Master class on the correct laying of the cinderblock

Master class on the correct laying of the cinderblock

The question of how to put a cinder block, are set when building the walls of a garage, an economic structure or a fence.

For the construction of residential houses this material is no longer used, it was replaced by foam and gas blocks.

The main advantages of the cinder block:

  • are composed of ordinary sand and cement, as well as gypsum, lime and slag;
  • excellent strength, exemplary resistance to moisture and mechanical stress;
  • is lightweight and easy to use;
  • low cost.

The only negative is the low thermal conductivity. In cold weather, a house made of cinder blocks quickly loses heat through walls. However, the demand for this construction material does not fall.

This drawback helps to eliminate a huge selection of insulation. So after consulting how to properly place the cinder block, without any doubts, get down to business.

To hire a construction team is not necessary, in the laying of the cinder block with their own hands there is nothing super complicated.

First, prepare the tools:

  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • building level;
  • cord or fishing line;
  • hammer;
  • water level;
  • trowel;
  • poryadovka.


Preliminary work

  • Angles and first row
  • Second and subsequent rows
  • Laying technologies
  • Several tips
  • Preliminary work

    The foundation on which the masonry is made, the width should be slightly larger than the width of the cinder block( at least 4 cm).

    The construction platform is made with waterproofing, as the components of the slag block - lime and sand, do not stand in contact with water.

    The foundation, in order to prevent the curvature of the future building, can not be uneven.

    Before you start working with your own hands, find the scaffolding you'll stand on. They are useful if the calculated height of the masonry is more than your chest level.


    Touching up the masonry in the hands with the cinder block will be a pretty torment, because you need to consider how much this material weighs. It is bigger and heavier than brick.

    A simple stepladder in this case does not help, it does not have space to put a bucket of solution.
    Equally important is the consistency of the solution.

    The correct solution is plastic, but not flowing, thick as sour cream.

    By rules, the mortar for laying the slag block is prepared from the same amount of sand and cement and one third of the red clay. The components are thoroughly mixed with the addition of water.

    How much and in what proportions to mix these 4 components, is detailed in the video.

    The solution is recommended for use on the following day. It is more convenient to lay slag blocks, the size of bricks.

    You can prepare slag blocks with your own hands. Between them, two boards of two meters long with cross boards are connected.

    The extreme boards are fastened together with the longitudinal boards. Using a chisel in the longitudinal boards form a cut in 14 centimeters.

    Types of cinder block

    Then in the prepared material cut out the cells, which then must be painted with oil paint. After the done actions, a mixture of concrete and ash is poured into it.

    Then in the prepared material, cut out the wells and paint them with oil paint. In the slagblock unit, there must necessarily be voids to provide additional heat.

    When the solution in the mold hardens, it can be taped with a hammer and pull out the finished block. It is recommended to wait a day, and then to do the styling.

    Angles and first row

    The first blocks are laid in the corners of the building. This should be approached in good faith and diligently: how straight will be laying in the corners, so even it will be on the walls.

    Therefore, we must actively use the order( rectangular corner), verifying each step.

    On the foundation on both sides of the corner with a steel spatula( trowel), apply a smooth layer of mortar, on which two slag blocks are placed at an angle of 90 degrees. Their upper side is again covered with a solution.

    Next, put the third block under the account, closing the boundary between the two previous ones.

    At this stage, the layings level is checked for the uniformity of the horizontal line, the plumb line is vertical.

    If there is distortion, it's easy to fix with a hammer, tapping gently on the blocks from the right side. The same method should be used when laying the rest of the corners.

    Then, in the junctions between all the lower and upper blocks, it is driven through a nail to pull a thick fishing line on them.

    This conditional line continues to lay the first row of the cinder block, not forgetting to apply the building level.


    If suddenly the last element of the perimeter masonry does not fit into its place because of the larger size, then it can be reduced with an ordinary hacksaw. Slag blocks are sawn without problems.

    Only adjust the size of the block with a saw in the respirator and goggles - during the sawing a lot of dust and grains of slag flies.

    Second and subsequent rows of

    For all the seams of the masonry pour the solution, removing the excess with a spatula. Then the masonry of the other rows is performed. The slagblock is laid not on the principle of brickwork, erecting one wall, and then another.

    It is laid, passing along the perimeter of the building.

    The new series also begins to stack from the corner. On the block in the bottom row, put the second cinder block, and on it the third, closing the seams. The entire second row has slag blocks according to the example of the first.

    In this case, periodically check the correctness of laying in a horizontal and vertical position.

    The trimmed parts must be kept as far apart as possible from each other, for example, in opposite corners.

    The laying of two starting rows is very important. Therefore, to start building in a hurry is not worth it. Subsequently, the course of construction will accelerate.

    If behind the shoulders there is practical baggage, then you can check the horizontals in 3-6 blocks, vertically - through 4 rows made.

    The edges between the cinder blocks should be kept in the size of one or a half cm. If making the seams very narrow, the masonry will be less reliable, huge seams will lead to heat leakage from the house.


    Do not advise to apply the solution to the voids inside the blocks.

    The opinion that this will add strength is erroneous. Rather, it will violate the thermal insulation properties of the wall and increase the consumption of the components of the solution.

    Laying technology

    Slag block placement is usually performed in one of two ways.

    Method number 1 - spoon, that is, in the canteen. He meets most often.

    Method number 2 - bumped, otherwise, in one stone. The technology of laying in 2 or a stone and a half is possible only when erecting houses for permanent residence, where the walls are 75-80 centimeters thick.

    This technology of construction coincides with the method of laying bricks.

    Slag-block walls do not make sense to cover with plaster, it will not hold, as the material has poor adhesion.

    It is advisable to trim every wall of the slag-block structure with a decorative stone.

    If in your plans to build a structure from the cinder block, do not lose sight of the fact that the cinder block can contain harmful volatile compounds.


    So you can leave it for a while in an open place or in a ventilated building.

    If the installation of the cinder block is carried out according to all the rules, then taking into account the special nuances, then you will build your own impeccable cinder block room with your own hands.

    If in your understanding, not all the subtleties of the technology described above are covered, then watch the video in our article.

    Some tips

    Surplus cinder block, as a rule, is left on the porch or on the foundation.

    It is appropriate to make a porch from the cinder block, if there is a significant difference between the level of the courtyard and the house.

    Slag-block foundation is laid only where dry ground, for a house with a small load.

    Underground waters must pass below the frozen soil layer.

    Still need to consider how many floors will be in the building. If more than one, it is better to change the solution and build a concrete foundation.

    Do not ignore the fact that the cinder block has pores, why it should be well insulated and polished.

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