Rules for choosing a treatment plant for a house, a review of popular septic tanks

Of all the engineering communications that are laid to a private house, the sewage system is perhaps the most complicated. And the main difficulty faced by the owner is not in its installation, but in the correct choice of the type( design) of the treatment plant( septic tank).Without this element of the "scheme", the operation of the residential building( if not provided for its connection to the central highway) is not permitted.

There is no sense in explaining what kind of pollution the environment will have to pay, and quite a considerable amount. And this is at best. Therefore, a lot depends on the septic tank. A simple design, called a "cesspool", in the installation of sewage in most cases clearly not do. Cleaning should be reliable and high-quality. The construction of such a structure provides for 2 options - to buy a ready-made septic tank or to mount it yourself. For example, from reinforced concrete rings, as described here. Consider the disadvantages of the latter.


Not every site can drive technology, and for loading / unloading the crane is always required. Even a ring with a minimum( according to the standard) diameter weighs at least 400 kg, so manual work is unlikely to succeed. There is an easier way - to make a monolithic structure in the form of a cylinder. But this will require the construction of the formwork, the preparation of the mortar( with the required grade, with a certain kind of filler), the reinforcement of the frame, the filling technology and much more. If there is no proper experience in the construction industry, will it be possible to perform all these operations qualitatively?


This is one of the most important items of the construction of the treatment plant. After all, the slightest leakage of drains will not only gradually ruin the root system of plantations, but it will also cause diseases of someone from the household or neighbors. As a rule, autonomous water supply systems are operated in private houses. The sources are basically a well or a well.

Sewage, getting into the ground, one way or another penetrate into the layers from which the fence is made. It is with waterproofing most often and there are problems, and the main reason - in the systematic movements of the soil. The factors that cause them are sufficient, but the result is one - damage to the protective coating of the septic tank.


Maintenance of

It is not meant to regularly clean the tank( it is necessary for any type of septic tank), namely, to restore the "shell" of the tank. From this point of view purification plants of industrial production are most convenient.

The advantages of purchasing a ready-made septic tank are more than enough. But here's how to choose the best option - the question is far from simple. The criteria for evaluating the feasibility of acquiring a particular reservoir are described in great detail and intelligibly in this article.

We will consider only some popular models of treatment plants and for those who want to get acquainted with all their features, we will give relevant references to their detailed description.


"Deca"( 3rd series) is a bio-cleaning station and is often used for installation in small areas( including cottages).But it requires a connection to the mains power supply, which is not always convenient or possible. The approximate price is 63,000 rubles.

Termite. The simplest and cheapest model for 1.7 m³ costs about 25,600 rubles. It is quite acceptable with a family of 3 - 4 people. A detailed description is here.


"Topas". Another Russian model, produced in several variants. Its capacity is more, therefore it will fully provide all the needs of a family of 7-8 people. The septic tank of the "8" series costs about 105,000 rubles. All the characteristics and specific features of the work of "Topas" are described in this article.


"Poplar". Also a Russian station with its own drain pump. Suitable for an average family of 5 - 6 people. But - it is necessary to do connection of the pump. It is often chosen for sites characterized by the proximity of subsoil water strata. The price starts from 83 500 rubles. For more information about Poplar septic, click here.

The options are sufficient, but judging by the numerous reviews, the listed models in the private sector are in greatest demand.

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