Badly embedded seams between panels are fraught not only with the inconveniences of today's, but also great troubles in the future. If today it is manifested by increased noise from the street, by lowering the temperature in the room, by raising the humidity, which leads to the appearance of mold, fungus and damage to the wallpaper, then after a while there will be already visible defects in the walls. After all, poor insulation of the joints leads to the gradual destruction of the wall panels in these places. How to qualitatively seal them up on their own, we'll tell. This material will be interesting for those living in brick houses, as the ceiling is also made of slabs.
Ways of sealing the inter-panel joints
We will deal with the sealing of seams from the inside of the building, since they are especially worrisome for the tenants. This is the habitat of various insects with accompanying smells, and the wetting of wall coverings. In practice, several methods are used.
- If the seam is not "empty", then you can try to apply a new layer of sealing material on top. Everything will go to work - cement, gypsum, alabaster, sealants. The choice is extensive. However, it should be determined in what state the old seam, should not it be replaced completely? Otherwise, you will often have to repair this place. And if the defects are only in certain places, then it is necessary to "work" only with them, provided that, in general, the seam is normal.
- For larger joint sizes( both in width and length), it is better to use special materials. Widely distributed heater tube type, which is based on polyurethane foam. Such tubes are sold in various diameters, so it will not be difficult to pick up for a particular seam. It should be noted that the diameter of the material should be greater than the width of the seam. It is elastic, and when you poke it into the seam, the tube will begin to expand. This will ensure reliable installation of the seal. The tube needs to be drowned a little in the seam, approximately by 2 - 3 mm, since on top of the entire seam it will be necessary to apply a layer of sealant or mastic. After that, the seam surface is neatly leveled.
- It is good to seal the seams with a mounting foam. This material completely fills all the voids, which ensures excellent sealing of the room. Foam is durable, withstands large temperature fluctuations. However, this material is quite expensive, so larger seams should be sealed in the second way described.
If you have the time and money, you can make a combination of the 2 nd and 3 rd ways. First a little foam, then right on it( until it withered) - polyurethane foam. This "design" is more reliable and durable.