House of monolithic arbolith with your own hands: video and photo

Advantages of monolithic arbolite in the construction of the house

If you have not decided on the material for the construction of your future home, pay attention to the modern material of excellent quality - monolithic arbolite. Using arbolita in the construction of the building with their own hands will ensure the ease of work. Firstly, due to the small weight of the arbolite at its delivery, there will be no problems. Secondly, a set of characteristic features of the material will contribute to the preservation of heat in the already finished building, frost resistance under severe climate conditions, and also protection against fires.

In addition, the houses of monolithic arbolite are the most durable and environmentally friendly.

Arbolitovy house with their own hands

The erection of a building from arbolitic blocks is in some ways similar to the construction of a house from gas blocks. True, there is one nuance that is to use the solution. If tile glue can be used in the laying of foam or aerated concrete, then for the construction of the arbolite - the same solution as for the construction of houses made of bricks.

Ready house from monolithic arbolit

Widely used method of building houses from a monolithic arbolite. To build such a building with your own hands you need to follow certain stages in your work.

Step-by-step construction of the arbolite house

At the first stage of construction determine how the house will look and on the basis of this prepare its project. If the future structure will contain a basement, then immediately make a monolithic foundation. In the opposite case, the tape type of the foundation is bypassed. Due to the small weight of the arbolite, it is possible to lay a simplified foundation on screw piles. Monolithic foundation can not be deepened.

If the project of the house provides the presence of a socle, then at this stage it is best to use brick as the main material. The plinth is built 50 centimeters above the level of the location of the blind area. This will help to prevent moisture from entering the surface of the arbolite, which can destroy its structure.

After pouring the foundation, you need to put out the formwork from the plywood boards or metal sheets. Then there is an installation inside the formwork of the reinforcing cages, which provide the structure with additional strength. Then lay the layers of arbolitic mass not more than 30 centimeters, and then rammed. For three or four days, the hardening of the monolithic belt solution is expected, the formwork is dismantled, rearranging it higher.

Strengthening of walls from arbolita reinforcing cages

For planks and foundations take boards, the thickness of which reaches 50 millimeters. The optimum thickness of the walls to create comfort and comfort in the room should be at least 0.6 meters. The walls after the construction are finished with plastering to create the most attractive and aesthetic appearance.

It should be taken into account that reinforced jumpers should be used to arrange door and window openings. Thanks to these elements, it is possible to achieve a high degree of structural strength. The last stage of construction involves the use of solid slabs of arbolite.

Window openings in the house from a monolithic arbolit

As you can see, building a house from a monolithic arbolite is a simple task if you perform work in stages.

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