Water supply to the dacha from the well with your own hands

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Plumbing from the well

Water supply scheme from the well

Providing quality water supply in the country is one of the most important tasks of the owner. On the comfort of living outside of the city bustle otherwise you can not dream. When there is no possibility to connect to the water supply system because of its absence, it is necessary to worry about the device of an autonomous source. In the form of it, a well or a well can serve. And in the monetary version it is better to dig a well, which will provide water in the need and decorate the site. Competently and correctly constructed water pipeline from the well in the dacha will allow to use civilized goods in the house, will facilitate watering of summer cottages.

A water pipe system is a system of pipes through which water flows into the draw-out points at the dacha from a well. It is desirable to use polypropylene pipes for this, their installation will not cause any special difficulties. Such pipes do not rust, which affects positively on the timing of their operation. And the quality of water does not deteriorate. The metalloplastics pipes are popular with summer residents, which easily bend, even at different angles, allowing the water pipe to build a different configuration.

schematic diagram for devices for water supply from a well

For automatic lifting of water from a well, an electric pump is needed, which is acquired taking into account the following parameters:

  1. distance to the house from the well mine;
  2. depth of well;
  3. performance and others.
By the way!
Instead of submersible, a surface pump can be used. It is easier to install, and in the future - to maintain. But such pumping equipment can pump water up to a height of not more than nine meters.

To ensure water supplies to the water supply system in the cottage is a water tank. It is usually installed on a specially constructed overpass or on the roof of the house. In the water tank( accumulator) there is a sensor that monitors the volume of water. If the water level falls, the pump switches on automatically. To eliminate the shortage of water reserves, the device that pumps water is turned off. Pumping equipment is operated in a sparing mode, which, undoubtedly, prolongs the duration of its operation.

Instead of installing a water tank, it is possible to install a pump station, which includes a surface pump and a small volume tank.

Drawing up the scheme of the water supply system

Before laying the water supply at the dacha from the well, it is necessary to draw up a diagram with the detailed arrangement of the pipes that are laid along the plot, as well as the pipes in the house. With this scheme, it is easy to count the presence of material that will be needed for installation. Thinking carefully each stage of water supply, it will be possible to avoid mistakes, which can affect the efficiency and efficiency of the structure.

The scheme is necessary in case of laying underground pipeline, it will facilitate the maintenance, and in cases of damage repair of its sections. The plan for the location of underground pipes is useful in case of choosing a location for the construction of new facilities in the suburban area.

Construction of water supply system in summer

In the warm season many people use the cottage for their intended purpose, therefore they install summer water supply. The water supply system can be both permanent and temporary. In case of temporary it is supposed to carry out dismantling at the end of the summer season. A temporary method of water distribution includes a system of rubber hoses laid out on the ground, which are connected by special adapters. These connectors are made of galvanized steel and plastic. With cold weather, this water pipe is dismantled and stored until the next season.

Summer water supply option

Variant of the summer water supply

The use of shallow plastic water in winter is unacceptable!

When installing a permanent water pipe in the summer pipe, lay in a shallow trench, at a slight angle. Slope allows for the winter from the system to drain the water, preventing the rupture of pipes. The water taps are brought to the surface.

In the presence of transport access to the countryside in winter, a year-round running water supply from the well is arranged at the dacha. The system can function both in summer and in winter. In these cases, the pipes pass at a depth below the ground, where the ground does not freeze.

To reduce the volume of excavation work is possible due to special pipes with insulation, further heated by electric cable. Then you do not have to dig deep trenches, but you'll have to pay for heating pipes, for used electricity.

Heating by electric cable of water pipes

When laying pipes in the ground of the water supply system near the well, put a warmed pit, in which the pipeline outlet is located, and also put the hoses from the pump. If necessary, the pump is disconnected in the pit from the water supply system.

We managed to clarify how to conduct a dacha from the well. If installation causes difficulties, use the help of professionals dedicated to the organization of autonomous water supply. Or start reading, when it is better to dig a well.

Scheme of heating a water pipe with an electric cable

Scheme for heating a water pipe with an electric cable

Video - construction of a water pipe in the country house

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