Most urban residents own dachas - a quiet and cozy place to stay away from noisy highways. And that rest on the nature was not only useful, but also comfortable, it is necessary to create suitable conditions. To give the best option will be arranging the veranda - a small room with a good view, comfortable furniture and a quiet atmosphere. Verandas can be built from almost any materials, but polycarbonate has been in great demand recently. In this article we will explain why this material is ideal for building a veranda, and also consider the technology of erecting an attached veranda to a house made of polycarbonate.
Material characteristics
Polycarbonate is a synthetic material with a list of high performance properties and therefore a wide range of applications. It is appreciated for the convenience and ease of installation, the ability to withstand physical stress and a large selection of shapes and colors.
Advantages of polycarbonate as a building material:
- Can withstand strong temperature differences from - 45 With to +100 With , therefore it is used in all regions of the country, even in the far north.
- Does not break from strong shock loads. Polycarbonate is stronger than glass in dozens of times. Even if you manage to break it( which is very difficult), the material does not crumble into fragments with sharp edges, but just rips into several fragments, which are almost impossible to cut. This excludes the high trauma hazard of compared to glass.
- The low weight of polycarbonate allows it to be used for construction of structures on the lightweight foundation, which significantly reduces costs. It weighs 15 times less than glass, but the remains very durable.
- Polycarbonate does not burn and does not support combustion - when it comes into direct contact with with it melts and self-extinguishes, preventing the spread of fire. To set fire to polycarbonate in domestic conditions is unrealistic - its ignition temperature is 570С.
- The material is resistant to aggressive external environment - it does not leak water, does not burn out under the scorching sun, does not crack from frost.
- It well passes light, while protecting from the scorching sunlight . Light transmission polycarbonate capacity can reach 86%( depending on the color and thickness).It partially absorbs ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from burns, so on a polycarbonate veranda it will be comfortable even on a hot, sunny day.
- For all its strength, the polycarbonate remains enough flexible material and allows you to create interesting architectural designs. You can bend the panels at the required angle right on the spot without the use of special equipment, so polycarbonate is very popular among self-taught masters.
From all the above it is clear that polycarbonate is an ideal option for building a veranda. Typically, for this purpose sheets 8 - 10 mm thick are used.
Interestingly: Do you know that polycarbonate was invented by the same person who discovered novocaine? They were the famous German chemist Alfred Einhorn, who worked in the XIX century at the University of Munich.
Types of verandas
Any construction should start on paper. First of all, you will need to make a polycarbonate veranda project, and in your power to give the design any shape. It is not necessary to limit yourself to the usual geometry - make an extension of the oval, round, wave-like or any other form - polycarbonate opens new horizons for construction with your own hands. With him, everyone can become an architect and a designer.
There are built-in and attached verandas. The first is often erected simultaneously with the house on a single foundation with it and often under a single roof. In the second case, under a veranda it will be necessary to equip a separate foundation. Among the attached verandas terraces are very popular. Often these are open designs that visually increase the area of the house and perform useful functions. So, the terrace is also a place for relaxation, and the porch, and the protection of the walls and foundations of the house from the rain. Polycarbonate for the construction of an open veranda is suitable as best as possible. It makes the space even more with light and air. For the roof, a more durable honeycomb polycarbonate is used - this is a sheet, inside which there are vented gutters , imparting strength and not allowing condensation to form.
If you live in a cold climatic zone, it is better to give preference to a closed veranda, having made walls from the same cellular polycarbonate. In addition to protection from rain and wind, it will help to keep heat inside the room, thanks to its air layer inside.
Advantages and disadvantages of the
material To sum up all the information outlined above, we suggest to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the attached porch from polycarbonate. First and most importantly, the construction of this material is much cheaper than from any other. This results not only in the price of polycarbonate, but also in the way of installation and low load on the foundation. For very small and light verandas, some even do not equip the "real" foundation, but simply place on the drainage cushion in the ground an ordinary fence or road slab of concrete, on which I mount the frame.
Even if you you took a practically transparent light polycarbonate, it will not be very hot in summer in this veranda, because the material disperses most of the rays. And to ensure the influx of fresh air into a closed room, several ventilation hatches can be made in the polycarbonate ceiling. To create a cool cool shade, use the shutters .In the case of polycarbonate, even the most ordinary plastic models will look harmonious.
To warm this veranda in the winter, it is enough to use infrared films .In the daytime, they can save a lot on heating. In other words, making a microclimate in a polycarbonate veranda comfortable is not so difficult and costly.
Among the shortcomings of such buildings can be identified the fact that in winter polycarbonate for the roof of the veranda requires regular cleaning from snow, with do it very carefully. Do not use iron scoops, brushes or shovels, so as not to scratch the surface. Otherwise, the material will lose its previous light-transmitting capability and protective characteristics. The walls of the veranda can only be washed with delicate means, which do not contain alkalis and caustic acids.
Polycarbonate verandas have more advantages than minuses, so discard all doubts and proceed to construction.
Building the veranda
Building a veranda of polycarbonate with your own hands is much easier, cheaper and faster than from any other material. But first you should clearly to represent, for what you will use this premise. So, from the veranda you can make not only a place for rest and leisure , but also a functional dressing room. Attach its to the entrance to the house, and in the it will be much warmer even the harshest winter. If you like plants, you can make a greenhouse or even a winter garden from the veranda. Then, of course, you need an additional ventilation system, which should be taken into account in the project.
Important: The area of the room must be more than 12 m².If done less, the veranda will be too tiny and uncomfortable, it will be difficult to clean up and accommodate the necessary furniture.
Polycarbonate is mounted on a pre-prepared frame. For its construction, you can use wooden beams with a large cross-section or metal rolling( steel or aluminum).It is very important to organize the correct roof slope - it must be at least 30 °.The slope is calculated individually for each climatic zone and depends on the amount of seasonal precipitation, wind load and other factors. This information is described in more detail in the corresponding SNiP .
Foundation for a greenhouse
As we said before, polycarbonate is lightweight, so it is not necessary to lay a powerful expensive foundation for it. In this case, the is suitable for lightweight ( shallow ) ribbon, columnar or pile variant. When choosing a foundation, consider not only the weight and dimensions of the future veranda, but also the its designation. For example, if inside you plan to place heavy furniture or a lot of pots with plants, this will give an additional load to the base.
What types of foundations are suitable for the veranda:
- Plate - for large and heavy verandah. The most expensive option, however provides a smooth foundation and guarantees the durability of the structure.
- Belt shallow is the most common solution. Make such a foundation nt cm even an inexperienced builder. Of the materials you will need only rubble, cement , sand and boards for formwork.
- The column foundation is more suitable for open or small closed verandas.
- The pile is the most common type of foundation lately. Installation of piles by professional workers takes only a few hours, after which you can immediately proceed to mounting frame and polycarbonate its plating. Thus, the veranda can be done in just 1 - 2 days.
Consider how to equip columnar foundation nt for I have a small verandah. Support pillars can be made of concrete, brick, wood or pipes. The main advantage of this type is that the base is completely autonomous and does not come into contact with the foundation of the house, it can be attached from any side and enlarged if necessary, only by adding the required number of poles.
Work progress:
- If you make pillars of pipes, cover them before installation with an anti-rust agent; if of wood is an antiseptic, plus cover each centimeter with liquid bitumen or mastic.
- Make a markup on the veranda construction site and excavate the pits around the perimeter. The depth of the wells must correspond to the depth of the main foundation, and the diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pillars.
- Add 20 cm of river sand to the bottom of each pit 15 - and carefully rammer. Such a simple drainage will not allow underground and sedimentary waters to destroy the pillars.
- Set the posts in the pits strictly vertically, checking the position using the building level. If you make concrete supports, then in the pits, first a wooden formwork is installed, after which concrete is poured into the on the .To increase strength in the center of each concrete column, place a thick reinforcing bar.
Screw piles are convenient because depending on the specific terrain, you can adjust their height without additional complications, ground leveling and etc .If your site is on a slope or has a hilly terrain, it is better to make a pile foundation than to waste time creating an even platform.
Installation of polycarbonate
Polycarbonate glazing can be made either vertically or horizontally on wooden beams or metal profiles. If you are doing an open extension, then you only need to install crate for the roof on the supporting posts. If you want to close the veranda with polycarbonate, the lath ( frame) is needed not only for the roof, but also for the walls. Polycarbonate - a very durable material, but that the verandah lasted a long time, it should be properly secured. For this, the beams should be installed with steps from 60 to 80 cm, and the support posts should be spaced apart from each other at a distance of from 1 to 3 m ( depending on the thickness of the sheet and the dimensions of the veranda).
You can attach polycarbonate to the frame in two ways - dry or wet. In the first case, only self-tapping screws and other fasteners are used, in the second case silicone sealant is added.
Important: Before installs a sheet of polycarbonate, you need to make a marking for the fasteners, drill holes, a bit larger, than the screw, and only then screw it to the crate .Be sure to use protective gaskets( thermowells) in order not to damage the polycarbonate surface with metal fasteners. Do not over-tighten the screw, otherwise according to the material go t t a ridge, or it will bend and will start collect moisture in this place. Observe the distance between the fasteners in 30 - 40 cm. The picture below shows how to properly screw the screw into polycarbonate:
How to make a polycarbonate veranda:
- Begin mounting the panels from the left edge of the wall. Between the adjacent panels, leave a small gap in 3 - 5 mm - then it will be filled with sealant. If you work with honeycomb panels, lay them vertically and do not cover the bottom so that the condensate can flow freely through the chutes inside the sheet and out. To insulate the bottom edge of the panel, use a special perforated tape. It will not let dust and debris get inside and will not hold water.
- Before installation, each panel must be glued with a special continuous tape, covering the upper end part so that water, dust or small dust does not get there. Also, protective strips are used for this.
- Do not remove the protective film from the polycarbonate before completing the installation work! Position the panels so that the film is located outside the room.
- Make markup for me st kr Mountings on frame and panels. Use self-cutters only in stainless steel, otherwise after the first rain they will start to rust. For fastening monolithic slabs to the frame, use a metal profile or weather resistant strong adhesive.
- After installing the walls and roof, fill the joints between the sheets with a transparent silicone sealant or cover with decorative laths.
As you can see, the work of is quite simple and for the successful outcome of the case it is only necessary to understand the features of fastening the sheets. Finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video about assembling polycarbonate verandas:
Polycarbonate porch: photo