Simplicity and availability of a siding installation on a wooden house

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Simplicity and availability of a siding installation on a wooden house

The installation of the siding with its own hands on wooden houses is very popular today, because this way of finishing the house is simple, accessible materials and looks beautiful.

After all, many old houses are built of a wooden beam, which in time can start to rot, allow moisture and drafts, and lose its decorative advantages.

A wooden house in winter and autumn conditions shrivels or becomes moldy, it must be constantly treated with various septic tanks.

Naked walls are also not enough to ensure sufficient insulation of housing.

Therefore, more and more people are thinking about options for warming and finishing the house with siding.

Plus, it's very simple to do such an operation even with your own hands, and this, in turn, will reduce the price of works.

Typically, experts take an extra charge of fifty percent for doing the plating.

And in our case we just buy materials and do all the work ourselves.

Also to the merits of siding is the fact that it is durable and rarely requires additional repair. Moreover, there is no need even to paint it.


It's easy to take care of such a heater: it's enough to remove dust and dirt from time to time, you can even do it with water. It is believed that the average life of the siding is fifty years.

On the market today, there is a huge selection of this material, ranging from colors and ending in size.

Siding waste can be used for gazebos, garages and other structures.

When calculating the time that a siding installation will take, done by yourself or with the help of a professional master, it is worthwhile to understand that most of the time it will take the preparation of the house for work.


  • How to prepare a house before installing the siding?
  • What is the easiest way to complete the installation of the framework?
  • How do I install the siding panels?
  • How to choose a quality siding?

How to prepare a house before installing the siding?

Siding for installation in the first place with their own hands is good because if you want the old coating from the walls can not be removed.

However, when installing, it is worthwhile to understand that the life of such a skin will be much shorter. Most often, the walls are carefully prepared before starting work.

The wooden house must be thoroughly impregnated with refractory and antifungal solutions and allowed to absorb. After that, the wooden walls make the crate.

Types of panels

In addition, you can always install under the siding insulation, if you want to better keep the heat in the house in cold weather.

If the siding on a wooden house needs to be fastened without a thermal insulation material, then proceed directly to the crate.

That is, we need to create a wooden frame of uneven bars, a thickness of about 40 millimeters.

All wooden parts are also impregnated with solutions from rot and fungus.

We install the first layer of wooden battens with our own hands( if we want to save) in the same direction as the siding installation.

Most often the material should be fixed horizontally, and therefore - and the installation of wooden beams horizontally.

With a plumb line, we determine the most protruding point of the building. Orienting on it, we install the lower bar close to the plinth. In the same way, we carry out the installation of the upper beam.


Between the bottom board and the top we pull cords or ropes - they are necessary for a uniform installation even by own hands of other bars.

After fixing the frame with nails, it is necessary to put a windproof membrane on the walls, which will protect the house well from drafts.

The installation technology here is such that the membrane should be overlapped, and fastened with a stapler.

What is the easiest way to complete the installation of the framework?

As mentioned above, it is not enough to fix the first layer of beams, because the frame consists of two layers.

Such a frame will perform the functions of a supporting structure, plus it is easy to make by yourself.

The beams are installed vertically, first at the corners of the wooden house, holding a step of about 30 centimeters.

The boards can be attached to the crate by screws.

Some people who install themselves, think that the previous layer can be fixed vertically, and to it simply fix the frame. But this approach is wrong.

Horizontal and vertical layers allow the covering of the wooden house to receive the necessary ventilation.

Special attention at this stage requires a window. Sometimes it is necessary to take out windows to change double-glazed windows.

Preparing for fastening panels

Window openings are additionally leveled - this procedure can easily be carried out with your own hands with a plumb and level, as well as wooden rails. Frames at the end primed.

It is clear that the windows are surrounded by a frame in a separate order - the bars are cut to the desired size.

For ease of installation with your own hands, you can use special slats for openings. They have convenient grooves, in which then the panels around the window will be installed.

The most difficult part here is to form the corner joints around the window. If everything is done correctly, the projections will be additionally protected from the loads.

How do I install the siding panels?

Installation of the siding, when working in particular with their own hands, starts from the bottom up. At the first stage we start the bottom edge of the panel for a special lock of the starting strip, and the top edge is nailed to the wall.

The next row is set only after the end of the previous one. All siding panels should be located freely, with a gap of about 5 millimeters.

We do not forget to work very carefully where the windows are.

And what do those who have panels less than the breadth of a wooden house? Here, the technology of increasing the length is used. Do this with the help of n-molding - a special fastening profile.

Also allowed to overlap the siding. Each panel should overlap the previous one by a couple of centimeters.

As mentioned above, where the windows and doors are located, the siding panels are installed at least with their own hands, at least with the help of a master, in special slats.

The siding design is quite simple. On the one hand, the panel has ready-made holes for bolts or nails and a lock part for convenient docking of siding with each other.


On the other side is the longitudinal edge, which is the second component of the lock.

When the installation is carried out with an overlap with your own hands, you need to be extremely careful to ensure that parts of the lock go in where you want. That is, it is necessary to bring the edge into the hole until a characteristic click occurs.

The angles also have special clearances in which the panels enter. Additionally, they can not be attached to each other.

If you are afraid that some part of the siding will fall under the gust of a strong wind, then we assure you that the correctly fixed siding is absolutely not scary.

Since the panels are fixed with nails and the locks are safe construction, the siding will serve for a long time if you choose a quality material and install it according to the rules.

How to choose a quality siding?

The composition of quality siding for a wooden house should include such components: vinyl mass, so-called plasticizers( substances that do not allow the material to crumble and break), stabilizers of different chemical composition( make the material strong), fillers and pigments for coloring, enhancing repelling propertiesand so on.

Siding, which is used for mounting on a wooden house, must have a minimum of two layers.


The outer layer is impregnated with substances that repel moisture, dust, resist the accumulation of condensate, do not burn out under the sun.

The inner layer must be strong, withstand temperature extremes and have its own flexibility limit.

So, the manufacturer indicates the temperature range that the siding withstands.

We are all used to pay attention to the color of the siding, because it affects the appearance of the house. However, do not forget that the brighter the shade, the faster it will burn out or fade.

To be sure that this process does not happen prematurely, in the store, pay attention to whether the color of the outer layer is the same as the inner one. If yes, then the material is qualitative.

Especially it is impossible to buy a siding, whose color is uneven and resembles a divorce.

White siding for a wooden house is not considered practical, because it easily gets dirty even during the assembly with your own hands, this is despite the fact that for ourselves we try to do everything as accurately as possible.

It is best to choose neutral shades: green, gray, sand. Recently, more and more manufacturers are producing panels, painted under a tree.

They are worth more, but they can give the house an unusual and respectable look.

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