More and more people are trying to drill a well on their site.
Everyone can quickly make a well at his dacha, both independently and correctly, both with the pump supply and manually.
But this process is complex, as it is often performed with the help of special equipment, requires knowledge and observance of certain nuances.
There are several reasons for constructing a well in its area:
- Own water source at the dacha.
- Independence from public utilities.
- Access to water 24/7.
- Pure water without chlorine and heavy metals.
- Drilled independently once and for years.
Let's look at the question of how to drill a well with our own hands in every detail: the types of drilling, the nuances and the very process of drilling itself for practical implementation in practice.
It is not a question of a well, since it is a different type of well, which does not always justify the expenditure of time and labor.
- Drilling methods
- Shock-rope
- Shock-rotational
- Screw
- Column
- Types of wells
- Sand well
- Artesian well
- Well drilling
- Conclusion
Methods of drilling
How to drill quickly and correctly with your own hands,there are several.
Let's analyze them in detail so that you can understand not only the essence of drilling, but also options for choosing a method for your dacha.
A special drilling tool breaks the rock, previously rising to a height of 2 meters above ground level. The principle of operation resembles the stroke of the piston in the engine: rose-hit-rose.
Further the broken ground with sand is grasped by means of the device, and depending on its type and density, such device can differ.
With this drilling in the well, it is worth constantly pouring water so that the walls do not fall off, and the rock in the well is softened and easily extracted.
When striking cable rope we need a tripod height of 2 meters, it stands directly above the drilling site. At the top of the tripod is a block with which the cable with a drill is pulled and lowered.
For a day you can easily drill up to 20 meters of depth. You can do without the tripod yourself, but you are exhausted physically. Do not listen to such advice from "home-grown" drillers.
Watch the video: the tripod is very simple to assemble, and its role is invaluable.
The method is somewhat similar to the above.
The difference lies in the nature of the drill movement in the well - it does not just strike, but also rotates.
The soil is removed using a special bucket.
If the soil at the dacha is dense, then it is better to use this type of drilling.
The most common method that uses a screw is a rod made of metal, with a screw thread along the entire length.
The auger has the dignity: it destroys the soil in the well and then carries it out to the surface.
Screw drilling is performed in one of 2 ways:
- 1st - the blades are welded to the screw at an angle of 90 degrees. The disadvantage is that the soil will still fall off the drill and it will have to be removed separately;
- 2nd - the blades are welded at an angle of up to 70 degrees. Inside the borehole, when extracting the borax, the soil will not fall, so this method is more profitable. You just need to have the necessary auger.
Please note that to drill a well quickly, correctly and without breakdowns, it is required to supply water directly to the well itself, as it lowers the temperature of the drill itself, softens the soil in the well.
As a result, it can always be pumped out by the pump itself.
Such a method is performed using a core bit, which is like an inverted empty glass with metal teeth.
When rotating and passing through the earth, the chisel forms a well of the required diameter. All collected sludge is accumulated in the chisel, further along with it and sand is carried to the surface.
It is enough to hit the drill bit a couple of times, as it immediately empties the whole "reserve" of soil from the bottom of the well. If the soil does not go - pick it with a rod. Only pure drill can be dumped.
When drilling into a chisel, water is poured through the pipe, which softens the soil. The column approach is suitable for any soil.
Let's summarize: from all types of drilling auger is less effective, although it is easy to implement independently.
The auger is suitable for a softer rock, for a solid - only the impact-rope method or impact-rotary.
Types of wells
There are several types of wells for water. For each has its own terms of use.
Sand hole
Depth from 15 to 30 meters, this well is drilled by auger method.
The well in this embodiment is a tube 10 to 12 cm in diameter, at the end of which there is a filter in the form of a perforated tube wrapped in a mesh.
When drilling a well, it is necessary to find a layer of so-called water-bearing sand and put a filter. Otherwise, this layer is called a water lens.
The thicker the lens, the more the well will be debited - you get more water in a unit of time. The service life of the well reaches up to 20 years, in winter the well can be preserved.
Rarely the well is silted - in that case it is sufficient to clean it with either a powerful compressor or an injector. The latter option is preferable.
Advantages of a well for sand:
- low cost of drilling;
- drilling is only 1-2 days, even by hand;
- can be drilled in hard-to-reach places, in the country, small-sized installations;
- water is not turbid - no complicated cleaning system;
- licensing and well logging are not required.
There are only two drawbacks: small durability in comparison with artesian, water level instability and well debit. The water ends quickly, filling for a long time.
In this case it is rarely turbid, but it is supplemented with sand - that's why you need a filter. At a country site muddy water is suitable only for irrigation.
Artesian well
When drilling, the filter is not used.
Water is accumulated in limestone layers, while it is not turbid: porous limestone contains water, it actively filters, and in an hour, its debit is up to 10 cubic meters, which is very much.
The life of such a well can be tens of years!
Another advantage of such a well is that there will not be ammonia, microbes, slurries in the water, it will not be filled with sand, because even a simple "Baby" pump will cope with the task.
Advantages of artesian well:
- a certain depth( the geological map of the region is well studied);
- huge water loss, water is extremely turbid;
- durability - 30-40 years;
- constant water level;
- in the country can put a powerful pump.
The truth is, there are a number of shortcomings: drilling takes up to 7 days( but only not to be performed manually!), It is necessary to do water purification in the well from high concentration of minerals, sometimes permits for drilling.
There is also a familiar well and its Abyssinian variation. We do not consider them, because technically they are not drilled, but are excavated, and the water in them comes from the ground in a different way.
There is always a risk of contamination from outside in the well.
Drilling a well with your own hands
The drilling process consists of 3 stages. After the description follows a detailed video of the process.
Stage 1 - preparatory work:
- We find out in the land committee or neighbors the depth of the formation with water;
- Prepare for machine drilling - in a well at a depth of 20 meters manually it is not practical to work;
- All sources of sewage should be kept as far as possible from the place where you will make the well;
- The diameter of the well is always slightly larger than the diameter of the casing - 10-12 cm. Prepare the pipes in advance;
- Dig on the selected section of the guide groove: pit diameter and depth of 1.5 m. We strengthen its walls with slate, or metal sheets, so that it is not covered with sand.
Stage 2 - we collect the tripod for drilling:
- We take 3 metal pipes or very strong bars, the length of the part should be 4-5 meters;
- Put the construction on the ground so that the two legs are deployed in one direction, and the third - in the opposite direction;
- In each leg, you need to make a hole for fasteners;
- We fasten the legs in the form of a triangular pyramid;
- At the top of the tripod we place a block, through which the cable will slide freely;
- We put a mechanical winch, which we will carry the drill by hand( can be electric);
- We fix the cable, and we attach the drill from above.
The tripod is ready.
Stage 3 - Drilling:
- We take a tripod with a winch, a driving glass, a rope( rope) and a shock bar;
- We put a tripod, above it - a winch with a shell above the excavated pit, just above the drilling point;
- We lift the winch over the drilling point, lower it with force. The tool that is cut into the ground grabs the soil with a glass. When lifting, the sludge remains inside the glass. We take it out - it should be done after every ascent;
- The drill rod continues to drive the drill into the ground. When it is full, take it out and shake out the soil;
- When passing a certain step, say 1 meter, immediately insert a casing, which is slightly larger than the diameter of the drill itself. It prevents the collapse of the well;
- As soon as the auger is lowered for the entire length of the projectile, attach an additional bar to it;
- When drilling, we constantly check the evenness of laying the entire column: if you hear the sound of blows from the drill along the walls of the pipe, the barrel should be straightened immediately. How to do it: hammer wooden wedges between the casing and the wall;
- Once the shell has passed the aquifer, we do not deepen the pipe further. After the arrival of water we wait 1 hour, after we pump it out with a garden pump and check for cleanliness. Repeat this way until the water becomes clear;
- Drain the water in an improvised well for the last time - leave the well until tomorrow;
- The next day we measure the well's debit: multiply the depth of the well in meters by the productivity of the pump( cubic meters per hour) and divide the result of the product by the difference between the dynamic and static water levels. Static level - the distance to the surface of the water( we lower the weight on the rope in the water and along the length of the dry part of the cable measure), the dynamic level is the distance from the surface of the earth to the water, but after it is pumped out. If the difference between the two levels is small, the debit of the well is very large. Hence, the water goes more per unit of time than the pump can pump out for the same unit of time. The pump casing always indicates its capacity - cubic meters per hour;
- If the debit is a few cubic meters, then the bottom of the well is buried: fill a layer of gravel or crushed stone, 20-30 cm wide;
- All the space between the wall and casing is covered with gravel, sand;
- We pump a pump into the well( any, even the budget "Baby" will do it well) according to the manufacturer's instructions and fix it on the surface, we provide food;
- We connect the hose, dismantle the tripod and the winch.
Important point! In the video moment this is not indicated, but it is significant: the first extracted, already pure water, it is better to take it to the laboratory to perform a series of tests on it - it may be completely unsuitable for drinking and contain traces of heavy metals, pathogenic organisms and an increased amount of minerals.
Now you know how to drill a well with your own hands at your dacha.
We advise you to watch a video in which the whole process is summarized in order to once again drive out all the stages according to the plan - what can you do and what can not be done categorically.
Pay attention to the process itself: in the video, all work is done at home using equipment that can be borrowed from neighbors or rented for a couple of days.
After drilling with the help of a pump, it is possible to arrange the supply of water to any part of the plot, even to the house.
Place a simple submerged "Kid" in the well and it will cope with the water supply in the right amount without any problems.