Fixing cracks in walls: step by step instruction

A crack in the wall is a problem faced by residents, both private and multi-apartment buildings. This defect can lead to a violation of the integrity of the finish. For example, paint shedding or wallpaper peeling off. Therefore, you can not ignore this situation, regardless of the size of the crack.


How to repair a brick wall crack

the following reasons:

  1. A ground having a non-uniform structure after a certain time has settled. This leads to the appearance of cracks.
  2. The same consequences have deformation changes in the foundation, which are formed in case of insufficient penetration or placement near groundwater and an increased load on the walls from overlap. During 12 months after the construction shrinkage of the building occurs, which also provokes the formation of cracks.
  3. Problems can occur even if the stacking technology does not meet the requirements. And also when applying a poor-quality solution.

Determine the cause by locating the problem:

  • cracks in the lower part of the building indicate excessive overlap pressure;
  • the upper part is damaged as a result of subsidence of the foundation foundation.

Before fixing cracks in a brick wall, you need to make sure that they do not increase in size. In the opposite case, the work done will be inconclusive. The wall should be attached to the paper guides and monitor their integrity.


To eliminate a small crack width of up to 5 mm, you can use the cement composition. The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to remove the debris from the slit and treat it from the inside with a moistened rag.
  2. The edges of the gap before work should be knocked down with a hammer, becausethis will ensure better adhesion of mortar and bricks.
  3. Damage to medium size( from 5 mm to 10 mm) is also eliminated with cement, but with the addition of an additional component - sand.

Cracks with a width exceeding 10 mm are critical. Lack of timely intervention can have negative consequences. Eliminate such damage by several methods:

  1. The damaged area should be disassembled and replaced with new material.
  2. The masonry is dismantled from the top row. Bricks are laid according to the method of "brick castle".
  3. Fragments of reinforcement are inserted into the masonry, which cover the crack.
  4. If there is no possibility to disassemble the masonry, the place of damage is sealed with a cement solution.
  5. T-shaped metal elements can be hammered into the slot, which are fixed from both sides with dowels. The use of metal parts is not mandatory. But in this case, the wall of the building needs to be strengthened from the inside.
  6. Fixing of cracks in brick walls can be carried out by means of mounting foam or sealing compound. The cavity of the gap should be filled with foam, wait until it freezes and cut the material to a depth of 2 cm.
  7. The resulting space is filled with a cement mixture. When using sealant, it is important to choose the right composition. It is not necessary to use a silicone-based sealing agent, since this material does not have adhesion with plaster, putty and paint.
  8. A special joint sealant must be prepared. It is placed in the slot by means of a construction pistol. The sealant for cracks in the wall has a certain advantage over the cement mixture. It has the ability to increase and decrease in size without cracking, which is unusual for a conventional solution. This tool belongs to the category of expensive materials, but its use makes it possible to obtain a qualitative result.
  9. The cracked wall is recommended to be reinforced from the inside. This procedure involves fixing the damaged area and applying a metal profile that will act as a lock. It should be placed across the crack to prevent its subsequent spread. Anchors are used to fix this element. You can use steel staples. In this case, it is necessary to pre-drill the holes.
  10. If cracks are formed due to incorrectly embedded foundation foundation, it is recommended to install an additional concrete belt on it. Along the perimeter of the house you need to prepare a trench, the depth of which must exceed the depth of the foundation. In this groove is placed concrete, from which the belt is built.


How to eliminate cracks in a wall covered with plaster mix

The danger of cracks in plastered walls is not limited to an aesthetic defect. Due to damage, both the plaster coating and the masonry may suffer. Mostly this applies to exterior walls, where the finish is largely exposed to the negative effects of low temperatures and moisture. Through the cracks in the coating, moisture penetrates into the masonry, which subsequently freezes. This causes the backing of the coating and the destruction of the masonry.

These damages of the plaster layer can be formed not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the house. These are very thin cracks, which visually resemble cobwebs and spread throughout the surface of the wall. The reason for this can be improper application of the composition, irregularities in the proportions when mixing components and non-compliance with the requirements for the care of the coating. Among the most common mistakes, one can single out a thick layer of a solution. Cracks in this situation are a natural consequence of the violation of technology.

Damage occurs after finishing: wallpapering, painting or puttying. This can be prevented by using reinforcing elements, which are installed before finishing. For this purpose, several materials are used:

  • plaster mixture;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • fiberglass wallpaper;
  • fiberglass.

The most convenient option is the last material. Fiberglass is fixed on the primed and dry surface with the help of a special adhesive compound designed for fixing stalemate. After the end of work, this material can be covered with finishing putty or paint.

Stucco mixture for the purpose is divided into 2 types:

  • for the treatment of internal surfaces;
  • for exterior walls.

These types of plasters differ in the components that make up their composition. For external finishing the solution is prepared on the basis of cement, and for interior works lime compositions are considered more suitable.

To eliminate cracks with the help of a plaster composition it is necessary to prepare:

  • capacity;
  • the trowel;
  • graters of various sizes;
  • brush for plastering;
  • brush;
  • trowel;
  • water.

Stucco mortar can be made by yourself or purchased ready-made. In the process of home cooking, it is necessary to monitor the consistency, becausetoo liquid stucco will not hold properly. The process of sealing the cracks looks like this:

  1. Using a brush, the composition is applied to the damaged area, then it is leveled with a wooden float.
  2. If the plaster on the wall was applied by the spraying method, so that the treated area does not differ from the brush, it is necessary to dip into the water and perform pattering movements on the surface.
  3. The easiest way to eliminate shrinkage cracks. They need to be treated with deep impregnation, which penetrates the structure of the coating and strengthens it. Then the cracks can be painted over with dispersion paint.

The cracking solution in a wall covered with a plaster composition should contain fillers and an astringent. As this element, you can use building gypsum, cement or building lime. The most durable is the cementitious material. Indicators of its strength can be determined by marking, for the use of brand 400.

Construction gypsum will make the mixture more durable. This component accelerates the setting of the composition. It has a distinctive feature - it does not shrink. Building lime is used for outdoor work, as it dries only in the air.

Than to cover cracks in a wall from a drywall

Damages in gypsum cardboard material are formed for several reasons:

  1. The most common is a violation of the technology when installing the frame and mounting sheets.
  2. The appearance of cracks can be caused by incorrect puttying and sealing joints between sheets.
  3. To the causes of damage can also be attributed to sudden temperature changes in the room, increased humidity and contact with water.

Drywall does not have good resistance to moisture. When interacting with this factor, the sheets deform and retain this shape after drying. The only solution in this situation is to replace the material. You can get rid of cracks in gypsum cardboard in two ways.

  1. The first option involves filling the slots with putty or acrylic.
  2. The second method is to glue over the damaged area of ​​the glass wool. Then the surface should be puttyed, after which you can proceed to the finish coat.

The surface treatment process looks like this:

  1. Before fixing a crack in the wall of the house, using a putty compound, it is necessary to remove the layer of plaster from the damaged area.
  2. The dust is then removed by the vacuum cleaner.
  3. Then you need to prepare the putty mixture in the following proportions: 2 parts of powder 1 part of the liquid.
  4. The resulting mass is applied by a 2 mm layer with a spatula.
  5. In addition to the crack, the next section should also be processed.
  6. When using reinforced tape, it should be placed in a slot and covered with putty.
  7. The putty dries for 1.5 hours.
  8. Then it is recommended to clean and remove dust from the wall.


Fixing cracks in the concrete wall

The main reason for the appearance of defects in the wall of concrete is a violation of the ratio of cement and water in the preparation of cement-concrete composition. During the laying of the solution, it must be carefully sealed by means of vibrators. The appearance of cracks can lead to non-compliance with the rules of care. It is recommended to cover fresh concrete with a cloth to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

A particular danger is the presence of cracks in the wall, which is in conditions of frequent temperature changes. At a low temperature, moisture enters the cavity of the crack, freezes and thereby increases the defect. The damage comes to the reinforcement, the corrosive process begins, which adversely affects the strength of the building. To timely detect defects, the structure should be inspected regularly. This will make it possible to remove cracks in the walls at the initial stage of development. Even minor defect changes in concrete material can not be ignored.

So, for work you will need:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • grinding machine;
  • spatula;
  • metal brush;
  • brush;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • rod made of wood material;
  • trowel;
  • water, sand, cement;
  • adhesive composition;
  • wire fragments;
  • the smoothing iron.

The working process takes place in this order:

  1. Using a hammer and chisel, the crack should be expanded to a depth of 5 mm. This will help prevent the fall of the repair staff.
  2. Then the damaged area is cleaned of dust and moistened. Using a sponge you need to remove excess moisture.
  3. If the reinforcement is visible, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent.
  4. The mixture is prepared on the basis of sand and cement, a ratio of 3: 1.You can add PVA to the composition.
  5. If the defects are deep, they should be filled in stages, moistening each layer of the repair mixture.
  6. If necessary, the crack is reinforced with wire fragments.
  7. Then the surface must be leveled, for this, an ironer is used.
  8. After hardening of the composition, the projecting zones are corrected by means of a grinding machine.



When planning repair of walls, sealing of cracks should become an indispensable condition. This defect not only negatively affects the appearance of the building, but also threatens its durability. Today, the walls of houses are constructed of different materials, each of which requires an individual approach when eliminating cracks.

How to seal a crack in the wall. Video:

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