Cleaning the well yourself: instructions, causes of pollution

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Well, as an oasis in the desert - this is the source of life in the suburban area. It's no secret that the construction of a well is a laborious process and it requires a small team to work with it, working with the simplest tools. This is a crowbar, a sledge hammer, a shovel, a rope, a bucket. Modern wells are arranged with the help of zhb rings, sinking under their own weight into the prepared face. Bottom is a bucket with soil, which allows to deepen the future well. The number of reinforced concrete rings depends on the depth of the well, more precisely, on the depth of the aquifer.

Before the mine is designed, the outer diameter of the rings is measured, the diameter of the well itself will be somewhat wider for optimum slip of the product. With the correct diameter of the well, the rings slide down vertically, leveling all the shortcomings of the hand device. Many people use a plumb line when constructing a well. The use of load-lifting equipment in the suburban area is most often not possible, so in the case of loose soils it is necessary to lower the rings manually. When the aquifer begins, it is necessary to seal the lower seams of reinforced concrete rings so that the quality of the water corresponds to the drinking water. Sealant is a cement-sand mortar. The height of the aquifer generally reaches two rings. In a greater degree, this depends on the type of soil on which the well is arranged, on the degree of filtration.

Cleaning the well with your own hands

Cleaning the well yourself

Causes of water pollution in the well

It depends on the quality of the water in the well whether it can be drunk raw. That's why you need to take care of timely cleaning. Why does the water in the well get dirty? There are many reasons for this:

  • 1. The biological element has got to the well from the external environment. It can be anything - a plant or an amphibian. It is necessary to immediately disinfect water from the decomposition products.2. A thin layer of the bottom filter provokes the appearance of silt. The water becomes cloudy and an unpleasant aftertaste appears.3. If there is a large percentage of iron in the water, it becomes rusty. Solve this problem only by installing an appropriate filter, or using activated carbon. 4. Clay and sand fall into the water due to raising the level of the well. This happens when water is pumped almost completely out of the floating soils, and the integrity of the reinforced concrete rings is broken.

The reasons for the pollution of the well are very much satisfied, there are two ways to solve the problem-manual cleaning and mechanical using a drain pump.

Cleaning using a drain pump

Cleaning using a drain pump

How is the well cleaned?

You can attract professionals to this, and you can do it on your own. Cleaning technology is pretty simple. As a rule, all dirt accumulates on the walls at the beginning of the aquifer and at the bottom of the well. The walls are not stuck with drowning garbage, which can be scrubbed hard with a brush. Wet cleaning is best. For this, it is necessary to pump out a part of the water so that it is convenient to process the walls of the well. At a low water level, a ladder can be installed in the well. Thoroughly cleaning the walls of the well, you can even feel it feel clean. All dirt is washed off with water and pumped out. Gradually, you go lower, continuing cleaning the walls until you reach the bottom. At the bottom of the drowned garbage. It must be collected together with the top layer of the natural filter - crushed stone. Several times pumping water from the well, you will see how it becomes much cleaner. Next, you can use natural bactericidal materials. To do this, put shungite or zeolite on the bottom of the well, they perfectly disinfect the water. Pay attention also to checking the tightness of the seams of the well, its integrity. If necessary, repair work should be carried out.

Example of manual cleaning of a well

Example of manual cleaning of a well

Technique for cleaning a well with a drainage pump

It is known that modern drainage pumps are usually used for pumping water of various levels of pollution from wells, ponds, tanks. They are great for a home cleaning system, because they have enough power and small size. There are two types - surface and submerged. Since all pumped water passes through the drain pump, mechanical impurities can disable it. Therefore, before drainage, it is necessary to pre-clean water from various debris. It is advantageous to have a pump with a float, which shows the level of pumped water and at the right moment turns off the device. This will insure you against idling the pump and future breakdowns. However, there are separate drainage pumps that cope with even very contaminated water and the presence of impurities and solids up to 3 cm. Most often it is a submerged version from Kercher.

Kercher Drain Pump

Kercher Drainage Pump

And yet, the drain pump does not clean the walls of your well, so after a multiple water evacuation procedure it is still necessary to walk through the walls of the well with a brush and fill the disinfectant. Many gardeners recommend sodium hypochlorite grade A.
Video - cleaning the well with their own hands

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