Procedure for repairing the foundation with the help of screw piles with your own hands

The most costly item of the estimate for construction is the arrangement of the foundation. The same applies fully to the issue of repair, which is understandable - the "resuscitation" of the lower part of any structure is a very labor-intensive process, even if you only deal with a partial disassembly of the building. The optimal solution to this problem is the reconstruction of the foundation using screw piles.

reinforcement_fund As a matter of fact, the meaning of this "operative intervention" is the installation of additional supports in the right places, which prevent further destruction of the base and extend the life of the building. In the most difficult cases - the installation of a new base in parallel with the old one. There are several methods, but not all of them can be implemented independently. There are two main reasons.

First, , in order to correctly draw a diagram of the arrangement of piles, it is necessary to understand the construction issues at a professional level, and making calculations, take into account a variety of factors( load, soil characteristics, specific installation and a number of others).

Secondly, , in most cases, with significant damage to the base, will require special equipment, which, of course, the owner does not.

But it is the reconstruction with the use of piles is the least expensive way of repairing the foundation. To make this work more understandable, it is worthwhile to give some data. Once again, the term "reconstruction" implies either additional reinforcement of the foundation with the condition that the old one remains in place, or completely replaced by a pile-type base with the dismantling of the original( for example, tape blocks).

The latter option is the most expensive, but even it is much more economical than if you disassemble the structure( or transfer, for example, a frame house) and mount a new structure in place of the destroyed one.
Construction type Price( rubles) from. ..
81 m2 36 m2
Log 195 000 125 000
Frame 165 000 105 000
From the beam 185 000 115 000

Consider the simplest technique that allows almost all operations to perform independently, as the subtleties of the work of professionals are unlikely to be of interest to the reader, with the exception ofonly its final cost, and the indicative data is already indicated.


Since the most common type of foundation of buildings in the private sector is the "tape", all the further description will be focused on repairing just such a foundation. If you understand the meaning of all operations, then it is not difficult to define an algorithm of actions for its other varieties.


Developing an

work plan This is so, and not just a simple schematic drawing. Everyone can draw the outlines of a building on a sheet of paper. But in addition, it is necessary to take into account also such factors:

  • Features of the site( soil characteristics, relief, occurrence of underground water layers).
  • Specific climate( level of soil freezing, precipitation intensity, temperature limits).
  • General layout of the territory( adjacent buildings), as well as the prospect of any construction in the immediate vicinity of the house.

What is it for? In order to correctly determine the optimal cross-section of piles, the points of their installation and the necessary penetration( and hence the length of the products).

It is at this stage that specialist services( at least in terms of professional advice) are very much needed, and this( payment) does not need to be saved. If you take into account what can be wrong calculation, then all the costs for this item will seem scanty.


Preparatory activities for

Their volume depends on the specifics of the structure, so we list all that should be done regardless of the nuances of further work:

  • to disconnect the communicated to the house communications. If necessary, with partial dismantling of individual sections of the tracks. Cables, pipes should not cause interference in the future;
  • to take out all the superfluous from the structure, especially large and heavy things( equipment).This must be done in advance, since in the process of excavation it is impossible to exclude spontaneous skewing and subsidence of the house, because its center of gravity is unlikely to be shifted.

Digging the trench

The task is not only to gain access to the foundation, but also to arrange a place for further work. For the convenience of conducting technological operations, the optimum width is within a meter. But the depth should be slightly larger than this tape parameter.

Mounting of the new

  • structure. Perimeter, according to the scheme, the installation of supports by screwing is carried out. For this work, at least 2 people will need - 1 for control and alignment, the second - for screwing piles.
  • jack_ Construction is raised. To do this, you will need powerful jacks, designed for heavy weight( called "hydraulic construction").If you buy, the approximate cost of the product - from 1,020 rubles( for "two-ton").Rental equipment will cost about 500 - 550 rubles / day. If we consider that all the work can be done in 2 - 3 days, these figures are quite comparable.
  • Metal beams are fixed on the pile headers. It turns out a square or a rectangle with sides slightly larger than the base. To ensure that the structure does not "fail", crossbars are additionally welded.
  • After the preparation of such a "lattice" the structure is omitted. To prevent horizontal displacement, the lower rim( support frame) is fastened together with the metal structure.

These are the main stages of the work, although for a better understanding of the technique, it is worth noting some nuances:

  • Piles do not have to be screwed to their full length. With the optimum penetration, it is easy to trim the excess with a "Bulgarian".
  • If the supports need to be further strengthened, a solution of concrete is poured into the inside( with filler of fine fractions, for example, pebbles).
  • With a partial destruction of the foundation, the structure can not be lifted. For this, piles are installed in the foundation on opposite sides, in the tape "windows" are cut out, into which the channels are set. They are attached to the end of the supports and become part of the old structure. Here, an exact calculation is needed on the height of their installation. You can just "prop up" the tape on one side.

Drawings illustrate all the points well, and understanding the meaning of the work is not difficult. And which way is more convenient, is solved on the spot.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that such options for reconstructing the foundation are suitable only for relatively light buildings - houses made of wood, prefabricated panel, frame, that is, those that are easy to lift at least on one side( except for the latter, with partial damage).

For those readers who are interested in other techniques, we will give a short list of them, and information on the topic "how. .. with our own hands" on our website is easy to find.

  • Cementation.
  • Installation of w / w "shirts"( or "clips").
  • Installation of so-called unloading elements( beams, frames, braces, racks and the like).
  • reinforcement reinforcement bars.

It should be noted that such methods do not solve the problem completely, but allow only to delay the start of major overhaul of the foundation. From the point of view of complexity, labor, financial investments, practical expediency, the above-mentioned technique using piles is most preferable.

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