When there is a need in the insulation of buildings, the first thing we have to choose the most suitable material for this purpose.
To date, with individual housing construction, facade insulation is increasingly performed by extruded polystyrene foam.
This material is produced in the form of sheets of various sizes and densities. The most important parameter, which is of interest in this case, is the thermal conductivity.
According to this indicator, polystyrene, as it is called in everyday life, is among the leaders.
It is important to note that it does not absorb moisture and this quality will be especially attractive to it when decorating and insulating objects of different purposes.
Technical characteristics of sheet expanded polystyrene is reduced to the following parameters:
- light weight;
- high density;
- water resistance;
- resistance to fire;
- reasonable price.
Making a decision to insulate the facade of the house with their own hands, a person, more often than not, chooses polystyrene foam. In recent decades, increasingly began to build houses from sip panels.
This panel is based on the same expanded polystyrene foam.
The product is a kind of "sandwich", which consists of three layers - between the two oriented chipboard is a sheet of expanded polystyrene.
Of these panels erected cottages, baths, garages, extensions to the house, cabins.
The technology for erecting buildings of this design is reduced to a set of simple operations. All elements and components of the future house are manufactured in the factory.
Lines for the manufacture of sip panels are adjusted to a certain type of product, the frame of the future building is completed here, in the shop. All this set is delivered to the construction site.
By this time the base for the future house should already be ready. As a rule, a powerful concrete foundation for this type of building is not required.
If there is a basement in the house, this fact should be taken into account when calculating the strength of the base.
The presence of expanded polystyrene in the walls of the house, built of sip panels, provides sufficient thermal insulation of the building. Additional insulation of facades for this structure is not required.
At the same time, practice shows that when assembling such a building it is necessary to strictly observe the assembly technology. This is especially important when joining the planes of walls and ceiling.
In winter, in great frosts, even in solid timber log huts can freeze corners. These nodes must be carefully monitored when installing houses based on sip panels.
Wall insulation technology
Not only are the houses constructed from sip panels. These products are also used for the insulation of facades of buildings, which are built of other materials - brick, concrete, wood.
Such panels are used for the installation of hinged ventilated facades. This technology is well developed and widely used in all climatic zones.
At the same time, there remains a demand for a traditional method of warming, which you can do yourself.
It is necessary to follow a certain sequence of operations when performing work on the insulation of walls with expanded polystyrene.
Surface preparation
The first step is to level the surface of the facade. Since a sheet of expanded polystyrene has an almost ideal surface, it is necessary to bring the wall to the same or similar state.
The presence of small depressions and depressions is allowed, but the mounds and protrusions on the wall are unacceptable, as they will break the density of the insulation against the wall.
Therefore, they need to be smoothened, eliminated, cleaned.
Then coat the wall with a primer. Priming of the surface increases the adhesion strength with the heater when glued.
If the insulation is supposed to be fixed on the walls of the old building, surface preparation should be carried out with special attention.
Very often on the wall there are remains of structures that have long served their time.
They must be eliminated first. The protruding ends of the reinforcement, nails, dowels and pieces of concrete are removed without fail, too deep cavities must be puttied.
Fixing expanded polystyrene
Warming the facades of the house with extruded polystyrene foam, you need to calculate and select plates of a certain thickness. They are pasted one by one to the other, in rows from the bottom up.
First the bottom row, then the next and so on.
In the even row, the first plate must be cut in half so that there are no solid vertical joints.
According to building codes, the glue on the slab is applied over the entire surface to be bonded. Do not use solvent-based glue.
It is necessary to use a special dry composition, which is diluted with water and is designed for work with expanded polystyrene.
Additional fastening of
boards The glued boards must be additionally reinforced with umbrella dowels. This is done in a day, when the glue is completely dry and hardened.
It is possible to be limited only to gluing and not to use additional fastening by dowels, however, practice recommend to use at least five dowels per one plate - four pieces in the corners and one in the center.
If the plane of the walls is far from the ideal state, then the fastening with dowels must be carried out necessarily. Moreover, it is possible not to apply glue and to confine itself to this fastening.
The joints between the boards of expanded polystyrene must be greased with glue or a special mounting foam that does not expand.
Reinforcing layer
Doing work on the facade insulation with your own hands, you must first stock up all materials and fasteners.
After the installation of EPS boards has been completed, a layer of protective plaster must be applied on them.
In order for the plaster to hold securely on the wall, it is applied to a special reinforcing mesh in several layers.
The first layer is applied from a moisture resistant material - it must provide waterproofing of the insulation - for this purpose a cement slurry with active hydrostatic additives is used.
The second layer is applied in the event that further finishing is not provided.
External cladding
After the insulation of the facade is completed, it is necessary to perform the exterior finish of the facade.
The simplest and most budgetary way of finishing is simply to plaster the surface and paint with a special facade paint.
You can make a masonry of decorative bricks. In this case, the mason will require high qualification, experience and skill in working with decorative material.
Another common way is to hang panels from the siding.
With all the subtleties of the process, the insulation of any facade with expanded polystyrene, including sip panels, is a simple procedure that can be carried out by hand without special preparation.