Strengthening the structure of
It is quite difficult to design an attic space in a house that is already in operation. There are problems of a constructive nature, as it is necessary to think over the arrangement of the staircase, which will serve as an exit to the attic, strengthen the construction of the house and organize good thermal insulation. Overlapping and rafters are enhanced by the installation of triangular trusses. They are simply mounted on the roof of individual elements. All parts of the truss are connected by metal toothed plates. According to experts, this is the most reliable way to strengthen the structure.
Important! When starting to strengthen the rafters, always consult with a specialist.
Rafters can be used advantageously, like the interior of an attic, if the house was built recently. In this case, with the rafters, cosmetic repairs are carried out. The easiest way to convert - is the attic finishing lining, sheets of plywood or drywall, wall panels. Rafters are covered with varnish or pinotex. The floor is made of wood: the boards must be nailed directly to the beams of the ceiling on top of the laid heat and soundproof material.
To ensure that this room is comfortable and in cold seasons, the entire space between the rafters must be filled with a quality insulant( polyurethane foam, polystyrene, mineral wool, and so on).In this case, the finishing material is mounted over the insulation. Next on the finish coat is applied paint, or glued wallpaper.
Light and design of the attic
In the design of the attic, its lighting plays a huge role. In addition to artificial light, which is placed on the owner's taste, it is necessary to correctly place the natural light from the windows. The windows are placed either on the wall or cut through the roof. The second option is relevant for regions with a short light day, because it gives an order of magnitude more light. Illumination of the attic will be considered normal if the windows are equal to 10 percent of the total floor area.
Note! The window in the roof gives 40 percent more light than the windows in the wall.
The big advantage for design is that windows can be cut in any necessary place. This allows you to focus on certain elements of design. In addition, the attic window is the main source of ventilation and fresh air, especially in the warm season. Windows on the walls give less opportunity to experiment with the interior and are more suitable for creating a classic room. Windows in the roof, on the contrary, give a very large field for imagination and allow you to make modern, bright rooms.
Optimal solutions
It is desirable to design the room in the attic in light colors, since this room has a relatively small area. Light paint and finishing materials will help reduce the psychological pressure of walls in a confined space. Lighting is done in a dotted manner, in several functional areas, due to which the room will visually appear larger. The use of curtains, curtains, carpets will make the room cozy and pleasant for living.
The design of the attic space should be thought through with regard to the location of the furniture. So, the central aisle, where the door to the attic is located, is best left free, and the space under the sloping roof is set aside for mounting different shelves and cabinets. The beds are best placed along the longitudinal wall, where the ceiling height will be at least 180 centimeters. The table can be placed in any desired place. If you plan to make a working area, then it should be placed under an inclined window.
Note! To date, there is a large selection of furniture, which is specially designed for attics.