How to make ventilation in the garage

Every car owner wants his car to last as long as possible without losing an attractive appearance. To do this, it is necessary to regularly make technical inspection, take care of the car, but the main thing is to provide him with the proper conditions of "storage".If the car will stand idle in the open air, it will start rusting pretty quickly, the paint will fade, scratches and chips will appear on the body. If you close it behind seven locks in a sealed room, the benefits of this will also be small - in a stuffy space it's impossible to stay long and carry out maintenance of machinery. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to install a ventilation system. On how to properly make ventilation in the garage, we'll talk in today's article.


Ventilation system

The paramount task of any garage is to protect the machine from attacks by intrudersand atmospheric influences. However, it is not enough just to build a "box" and put a car in it, it is necessary to create inside comfortable conditions: humidity level, temperature, etc. If there is no ventilation system in the garage, there will always be stale air and high humidity. This will lead to active development of corrosion in the vulnerable parts of the hull and significantly reduce the life of the machine.

What functions are the ventilation in the garage:

  1. Displays or evaporates water vapor, inevitably formed as a result of ingress of snow, dirt or rain drops when the car comes in from the street.
  2. Displays harmful to human health fumes and gases.
  3. Dries the car body after traveling in bad weather.
  4. Timely removes condensate, which appears on the internal surfaces of the garage, thereby prolonging the life of the garage.
  5. Dry the observation pit and the basement in the garage, if any.

To make all this possible, it is necessary to correctly select and install one of the types of ventilation systems: natural, forced or mixed. Consider the merits and demerits of each of them.

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation is the simplest and cheapest way to ensure the ventilation of the garage. This explains its popularity. Air enters through the inlet holes located in the lower part of the gate. Streams of fresh air penetrate through them, pass along the floor at the bottom of the car, gradually heat up and rise, capturing condensate, toxic gases and fumes. At the ceiling of the garage are other openings - exhaust. Through them, the exhaust air goes out.

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In order for the system to function smoothly and efficiently, it is necessary to correctly select the cross-section of the supply and exhaust air duct. The exhaust pipe should be made of asbestos or tin and rise above the roof level by at least 50 cm to create a thrust of the required power. If there is no draft, the exhaust air will not come out from inside or will go out very slowly. It is also recommended to arrange a heat-insulating hood around the exhaust pipe so that during the cold season the condensate does not freeze and clog it.


Why does the air start to move and flow in the right direction? The circulation is carried out due to the different density of spent and fresh air, and also due to the emerging thrust in the pipes. But if the volumes of exhaust air are too large and the natural system does not cope, it is necessary to install a system of combined type.

Mixed ventilation

This ventilation system in the garage combines the principle of operation with natural and forced operation. Air enters through the supply pipe, and is discharged by means of a fan operating from the mains and installed in the exhaust opening under the ceiling. The fan sucks the exhausted air masses and quickly takes them out of the room.

To make such a system as efficient as possible, it is necessary to select the correct power of the exhaust fan. For the garage it is desirable that it is not less than 100 W.The quality of the product is also important - it must be reliable and durable, provided continuous operation.


The main disadvantage of the combined ventilation system is the overcooling of the garage in winter. Inside quickly penetrates the cold air and just as quickly goes out. The absence of a filter in the inlet opening can also cause inconvenience.

Forced ventilation

Forced or fully mechanized ventilation in the garage is perhaps the best solution. In this case, the influx of air and its removal is carried out by autonomous subsystems, which completely excludes the drawbacks of the above methods.


The ventilation in the garage consists of a duct with a filter, a fan and a heater. When the fan sucks air from the street, it immediately clears, passing through the filter, and heats up in the heater. Thus, the garage will be warm even in the coldest winter. The exhaust ventilation system of the garage is an axial fan that can be supplemented by a duct fan.

When the forced system is used, modular structures or monoblocks are used. The first assumes the installation of autonomous units for the influx and removal of air, combined into a single system through sensors. Monoblock is a single box( block), in which occurs both inflow and extract. The most effective are monoblocks with plate heat exchangers, which heat incoming clean air, thereby reducing heating costs.


The garage ventilation scheme should be selected during design, but even if the garage is already in use, you can enter the system in the overall layout. Of course, it will take more energy, time and money, but you already know what can happen in the garage without ventilation. If there is heating in the room, it is most reasonable to use a forced system with a recuperator, and for an unheated one the usual natural scheme will work.

Helpful Hint: For all ventilation openings, regardless of the type of system, install protective nets or grilles so that insects, rodents do not enter inside the garage, the air duct is not clogged with debris.

Features of mounting

Each of the ventilation systems has its own installation technology, requires certain skills, it differs in the cost and nature of the service. In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the features of the ventilation device in the garage with our own hands.

Natural ventilation


Natural ventilation is easiest to do, but before you go to the store for pipes and grilles, you need to calculate in order to know the cross-section of these pipes. From the section of the duct depends on how quickly he can pass the fresh air and remove the waste. And this, in turn, determines the squaring of the garage and the speed of its contamination. There are some requirements for the organization of natural ventilation, which states that for each m² should be 1.5 cm duct. That is, if you own a garage with an area of ​​18 m², it means that you need an air duct with a diameter of 18 * 1.5 = 270 mm for ventilation. But if you want to install two exhaust pipes in different parts of the garage, this value should be divided into two and buy air ducts of 135 mm in diameter.

How to make ventilation in the garage:

  1. Make a hole for the supply pipe as low as possible. Ideally, it should be located only 30-50 cm from the floor.
  2. Please note that the total diameter of the supply air ducts must be twice the diameter of the exhaust ducts.
  3. It is better to make supply holes from the north side of the garage so that the wind blows in them as much as possible.
  4. To make a good exhaust of the exhaust air, place the duct opening at the highest point of the garage, that is, either on the roof or under the ceiling.
  5. The higher the exhaust pipe, the better. From it to the air inlet should be a minimum of 3 m. If the garage with a gable roof, then the hood can be drawn through the attic to the ridge.
  6. The outlet of the exhaust pipe must be covered with a canopy or visor to prevent rain, scrap, or insects from entering.
  7. Make the hood so that the direction of the duct coincides with the direction of the wind( the wind should not blow out in order not to disturb the thrust).To do this, you need to find out which direction of the wind prevails in your region.
  8. There will be an empty space between the duct and the wall - fill it with mounting foam and sealant.

As you can see, the natural ventilation of the garage with their own hands is very simple in arrangement, so even beginners in this business should not have difficulties. The cost of work is minimal, especially when you consider that air ducts can be riveted most of the galvanizing or sheet steel.

But before you decide to make such ventilation in your garage, you should take into account its main drawback - air will circulate only at outdoor temperatures up to + 12C.In summer, the air exchange will be rather weak, so you may need to install additional fans, but more on this below.

Combined ventilation

The principle of arrangement of the combined ventilation system is almost the same as described above, with the only exception that a fan is installed in the exhaust hole, which sucks the exhaust air and pushes it out through the air duct. Another nuance - supply and exhaust openings can be located in any points of the garage, only not opposite, otherwise there will be no air circulation.

For ducting, you can use plastic or metal pipes, the diameter of which you already know how to calculate. The combined system ensures efficient ventilation of the garage all year round regardless of the temperature in the street. The fans themselves do not consume much energy, so you will not notice a significant difference in the payment of bills. The only thing to consider is the active penetration of cold air in winter, as the inlet is not equipped with any heating devices. Well and if to equip it those, moreover to put the filter, it will be already completely mechanized ventilating system. Of course, it is much better than natural and combined, but it costs an order of magnitude more.

How to make a simple and effective combined ventilation in the garage, see in the video below:

Ventilation of pit and basement

It is easy to guess that if air enters the garage through a hole low from the floor, and exit - somewhere under the ceiling, then the inspection pit andcellar will be ignored. Work in a stuffy pit under the car is very uncomfortable, and if you do not provide air circulation in the basement, very quickly there will grow a mushroom plantation.

To equip the ventilation of the inspection pit, on the sides closest to the inlet, open it a few inches to 10 cm to avoid injury by accidentally stepping there. If the tributaries are on either side of the pit, make slots on both sides. Between the plates of the pit lid in the place directly opposite the exhaust hole, make slots 5-10 cm wide.

If the intake opening is 2 times wider than the exhaust hole, a natural draft will arise in the pit and the air masses will be replaced independently. At the same time, try to put the machine so that it does not block the exhaust slot of the pit. There is a site of the most aggressive environment, and if the exhausted air from the pit will blow into the body of the car, it is here that it begins to rust and rot first.


How to make ventilation in the garage with a basement? In this case, you will have to equip a separate ventilation system in the cellar with its supply and exhaust duct. The cellar itself is always very moist, and there is a need for a fairly powerful air circulation.

The following recommendations will help you to make effective ventilation in the garage cellar:

  1. The inlet port is located on the north side.
  2. Extract air duct on the south side of the building.
  3. Supply the air duct in the basement to the floor, and the hood to the ceiling.
  4. To ensure that products and things stored in the basement do not freeze in winter, place them as far as possible from the supply pipe( at least 50 cm).
  5. Remember that the total diameter of the supply pipes must be twice the total diameter of the exhaust ducts.

Make ventilation in the garage is not so difficult, whether it is a natural system or forced. To increase air circulation, especially in the summer, do in the garage windows - they will not only let in fresh air, but also save on lighting.

Garage ventilation: photo


ventilation-in-the cellar

pipe-forced ventilation




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