We repair cracks on the ceiling by our own forces

We repair cracks on the ceiling by our own forces

Often it happens that the owner of the apartment has a question: how to repair the crack on the ceiling to restore its original appearance?

Plaster exfoliations and cracks in the ceiling from gypsum board can be formed for various reasons.

Without going into long meditations, you can simply cover the crack with putty.

However, this should be done after preliminary preparation and using high-quality materials.

And, first of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons, because of which cracks appeared on the ceiling. After that, you should remove them and put the ceiling in order.

To do this, you will have to perform the current repair.


  • Causes of cracking
  • Cracking technology
    • Fault milling
    • Local filler
    • Repair of deep cracks
    • Repair of gypsum board
  • General rules

Causes of cracking

Many years of practice shows that defects on the ceiling appear even in a new house in a month-other after settling.

It is well known that defects on the surface appear even in the case when high-quality materials were used for finishing works and technological requirements were strictly observed.

The most common causes of the rupture are as follows:

  • shrinkage at home;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • non-compliance with construction and finishing.

Cracks in the plasterboard ceiling may appear between the plasterboard slabs. And in this case, the wrong installation of the suspended ceiling can be the cause.

Crack on the ceiling

In order to avoid the appearance of cracks on the ceiling, you must properly prepare for the finish and perform the work well.

  1. These rules are simple, understandable and easy to perform:
  2. plaster is applied to a clean and dry surface;
  3. putty is selected on the basis of gypsum;
  4. for the strength of the finishing layer is used reinforcing mesh.

Subject to these obvious conditions, the owner of the apartment will not have to wonder in the future how to remove cracks on the ceiling.

In the event that there is a need to get rid of the defects that have arisen, the sealing of cracks on the ceiling must be carried out according to known regulations.

Crack removal technology

To date, the disposal of the craftsmen has a wide range of options for sealing the cracks formed on the ceiling.

The choice of a particular technology depends on the specific conditions and the sealing of cracks on the ceiling requires a thoughtful approach.

Cracks in the ceiling

If a crack appeared between the plasterboard slabs, then it is useless to cover it with putty. In this case, you have to do a more extensive repair of the ceiling.

Otherwise, small and shallow cracks are embedded. They can be puttied or disguised. To fix deep debris, you have to use more labor-intensive methods.

Masking defects

Pasting the ceiling with foam plates is used very often today. This is due to the high technological properties of this material, a wide choice of colors and textures.

It is important to emphasize that the cost of such a tile allows you to use it with the most modest budget.

You can easily paste it yourself, without seeking help from professionals, and repair any gap.

At the same time, it is necessary to follow certain rules when performing repairs. The first step is to calculate the format and the number of tiles.

It is more convenient to carry out these calculations on paper, by plotting a ceiling plan on a scale.

After completing the calculations, you can go to the building materials store.

From the practice of repair, it is known that the tile in the process of the label has to be cut into certain fragments. Given this fact, you need to buy it with a margin of 20%.

The tiles on the ceiling must be positioned so that the joints between two adjacent tiles do not coincide with the location of the crack.

If this point is not taken into account, then later on the junction points, with a high probability, the corners of the tile will be peeled off.

When sticking, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP.This means that the surface of the ceiling must be carefully cleaned and degreased. And only after that apply glue and fix the tile.


Local filler

Small in size and not very deep cracks are closed using a simple putty. In this case, it is not necessary to wipe the entire plane of the ceiling.

Repair is carried out only in the place where the crack was formed. In this case, all the required operations must be performed in strict sequence.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the crack from dirt, dust and crumbling particles. To do this, use a brush with a stiff bristle. It is possible with a metal pile.

After cleaning, the crack surface is carefully primed with a deep penetration composition.

Primer should dry thoroughly.

The next step is to fill the crack with putty. Necessarily for all depth. You can do this in two steps.

After the final filling, until the putty has hardened, the embedded surface must be leveled.

After about 24 hours, when the compound finally hardens, the resulting surface is protected with sandpaper.

Filling of cracks

As a result of such sealing of traces from a crack on the ceiling should not remain. However, very often the repaired place and the rest of the ceiling surface differ in color.

When in the future it is planned to cover the ceiling with tiles, it's not scary. If the ceiling is covered with paint, then the closed area will have to be painted several times.

Repair of deep cracks

When a deep and extensive crack appears on the ceiling, it is more difficult to seal it. Such cracks are formed in old multi-storey houses in the interval between reinforced concrete slabs.

The mixture, which the inter-panel seams were sealed, dried up, "aged" and fell out. In this case, you can use the old proven method for repair.

Elimination of the gap is made using the fabric and glue PVA.The fabric serves as a filler, and the glue is a binding compound.

The work should be done according to a known order.

In order to seal the gap, the inner cavity must be properly cleaned and sealed with strips of fabric pre-impregnated with glue.

On the surface of the removed defect, it is necessary to glue a piece of fabric and putty. With a minimum of skill, this procedure is easily done by yourself.

Today, you can seal such a crack with a special sealant. It is important only to choose the correct sealant composition.

The gap is filled with a mixture in several steps. After filling it is necessary to collect all the surpluses from the surface and thoroughly smooth them.

In order to finally level and polish the repaired place, you need to wait until the sealant hardens.

This will take some time, which is specified in the instructions for use.

Crack and sealant

Repair of

drywall cracks Cracks, caverns and other defects on the plasterboard ceiling often occur due to water leaks from the top floor.

But before starting the repair, it is necessary to find out exactly the reason for the violation of dry plaster.

If the gaps appear as a result of the general deformation of the ceiling, then there is no sense to cover them up. It is necessary to repair the entire ceiling, and it's best to do everything again.

When the integrity of the ceiling is not broken, then to repair the crack, depending on its size, it is possible by conventional technology. It is desirable to choose a filler based on gypsum.


General rules

The appearance of defects on the ceiling occurs for many reasons. In this case, one should not make hasty conclusions and immediately start repairing, hastily closing the formed gap.

First you need to determine the cause of the defect. It is possible that a multi-storey house is being erected next door, and ground vibrations cause a discrepancy between the plates.

It is necessary to wait for the completion of this construction, after which to conduct a thorough examination of the place where the crack appeared.

It is not difficult to repair any crack. As a rule, the whole procedure is carried out in-house. The main thing in this matter is to eliminate the cause and not to let it arise again.

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