Pump for watering the garden - choose the best option from the proposed

If suburban property has a backyard, then most likely it is used either in agricultural or in decorative and flower-growing purposes. And in that, and in another case, one can not do without regular carrying out certain agrotechnical work. And in the foreground there will always be irrigation - without effective irrigation, especially in the dry summer, to achieve a high yield, beautiful flower beds or even just a juicy green lawn - it is hardly possible.

Even in the case when a water main is connected to the site, it is not the best solution to use water from it for irrigation. Firstly, it is very wasteful, and secondly - such water undergoes certain treatment, including - chlorination, and is not very useful for plants. For irrigation, it is better to use any natural source, but to use them you will need special equipment - a pump.

Pump for watering the garden: varieties, choice, installation

Pump for watering the garden: varieties, choice, installation

However, if the buyer goes to the store or enters the Internet catalog unprepared, he may face a lot of questions that will make the optimal choice extremely difficult. Pumping equipment is very "multifaceted" and differs not only in terms of technical characteristics, but also in terms of operational capabilities. It is necessary to take into account many criteria in advance in order to leave the choice on the model most suitable to the existing conditions. This is the subject of this publication - we buy a pump for watering the garden: varieties, choice, installation, basic rules of operation.

We estimate the general characteristics and capabilities of the

pump. Contents of the article

  • 1 We estimate the general characteristics and capabilities of the pump
    • 1.1 Where will the water come from?
    • 1.2 What performance and headroom are required?
      • 1.2.1 Calculator for calculating the required pump capacity for irrigation
      • 1.2.2 Calculator for calculating the required head of the irrigation pump
    • 1.3 Other pump specifications
  • 2 Surface garden pumps
    • 2.1 Video: presentation of the garden pump "METABO P 4000 S"
  • 3 Submersible Pumps
    • 3.1 Sump pumps of vibration type
      • 3.1.1 Video: useful tips for operating the vibrating pump
    • 3.2 Submersible drainage pumps
      • 3.2.1 Video:tips for choosing a drainage pump
    • 3.3 Drip irrigation pumps from drums
      • 3.3.1 Video: system for watering the garden from the barrel "Karcher"

Where will the water come from?

It is not possible to select the correct pump if you do not know in advance where the water will be taken from for irrigation. There can be many options here.

  • The most successful "layout", when the site has its own or located in the immediate vicinity of a reservoir of natural origin - a pond or lake, feeding from underground sources or a stream and having sufficient water debit. You can water from a nearby river. In either case, a surface pump or a submersible( semi-submerged) drainage type may be required.
Great luck for any summer resident is the presence of a nearby natural reservoir

Great luck for any summer resident is the presence of a nearby natural reservoir

If the site has an artificial reservoir - a pond or pool, it can also become a source of water for irrigation. Still, the water in it should change regularly, and it is possible to combine these two operations - to supply fresh water to the pool, pumping out the already-requiring replacement. True, on one condition - that no chemical reagents were used.

  • Even a slightly waterlogged pond can serve as a source of water for irrigation of the site, but in this case it is necessary to purchase a special kind of drainage pump, which is designed for pumping exactly dirty water.

However, such ideal conditions are rare. Most often it is necessary to resort to artificially created sources of water.

  • You can use water from a well or a well for irrigation. For wells, both surface pumps( with a shallow aquifer layer) and submersible pumps can be used. For wells where water is usually found at great depth, only submersible pumps of a particular type are suitable.

well Water intake from wells requires special pumping equipment

To raise water from a great depth and at the same time ensure sufficient pressure and the required flow for future use - not every equipment will cope with this. How to approach the selection of the well pump - read the separate publication of our portal.

However, one should immediately make an important observation. Any experienced gardener or gardener will say that it is extremely undesirable to apply water directly to their wells or wells for irrigation, since such irrigation of plants can do them more harm than good. Optimal option - the required volume for regular watering in advance pumped into the tanks installed on the backyard. Water for a day will warm up, get rid of the chemical compounds dissolved in it, and it will become quite suitable for irrigation. By the way, this approach opens up ample opportunities for the competent use of fertilizers and fertilizing with the exact observance of the recommended proportions of breeding compositions.

It is best to water the plants with warm water from barrels

The correct way to water plants with warm water from barrels

For the collection of containers, the wells or well pumps already mentioned are used. But directly for irrigation, it will not be necessary to build a compact garden pump of surface type or special immersion models designed specifically for taking water from tanks( barrels, eurocubes, self-made tanks, etc.).

  • A good owner should not lose anything, including rainwater, which is often collected from garden water tanks from drainage systems. In addition, if there is a competent storm drainage system at the site, the accumulation storm collector can become a source of water for irrigation. In this case, the assistant will again become a submersible drainage pump.

Liv How is storm sewage arranged?

Unfortunately, not all people remember about this system of tapping water from home territory, or ignore its creation in the hope that everything somehow will "resolve itself".Why this approach is wrong, and how to properly create storm drainage system - read in a separate article of our portal.

So, the choice of the pump for irrigation in the first place will depend on the type of water source used.

What performance and headroom are required?

Whatever type of pump is selected, this unit must fully cope with the functions assigned to it.

  1. First, it must ensure the transfer of the required volume of water at a certain time - this is an indicator of productivity.

Calculate this parameter is not difficult. It is assumed that according to the existing rules, from 3 to 6 liters of water are required for qualitative irrigation of one square meter of the plot( depending on local climatic conditions, the characteristics of the crops grown, the established weather).The best way to calculate the maximum - so there will be a certain reserve of productivity, but everyone is free to decide this issue on their own.

Undoubtedly, only the area of ​​the site that is allocated to crops that require regular watering is taken into account. If a lawn or flower beds are cultivated, their area is also taken into account.

The next value required for the calculation is the time it is planned to spend on watering the entire site. Usually this event is conducted in the evening, after the fall of the day's heat and the aggressiveness of direct sunlight, so that probably will be enough for an hour or two.

To find the required performance( usually it is indicated in the technical documentation with the symbol Q), it remains to multiply the area of ​​the irrigated area and the rate of its irrigation, and divide the obtained value by the time allocated for irrigation.

Q = S Accounting × N / t

S Accounting - area of ​​the irrigated plot( m²).

N - adopted watering rate - from 3 to 6 l / m²( for individual crops there may be more).

t - time allocated for watering the site.

For convenience of calculation it is possible to use the offered calculator. The area in it is indicated in a hundred square meters - as many farmers are accustomed to.

Calculator for calculating the required pump capacity for irrigation
Specify the requested values ​​and press the "Calculate" button
area of ​​the irrigated plot,
one hundred
accepted irrigation rate per 1 square meter
3 liters per m² 4 liters per m² 5 liters per m² 6 liters per m²m² 7 liters per m² 8 liters per m²
approximate time allocated for irrigation of the
section half an hour an hour and a half hours two hours

Often the documentation and the syringe of instruments indicate the capacity expressed in liters in mutu( example shown in Figure red arrow).Therefore, this value is provided in the calculator.

The main operating parameters are usually indicated on the pump nameplate

The main operating parameters are usually indicated on the

2. As the next most important indicator is the head pressure of the pump. Usually it( H) is expressed in meters of water column. The head should be such that the water is lifted to the required height from the source to the point of consumption, and stable movement through the horizontal sections of the pipe, and the required inlet pressure is maintained, without which, for example, the sprinkling units can not function normally.

The following values ​​are required to calculate the required head:

  • The difference in height between the pump installation site and the highest point of irrigation. If a submersible pump is used, the differential is calculated taking into account the depth of installation of the pump, and not from the surface of the water.
  • The horizontal distance from the pump installation site to the furthest point of the irrigated area.

It can often be found that 10 meters of a horizontal pipeline due to hydraulic resistance will correspond to 1 meter of a vertical section. This is not quite true. Indeed, the pressure loss in the horizontal section can be defined as 1 m of water. Art.for 10 running meters, but only with a pipe diameter of 1 ".If narrower hoses are used, the hydraulic resistance will be much higher. So, with some simplification, you can take losses equal to 1 m of water.on 7 ag.m for hoses with a diameter of ¾ ", but if very narrow, at ½", then even 1 m of water is used.for 4 running meters.

Using hoses of different diameters, it should be remembered that the hydraulic resistance in them differs significantly

Using hoses of different diameters, it should be remembered that the hydraulic resistance in them is very different

  • Hoses are almost never stretched in a straight line. Hence, it is necessary to introduce a certain correction for possible bends and turns. In addition, along the water path there may be couplings, fittings, cranes and other reinforcing elements-all this increases the overall hydraulic resistance of the track. It will not be a big mistake to take into account these two nuances to introduce a 20% surcharge to the total head for the horizontal section.

Until then, the pressure required to deliver water to the point of consumption was calculated. But for normal watering or for the correct operation of irrigation devices, it is usually necessary to have about one-and-a-half technical atmospheres( bar).This corresponds to a head of 10 ÷ 15 meters of water column. Hence, the obtained value must be increased by this value.

Example 1:

Surface pump is located on the shore of the reservoir. Exceeding the highest part of irrigation - 3 meters. The length to the furthest part is 150 m. Hoses of ¾ inch( 20 mm) are used.

The total value will be equal to the height of the elevation plus the calculated losses in the horizontal section( from loss calculation - 1 m W / 7 running meters) multiplied by the correction factor( 20%) and plus the necessary discharge head at 15 m.

H = 3 +( 150/7) × 1.2 + 15 = 43.7 meters of water column.

Example 2:

The submersible pump is lowered to a depth of 12 meters below ground level. It is required to transfer water for irrigation at a distance of 70 meters along a 25 mm( 1 inch) hose. Exceeding the watering site above the well site is 5 meters.

H = 12 + 5 +( 70/10) × 1.2 + 15 = 40.4 meters of water column.

For calculating simplicity, the corresponding calculator is located below:

Calculator for calculating the required head of the pump for irrigation
Specify the requested values ​​and press the button "Calculate"
The value of the total excess of the irrigation site above the pump installation point
The distance from the pump to the furthest point of irrigation)
diameter of used hose
1 inch( 25 mm) ¾ inch( 20 mm) ½ inch( 15 mm)
required pressure for correct operation of the
1 atmosphere( bar) 1.5 atmosphere( bar) 2 atmospheres( bar)

Undoubtedly, the resulting value should be rounded up, and when selecting a pump it is also desirable to provide a certain reserve. For example, in both cases considered, it will be expedient to purchase an aggregate with a generated head about 45 ÷ 50 meters of water column.

Some manufacturers indicate the working pressure created by the pump, in bars or Kilopascals, so the calculator immediately converts these quantities, based on the result.

Other technical characteristics of the

pump In addition to the basic values ​​that describe the pumping unit, a number of other indicators should be taken into account.

  • For submersible pumps, it is necessary to estimate such an indicator as the permissible depth of immersion. It depends on the capacity of the unit, and on the design features of the pump casing, calculated for a certain maximum external pressure. Calculation of the created head( H) in this case is made precisely from this depth of immersion( N).
Submersible pump installation parameters

Submersible pump installation parameters

  • For self-priming surface pumps, the parameter is another - the depth( height in meters) of the suction. That is, from what depth, counting from the mirror of the water in the source( S), the pump is capable of raising water upward, before creating the working head( H) in the outlet sleeve, which was mentioned above. Usually garden pumps are capable of pumping water from a depth of 6 to 10 meters, although there are exceptions to both large and small side.side. Naturally, the buyer in choosing should be guided by the real conditions of his site.
Surface Pump Installation Parameters

Surface Pump Installation Parameters

  • Power of the power unit of the pump. It would seem that the higher it is, the better. However, in extreme cases, do not fall - as a rule, for garden purposes, there is enough power in 600 - 800 W, rare models designed for dirty water, exceed the mark of 1 kW.Excessive, in principle - unclaimed capacity will be reflected by increased energy costs, rapid heating of the device, increased noise and, of course, the difference in the price of the product. If the performance indicators and the generated pressure suit, then too high power is simply not needed.
  • In the characteristics of the pump it is necessary to indicate, for the transfer of water of what degree of contamination it is intended. Usually indicated by the text - "for clean" or "for dirty", and the maximum permissible value of possible solid impurities( for example, up to 5 mm).Knowing the features of your water source, you can make the right choice.
  • It is also worthwhile to evaluate the level of generated noise - it is also usually indicated in the technical characteristics of the product. Here, of course, it serves to strive to a minimum, so that the operation of the pump does not cause any special complaints from the home or neighbors. This, of course, primarily concerns surface and semisubmersible pumps - the submersible pumps are not so noisy.
  • An important parameter for a garden pump is its mass, compact design, easy to carry( unless, of course, it is installed permanently for the whole season).
  • Attention is drawn to the degree of enclosure protection. Operation in a humid environment from power supplies imposes special requirements, so it is best to purchase IP-5 protection devices for surface and IP × 8 for submersible.

There are several other criteria for evaluating equipment, which will already be typical for specific varieties of irrigation pumps. To consider the main types and proceed.

Superficial garden pumps

Such pumps are perhaps the most popular among gardeners who have a natural or artificial pond at their sides. They are also suitable for pumping water from a barrel, a shallow well, a storage reservoir, etc.

Compact surface pumps allow you to take water from natural or man-made reservoirs or storage tanks

Compact surface pumps allow the collection of water from natural or man-made reservoirs or storage tanks

Depending on the power of the drive, such pumps can be lightweight mobile, equipped with a convenient handle for quick transport from place to place, or rather massive. Powerful units are usually installed "for the season" in any special economic building, which will protect the equipment from precipitation and reduce the level of noise emitted by it.

The vast majority of surface pumps are classified as self-priming pumps. The intake hose is lowered into the water source, and in order to prevent clogging of the pump mechanism, a filtering tip is often put on the end of the sleeve. The suction comes at the expense of creating a vacuum in the pump's working chamber, and this requires two important requirements:

First, the intake hose must be made of a strong, shape-keeping material under vacuum. The rubber hose is unambiguous. Usually, polymeric hoses with internal reinforcement are used.

Secondly, before starting work, the pump chamber and the intake hose must be forcibly filled with water, otherwise the pump will "thresh" idle - it can not provide the initial rise of water from the reservoir.

"Заправка" самовсасывающего поверхностного насоса водой перед запуском

"Filling" the self-priming surface pump with water before starting the

For this operation, special filler necks are provided, then closed with hermetic lids.

According to the principle of operation, such pumps are divided into two main types - vortex and centrifugal.

  • The centrifugal impeller with blades throws the incoming water from the center of the chamber to the periphery, which creates a vacuum in the intake hose and, correspondingly, an increased pressure at the outlet. This scheme is characterized by undemanding to clean water, the ability to work for a long time without interruption. The pump is suitable for open water reservoirs, where there is a chance to "scoop" dirt. Of the disadvantages - increased noise, lower performance than the vortex, and this is against the background of a higher price.
  • The peculiarity of vortex - in the design of the turbine, the curved blades of which create a turbulent directional water current. The performance from this is much higher, and the noise level, on the contrary, is reduced. The cost of such pumps is also somewhat lower. But here to the dirty water they have - increased "sensitivity", and use them for pumping from a lake or a river - is dangerous. They are more likely to be appropriate for a well, basin, capacity - their tanks where there is no guarantee of dirt, silty sediments, solid inclusions.

As a rule, surface pumps are very limited in the length of the intake hose - usually within 8 meters. That is, to install the device on the site, and then to stretch the long hose into the pond - it will not work. In a large area, this can cause some inconvenience - the pump should not be left unattended for a long time( at least for the reason that it can be stolen).This is an absolute drawback of such devices. In addition, the disadvantages of such equipment include vulnerability to external weather effects - precipitation and temperature changes. It is necessary to follow the heating of the pump, especially on a hot day. He does not like this technique of idling, without water in the chamber - there will either help the increased attention of the owners, or purchase a pump with the provided emergency shutdown function at idle.

And so in itself operation of the pump is easy - it is installed near the hydrant( reservoir), best of all - on some damper gasket, for example, a rubber mat. Hoses are connected( on many models there are convenient connectors for the floor standard quick-release connections for irrigation systems).The intake hose descends into the water at the required depth( it can be adjusted with a float or a dam).The chamber is filled with water - and you can connect the pump to the power and start working.

The table below shows several popular models of surface pumps from different manufacturers:

Model Illustration Short description Capacity / generated column / suction depth Average price
"Vortex PN-370" pv0 Surface pump of centrifugal action type, for clean water.
Cast iron body, not afraid of mechanical load.
Built-in ejector, increasing productivity and creating pressure.
Weight 5.1 kg.
Power consumption - only 370 W
3,7 m³ / h
30 m of water.
9 m
2010 руб.
«QUATTRO ELEMENTI Giardino 400 Ci» pv1 Surface pump for clean water, centrifugal.
Power of the power unit - 400 W.
Weight - 6,5 kg.
3,3 m³ / h
40 m of water.
8 m
3000 руб.
"METABO P 2000 G" pv3 Surface pump, centrifugal, for clean water.
Power 450W.
Cast iron body.
Weight - 7,6 kg.
The size of the inlet and outlet nozzles is 1. "
2.0 m³ / h
30 m water
8 m
£ 42.00
" STURM WP9741A " pr4 Surface pump in vertical design.
Aluminum pump housing, engine, coverand the impeller.
Power 410 W.
Weight - 5,5 kg.
Built-in overheating protection.
3,3 m³ / h
20 m water
£ 1300
«GARDENA 3500/4 Classic» pv5 Modern surface pump with increased convenience in operation.
Two outputs - can be operated in two directions at once
Comfortable filler neck for start-up
Anti-noise protection - anti-vibration platform feet
Convenient handle for transport
Weight - 7 kg.
Power -800 W
3,6 m³ / h
41 m water station.
7 m
5800 rub.

Video: presentation of the garden pump "METABO P 4000 S"

Submersible pumps

Submersible pumps can be divided into three categories - wells, wells and drainage.

Wells to consider there is no sense - to water their gardens they are unprofitable, they have a completely different purpose. More about their features - in the article, a reference to which is given at the beginning of this publication.

However, with the help of downhole pumps, it is possible to quickly fill the irrigation tanks, and from there, feed it for irrigation using other devices.

Well pumps of vibratory type

These pumps are familiar, probably all - they are usually quite small in size, simple in the device, unpretentious in operation, reliable, and at the same time are distinguished by high indicators for creating a water head.

Very popular with site owners are inexpensive and reliable vibrating submersible pumps

Very popular with land owners is inexpensive and reliable submersible vibrating pumps

Many brands and models of pumps of this type are produced, but all of them are usually similar in appearance and have basically the same device:

Basic scheme of the device of vibrating pumps

Basic scheme of vibrating pump device

The vertical metal housing consists oftwo halves - the lower( position 1) and the upper( post 2).A dense elastic gasket( item 3) is installed between them, which, after assembling the two halves with a screw connection( item 4), becomes a reliable sealed seal and, in addition, also plays a cushioning function that significantly reduces vibration.

In the lower half, the entire "electrical" part of the pump is installed. It is a coil with a core( item 5), which is connected via a power cable( pos.6) to the 220 W network. The whole coil is filled with a compound( pos.7), which completely eliminates even the accidental contact of the winding and its connection to the power cable with water, which ensures the high safety of such pumps in operation.

A massive steel armature( item 8) is connected to the coil core, connected through a vertical stem with a diaphragm( key 9) and a piston( pos.10).

When energized, the coil creates an alternating electromagnetic field with a constantly changing direction of the lines of force - due to the sinusoidal nature of the alternating current. This, in turn, causes attraction and repulsion of the massive anchor, reciprocating movements from which are transferred to the diaphragm and the piston.

The configuration of the piston and diaphragm are such that their movement creates a vacuum in the working chamber in one phase of the motion, and in the second - compression. The water enters the intake openings( key 12) under vacuum and, thanks to the valve system( key 13), is pushed into the pump outlet( key 14) during the compression phase.

A suspension eye( key 15) or a special suspension bracket is provided to suspend the pump in the water column.

The advantages of such pumps are many. The lack of any kind of rotating nodes and controls makes it extremely viable and reliable. Despite the small size, such vibrating pumps are able to produce a very solid water column, which is tens of meters. The mass is small, and the pump can be suspended using, for example, a strong kapron cord. Electricity consumption is quite economical. Overheating of the pump does not threaten - it is cooled by a liquid medium in which it is suspended. The top location of the intake holes minimizes the risk of scooping dirt from the bottom of the well.

There are, of course, its shortcomings. So, the operation of such pumps is very noisy, even considering the immersion in water. But the most important drawback is that during the pumping process, strong vibrational vibrations are created and transmitted through the water column, which can lead to the gradual destruction of the clay walls of the source, the accumulation of silty sediments. Therefore, such pumps should not be used in wells - they are more suitable for wells made of reinforced concrete rings or pipes. The performance of vibrating pumps, against the background of centrifugal pumps, is still not too high.

Working with the pump is simple. To the intake branch the water supply hose is attached to the site. Then the pump is lowered on the cable( kapron cord) into the water at the required depth, taking into account the planned flow rate and the debit of the source, and fixed in this position. Any pump is equipped with an already installed and hermetically sealed in the housing cable, the length of which allows you to connect to the power network at the top. Cables have reliable multi-layer insulation, but it is still recommended to carefully check its condition before each use. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to use the power cord as a hanger or to pull the device up.

An exemplary arrangement of the vibratory pump in the well is shown in the left part of the figure below:

How to properly position the vibrating pump in the water source

How to position the vibrating pump in the water source

1 - Rubber rings worn on top of the pump casing - a useful homemade device that will protect the device against possible impacts on the well stackswhen lowering and lifting.

2 - a hose connected to the pump outlet and fixed with a clamp( item 3).

4 - cable or suspension cord.

5 - power cable.

To make it easier to lower and lift the pump, it is advisable to tie the cable, cable and hose into one "pigtail" with clamps( item 6).

7 - crossbar, to which a cord or suspension cable is attached. To suppress vibration vibrations, it is recommended to use an additional cushioning damper( key 8) from a spring or strong rubber.

Usually, the site owners conduct this installation for the entire season. Constant stay in the water does not harm the pump - it is sufficiently protected. You can also arrange a temporary installation for pumping water from an open water basin - an example is shown on the right side of the picture.

The immersion depth N must not exceed the value specified in the product passport. The location above the ground level on the bottom( n) is desirable to withstand about 1 meter, so that the vibration waves of the pump do not raise sand and silt.

During the watering, it is necessary to regularly check that the water level does not drop to the intake port of the pump and the machine does not go to idle - there are no automatic shutdown systems in such devices. However, it is not difficult to monitor this, and the simplicity of the design is justified by a very low price.

Model Illustration Short description Capacity, generated water head, maximum immersion depth Average price
«QUATTRO ELEMENTI ACQUATICO 200» Vb1 Corrosion resistant housing.
Overheating protection.
The case diameter is 97 mm.
Weight - 3,7 kg.
Power consumption - 200 Watts.
Power cable - 10 m.
1000 l / h
70 m of water. Art.
7 m
1750 rub.
"Olsa Rucheyok-1" Vb2 A time-proven model of average performance and pressure level.
Upper fence.
Power consumption 225 watts.
Weight - 4,3 kg.
The length of the power cable is 25 m.
430 l / h
25 m water. Art.
5 m
1870 rub.
«HAMMER NAP200А»( 16) Vb3 Power consumption is 250 watts.
Weight - 4 kg.
For pure water - the maximum size of inclusions is 0.1 mm.
Power cable 16 m.
Highest degree of protection - IP68
660 l / h
40 m water. Art.
5 m
2600 rub.
"ZUBR ZNVP-300-15 M2" "Spring" Вб4 Power consumption is 225 watts.
Cable length - 15 m.
Manufacturer's factory warranty for 5 years.
1080 l / h
60 m of water. Art.
7 m
2830 rub.
Video: useful tips for operating the vibrating pump

Submersible drainage pumps

If you intend to take water to irrigate the garden from a natural or artificial pond, you can purchase a submersible drainage pump.

Drainage pumps are capable of long-term operation of pumping large volumes of water

Drainage pumps are capable of continuous work on the transfer of large volumes of water

The intended purpose of such pumps is the transfer of liquids from tanks to the dehumidification of basements and flooded lowlands, the emptying of reservoirs and wells of sewage systems. Such tasks predetermine the features of the overall design of the device, its stability in high and long loads, and for most pumps of this type - and the presence of automation, which tracks the degree of emptying the tank and does not allow the unit to idle.

The classic shape of the drain pump is a vertically located cylinder with a platform or feet for installation on the bottom of a reservoir or tank. Water can be taken from below or from above - there are different models. With a lower fence and a well-regulated automatics, such pumps can pump liquid up to a layer of just a few millimeters, that is almost completely.

Typically, all pumps of this type are assembled in a centrifugal circuit, but the number of working chambers and their construction can vary.

Schematically the basic structure can be represented as follows:

"Классическая" схема устройства дренажных насосов

"Classic" scheme of drainage pump device

Vertical sealed housing( item 1), made, depending on the model, made of cast iron, stainless steel or high-strength plastic. The power cord is connected to it from above. Usually there is a jumper, handle or hinge to suspend the pump on the cable( key 3).

At the top of the housing there is an electric drive - motor( item 4), from which a working chamber is transmitted through the shaft( item 5).There are several blocks with bearings and reliable seals( item 6 and item 7), between which an oil chamber( item 8) is normally located, which ensures a constant lubrication of the friction units.

In the lower part there is a working chamber( or a cascade of several chambers) with impellers( item 8).Often closed single-channel wheels are used, but still more resistant are pumps with an open wheel, capable of transferring even highly contaminated liquids. Some models have a special, rotary vortex wheel. Such pumps are more productive, but they are distinguished by a high price and high energy consumption.

From below, the entrance to the working chamber is usually enclosed by a grating( item 9), the size of the cells of which corresponds to the maximum permissible diameter of solid inclusions. The generated water head is transferred to the outlet nozzle( key 10), which is usually located upwards - for easy connection of the hose.

The great convenience of drainage pumps is that they can work in both fully immersed and semi-submerged condition. Before installing the pump, the automation mechanism is set - the level of the float is set, at which the motor power will be cut off. If the water level falls below the critical level, the automation will work and the drive will not overheat. If the level rises to the specified level, the pump will turn on again.

The typical installation diagram is shown in the figure:

The pump can be suspended( as in the figure), or installed on the bottom of the tank or pond

The pump can be suspended( as in the figure), or installed on the bottom of the tank or basin

1 - drain pump.

2 - Suspension cable.

3 - hose( pipe) for pumping water.

4 - power cord.

5 - position of the float for actuating the automatic shutdown of the drive.

6-location of the float for automatic start of the pump.

As already mentioned, the pump is not necessarily suspended - many models are installed directly on the bottom of the reservoir or reservoir. If it is planned to regularly draw water from the same place, many owners make a kind of "podium" - a stand, for example, from trimming a large diameter pipe or from a steel corner. However, the design of most "drainage", both with the upper and lower fence, provides for itself the possibility of such an installation.

Many models of drainage pumps are able to cope with highly polluted water

Many models of drainage pumps are able to cope with highly polluted water.

One of the key parameters of drainage pumps is the water pollution index, with which the unit can work. So, you can conditionally be divided into appliances for clean water, for dirty and fecal, which are able to pump very contaminated viscous liquids. Often, faecal pumps are equipped at the entrance with a special device that grinds organic fibers, preventing them from clogging the internal channels of the pump and the hose system.

The choice of a particular model will depend on the characteristics of the particular source of water. So, for a natural reservoir, where it is not excluded that dirt, algae, sand, pebbles, etc. enter the intake holes, it is better to purchase a pump for dirty water. If the reservoir is inclined to waterlogging, the best option is to use a "faecal".

Virtually all drainage pumps have a common drawback. They are designed for continuous work on the transfer of large volumes of liquid, that is, they have excellent productivity. But you can not say this about the created pressure - it is usually not large, and direct watering with such a pump will present certain inconveniences. That is, they are convenient for the delivery of water from the reservoir or, for example, the collector in the tanks installed in the garden, but the watering installations of the pressure created by them may not be enough.

Model Illustration Brief description of model Capacity, created head, maximum depth of immersion Average price
"Caliber NPC-750 / 35P" dr1 Drain pump for clean and dirty water.
The maximum size of solid inclusions is 30 mm.
Power consumption - 750 Watts.
The length of the power cord is 10 m.
The float mechanism of automation
13,5 m³ / h
8 m of water. Art.
6 m
2650 rub.
«Gardena 7500 SP» dr2 Convenient model with nozzle, adapted for quick-release couplings.
Float mechanism and protection against overheating.
Weight - 4,3 kg.
Power consumption - 340 Watts.
Cable 10 m.
The maximum size of contaminants is up to 10 mm.
7,5 m³ / h
6 m of water. Art.
8 m
6800 rub.
«GRUNDFOS UNILIFT CC 7 A1» Unilift CC 0001 Dirty water pump with a maximum particle size of up to 10 mm.
Allows pumping water to a minimum level of 3 mm.
Protection against "dry" running.
Universal adapter on the outlet nozzle.
Cable length - 10 m.
Weight - 5 kg.
Power consumption - 380 W
9,5 m³ / h
6,5 m of water. Art.
10 m
11900 rub.
"Metabo TPF 6600 SN" dr4 Combined stainless steel housing and high-strength polymer.
Pump for clean water( particle size up to 3 mm).
Cable length - 10 m.
Power consumption - 450 W.
Low noise in operation.
Weight - 4.3 kg.
6,6 m³ / h
6 m of water. Art.
5 m
6600 rub.
«LEBERG GS550» dr5 Pump for transfer of highly contaminated water( faecal type), up to 25% of the total contamination and impurity content up to 35 mm in diameter.
Built-in protection systems, float automatics.
Cable length is 10 m.
Power consumption is 500 W.
Weight - 4.2 kg.
12 m³ / h
8 m of water. Art.
3 m
3900 rub.
Video: tips for choosing a drainage pump

Pumps for irrigation from drums

The article already mentioned that the optimal way of watering crops - from the tanks in which the water has settled, heated up, dissolved gases came out of it. A competent arrangement of containers( drums) on the site will make it easy to water anywhere, without using excessively long hoses. Fill the barrels from a well, well, hydrant or natural water body using any of the pumps mentioned above. But for direct watering, special devices are very convenient, which are designed specifically for these purposes.

For watering of barrels, there is nothing more convenient than specially designed pumps

For barrel irrigation, there is nothing more convenient than specially designed pumps for the

. Usually these are compact in size and small in mass pumps, which are easy to transfer from place to place to any person. Structurally very similar to submersible drainage - made in the same way, have a similar float automatic device, which tracks the level of the reservoir fullness.

Despite the small size, such units give out quite tidal performance indicators and the created head. However, irrigation of the area from the barrels does not involve long hoses and water rising from a considerable depth, and all the pressure is, in principle, spent on overcoming the resistance of horizontal sections and it is quite sufficient for any irrigation devices - pistols, sprayers, sprinklers, etc. Many pumps of this type are even equipped with valve-type valves( item 1), so that there is an opportunity to fine-tune the pressure required for irrigation.

Characteristic details of the pump for watering from the barrel

Typical details of the

drip irrigation pump As a rule, they all have a universal connector( item 2) for connecting a quick-detachable hose system, which greatly simplifies the preparatory work before irrigation. Particularly convenient is the device for suspending the pump by the edge of the barrel. This can be a rod of a certain length or telescopic( item 3), which is also the outlet of the pump. At the end of it, a bend is made, for which the apparatus is suspended from the side of the tank. Adjusting the length of the rod simultaneously changes the depth of installation of the pump.

Typically, similar pumps are designed for pumping sufficiently pure water, with minor contamination, so often have a built-in sponge filter.

Many manufacturers complete their models with a bay of high-quality hose, adapters, spray guns - it turns out a universal set, suitable for a variety of watering.

Certainly, such pumps are equipped with float-type water level sensors, which excludes their operation "on dry".Moreover, special pressure sensors will turn on the pump only as needed - when the irrigation is actually carried out. When the spray gun is switched off, for example, the pump stops working, and automatically starts again when the water current is reopened.

Of the drawbacks, it can be noted only that such pumps are usually not designed for continuous operation. Although they are, in fact, "drainage" to use them for pumping large amounts of water is still not worth it. And for watering the garden is too long and it will not be necessary.

Model Illustration Brief description of the model Capacity, created head, maximum immersion depth Average price
"GARDENA 4000/2 CLASSIC" bch1 Two-stage impeller providing high performance. Telescopic adjustable suspension bar.
Universal adapter.
Built-in water filtration system.
Control and shut-off valves.
Power - 500 watts.
Cable length - 10 m.
Weight - 4.2 kg.
4000 l / h
20 m of water. Art.
5 m.
5500 rub.
«Calibrator NPC-350B» bch2 The pump is a drainage barrel for clean and contaminated( particles up to 5 mm) water.
Replacement foam filter on the water intake.
Float mechanism of automatics.
Telescoping staff.
Universal quick-fit connection.
Power - 350 Watts.
Weight - kg.
3000 l / h
10 m of water. Art.
5 m
3100 rub.
«Karcher BP 1 Barrel» bch3 Model with manual and automatic( as the irrigation device is turned on) modes of operation.
Instead of a rigid rod - a flexible hose, with the ability to adjust the height of the installation device for fixing to the edge of the barrel.
For clean water( up to 1 mm).
Weight - 5,6 kg.
Power - 400 Watts.
3780 l / h
11 m of water. Art.
7 m
6200 rub.
"ZUBR ZNPB-300" bch4 Pump drum for clean water( impurities not more than 0.5 mm).
Telescopic arm.
Floating automation system.
Power consumption - 300 W.
Weight - 4 kg.
2460 l / h,
9 m of water. Art.
5 m
3950 rub.
Video: system for watering the garden from the barrel "Karcher"

The reader may have questions about what technique to use for drip irrigation. By and large, one can apply any of the types of pumps considered in the article. However, the exact choice of a particular model should nevertheless be tied to the peculiarities of the drip irrigation system being created. Such a system, with proper organization, is rather complex, and requires a separate in-depth consideration, which is beyond the scope of this publication.

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