A detailed overview of all the pros and cons of the basement floor in a private house

0 On the need to design a full-fledged basement room, located under the whole house, there is no unified opinion. Someone considers such a layout of the building almost mandatory, and to someone the basement floor in the house seems to be a waste of money, especially if other buildings are planned to be erected on the site, which will carry out various economic functions. Who is right?

The basement floors differ in the technology of arrangement and their profile - prefabricated or monolithic;protruding, in the same plane as the ground or "sinking".But in any case, this is the continuation of the foundation, part of the house, towering above the ground. Therefore, it should not be confused with the banal cellar( or cellar under the building).

Any householder has his own views on the necessity of socle rooms. To ensure that the article is not considered agitational, it is enough to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of such a planning of the building, and everyone can make conclusions himself.

Advantages of

Additional useful area. In the basement, divided into separate rooms, you can arrange almost anything - home workshop, billiard room, gym, laundry, mini boiler room, even a garage. Under the house it is convenient to store products( conservation), various inventory and spare parts for a personal car, extra things and the like. There are many options, and how to use the ground floor depends only on the imagination of the owners.

Do not have to deal with the insulation of the floors of the 1st floor. The lower room is a kind of "buffer" between the house and the ground. Consequently, the intensity of heating of the entire structure can be somewhat reduced.


Disadvantages of

Opponents of the construction of private houses put forward the main argument for the increased cost of implementing such projects. Yes, the ground floor requires additional costs, and in some cases they can be very significant.

For example, if the ground is sufficiently "difficult", or underground water layers approach close to the surface. But on the other hand, for small plots this is the best option for the development, as there is no possibility, with their modest size, to build anything else( garage, shed, etc.) without affecting other needs.

After all, a private house is also a territory adjacent to it, which everyone wants to rationally and conveniently plan - a flower garden, a playground, bushes, beds, a greenhouse. Is there enough space for everything you want?


And for a large building the basement floor will not be superfluous. Put 1 - 2 cars, equip the sauna - if the material possibilities allow, the basement space can be planned and arranged very well.

The basement floor will have to be heated. Hence, you need to acquire a more powerful generator of heat + in addition pipes, radiators and valves.

Qualitative ventilation, and mandatory - mandatory. This will require additional costs. If everything is not properly assembled, then the so-called "greenhouse effect" will not be avoided.

There is a fairly common opinion that in order to save it is desirable to make a basement under ½ houses. But even approximate calculations show that to reduce the total costs( excavation, waterproofing and a number of other measures) will not be more than 10%.

And this despite the fact that the additional usable area is halved. Does it make sense to do this?

Before making a decision on erecting a house with a basement floor, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of this option. And this is not only the cost of construction, but also for the further maintenance of the entire building and its repair. Therefore, there can be no unambiguous recommendation on this issue.


The feasibility of the basement floor is determined individually for each site and structure. We can not discount the fact that such a house layout does not fit every type of foundation. And he, in turn, is calculated, including, and on the basis of soil research.

And the last - considering that the production of calculations for the arrangement of the socle - the question is rather complicated, it is better to entrust the work to design professionals. And order several possible options, of which to choose the best.

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