Modern design of a small bedroom in the Art Deco style for a young family with a child

Interior design of a small bedroom. Gray walls and pillows of chocolate color

Photo 1 - Interior design of a small bedroom 10-13 sq. M.m. Gray walls and pillows of chocolate color

The bedroom is designed for young parents with a small child .In style, the design decision could be attributed to functionalism, if not for the colossal wall panel in the form of a quilted traditional upholstery of leather upholstered furniture.

This panel is made on a very large scale, visually reducing the bedroom space, but creating an absolutely unique eclectic effect of the toy room. The bedroom is only 10-13 sq.m.

This basic design idea of ​​a toy room perfectly suits the fact of the dwelling in this room of the baby - the entire population of the bedroom plays a single childhood game. The image of soft upholstery is perfectly combined with the idea of ​​an adult bedroom and undoubtedly reflects the cheerfulness, humor and optimism of the owners.

What colors are used in the interior of the bedroom

Interior design of a small bedroom for parents and a small child( baby)

Photo 2 - Interior design of a small bedroom for parents and a small child( baby)

The interior is made in a greyish-ocher color range, based on dark brown accents of furniture, floor and curtains. Well-found elements of light sand color are perceived as the main ones in the overall solution.

This interior, undoubtedly, should receive the highest rating for a successful functional solution, perfectly expressed in a witty design idea. With the seeming stinginess of the colors, materials and objects used, the interior produces a complete impression thanks to a thoughtful gradation of the main and minor parts, supplemented by details.

Layout of bedroom

Bedroom with built-in wardrobe and white suspended ceiling from plasterboard

Photo 3 - Bedroom with built-in wardrobe and white false ceiling from plasterboard

Despite the bedroom dimensions( total 12-13 sq.m.) in planning and functional terms the bedroom is built along the axis of symmetry of the adult bed. This axis is parallel to the window and ends with a large plasma screen on the wall. A huge soft quilted panel framing the head of the bed is placed on the same axis.

This clear symmetry is complemented by a baby cot and a small table opposite it. This group occupies a third of the bedroom area near the window. A large decorative decorative element - a modern photo absolutely adequate to the interior color - corresponds to a plasma screen located side by side. A large photo, a plasma screen and a spectacular minimalist shelf under it clearly counterbalance the main components of the interior - a soft leather quilted panel around the headboard. Two-level ceiling is perceived by another frame - for a chandelier.

Author of the project: one of the best studios -

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