We construct a septic tank from the European cubes with our own hands

We construct a septic tank from the European cubes with our own hands

In the event that a private house does not have direct connection to the central sewer system, a septic tank from the European cubes can become a way out of the situation with their own hands.

Over the years, it was possible to equip an individual sewer system for a private house or dacha only with a cesspool.

Despite its simple device, some difficulties arose in the further operation.

In the first place, any cesspool should be periodically cleaned, and in addition, even if it is located away from home, the unpleasant odor coming from it extends over a long distance.

It should be noted that modern developments in the arrangement of an autonomous sewer system in the country or in a private house, allow you to cope with all these problems at minimal cost.

In recent years, various septic tanks have become widespread, which are a more perfect alternative to cesspools.

The main advantage of such systems is that the scheme of their device allows to clean all sewage to such a state that they become suitable for watering beds in the country.

In this case, the best option is a septic tank from European cubes, which everyone can easily do.


  • Design and features of
  • How to assemble?
  • Installation and installation of
  • Tips and tricks

Design and features of

An ordinary European cube is a certain size plastic container that is able to withstand pressure and withstand the effects of aggressive media.

In turn, a septic tank, which is assembled with the help of eurocubes, is a structure consisting of several such tanks, specially connected to each other.

The septic tank of this type assumes the availability of special ventilation valves, as well as nozzles, through which the sewage liquid will move.

The use of eurocubes for the construction of a septic tank allows minimizing financial investments and making all incoming effluents suitable for subsequent technical use.

If the scheme of construction of a septic tank assumes its insulation, then it will be possible to use sewerage in the country and at home all year round, even at sub-zero temperatures.

The scheme of a simple septic device of this type is shown in the photo below.

Septic scheme

Also a self-made septic tank, which is equipped at a dacha from European cubes, does not spread an unpleasant smell around the territory.

This design has a high degree of sealing and reliability, it is not afraid of corrosion and the impact of all kinds of aggressive media.

In addition, properly assembled septic tank from the European cube by your own hands does not require periodic pumping, which means that it can be operated without compulsory maintenance.

The work on the installation of eurocubes can be carried out independently, without the involvement of construction equipment and special equipment.

It should be noted that the eurocub under the septic can be installed in almost any soil, except it does not matter and the depth of passage of groundwater.

For more information on how to assemble a septic tank from European cubes by yourself, see the video below.


How to assemble?

From eurocubes it is possible to assemble a self-made septic tank in a country house both a two-chamber, and three-chamber type.

The most common construction is the construction of a septic tank consisting of two separate tanks.

Its device assumes the availability of two eurocubes of the appropriate volume, as well as all the necessary additional components and pipes.

It is advisable to have a quality sealant, a welding machine and a Bulgarian on hand. In most cases, standard eurocubes intended for a private home already have drainage holes.

These holes should be carefully sealed with a sealant, which covers the cover. Further in one of the tanks should be placed a special tee.

This can be done by creating an additional technological hole with the help of a grinder. Exactly the same hole must be made on the second container.

The installation of a branch pipe, through which all sewage wastes will be delivered to the European cube, will then be installed.

This connection should be carefully sealed. A mandatory condition for any septic tank is adequate ventilation.

For these purposes, small holes must be made on each tank, through which special ventilation pipes with plugs are passed.

After this, you can proceed to the arrangement of the overflow system, for which in one of the eurocubes it is necessary to make a hole a little higher than on the other and connect them with each other using a tee and a piece of pipe.

Building a septic tank

Since the device of this type of septic tank does not imply pumping during the operation period, it is not necessary to equip a special valve for this purpose, respectively.

Next, you must firmly bond the two tanks together. This can be done with the help of reinforcement, binding wire and welding machine.

The result should be a design, as in the photo posted below. The very process of assembling a septic tank of this type is shown in detail in the video in the article.

Installation and installation of

For the construction of a septic tank consisting of European cubes, you should choose the right place at the cottage, while not far from home.

It is better if the site is located in an open space and at a sufficient distance from the flow of groundwater.

After determining the place, it will be necessary to measure and mark it and only after that start earthworks.

In addition to the pit for the European cubes themselves, it will be necessary to prepare trenches and sewer pipes simultaneously.

In the event that there are no underground water nearby, then at the bottom of the pit it will be enough just to equip the pillows of sand and gravel.

Otherwise, the bottom of the excavation will need to be poured with concrete. Then carefully put the eurocub construction in the pit itself and connect it to the sewer system that runs from the house.

More details on this are described in the video below.


Also, the prefabricated structure must be connected by means of a special pipe with a drainage well, where the sewage sewage that has passed through the sewage will be taken off.

It is recommended to provide this drainage pipe with a non-return valve that prevents septic tanks from entering the water in the opposite direction.

The upper part of the device and all its side walls must be insulated. This can be done with the help of sheets of polystyrene foam.

Further on top of the septic are laid protective boards or corrugated sheets that will prevent deformation of the whole structure as a whole.

After this, both eurocuba should be filled with water and backfilled with soil.

Installation of Eurocubes

It is also necessary to carefully arrange the upper part of the septic tank, while not forgetting, if necessary, to provide easy access to the construction of the septic tank.

The process of installing a septic tank based on eurocubes is described in detail in the video posted above.

Tips and Tricks

A septic tank assembled from European cubes will be effective only if all the works for its arrangement are carried out in accordance with generally accepted rules.

Prepare the pit under the eurocube with a waterproofing layer. This will avoid negative consequences in critical situations.

In addition, it is recommended to conduct waterproofing and in the ditch, intended for laying the sewer pipe.

Special attention should be given to the ventilation system of the septic tank, since the successful operation of the device itself largely depends on its correct functioning.

Pit for septic tank

Despite the fact that the European cubes are capable of withstanding certain loads, it is not recommended to overload them and fill them to the upper limit.

For convenience of use, this type of septic tank should be equipped with an electric compressor that can supply oxygen to the tanks.

This will speed up the process of decomposition of aerobic bacteria, and accordingly the Eurocubes themselves will be cleared much faster.

In the process of operation, a septic tank of this type is not recommended to allow the entry into Europeancubes of various non-degradable elements, such as polyethylene, cigarette butts, metal objects and others.

It is also not recommended that oil products, various solvents, medical preparations and other chemical debris fall into the tanks.

It is highly undesirable to allow a large amount of liquid to be discharged into the sewage system at a time. This can lead to overfilling of tanks and failure of the septic tank as a whole.

In the event that the septic tank is not equipped with a special electric compressor, then in the course of time it will have to be cleaned in manual mode or with the help of a sewer.

If a septic of this type is not used for a long time, then before starting its subsequent operation, special biological preparations should be added to eurocubes, which contain microorganisms that accelerate the purification of sewage water.

Also, if a septic tank is used only in the summer, it should be kept for the entire winter period.


To do this, all the tanks must be completely drained of all liquid and water and cover all valves in the system.

If the system is operated in the winter season, the container should not be filled to the upper limit.

At very low temperatures, the strength characteristics of the plastic, from which the European cubes are made, are significantly reduced, and overcrowded containers can simply crack or deform.

In any case, the work of a septic tank of this type must be constantly monitored and checked.

Compliance with the rules and recommendations in its operation will avoid many problems and extend the overall service life of both eurocubes and the whole system.

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