When installing a sewer system for a private house, it is worthwhile to pay attention to septic tanks made of concrete rings, which are easy to build and easy to maintain.
Long enough as the main element of the sewerage of a private house in the dacha was an ordinary cesspool, but when it was used, it was necessary to encounter a variety of inconveniences.
First of all, unpleasant odors constantly flowed from it, besides this, it needed periodic cleaning.
Today, all these problems allow to solve the septic device from concrete rings, which can be installed at a dacha or near any private house.
The principle of operation of a septic tank made of concrete rings, which is properly equipped and in accordance with all the rules, will allow to cope with a sufficiently large volume of sewage.
In addition, it can be built almost anywhere in the country.
The device of a septic tank from concrete rings means presence of ventilation, the scheme of work and design of which allows practically to not feel unpleasant smells in the territory of a summer residence.
In addition, the septic tank does not require permanent maintenance, and repairs are only made when necessary. Before you make a septic tank of concrete rings, you need to understand the principle of its operation and device.
- Features of septic tank
- Device septic tank
- Construction of septic tank
- Final stage of works
- Advice and recommendations
Features of septic tank
Of course, the price of a septic tank constructed of concrete rings will be high enough, but it's worth it. You can try an alternative and mount a cesspool of concrete rings.
In this case, the bottom of the well is made drainage in the form of a mixture of gravel and sand, as a result of which all the impurities will gradually go into the ground.
Even if such a single-chamber septic tank is made deep, it will not be able to cope properly with large volumes of water, and from time to time it will have to be cleaned.
With such a device, everything will be decided by the size and depth of the well. In addition, there is a high probability that in the very near future there will be clogging of soil and nearby groundwater.
In order not to think about water consumption and when not to face the problem of diversion of sewage and sewage, you need to think about a more efficient design.
The optimum alternative will be a septic tank made of concrete rings, the construction of which will consist of several separate cameras, as shown in the video below.
The most common two-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings, which can be installed and equipped by anyone, is the best solution to the problem with sewage drainage in a suburban area.
If all the work is done correctly, then it can be used for a long period of time.
In addition, there is no need to carry out regular maintenance and cleaning of such a septic tank, and repairs are carried out only when necessary.
This design always keeps the soil clean and does not affect groundwater. Unlike the cesspool, a septic tank consisting of several chambers practically does not emit smells.
The main disadvantage of such a device is the high price of materials used, as well as a rather complicated installation.
The size of the well for the construction of such a septic tank depends mainly on the number and volume of tanks, and these parameters are calculated before the actual installation begins.
For more details on how to install a septic tank of concrete rings, see the video posted above.
Septic device
The classic and most common option for a septic tank that effectively cope with a large amount of sewage is a three-chamber design, as shown in the photo below.
The design of this design involves the installation of a specific well, which will consist of three separate tanks.
Each tank performs a specific function and has some features in the design.
So, the main and main camera in this case is the first, which carries out the reception of all sewage and sewage.
Its sealing must be carried out as tightly as possible, since it is here that decomposition and stratification of all sewage waste will occur.
In this tank, as a result of certain processes, the decomposition of microorganisms and bacteria occurs, which leads to the liberation of all kinds of gases and alkali and, as a result, their complete decay.
The following tank also serves for aerobic fermentation of microorganisms, however in this case the sealing is not so dense and air participates in the process.
In the chamber of this well, the final natural decomposition of bacteria takes place, the large elements of which settle on the bottom and finally rot.
The last tank does not have a monolithic bottom, and from it the remaining sewage drains through the drainage system go deep into the ground.
It should be noted that practically pure water enters the reservoir of this well, which does not pose any threat to soil and groundwater.
All tanks are connected in a special way by means of a special overflow system. In addition, their waterproofing must be carried out.
The big role in the construction of this device is played by the ventilation of the septic tank from concrete rings, which is arranged according to a certain principle.
The approximate scheme of a septic tank of this type is shown in the photo below.
Construction of a septic tank
All works on the construction of a septic tank begin with digging a pit for each concrete ring separately. The dimensions of such excavations should be slightly larger in diameter than the dimensions of the concrete rings.
The pit is carried out on a specially prepared place for this purpose, which should be located at the maximum possible distance from residential buildings and groundwater.
It should be noted that it is possible to arrange rings from concrete both in one line and in the form of a triangle.
After the pits are dug, it is necessary to strengthen their edges as far as possible and carefully tamper with the bottom of each. Next, the foundation is poured with two grooves of cement mortar.
Waterproofing of the bottom of the wells must be made mandatory, as this will help to avoid negative consequences in the future.
Waterproofing the bottom of the wells can be any material intended for this purpose.
After the bottom of each hole has been prepared and waterproofed, the concrete rings themselves are assembled. The rings are neatly placed in pits on top of each other.
Next, careful sealing and waterproofing of joints between them is carried out, and also rigidity of the installation is checked.
In this case, the seams can be waterproofed with both resin and special grease.
It should be noted that the bottom of the last tank should be a drainage system made of a mixture of sand and gravel.
The gap between the concrete rings and the edges of the pit should also be carefully and densely packed.
After this, it is necessary to install an overflow system that will connect all the tanks together.
The approximate scheme of the septic device and the connection between each tank is shown in the photo in our article.
The final stage of the work of
After the installation of the concrete rings and their waterproofing is carried out, the laying of the sewage pipe itself begins.
Under it dig a small pit, which must also be waterproofed. The pipe must seal the house and the septic tank itself.
In order to repair the internal structure of the septic tank if necessary, it is necessary to provide appropriate technological holes.
They must provide free access to each well, if necessary, to repair and clean the septic tank.
Next, each tank should be covered with a special lid and equip with a ventilation system, through which all gases accumulated in the internal volume will escape.
Despite the fact that repair and maintenance of the septic tank from concrete rings during its operation is extremely rare, it may still be necessary.
In most cases, repairs may be required to the connecting overflow pipes, as well as a sewer pipe that connects the tanks to the house.
To them it is necessary to provide as much as possible free access, which will allow to perform all necessary amount of work.
Very rarely there is a need to repair the bottom of the septic tank, but to avoid this, you should carefully check its tightness and strength during the construction of the structure.
For more information on how to build a septic tank using concrete rings, see the video.
Tips and tricks
The use of a septic tank made of concrete rings as the main construction element, avoids a number of problems in its subsequent operation.
First of all, such rings are not subject to corrosion processes. It can withstand high pressure and can be used in a wide variety of soils.
The main disadvantage of the concrete rings is their relatively high price, but the durability and reliability of the septic tank erected from them still makes such a design justified.
It should be noted that such a septic tank practically does not fail during the whole operation time, which means that repairs can be extremely rare.
In addition, anyone who has a relatively small building experience will be able to build a septic tank of concrete rings with their own hands.
Construction of a septic tank made of concrete rings in the suburban area can effectively solve the problem of installing a sewage system.
This device has good reliability and durability, which makes it possible to operate it for a long period of time.
This septic tank successfully copes with the processing of a rather large volume of sewage, which means that it can be equipped and where there is a large and friendly family.
Works on its arrangement should be made in strict accordance with the generally accepted technology and use only high-quality building materials.
It should be noted that the concrete rings are the optimum material from which a septic tank can be made.