The process of putty plasterboard wallpaper

The process of putty plasterboard wallpaper

When decorating rooms, they are increasingly using plasterboard for wallpaper.

Drywall, used as a warming and leveling wall material, allows you to make finishing work quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, it became preferable to plaster.

The main argument in favor of drywall is that the work with it is not "dirty", not requiring general cleaning after repairs.


  • Is it possible to do without plastering plasterboard walls?
  • How to prepare the surfaces for the puttying treatment?
  • Finishing coating with GKL filler

Is it possible to do without plastering of plasterboard walls?

Beginners in the construction industry by inexperience believe that there is no need for plasterboard putty. It seems to them that the surface of this material is quite even without it.

Of course, everyone has the right to decide whether to handle gypsum board before gluing wallpaper on it.

But it is worthwhile to give several reasons that will definitely make you change your mind about leaving the walls without puttying:

  • if you decide to glue the wallpaper with a light color, the joints between the sheets of finishing material will be clearly visible;
  • wallpaper, which are going to be glued on the plasterboard wall itself, will have to be torn together with the pieces of the next repair, which will need to be re-sheathed.

Dry compositions for building a lot, which makes it difficult to choose the necessary putty. Some mixtures are intended for covering walls, others for ceiling, and others for cracks.

Buying dry ingredients is beneficial, they have a long shelf life.


The quality characteristics of dry putties are not affected by the temperature at which it is stored. And already the prepared finishing structure is subject to change and damage.

The main thing, dry putty can be planted little by little, to something until the end to cover or correct.

To coat plasterboard walls, construction products based on both gypsum, polymer and cement are suitable. However, they are all not suitable for every room.

Cement filler covers the walls of the bathroom and kitchen, as the plaster does not transfer moisture and is cracked. A universal variant - a polymeric putty, characterized by great plasticity.

It is widely used in the processing of plasterboard walls. The consumption of this material during operation is low.

To apply a dry mix to the walls of a house, its special characteristics are not so important. On indicators of frost resistance and fire resistance it is not necessary to pay much attention.

You can buy a universal building product.

Correct putty plasterboard

But if the choice fell on the ready-made putty mixture, which relieves some of the torment for its self-preparation, then be sure to see if its shelf life has not been reached.

Be careful not to obtain a compound for outdoor work, which may contain dangerous substances.

It's even better to bypass the cheapest mixes, since they can be of very questionable quality.

How to prepare the surfaces for the puttying?

Before starting work, the surface of the walls must be cleaned of dust, and then check the drywall sheets - suddenly on some of them the screws are incorrectly screwed.

To see if everything is in order, it is easy, you just need to hold a spatula in the GKL attachment area. The blade slides without bumping into obstacles - everything is done perfectly.

When the spatula gets stuck behind the protruding heads of the cogs, they must be tightened tightly.

But, if some screws are screwed too hard, that the hat went halfway into the thickness of the sheet, then it is better to remove them. At the same time, in 50 mm from the previous place of the screw it is necessary to screw the other.

If there are small flaws on the surface of the drywall, such as scratches and dents, they should be masked with a putty mixture before covering the walls with a common layer.


If the imperfections of the surface are very evident, then they have to be corrected in several steps with a breather to dry.

It is necessary to work with gypsum cardboard carefully, as the material differs brittle and it can be inadvertently damaged.

On gipsokartonnyh sheets need to putty:

  • slots in the joints;
  • places where there are inconsistencies, that is, zones of pipes and niches;
  • sections of screwed screws.

Completely on all sheets of gypsum cardboard at work with own hands it is necessary to put a first coat.

If the priming is done at a minimum, then the joints of the sheets are processed for the subsequent gluing of the wallpaper and the corners.

But you do not need to consume the primer economically, it does not cover the walls by itself and it is enough to apply only one coat of primer to the walls.

Primer will provide good adhesion of putty with gipsokartonnymi sheets.

When the adhesion-improving agent dries on the wall, the borders of the gypsum board panels and the areas of the screwed screws need to be pasted with a sickle that will prevent the putty from covering the cracks.

Special attention needs the corners of the GKL.They shpakkuyutsya as follows: for each outer corner of the two edges of the joint sheets thickly plaster filler and gently squeeze it to cooked and a suitable size of the corner.

For this, perforated corners of metal or plastic are used. They will help to make the corners correct and even.

The inner corners are easier to apply with putty. The process facilitates the gluing of the sickling and the spatula, designed to create perfectly right angles.

How to prepare gipsokartonnyh walls to glue wallpaper on them, tell the master on the video.


Finishing coating with GKL

If you plan to glue wallpaper in the plans, you can take a standard putty product and start to putty. But if you bought a dry composition, then the filler still needs to be prepared.

Before mixing the water and the dry mix, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

There it will be written how much you need to dilute the water and the mixture. Usually, warm water is used for this, and the mix is ​​stirred with a mixer.

If there is no mixer among the domestic tools, then a special drill bit is suitable.

It is not possible to stir the shpaklevka well without mechanical devices, even a conventional stick will not help.

Sometimes the resulting mixture needs to stand for a while, how many, it will be written on the label. After the finished compound is infused, it must be mixed again.

To spread the putty, you need 2 tools-spatula: one - wide, the other - narrow.

The first spatula is leveled the applied layer, and the second - remove the excess and work in hard-to-reach areas. But for leveling the walls in the corners use an angled spatula.

When you process the seams, the work is necessarily started from the top. Put the shpaklevka on the border of the sheets with longitudinal movements, lightly pressing the spatula against the wall.


A common mistake when working with putty is surface treatment of the boundaries between the sheets.

When the mixture dries up, it sinks a little, so pits may appear on a flat area.

Therefore, you do not need to save material, what will be superfluous, it will be possible to remove without problems during grinding.

If there is a need to apply several layers of material to the GCR under the wallpaper, then it is necessary to take into account that the coating of the next layer is started after the drying of the past.

Surface gipsokartonnyh walls for wallpaper should be even without the smallest flaws. Since it is designed to glue liquid or other types of wallpaper, it needs to be ground.

To make a thorough preparation of the walls for gluing wallpaper, you can use a special grater with an emery cloth.


It is better to polish the walls by wearing protective equipment, that is, a respirator and glasses.

After finishing puttying, you need to clean and start to glue the wallpaper. But, if there is no confidence in the ideal evenness of the GCR under the wallpaper, then it can cause another zero layer.

For gluing in the wallpaper room, proceed only when they achieve the perfect smoothness of the sheets.

About how long it takes the process of puttying GCR for gluing wallpaper, is told on the video in our article.

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