Heating in a private house with their own hands made of polypropylene

Selection of

  1. heater In the case of an existing gas distribution system, an automated gas boiler should be purchased, in which the pump and protection system are present. If the chimney is not constructed in the house, the boiler structure must contain a closed combustion chamber, as well as a coaxial pipe, the function of which is air supply, the removal of gases released during operation. The output of such a pipe to the outside can be carried out through the wall of the room.
  2. The best option for a heater powered by an electrical system is a boiler with automatic control, which includes a pump, expansion tank, as well as a protection system. To install such a heat source, it is not necessary to resort to the help of
  3. professionals. If there is a solid fuel source to install heating in a private house with your own hands made of polypropylene, you need to have the welding skills of pipelines, or it is best to contact specialists, since the technology of connecting the boiler to the pipe systemis not simple.

Heater selection

Choice of the heating circuit

  • Single-pipe - heat losses increase in each following radiator in the direction from the boiler. When choosing this simple scheme, you can save building materials, but the heat in the premises will be distributed unevenly.

Choice of the heat network scheme

  • Collector - in this scheme the maintenance and adjustment of the system is much simplified, the distribution of heat becomes more or less uniform, but the total length of pipelines increases, respectively, and the material costs

Choice of the heat network scheme

  • Two-the most suitable for a private house scheme of distribution of heating pipes, in which they are laid along the perimeter of the room and are brought to the radiators.

Choice of the heat network scheme

Do not install any type of fittings between the heat source and the protection system.

Selection of diameters of polypropylene pipes

When connecting pipes from different materials, one should take into account this compliance:

  • To plastic pipes 20x2 connect heating pipes DN25x4,2
  • Pipe diameter 16x2 should be connected to polymer DN20x3,4
  • Metal products 26x3 connect to polypropylene DN32x5, 4

When designing the system, it is not necessary to use products with diameters greater than 1.2 ", this will lead to greater heat losses than using thinner tubes. To connect pipelines in a two-pipe scheme from the main line to the heater, use polymer pipes with a diameter of 20x3.4.

The flow from the heater to the last heater must not be more than 25 m long, the maximum heater output should be less than 12 kW.If it is necessary to increase the length of the supply pipeline, it is necessary to choose pipes of a larger diameter - 32x5,4, which connect to metal ones with a size of 26x3, or develop two circuits of the heating network.

Specification of mounting polymeric pipes

For the connection of polypropylene pipelines, it is necessary to have a special soldering iron. Features of its operation are control over the heating of the edges of pipes, which are connected, and rigid fixation of products during the first 10 seconds.

Specification of installation of polymer pipes

In order to carry out the connection work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for soldering the pipes and, if possible, carry out a test, then proceed with the installation of the network.

To equip heating in a private house with your own hands made of polypropylene, you must first carefully design the system scheme, responsibly treat all the necessary elements of it. This will ensure its durable and efficient work and will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house.

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