must be equipped with devices that ensure their automatic closing in case of fire.

6.19 Outputs that do not meet the requirements for evacuation exits may be considered emergency and are envisaged to improve the safety of people in a fire. Emergency exits are not taken into account when evacuating in the event of a fire.

6.20 * The emergency exits also include:

a) Exit to the balcony or loggia with a blind partition at least 1.2 m from the end of the balcony( balcony) to the window opening( glazed door) or at least 1.6 m between the glazed apertures,facing the balcony( loggia);B) an exit to a crossing of at least 0.6 m wide leading to an adjacent section of a building of class F1.3 or into an adjacent fire compartment;C) exit to a balcony or a loggia equipped with an external staircase that connects balconies or loggias floor by floor;

d) directly out of the premises with a clean floor mark of not less than -4.5 m and not more than +5.0 m through a window or door with a size of at least 0.75'1.5 m, and also through a manhole with dimensions notless than 0,6'0,8 m;while the output through the pit should be equipped with a ladder in the pit, and exit through the hatch - with a ladder in the room;the slope of these stairs is not standardized;E) access to the roof of building I, II and III degrees of fire resistance classes C0 and C1 through a window, door or hatch with dimensions and stairs to "g".

6.21 * In technical floors, it is allowed to provide evacuation outlets with a height of at least 1.8 m.

From technical floors intended only for the laying of utility networks, it is allowed to provide emergency exits through doors with dimensions not less than 0,75'1,5 m, and also through manholes with dimensions not less than 0,6'0,8 m without an evacuation deviceoutputs.

With a technical floor area of ​​up to 300 m2, it is allowed to provide one outlet, and for every subsequent complete and incomplete 2000 m2 of area there should be at least one more exit.

In technical undergrounds, these exits should be detached from the exits from the building and lead directly to the outside.


6.22 Evacuation routes should be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05.

6.23 The maximum permissible distance from the most remote point of the room, and for buildings of class F5 - from the most remote workstation to the nearest evacuation exit, measured along the axis of the evacuation path, should be limited depending on the class of functional fire danger and the category of fire and explosion hazard of the building and premises,the number of evacuated, geometric parameters of premises and evacuation routes, the class of constructive fire hazard and the degree of fire resistance of the building.

The length of the evacuation path along the stairs of the 2nd type should be taken equal to its tripled height.

6.24 * Evacuation routes should be provided taking into account 6.9;they should not include elevators and escalators, as well as areas leading:

through corridors with exits from lift shafts, through elevator halls and tambours in front of elevators, if the enclosing structures of elevator shafts, including elevator shafts, do not meet the requirements for fire barriers;

through the "walk-through" staircases, when the stairway is part of the corridor, and also through the room where the staircase of the second type is located, which is not evacuation;

on the roof of buildings, with the exception of the roofed roof or a specially equipped section of the roof;

on stairs of the 2nd type connecting more than two floors( levels), as well as leading from basements and basement floors, except for the case specified in 6.9.

6.25 * In buildings of all degrees of fire resistance and classes of constructive fire danger, in addition to buildings V of fire resistance and buildings of class C3, materials with a higher fire hazard than:

G1, B1, D2, T2 - for finishing are not allowed on evacuation routeswalls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in the vestibules, staircases, elevator halls;

Г2, В2, Д3, Т3 or Г2, В3, Д2, Т2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in common corridors, halls and foyer;

Г2, РП2, Д2, Т2 - for floor coverings in vestibules, staircases, elevator halls;

В2, РП2, Д3, Т2 - for floor coverings in common corridors, halls and foyer.

In rooms of class F5 of categories A, B and B1, in which flammable liquids are produced, used or stored, the floors should be made of non-combustible materials or materials of the G1 flammability group.

Frames of suspended ceilings in rooms and on evacuation routes should be made of non-combustible materials.

6.26 * In the corridors specified in 6.9, except in specially specified cases, it is not allowed to place equipment protruding from the plane of the walls at a height of less than 2 m, gas pipelines and pipelines with combustible liquids, as well as built-in cabinets, except for communication cabinets andfire hydrants.

Corridors with a length of more than 60 m should be divided by type 2 fire barriers into sections, the length of which is determined by SNiP 2.04.05, but should not exceed 60 m.

With doors opening from rooms to corridors, for the width of the evacuation path along the corridor,accept the width of the corridor, reduced:

for half the width of the door leaf - with one-sided arrangement of the doors;

for door leaf width - with double-sided door arrangement;this requirement does not apply to floor corridors( halls) arranged in sections of buildings of class F1.3 between the exit from the apartment and the exit to the staircase.

6.27 The height of the horizontal sections of escape routes in the light must be at least 2 m, the width of the horizontal sections of evacuation routes and ramps should be not less than:

1.2 m - for common corridors, for which more than 15 people can be evacuated from F1 class rooms, from more than 50 people from other classes of functional fire danger;

0,7 m - for passages to single workstations;

1.0 m - in all other cases.

In any case, the escape routes must be of such a width that, given their geometry, they can easily carry a stretcher with a person lying on them.

6.28 * In the floor on evacuation routes, there are no elevations of less than 45 cm and protrusions except for the thresholds in the doorways. In places where there is a difference in height, stairs should be provided with a number of steps of at least three or ramps with a slope of not more than 1: 6.

With a ladder height of more than 45 cm, fences with rails should be provided.

On the evacuation routes, it is not allowed to install spiral staircases, stairways completely or partially curved in plan, as well as flush and curved steps, steps with different tread widths and different heights within the ladder and staircase march.


LADDER CELLS 6.29 The width of the stairway march intended for the evacuation of people, including those located in the stairwell, must be no less than the calculated or no less than the width of any evacuation exit( door) to it, but, as a rule, not less than:

a) 1,35 m - for buildings of class F1.1;B) 1.2 m - for buildings with the number of people on any floor except the first, more than 200 people;

c) 0,7 m - for stairs leading to single workstations;

d) 0,9 m - for all other cases.

6.30 * Slope stairways on evacuation routes should, as a rule, not more than 1: 1;the width of the tread is usually at least 25 cm and the step height is no more than 22 cm.

The slope of the open stairs for passage to single workstations is allowed to be increased to 2: 1.

It is allowed to reduce the width of the tread of curved front staircases in the narrow part to 22 cm;the width of the tread of stairs leading only to the premises( except for class F5 premises of categories A and B) with a total number of workplaces no more than 15 people.- up to 12 cm.

. Type 3 stairs should be made of non-combustible materials and placed, as a rule, in deaf( without light apertures) parts of the walls of class not lower than K1 with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 30. These stairs should have platforms at the levelevacuation exits, fencing with a height of 1.2 m and located at a distance of at least 1 m from the window openings.

Stairs of the 2nd type must meet the requirements established for marches and staircases in staircases.

6.31 * The width of the landing areas must be at least the width of the march, and before the entrances to the lifts with swinging doors - not less than the sum of the width of the march and half the width of the elevator door, but not less than 1.6 m.

Intermediate platforms in the straight ladder shouldlength is not less than 1 m.

Doors leaving on the staircase in the open position should not reduce the estimated width of staircases and marches.

6.32 * In staircases, it is not allowed to place pipelines with combustible gases and liquids, built-in cabinets except for communication cabinets and fire hydrants, openly laid electrical cables and wires( except wiring for low-voltage devices) for lighting corridors and staircases, provide exitsfrom freight elevators and cargo lifts, as well as to place equipment protruding from the plane of the walls at a height of up to 2.2 m from the surface of the stairs and the staircases.

In buildings up to 28 m inclusive, in conventional staircases, it is allowed to provide garbage chutes and wiring for lighting the rooms.

In the volume of ordinary stairwells, it is not allowed to build in rooms of any purpose, except for the guard room.

Under the marches of the first, basement or basement level, heating control units, water meters and electric input and distribution devices are allowed.

In non-smokeable staircases, only heating appliances may be provided.

6.33 * In the volume of staircases, in addition to non-smokeless, it is allowed to place no more than two passenger elevators that fall not lower than the ground floor, with enclosing constructions of lift shafts made of non-combustible materials with non-standardizable fire resistance limits.

Lift shafts located outside buildings are allowed to be enclosed by structures made of non-combustible materials with non-standardizable fire resistance limits.

6.34 * Staircases must have an outlet outward on the adjoining territory directly or through the vestibule, separated from the adjacent corridors by partitions with doors. When constructing evacuation exits from two staircases through a common vestibule, one of them, except for the entrance to the vestibule, must have an outlet directly to the outside.

H1 staircases must only have an outlet directly to the outside.

6.35 Staircases, with the exception of L2-type staircases, should normally have light apertures of at least 1.2 m2 in the outer walls on each floor.

Allowed to provide no more than 50% of internal stairwells intended for evacuation, without light apertures in buildings:

classes F2, F3 and F4 - type H2 or H3 with air support in case of fire;

class F5 category B in height up to 28 m, and categories G and D, regardless of the height of the building - type H3 with air support in case of fire.

Staircases of type L2 should have light apertures in the area of ​​at least 4 m2 with a gap between the flights of a width of at least 0.7 m or a light shaft at the entire height of the staircase with an area of ​​horizontal section of at least 2 m2.

6.36 Anti-smoke protection of ladder cells of types H2 and H3 should be provided in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05.If necessary, staircases such as H2 should be divided in height into compartments by deaf fire-resistant partitions of the 1st type with the transition between the compartments outside the staircase.

Windows in stairwells of type H2 must be non-opening.

6.37 * Non-smoldering of transitions through the outer air zone leading to smoke-free staircases of type H1 should be provided by their structural and space-planning decisions.

These transitions must be open and, as a rule, should not be located in the inner corners of the building.

When one part of the exterior wall of the building is adjacent to the other at an angle of less than 135 °, it is necessary that the horizontal distance from the nearest doorway in the outer air zone to the top of the inner corner of the outer wall is not less than 4 m;this distance can be reduced to the size of the projection of the outer wall;this requirement does not apply to transitions located at internal angles of 135 ° or more, and also to a wall ledge of no more than 1.2 m.

Between the doorways of the air zone and the closest room window, the partition width must be at least 2 m.

Transitionsshould have a width of at least 1.2 m with a fence height of 1.2 m, the width of the partition between the doorways in the outer air zone should be at least 1.2 m.

6.38 L1 staircases can be provided in buildings of all classes of functional fire dangerHeight of up to 28 m;while in buildings of class F5 of categories A and B, exits to the floor corridor from rooms of categories A and B should be provided through tambour sluices with constant air support.

6.39 * Staircases of type L2 may be provided in buildings I, II and III degrees of fire resistance classes of constructive fire hazard C0 and C1 and functional fire hazard F1, F2, F3 and F4 height, usually no more than 9 m. It is allowed to increase the height of buildingsup to 12 m with automatic opening of the upper light opening in case of fire and in the device in buildings of class F1.3 automatic fire alarm or stand-alone fire detectors.

In this case:

in buildings of classes F2, F3 and F4 of such stairs should not be more than 50%, the rest should have light apertures in the outer walls on each floor;

in buildings of class F1.3 sectional type in each apartment located above 4 m, should provide an emergency exit to 6.20 *.

6.40 * In buildings with a height of more than 28 m, as well as in buildings of class F5 of categories A and B, it is necessary to provide smoke-free staircases, usually of type H1.

It is allowed:

in buildings of class F1.3 of corridor type to provide not more than 50% of staircases of type Н2;

in the buildings of classes F1.1, F1.2, F2, F3 and F4 provide for not more than 50% of staircases such as Н2 or НЗ with air support in case of fire;

in buildings of class F5 of categories A and B include staircases of types Н2 and Н3 with natural illumination and constant air support;

in buildings of class F5 of category B include staircases such as Н2 or Н3 with air support in case of fire;

in buildings of class F5 of categories G and D include staircases such as Н2 or Н3 with air support in case of fire, as well as staircases of type Л1 with separation by a blind firewall every 20 m in height and with transition from one part of the staircase to anotheroutside the volume of the staircase.

6.41 In buildings with smoke-free staircases, smoke protection of common corridors, hallways, halls and foyers should be provided.

6.42 Excluded.

6.43 In buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class CO it is allowed to provide stairs of the second type from the lobby to the second floor, taking into account the requirements of 7.24.

6.44 In buildings with a height of not more than 28 m classes of functional fire hazards Ф1.2, Ф2, Ф3, Ф4 I and II degrees of fire resistance and constructive fire danger, it is allowed to use stairs of the 2nd type connecting more than two floors in the presence of evacuation ladder cells, required by standards, and subject to the requirements of 7.25.

6.45 Escalators should be provided in accordance with the requirements for stairs of type 2.


7.1 Prevention of the spread of fire is achieved by measures that limit the area, intensity and duration of combustion. These include:

structural and volumetric planning solutions that prevent the spread of fire hazards throughout the room, between rooms, between groups of rooms of different functional fire hazards, between floors and sections, between fire compartments, and between buildings;

limit the fire hazard of building materials used in the surface layers of the building structure, including roofs, finishes and facings of facades, rooms and escape routes;

reduction of the technological explosion and fire hazard of premises and buildings;

availability of primary, including automatic and imported fire extinguishing means;

alarm and fire alarm.

7.2 Parts of buildings where fire fighting is difficult( technical rooms and floors, basement and basement floors and other parts of buildings) should be equipped with additional means to limit the area, intensity and duration of combustion.

7.3 The effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing the spread of fire can be assessed by technical and economic calculations based on the requirements of Section 4 for limiting direct and indirect fire damage.

7.4 Parts of buildings and premises of different classes of functional fire danger must be divided among themselves by enclosing structures with standardized fire resistance limits and classes of constructive fire hazard or fire barriers. In this case, the requirements for such enclosing structures and types of fire barriers are established taking into account the functional fire hazard of the premises, the magnitude of the fire load, the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard of the building.

7.5 In the presence of parts of a different functional fire hazard in the building, separated by fire barriers, each of these parts must meet the fire protection requirements for the buildings of the corresponding functional fire hazard.

When selecting a fire protection system for a building, it should be taken into account that, for different functional fire hazards of its parts, the functional fire hazard of a building as a whole may be higher than the functional fire hazard of any of these parts.

7.6 In buildings of class F5, premises of categories A and B should, if permitted by technology requirements, be placed outside the walls, and in multi-storey buildings - on the upper floors.

7.7 In the basement and basement floors, it is not allowed to locate rooms in which flammable gases and liquids are used or stored, as well as flammable materials, except in specially stipulated cases.

7.8 Building structures should not contribute to the hidden spread of combustion.

7.9 Fire resistance of the fastening unit of the building structure must be not lower than the required fire resistance of the structure itself.

7.10 Constructions forming a slope of the floor in the rooms should meet the requirements set forth in Tables 4 * and 5 * for interfloor overlappings.

7.11 Nodes of intersection with cables and pipelines of enclosing structures with standard fire resistance and fire hazard should not reduce the required fire and technical indicators of structures.

7.12 * Special fire retardant coatings and impregnations applied to the exposed surface of structures must comply with the requirements for the finish of structures.

The technical documentation for these coatings and impregnations should indicate the frequency of their replacement or recovery, depending on the operating conditions.

To increase the fire resistance limits or reduce fire hazard classes of structures, special fire-retardant coatings and impregnations should not be used in places that exclude the possibility of their periodic replacement or restoration.

7.13 The effectiveness of flame retardants used to reduce the fire hazard of materials should be assessed through tests to determine fire hazard groups of building materials specified in Section 5.

The effectiveness of flame retardants used to improve the fire resistance of structures should be evaluated through tests to determine the fire resistance limits of building structures specified in Section 5.

The effectiveness of fire protection means not taken into account in determining the load-carrying capacity of metal structures can be estimated without static load by comparing modelscolumns of reduced dimensions with a height of not less than 1.7 m or beam models with a span of not less than 2.8 m.

7.14.nye ceilings used to improve the fire resistance of floors and coatings, fire danger must comply with the requirements of these overlaps and covers.

Fireproof partitions in rooms with false ceilings should separate the space above them.

In the space behind suspended ceilings, it is not allowed to provide the placement of channels and pipelines for transportation of flammable gases, dust-air mixtures, liquids and materials.

Suspended ceilings are not allowed to be provided in rooms of categories A and B.

7.15 In areas where the fire barriers intersect with the building's enclosing structures, including in places where the building's configuration is to be changed, measures should be provided to ensure non-propagation of the fire, bypassing these barriers.

7.16 Fire walls dividing the building into fire compartments shall be erected to the entire height of the building and ensure that the fire does not spread into the adjacent fire compartment when the building structures collapse from the fire site.

7.17 In case of fire, openings in fire barriers must, as a rule, be closed.

Windows in fire barriers must be non-opening, and doors, gates, hatches and valves must have devices for self-closing and sealing in the vestibules. Doors, gates, manholes and valves that can be operated in the open position must be equipped with devices that ensure their automatic closing in case of fire.

7.18 The total area of ​​openings in fire barriers, with the exception of elevator shafts, should not exceed 25% of their area. Filling openings in fire barriers must meet the requirements of 5.14 * and the requirements of this section.

In fire protection barriers separating the premises of categories A and B from other categories of rooms, corridors, staircases and elevator halls, it is necessary to provide tambour sluices with constant air support in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05.The arrangement of common tambour gateways for two rooms and more of these categories is not allowed.

7.19 If firewalls can not be installed in fire barriers separating rooms of categories A and B from other premises or doors, gates, manholes and valves - in fire protection barriers separating Category B premises from other premises, a set of measures to prevent the spreadfire and penetration of combustible gases, vapors of flammable and combustible liquids, dusts, fibers, capable of forming explosive concentrations, into adjacent floors and rooms. The effectiveness of these measures should be justified.

In openings of fire protection barriers that can not be closed by fire doors or gates, it is allowed to provide open tambours equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations for communication between adjacent rooms of categories B, D and D.The fencing structures of these tambours must be fireproof.

7.20 Filling openings in fire barriers must be carried out, as a rule, from non-combustible materials.

Doors, gates, manholes and valves are allowed to be made using materials of combustibility groups not lower than G3, protected by non-combustible materials with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

Doors of tambour-sluices, doors, gates and hatches in fire barriers on the side of premises in which flammable gases, liquids and materials are not used and stored, as well as there are no processes associated with the formation of combustible dusts, can be made from materials of the G3 flammability groupthickness not less than 40 mm and without voids.

7.21 Fire walls and ceilings of the 1st type are not allowed to be crossed by channels, shafts and pipelines for transportation of flammable gases, dust-air mixtures, liquids, substances and materials.

At the intersections of such fire barriers, channels, shafts and pipelines for transporting media other than the above, automatic devices should be provided to prevent the spread of combustion products through channels, mines and pipelines.

7.22 * Fencing structures of lift shafts( except for those specified in 6.33 *) and the rooms of the engine rooms of elevators( except those located on the roof), as well as channels, mines and niches for laying communications must meet the requirements for fire barriers of the 1st type and floors3rd type. The fire resistance limit of the enclosing structures between the elevator shaft and the engine room of the elevator is not standardized.

If the device can not be installed in the enclosures of the above elevator shafts of fire doors, it is necessary to provide tambours or halls with type 1 fire barriers and type 3 ceilings or screens that automatically close the doorways of the elevator shafts in case of fire. Such screens should be made of non-flammable materials and their fire resistance limit should not be lower than EI 45.

In buildings with smoke-free staircases, automatic smoke protection of lift shafts should be provided that do not have tamper-lock slots with air support in case of fire.

The trunk of garbage chutes should be made of non-combustible materials.

7.23 * In buildings of all classes of functional fire danger, except F1.1, it is allowed under the technology conditions to provide separate stairs for communication between the basement or ground floor and the first floor. They are not taken into account during evacuation, except for the case specified in 6.9 *.

These ladders should be enclosed by fire barriers of the 1st type with the device of a tambour gateway with air support in the event of a fire.

It is allowed not to provide the above-mentioned fencing of such stairs in class F5 buildings provided that they lead from the basement or basement with rooms of categories B4, G and D to the premises of the first floor of the same categories.

7.24 When installing stairs of type 2, leading from the lobby to the second floor, the lobby should be separated from the corridors and adjacent rooms by type 1 fire barriers.

7.25 The room in which the ladder of type 2 located in 6.44 is located must be separated from adjacent corridors and other premises by type 1 fire barriers. It is allowed not to separate the fire-fighting partitions from the room in which the staircase of the second type is located:

with an automatic fire extinguishing device throughout the building;

in buildings with a height of no more than 9 m with a floor area of ​​not more than 300 m2.

7.26 In the basement or ground floor, in front of the elevators, it is necessary to provide type 1 tambour sluices with air support in case of fire.

7.27 The choice of the dimensions of the building and the fire compartments, as well as the distances between the buildings, should be carried out depending on the degree of their fire resistance, the class of constructive and functional fire danger and the fire load, and taking into account the effectiveness of the fire protection means, availability and remoteness of fire services,their weapons, the possible economic and environmental consequences of the fire.

7.28 In operation, all engineering fire protection equipment must be operational.

7.29 Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarms should be provided in accordance with NPS 110.


8.1 Extinguishing of a possible fire and rescue operations are provided by constructive, volume-planning, engineering and technical and organizational measures.

These include:

device firefighting driveways and access roads for fire equipment, combined with functional driveways and entrances or special;

device of external fire ladders and providing other ways of lifting personnel of fire departments and fire fighting equipment to the floors and roofs of buildings, including the installation of lifts that have the "fire brigade transportation" mode;

the device of a fire-prevention waterpipe, including combined with economic or special, and if necessary, the device of dry pipes and fire tanks( tanks);

smoke protection of the fire department routes inside the building;

building equipment in necessary cases by individual and collective means of saving people;

accommodation in the territory of a settlement or an object of fire protection units with the necessary number of personnel and equipped with fire fighting equipment that corresponds to the conditions of fire extinguishing at the facilities located within the radius of their operation.

The choice of these measures depends on the degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive and functional fire hazard of the building.

8.2. Passages for main and special fire trucks should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP II-89, SNIP II-97.

8.3 * For buildings 10 m high and up to the roof or top of the outer wall( parapet), it is necessary to provide access to the roof from staircases directly or through an attic, with the exception of a warm one, or by stairs of the third type or by external fire ladders.

The number of entrances to the roof and their location should be determined depending on the functional fire hazard and the size of the building, but not less than one output:

for every full and incomplete 100 m of the length of the building with an attic and at least one exit for each completeand incomplete 1000 m2 of the roof area of ​​the building with an uncapped surface for buildings of classes F1, F2, F3 and F4;

on fire escapes through 200 m along the perimeter of buildings of class F5.

It is allowed not to provide:

fire ladders on the main facade of the building if the width of the building does not exceed 150 m, and on the side opposite to the main facade there is a line of fire water supply;

access to the roof of single-storey buildings with a covering of not more than 100 m2.

8.4 * In the attics of buildings, except for buildings of class F1.4, there should be exits to the roof, equipped with stationary staircases, through doors, hatches or windows with dimensions not less than 0,6'0,8 m.

Exits from staircases to the roof orattic should be provided for flights of stairs with areas before the exit, through fire doors of the second type with dimensions not less than 0,75'1,5 m. These marches and platforms may be steel, should have a slope of not more than 2: 1 and a width of at least0,9 m.

In buildings of classes Ф1, Ф2, Ф3 and Ф4 in height up to 15 m it is supposedstroystvo outputs the loft or roof of staircases through fire hatches 2nd type with dimensions 0,6'0,8 m steel fixed ladders.

8.5 In technical floors, including in technical undergrounds and technical attics, the clear passage height should be not less than 1.8 m;in attics along the whole building - not less than 1.6 m. The width of these passages should be not less than 1.2 m. On certain sections with a length of not more than 2 m it is allowed to reduce the height of the passage to 1.2 m and the width to 0.9m.

8.6 In buildings with attics, hatches should be provided in the enclosure structures of the attics.

8.7 In places where the roof heights change( including for raising the roof of the light-aeration lanterns) more than 1 m, as a rule, fire stairs should be provided.

Fire staircases are not provided on the roof height difference of more than 10 m if each roof area of ​​more than 100 m2 has its own outlet to the roof that meets the 8.3 * requirements or the height of the lower section of the roof, determined by 8.3 *, does not exceed 10 m.

8.8 For lifting to a height of 10 to 20 m and in places where the heights of the roofs vary from 1 to 20 m, fire stairs of type P1 should be used, for lifting to a height of more than 20 m and in fire places of more than 20 m - fire ladders of type P2.

Fire ladders should be made of non-combustible materials, located no closer than 1 m from the windows and should be designed for their use by fire departments.

8.9 Between the flights of the stairs and between the rails of the staircase fences, a clearance of at least 75 mm in width in the plan shall be provided.

8.10 * In each fire compartment of buildings of class F1.1 with a height of more than 5 m, buildings of all classes of functional fire danger with a height of more than 28 m( with the exception of buildings of class F1.3), it is necessary to provide elevators for transportation of fire units that meet the requirements of the airbags 250.

8.11 In buildings with a roof slope of up to 12% inclusive, the height to the eaves or the top of the outer wall( parapet) of more than 10 m, as well as in buildings with a roof slope of more than 12% and a height up to the eave of more than 7 m, roof fences should be provided in accordance withGOST 25772. Regardless of the height of the building, fences that meet the requirements of this standard should be provided for operated flat roofs, balconies, loggias, outdoor galleries, outdoor outdoor staircases, staircases and grounds.

8.12 Fire depots should be located on the territory in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP II-89 and NPB 101.

8.13 The need for a fire water supply and other fixed fire extinguishing facilities should be provided depending on the degree of fire resistance, structural and functional fire hazard of the building, magnitude and fire and explosion hazard of temporary fire load.

8.14 Permanent fire access for fire departments and their equipment should be provided to fire protection systems of buildings.

Keywords: building materials, structures, premises, buildings and structures, fire resistance, fire hazard, fire, ensuring people's safety, evacuation, preventing the spread of fire, extinguishing fire, rescue works


4.1 In buildings, structural, volumetric planning and engineering solutions should be provided to ensure, in case of fire:

, the possibility of evacuating people regardless of their age and physical condition to the outside of the building( further to the outside) tothe onset of threats to their lives and health due to exposure to hazardous fire factors;

possibility of saving people;

the possibility of access to the personnel of fire departments and the supply of fire extinguishing equipment to the fire, as well as carrying out activities to save people and property;

non-distribution of fire to nearby buildings, including the collapse of a burning building;

limitation of direct and indirect material damage, including the contents of the building and the building itself, with an economically justified correlation between the amount of damage and expenses for fire fighting measures, fire protection and its technical equipment.

4.2 In the process of construction, it is necessary to ensure:

priority implementation of fire protection measures provided for by the project, developed in accordance with applicable standards and approved in accordance with the established procedure;

adherence to fire safety rules stipulated in PPB 01, and fire protection of under construction and auxiliary facilities, fireproof construction and installation works;

availability and maintenance of fire fighting equipment;

the possibility of safe evacuation and rescue of people, as well as the protection of material assets in case of fire in a newly constructed facility and on a construction site.

4.3 In operation, it is necessary: ​​

to ensure the maintenance of the building and the operability of its fire protection means in accordance with the requirements of the design and technical documentation for them;

to ensure compliance with fire safety rules approved in accordance with the established procedure, including PPB 01;

not to allow changes in design, volume planning and engineering solutions without a project developed in accordance with applicable standards and approved in accordance with the established procedure;

during the repair work should not allow the use of structures and materials that do not meet the requirements of existing standards.

If a building permit is obtained on condition that the number of people in the building or in any part of it or the fire load is limited, notifications about these restrictions should be posted inside the building in noticeable places, and the building administration must develop special organizational measures to prevent a fire andevacuation of people in case of fire.

4.4 Measures for fire protection of buildings are provided taking into account the technical equipment of fire departments and their location.

4.5 When analyzing the fire hazard of buildings, calculation scenarios based on the correlation of the time parameters of the development and spread of dangerous fire factors, evacuation of people and the fight against fire can be used.

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