Brick wall masonry - we master the traditional construction technique

Brick wall with your own hands - what will you have to deal with?

In addition to the above, there is another common mistake, it is allowed when cornering, and it is caused by incorrect measurements and lack of fixation. The uneven distribution of mortar also leads to deplorable results, which is, as a rule, the result of incorrect preparation.

As a result, the construction of brick walls is unstable and completely unusable. Meanwhile, the wall laid by an experienced master in one brick( 25 cm) is capable of carrying the load created in the two-storey building by the above constructions, including reinforced concrete floors.

Brick masonry of external walls is a poor heat insulator and in this respect loses to some other materials. At a design air temperature of -30 degrees Celsius, adopted for many regions of Russia, a wall made of a wooden beam of only 18 cm thick provides the same thermal insulation effect as a brick laid out in a continuous masonry of 64 cm.

Dimensions of brick walls - correct calculation forbuilder

Calculation of the brick wall shows that a continuous masonry thickness of more than 38 cm is not economically viable. To achieve the desired level of heat protection, it is better to lay out the outer walls of hollow bricks from with the formation of wells, voids and expanded joints, insulating them with heat-insulating materials.

For example, when filling voids with mineral felt, heat protection increases up to 40%.With such a masonry, among other things, the consumption of material is reduced, the mass of walls and the load on the foundation are reduced.

And only in those cases where it is necessary to strengthen the brick walls, justified the use of solid masonry solid brick. In this case, the minimum thickness of the wall is chosen, based on considerations of the required strength, regardless of its thermal insulation properties, since the latter can be significantly improved by using heat insulators. And now, after general comments, we'll see how the brick wall can be laid out with our own hands.

Brick masonry of walls - let's get to work.

. The dimensions of brick walls are indicated in the project, and it is not difficult to determine the required amount of building material, knowing that 50 square bricks are needed for each square meter of masonry in half a brick. In addition, you will need a tool:

  • trowel;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • plumb line;
  • cord-pier;
  • gon.

One of the main points - laying lower( first) row in a strictly horizontal plane. The row must be flat and straight, without any distortions or protrusions. To determine the horizontality of the series, use is made, if possible, of a longer construction level.

If we managed to successfully cope with this task, then in the future it remains to follow only the verticality, the forcing of which starts from the corners. Two bricks on the foundation are placed so that the angle between them is equal to 90 degrees. Correctness of a corner is checked by a building square.

After laying 3-4 rows of each corner, with a plumb and square, the mason checks their compliance with the parameters, after which the masonry of the wall begins. And it is conducted alternately, starting from one, then from another corner, towards each other.

For proper placement of horizontal rows, a cable-pier is used, which is stretched along the wall. Laying rows is carried out with a bandage of vertical seams, for which not only whole bricks are used, but also their parts.

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