Which filter for water to choose under the sink

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The water that enters our homes and apartments via urban communications or from autonomous sources is almost always far from perfect and requires some preparation, especially for food applications. It can be contaminated with solid suspensions, contain an unacceptably high concentration of various salts and other chemical compounds, be distinguished by increased rigidity, and besides, its biological contamination is not excluded. Even if the city's cleaning stations are carrying out a diverse, complex water treatment, when moving through old pipelines, water can be so polluted again that it gets to the residents of apartments already completely unsuitable for food consumption. To buy for these purposes bottled - like output, but it's uncomfortable, and quite expensive. It is better to install an effective home filtration system so that there is always unhindered access to clean, safe water.

Which filter for water to choose under the sink

What filter for water to choose under the sink

To owners of private houses in this matter is somewhat simpler - the presence of ancillary premises allows to mount a multi-level cleaning system, especially when using an autonomous source of water without it all the same can not do. And how to be tenants of standard apartments, which have every centimeter of useful space on their account? There is a solution - practically in every kitchen under the sink there is a free niche in which either there is a trash can or an empty glass container is simply accumulated. Is there no place for a drinking water purification system? But here is a filter for water to choose under the sink, to once and for all solve the problem? Let's try to understand the variety of such cleaning systems.

Principal structure of the

sink filters Contents of the article

  • 1 Basis of the filter for the
  • 2 washer Basic drinking water treatment stages
  • 3 How to select the filter station for the
    • 3.1 filter The main condition is to have information about the quality of the incoming water
    • 3.2 Filter selection criteria for the
  • 4 review of models of filters with a sink
  • 5 Video: recommendations for choosing a filter for water with a sink

The same filters for washing different from others withof all "brothers"?

As a rule, it is a cantilever design, compact enough to fit in the space under the kitchen sink.

The basic device of the filter for water under a sink

Basic filter unit for washer water

The console itself( item 1) is a kind of "assembly platform" on which all elements of the filtration system are mounted. Most often it is performed in a hanging version, for attaching to the wall( the wall of the kitchen cabinet), although there are options with installation on a horizontal surface. In addition, there are models of filters of housing design.

In addition to filtering stations of the "classical" layout, there are models with installation on a horizontal surface, as well as housing, closed execution

In addition to the filtering stations of the "classical" layout, there are models with installation on a horizontal surface, as well as enclosed, closed version

. The console has filter modules( item 2) for various purposes. Water passes through them sequentially, undergoing a particular type of filtration and purification. Filtration modules can be a flask for the installation of replaceable cartridges( item 3), but there are also non-separable modules. The number of modules can vary - from one in the simplest filters to five or even more in high-tech water purification systems.

In addition to the filter modules, the system can be equipped with a reverse osmosis water purification unit( item 4) and other water treatment devices.

Any filtering system has a branch pipe with a fitting for connection to a water pipe( item 5), and an outlet( item 6) - for supply of purified water to the tap. In systems with reverse osmosis, a branch pipe for discharging dirty water into drainage( sewerage) is usually provided. For connection, flexible hoses( key 7), a tap with a tee for tapping into the water supply( item 8) are included in the kit. As a rule, there is a crane for picking clean sheep( item 9), which is installed on the kitchen sink next to the mixer.

The key( key 10) is used for unscrewing the filter modules when they need to be replaced and for retrofitting.

Set of filtering system of accumulating action

Set of filtration system of accumulating action

Filter stations with installation under a sink can be not only flowing, but also the cumulative principle of action. In this case, a diaphragm accumulator is included in the kit, in which the purified water accumulates under pressure. Conveniently, from the point of view that at the disposal of the owners there is always a certain reserve, even if for some reason the supply is stopped.

The design of the filtration stations can seriously differ both in the number of modules and the presence of a built-in pump that requires connection to the power supply

The design of the filtration stations can seriously vary with the number of modules and the presence of a built-in pump that requires connection to the

power supply. For some models of sink filters, especially with a reverse osmosis module or with a storage tank, an increased pressure in the water supply system is required. To ensure these conditions, the installation can be equipped with a built-in pump, which, in turn, will require the connection to the mains.

A variety of models and a wide range of filter modules or replaceable cartridges allow them to select a water treatment system that is optimally suited to the existing conditions. However, in order not to make a mistake with a choice, first of all it is necessary to understand how the water purification stages work.

Basic stages of drinking water purification

Depending on the degree of contamination of the incoming water, it can be subjected to various stages of purification.

  • First of all, water must necessarily undergo mechanical filtration, that is, free of suspensions, solid particles. They not only reduce the taste and organoleptic qualities of water, but also rapidly block other cleaning modules.
Cartridges for mechanical water treatment

Mechanical water purification cartridges

Mechanical cleaning cartridges operate according to the usual filtration principle - water passes through small pores, and solid suspensions are delayed. The filter elements themselves can have a mesh design, or they can be made of polypropylene - foamed, non-woven corrugated, or wound in the form of "ropes".The degree of purification in such cartridges can reach 5 microns. However, neither substances dissolved in water, nor the majority of microorganisms are retained by such filters. This module can be safely attributed to the preliminary preparation for further cleaning.

  • Many problems can create a large content of dissolved iron in water. This, useful, in principle, for human health element at its high concentration becomes a "scourge" of tap water. Not only are these problems "domestic" in nature - an unpleasant, metallic taste, rusty water, red spots on washed clothes, etc. Dissolved iron can cause poisoning and even lead to the emergence and development of systemic diseases of the body.

Iron in water can be contained as a free dissolved element( ferrous iron), and it does not give in to any mechanical filtration. Almost no filters retain organic colloidal iron - suspended particles are so shallow that they pass through the pores. But already hydroxide is a solid precipitate, as well as trivalent iron - we see it in the form of a rusty finely dispersed coating on dishes, in sinks, etc. And such forms can already be separated by sedimentation and filtration.

Insoluble finely divided ferric iron and its hydroxide is what we call a rusty coating

Insoluble fine trivalent iron and its hydroxide are what we call the rusty coating of

There are several ways to deal with high iron content, but they all boil down to activating its reaction with oxygen contained in water or supplied by artificial means( aeration).As a result of oxidation, colloidal or dissolved iron passes into insoluble forms, which are already removed by filtration. Of all the technologies at the household level, only non-reagent filters are used in household compact filters. In cartridges( modules) there is a special filling of mineral( dolomite, zeolite, etc.) or synthetic( "BIRM", "MFF", "Pyrolox") origin, which itself does not react, plays the role of a powerful catalyst providing a full oxidativeprocess.

Cartridges for deironing of water

Cartridges for deironing of water

The resulting fine insoluble slurry remains in the backfill or in a strainer integrated in the cartridge, or completely removed at the next purification steps - in the sorption module.

  • The next problem with water is the so-called rigidity. This phenomenon is due to the increased content of calcium and magnesium salts. Rigid water is unpleasant for drinking and cooking, as it has a bitter taste, it quickly overgrows the characteristic scum dishes, it is poorly soluble and ineffectively acting washing and washing compounds.
A very common problem is hard water, with all the ensuing consequences

A very common problem is hard water, with all the consequences of

The main method of softening water for food needs is the use of ion exchange resins. The principle of action is that when hard water passes through such a backfill in the hardness salts, the molecules of magnesium or calcium are replaced by a more active metal, sodium, in a natural way. And sodium salts have no negative effect on the quality of drinking water.

Cartridges - water softeners

Cartridges - water softeners

The technology of such purification from the salts of hardness assumes the possibility of regeneration of ion-exchange backfilling. However, compact cartridges usually use cartridges that can not be repaired. With a large degree of water hardness, such elements will have to be changed too often. Therefore, with very hard water, it is more rational to use a reverse osmosis system, which will be described below.

  • In tap water, chlorine is very often felt. The admixture of dissolved hydrogen sulphide is also not excluded, with a characteristic putrefactive odor. Often there are certain concentrations of oil products, salts of heavy metals, various organic compounds. All this leads to a deterioration in food quality of water, and can also pose a serious threat to human health.

Filters with sorption backfilling solve these problems. Most often - it is activated carbon or special minerals that are able to remove harmful water from the water. In addition, such fillers become a catalyst for oxidative processes and, at the same time, also serve as a mechanical filter that keeps the solid precipitates formed as a result of the reactions.

Cartridges for sorption water purification modules

Cartridges for sorption water purification modules

The variety of sorption cleaning modules is very large. In some of them, the composition can be harvested with an "accent" on this or that lack of water, for example, on the increased content of free chlorine or, conversely, dissolved organic matter. Cartridges are produced, sorption backfilling of which, moreover, leaves almost no chance of pathogens - water passes and biological purification.

  • The modules that work on the principle of reverse osmosis possess the highest indicators of water purification from all possible contaminants.
The principle of the reverse osmosis module

The principle of operation of the reverse osmosis module

The essence of their work is that water under a certain pressure is literally pushed through a membrane that has pores measured in hundredths and thousandths of a micron. The membrane is usually executed in the form of a spirally packed roll( post 2), which gives a large working area.

As a result, the stream( item 1) is divided into two - permeate( item 3), that is, purified water that has passed through the membrane and concentrate( item 4), in which all impurities removed from the permeate remain. Purified water goes to the consumer, and the concentrate is discharged into the drainage system( sewage system).

The table below eloquently shows how deep the water is getting in the reverse osmosis module

Potential concentration in tap water, mg / l Content in permeate, mg / l Degree of purification( selectivity),% Calcium 61 0.2 99.6 Sodium 150 3 98 Potassium 12 0.3 97.4 Hydrocarbons 19 0.7 96.2 Sulfates 189 0.4 99.8 Chlorides 162 2.9 98.2 Nitrates 97 3.5 96.4 Total salt content( TDS) 693 11 98.4

Do not pass reverse osmosis membranes of molecules of organic compounds. In addition, many bacteria and even viruses are delayed. In a word, the output is water, close in quality to distilled.

  • Water, which has undergone reverse osmosis treatment, is far from appealing to all due to the almost complete absence of mineral salts. There are rumors that it is even harmful to people's health, but it's only insinuations - all the necessary stock of trace elements people get from food.but to fix the taste qualities of drinking water will help special modules-mineralizers, which are installed after the reverse osmosis unit.


For the rational use of the mineralizer block resource, on some models of filter stations with a sink installation, two loops of water are provided for consumption - normal, without mineralization.for cooking, and after mineralization - for drinking purposes.

  • For apologists of almost complete sterility of water, filter stations under the sink with the module of ultraviolet irradiation are produced at the outlet.
The ultraviolet water treatment module

The ultraviolet water treatment module

Ultraviolet rays kill almost all known pathogenic bacteria. True, such a filter will require connection to the mains power supply.

There are other modules of different degree of preliminary and post-cleaning, as well as imparting special qualities to the received water, for example, saturating it with silver ions.

As you can see, this modular scheme is very flexible. Consumers are given an excellent opportunity to select the necessary model and a set of cartridges for it, based on real conditions, having made, if necessary, an emphasis on one or another stage of cleaning. But for this it is necessary to be able to make a right choice.

How to choose a filter station for a sink

The selection of the filter system for your housing should begin with an accurate understanding of the baseline conditions. It is necessary to have information about the characteristics of the water supplied to the apartment or house to determine the necessary methods for cleaning it.

The main condition - to have information about the quality of incoming water

It's no secret that in recent times there have become frequent cases when salespeople walk on apartments, show credulous owners various "colorful experiments", convincing them of the terrible quality of water and imposing the purchase of expensive equipment. It is not always so necessary. It is better to take care of the quality of your water source on your own.

For this, the best option is to pass a water sample to a laboratory test. And the analysis should not be trusted to employees of companies involved in the implementation and installation of filters - the party is clearly interested, and can attribute what is not really. It would be unreasonable to conduct research in laboratories of water supply organizations, since there can be a completely opposite picture, that is, concealment of various shortcomings. The best option is a sanitary epidemiological service or independent laboratories. This, however, is somewhat more expensive, but it guarantees an unbiased analysis.

Protocol for the Study of Water Samples

Protocol for the study of water samples

By the way, the correctly issued result of laboratory research is a legal document. It not only helps to select the correct composition of the filtration station, but it can also become the basis for making claims to utility services in the part of non-fulfillment of the required sanitary standards.

For the delivery of water for the study must be properly sampled.

If water is only given for chemical analysis, the sample is typed as follows:

  • 1.5 liters of water is required for the analysis. It is best to take an empty clean bottle from drinking still water. It is forbidden to use empty containers from sweet drinks or beer.
  • Opens the faucet, and leaves it for at least 15 minutes for free water discharge.
  • After that, the bottle and the lid itself are thoroughly rinsed with this most running water, without using any kind of detergents.
  • Then the water pressure drops to a minimum, so as not to cause the appearance of a lot of air bubbles, the bottle is filled to the top, with overflow, and then tightly closed by a lid.

For biochemical analysis, the requirements are somewhat different, more stringent, and more often laboratory workers give a one-time sterile container for sampling, instructing according to the rules for filling it.

The express test only diagnoses the presence of a "water disease", but will not be able to fully show the level of its development

Express test only diagnoses the presence of a "water sickness", but will not be able to fully show the level of its development.

You should not simplify the task by purchasing a set for express water testing in the store and limiting it. It is, of course, simpler and cheaper, but the informativeness of such mini-studies is not high. The results will undoubtedly signal the presence of this or that problem in the chemical composition of the water, but will not show its real level.

Now, with the analysis of water on your hands, it will be possible to talk on an equal footing with the specialists of the company that implements filtration plants. So you can avoid the two extremes - the acquisition of a filter that will not cope with the task of full-fledged water treatment, or the purchase of an expensive station, the possibilities of which will simply remain unclaimed.

Criteria for choosing a filter for the

sink So, if with the necessary cleaning steps, their number and purpose. Clarity has appeared, it is necessary to evaluate the selectable filtering station and other criteria.

  • Dimensions and possibility of installation in the existing space under the sink.

Filtering station will be hidden from the field of view, so the issues of its external design should not play the role of the prevailing ones. But the dimensions, on the contrary, are crucial - as you can see when viewing the above illustrations, the size of the structure can vary significantly.

Do not forget that you need a certain amount of space under the filters - to enable the replacement of cartridges. True, some modern models have an interesting hinged attachment of modules, which makes it possible to simplify this process.

Filters for washing with hinged suspension modules

Filters for sink with hinged suspension of

modules Another nuance - the entire filter unit, and even with fully filled flasks, can weigh quite a lot. Hence, it is necessary to think in advance about the reliable basis for its suspension or floor installation.

The installed filter must not obstruct the closing of the cabinet door under the sink. In addition, access to plumbing communications should be ensured.

  • System performance

This question, as a rule, is not too acute. For drinking purposes and for cooking, 1.5 to 2 liters per minute will suffice, and most filter modules fully support this flow. And the very design of the dedicated tap for drinking water is designed for similar performance.

However, you can find models that have a branch to the kitchen faucet - after the modules of mechanical filtration. Thus, water, for example, for dishwashing, also undergoes a certain purification cycle, but for food purposes it undergoes deeper processing.

When evaluating the performance of the entire filtering unit, one should definitely take into account the bandwidth of the module with the very lowest performance.

  • Resource for modules and cartridges

This question is always one of those that are interested in the first place. Indeed, how often do you need to acquire replaceable filter elements?

The question is ambiguous, as any cartridge can have its capabilities, but they are always indicated in the accompanying documentation. Typically, the resource is measured by the total volume of water passed through the exchange element, for example, 4000 liters( 4 m³).Knowing the average daily flow of drinking water in the family( and it is usually about 3 - 4 liters per person), it's easy to estimate that for a family of 4 people at a consumption of 15 liters per day, this cartridge will last about 267 days.

Even at one filtering station the resource of different cartridges may differ

Even at one filtering station, the resource of different cartridges may differ

At the same time, one more nuance should not be forgotten. The fact is that, in addition to the volume of water, the resource is also expressed in time calculation. For example, it is indicated that the cartridge is designed for 4000 liters, but not more than 6 months of operation. Hence, even if much less water was passed through it than indicated, it is still subject to replacement after six months.

By the way, different cartridges of the same filtering complex can have their own irradiated parameters of the pledged resource, and in this case it will be necessary to carry out a shift in stages, as far as the generation or expiration of the terms.

Some cartridges, for example, ion exchange, are subject to regeneration - this should also be reflected in their passport.

The cartridge life may be reduced if the water is heavily soiled. Anyway. If the deviations in taste and in the smell of purified water become noticeable, this is the signal for replacing the elements.

Has a resource and a membrane of the reverse osmosis module. True, usually the duration of its service is already measured in several years.

The status of the cartridges and the timely replacement of them should be monitored. Some companies practice SMS or e-mail-sending reminders about the need to purchase replacement items. It should always be remembered that a cartridge that has been served, but not replaced in time, can do more harm than good.

  • Features of filter selection with reverse osmosis cleaning module

If it is decided to purchase a jot filter with a reverse osmosis module, then a number of other nuances should be considered:

- This installation necessarily requires a certain pressure of water supplied for cleaning - this parameter is always indicated in the technical documentation. If the water pressure in the local water supply does not reach the required level, or the pressure drop in pipes( for example, in multi-storey buildings) is a common occurrence, then it is necessary to look for a solution.

Example of a sink filter model with a reverse osmosis cleaning unit and built-in pump

Example of a filter model for a sink with a reverse osmosis cleaning unit and built-in pump

You can purchase a filter unit, which includes a built-in pump. Another option is to install equipment for general pressure increase in the local room water distribution system.

2016-05-08_162022 How to raise the pressure in a house or an apartment water supply?

There are several acceptable solutions. One of them is the pump for water pressure increase. About this in more detail - in a special publication of our portal.

ob1 ob2
Brief description of the model: Brief description of the model:
Three stages of complex cleaning: Mechanical filtration, ion-exchange cartridge, carbon sorption filter.
Mechanical filter - 5 microns.
Water deironing function.
Cleaning of free chlorine.
Three stages of purification - mechanical, water softening and sorption coal.
Pores of mechanical cleaning filter - only 0,8 microns.
The installed life of cartridges is 6000 liters.
The deironing function is not provided.
Indisputable advantages Noted faults Undeniable advantages Noted faults
Affordable price;
Very convenient system for changing cartridges - modules have articulated fastening;
Cartridges have an increased life - up to 10,000 liters;
Cleaning quality - no complaints;
Excellent assembly - no leakage during operation;
Successful design, compact size.
Poorly copes with increased water hardness;
Dear replaceable items - cartridges, which, by the way, are not always in stores;
After a pause in operation, a bitter taste of water is clearly felt - it is corrected by passing about 5 liters.
Convenient design with an original cartridge installation system.
The increased time of the filter modules is up to 1.5 years.
Excellent water purification.
Good softening performance, and the ion-exchange cartridge is amenable to periodic regeneration.
Resource softening ion-exchange cartridge - only 250 liters.
The need for frequent removal for rinsing and regeneration.
A new cartridge of this type is a very expensive "pleasure".
arr3 arr4
Brief description of the model: Brief description of the model:
Four-stage flow filtering complex.
The mechanical filtration pore sizes in a 1K-078 cartridge are 0.1 μm. The possibility of using any stages of water treatment( except reverse osmosis).
Original design in a narrow plastic case.
Four modules and five lines of cleaning due to the combination in the first stage of mechanical and sorption cleaning.
Ultrafiltration and conditioning module with preservation of mineral water composition.
Undeniable advantages of Reported shortcomings of Undeniable advantages of Reported deficiencies
Possibility of flexible substring of filtering system for specific water quality.
Relatively low price.
Convenient system for installing and removing cartridges, requiring no effort and applying a key.
The fourth stage often remains unclaimed, but, nevertheless, requires the presence of a cartridge.
Replaceable items - this cartridge is assembled with a bulb, which causes a high price for them.
The fixation mechanism is too troublesome - too thin a plastic lock with a massive water-filled bulb.
Should not be purchased if the water is too hard - you will have to spend very frequent, almost monthly regenerations of the softening module
Compact - the width of the body is only 100 mm.
Good manning.
High-quality assembly, high-strength plastic.
Stylish washcock, with ceramic valve.
Easy to change cartridges.
Excellent cleaning performance - the water is approaching the taste of the spring water.
Module with hollow fiber membrane perfectly copes with biological water pollution
Not suitable for sources with high or even increased water hardness.
The life of cartridges is limited to six months, and the cost of them is quite high.
arr5 arr6
Brief description of the model: Brief description of the model:
Cleaning system with reverse osmosis module.
Four stages of cleaning.
Accumulation tank( transparent) with a capacity of 3.8 liters.
The required pressure in the water supply system is at least 3 bar.
Productivity - up to 180 l / day.
The tank filling time is about 40 min.
Filter station for washing with reverse osmosis cleaning module.
Five stages of cleaning.
Storage capacity of 8 liters.
Required delivery head - at least 2.8 bar.
Pump and mineralizer are not provided.
Recommended performance - 0,16 l / min.
Indisputable advantages Reported shortcomings Undeniable advantages Reported shortcomings
Highest quality of cleaning.
A small discharge into the drainage - no more than 30%.
High-quality membrane made in Japan.
Easy change of cartridges.
The cost of the installation itself and of the consumables is quite high.
Not too high a resource of replaceable cartridges.
There were incidents of mismatching the possibility of filling the tank with all the claimed 3.8 l, because of the swelling of air swelling( eliminated by a specialist)
Excellent build quality, durable plastic.
The system of multi-colored hoses simplifies the connection of the station.
Excellent quality of water treatment.
Good performance.
Weak seals of the spout on the sink - it's best not to rotate it.
Loose key for tightening flasks - breaks or bends.
Excessive number of connections.
The set does not include spare retaining rings, and to find them in case of loss is not easy.
High price, long payback period, and then - at high expense. For a small family, the purchase becomes unprofitable.
arr7 arr8
Brief description of the model: Brief description of the model:
Great solution for a small family.
Two-stage cleaning with reverse-osmosis module.
Productivity - up to 0,3 l / min.
The required inlet pressure is only 1.5 bar.
The storage tank is not provided.
Five purification stages, including a reverse osmosis module.
Capacity - up to 0.2 l / min.
The required water supply pressure is 3 bar.
The pump and the mineralizer are not provided, but can be installed optionally.
Membrane-type storage tank - 8 liters.
Indisputable advantages Reported shortcomings Undeniable advantages Reported shortcomings
High throughput.
Compact size.
Low price.
Easy change of cartridges.
High resource of reverse osmosis module - up to 3 years.
Not a very nice faucet for installation on the sink.
Not fully thought-out connections to the crane - independent quality sealing is required.
Possible problems with free purchase of cartridges.
Large discharge to drainage - 2 to 3 liters of condensate per 1 liter of purified water
Affordable price, compared to other brands.
Bulbs are collapsible, which reduces the cost of replacing consumables.
Good cleaning quality.
Well-designed system for the discharge of condensate into the drain.
There are complaints about the quality of the plastic and the filter itself, and the connecting fittings.
The model does not differ in compactness.
Increased requirements of the reverse osmosis module to the level of pressure in the water supply.
Very large discharge into the drainage, sometimes reaching up to 80% of the total volume.

- If a pump and / or an ultraviolet water treatment module is included in the cleaning system, it is necessary to think in advance about the installation of the power line and the installation of the outlet. The outlet must be waterproof, and placed in such a way as to prevent accidental water ingress. But in any case, pulling the extension cord to the installation site of the filters is not the best solution.

Installation of water treatment with a storage tank. A clearly visible power line

Water purification plant with a storage tank. The power supply line

is clearly visible - It is necessary to immediately think over the question whether an accumulating tank is needed, or if the flow system is sufficient. This in many respects also depends on the stability of pressure in the water supply. If a power failure is not uncommon, it should be more reasonable to purchase a filter with a storage tank. In doing so, do not forget that the tank also requires space in the sometimes sufficiently tight opening under the sink.

- The issue of performance for filters with a reverse osmosis module is somewhat ambiguous. The fact is that practice shows that in order to get one liter of high-quality water, about two liters will have to be discharged into the sewer system. People who are used to saving on everything, this is also worth thinking about.

When purchasing any type of filter under the sink, you must carefully check the completeness of the delivery, so that you do not have to worry about installing the equipment. A scrupulous visual inspection should be carried out for damage to the console, flasks, filter modules. Particular attention is given to joints, fittings and hoses, the presence of necessary sealing or sealing parts.

Overview of models of filters with a sink

Despite the very wide range of filtering equipment of this type, the choice is still to be made in favor of manufacturers who deserve considerable authority in this particular field of activity. These include Atoll, Geyser, Barrier, Aquaphor, AquaPro, Raifil, Novaya Voda, Aquafilter, Aqualine, Zepter, Ecosoft.

Perhaps, we should remind potential customers that purchasing equipment for water purification follows exclusively in specialized, tested outlets, and even better in representative offices of manufacturing companies."Wild" market is teeming with low-quality fakes, and risking the health of their family, in the hope of saving - this is the height of recklessness. When buying, be sure to inscribe the mark in the passport for a guarantee.

Completion of the publication will naturally be a brief overview of several models of filters with a sink installation, indicating their main characteristics, as well as a list of advantages and disadvantages collected according to customer feedback.

Video: recommendations for choosing a water filter with a sink

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