An important stage in the decoration of the room is the filling of walls for wallpaper or painting.
How well and properly these works will be performed, so long the new walls will please you, this is especially important if you do all the repairs yourself.
The main task of filling is to make the walls perfectly smooth.
It does not matter what material was used to make the walls: concrete, plasterboard sheets, bricks and so on.
- Types of fillers
- What tools will you need to work?
- Preparatory works
- Putty on walls for painting, wallpaper
- How to level the corners with putty?
- Solution technology
- Ceiling filler
Types of fillers
The choice of putty is an important step in front of the actual practical part. Usually putty is a dry powder, which is diluted with water to the desired consistency.
It can also be presented as a ready-made creamy mass( liquid).The second kind, unlike the first one, is already ready for use, it should not be planted.
Distinguish plaster and cement putty. Gypsum is used to decorate rooms from the inside under wallpaper or painting, and cement for exterior work.
But thanks to the fact that the cement putty has such a property as moisture resistance, it is often the choice stops on it for construction works in the bathrooms.
Also distinguish types of putties as high-grained, they are used for leveling walls, they have such properties as strength and good adhesion, and fine-grained or finishing are used for the final preparation of surfaces for subsequent work, they create smooth smooth surfaces.
It is desirable to apply both types, so it is not advisable to make a choice here.
We offer you to watch a video, where an overview of different putties is presented.
What kind of putty is better to use, what to choose, if you do work yourself - there is no definite answer.
As we can see, types of putties have their purpose - under wallpaper, painting, for applying to the surface of the ceiling, drywall, external walls.
Finished liquid putty or a mixture that needs to be planted - which one to choose, is also up to you.
Drying putty equally - about 36-48 hours, and you need to use completely and the one to the other until it dries completely, as with repeated dilution the putty will not be usable.
However, no matter which shpaklevka is chosen by you, one important rule should be observed: one should not mix putties of different kinds or different brands.
What tools will you need to work?
It does not matter, you prepare walls for wallpaper or painting, to minimize them, what you need is a deeply penetrating primer, coarse and fine-grained putty.
And here's what - ready-made liquid or dry - the choice is yours.
And the following tools:
- spatulas, it is better if they are selected for work at once somewhat different in shape and size;
- rollers and brushes;
- grinding trowel;
- sandpaper;
- stationery knife;
- level;
- trapezoidal rule.
For dry mixes - stirring tank, drill with special mixer attachment.
You can of course mix and manually, but with the help of a mixer you can stir the putty perfectly, getting a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
Preparatory work for
Before you start shpatlevanii own hands, you need to prepare the walls.
And the first thing to do before leveling the walls is to clean them, peel off old wallpaper, remove paint or other finish. Peel off the skin, smooth out irregularities.
If on the surface there are many traces of nails in the form of holes, then the walls are plastered.
When the surface is cleaned, a primer is applied on it to protect it from mold and fungi.
Primer - an indispensable element in repair work. The primer is applied not only for antibacterial purposes, it also improves the adhesion of the putty to the surface.
Drying primer is not long, so it is better to make several layers.
On the video you can see the stage-by-stage preparation of the walls.
In conclusion, you should apply a sickle, this will increase the adhesion of the putty and the surface on which it will be applied.
Having prepared the walls for shpatlevaniya by yourself, if you plan to build a powder, you can start preparing the working mixture.
As we said above, it is better to use a drill with a mixer attachment. For mixing, you need water at room temperature.
How much to breed and how correctly - always indicated on the instructions that are attached to the putty. Usually in the following proportions: for 1 kg of dry mixture 0.29 liters of water.
That is, for a standard 25 kg package you need 5.5-6 liters of water. Try to dilute the amount of mixture that you use at a time.
Putty on walls for painting, wallpaper
Non-woven, paper, vinyl and other types of wallpaper require a smooth surface of the walls so that irregularities, roughness and other defects do not appear through them.
Putty should be started from the left edge of the wall. The spatula is applied in small portions on the surface and ground at an angle of 30 degrees.
Applying the mixture overlap to get rid of explicit transitions. By applying the putty yourself, you can do vertical, horizontal and even circular motions.
The applied layer, which should not be more than 2-3 mm, dries within 12 hours, after it is treated with sandpaper.
The video shows the process of applying putty.
To level the walls for painting, puttying is done similarly, as for wallpapers, only the angle of application is changed, it should be 60 degrees.
As the paint is capable to transfer to the smallest details all defects, for processing of walls by an emery paper use its various kinds.
Do not forget, before the putty is required a primer in several layers.
Drywall walls also require putty, coating technology does not differ from puttying other walls, however there are some nuances.
Special attention is paid to the places of joints of sheets made of plasterboard.
If you are preparing walls from gypsum plasterboard for painting, then applying a filler on the whole area is not necessary, since the sheets already provide a smooth surface of the walls.
Primer gypsum cardboard is required in any case before the putty.
How to properly prepare the walls of plasterboard, look at the next video.
Under wallpaper wall of gypsum cardboard must be treated with putty - enough thin layer, capable of finally leveling the surface.
Drywall sheets when changing wallpaper can be destroyed if they are not treated with a protective layer of putty before gluing, since they have a paper substrate.
How to align the corners with a putty?
Performing the work with their own hands, the complexity occurs when you design corners, but not internal, but external. Apply the mixture by using a perforated corner( counter).
The putty is applied to the protruding protruding corner with a thick layer. After application, put a perforated angle and press.
Excess shpatlevku, released into the hole, immediately cleaned. The final formation of the corner is done with the help of a trapezoid rule, when the putty will dry up a little.
Drying putty quickly enough, so you need to have time to properly align the angle.
Solution Application Technology
So, the technology of applying putty on walls is as follows:
- Before starting to putty, the surface of the walls must be cleaned, aligned small potholes, cracks;
- For the purpose of antibacterial protection and the increase of the coupling before the putty, a primer is applied.
- Putty put on the corner, moving to the middle;
- Scoop up the putty with a spatula of 15 cm, and apply a spatula 45 cm. To do this, remove a piece of 15 centimeters with a centimeter trowel, trying to ensure that the filler is evenly spaced along the entire length of the metal part. The spatula is applied to the wall at an angle and the mixture is blended horizontally from edge to center. The putty knife is cleaned and again carried out over the spatted place, removing excess;
- To avoid delays, the layers overlap;
- If it is necessary to apply filler from the middle, then the spatula movements should be strictly vertical, and the excess is removed in a circular( semicircle);
- Before coating the walls with wallpaper, paint, putty should dry. The applied layer dries, depending on the thickness, from 12 to 48 hours.
Ceiling filler
The ceiling, as well as the surface of the walls, must also be leveled with putty before painting, whitewashing, ceiling slabs and other coatings are applied.
The technology of applying a mixture for the preparation of the ceiling is the same as for the preparation of walls. The work begins with the cleaning of the ceiling from previous coatings.
It is mandatory to apply a primer to increase the adhesion of putty and ceiling.
What kind of putty is best used for the ceiling and how many layers to properly make depends on its structure, how flat the ceiling surface, than you plan to cover it.
Ceiling shading is shown in the following video story.