How to choose a kitchen faucet

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It would seem - a funny question, how to choose a faucet for the kitchen. You go to the store and get what you most like to taste, good, the range of these products is very wide. But that's the problem, that such a variety can easily lead to a dead end.

How to choose a kitchen faucet

How to choose a mixer for the kitchen

To focus exclusively on external data is an amateurish approach. When choosing a kitchen faucet, the should be carefully evaluated by a whole series of criteria, each of which is important in its own way. Let's try to figure out what to pay special attention to.

"Controls" kitchen mixer

Contents of the article

  • 1 "Controls" of the kitchen mixer
  • 2 Form and design of the spout
    • 2.1 Video: a variety of modern kitchen faucets
  • 3 Mixer installation site
  • 4 Mixer construction material
    • 4.1 Mixer outer coating
  • 5 Additional functionsmixers
  • 6 And a few words at last
    • 6.1 Video: tips of a specialist for choosing a kitchen faucet

According to the principle of intensity controlthe water flow and its temperature, the kitchen mixers can be divided into three main groups:

1. Two-valve mixers once dominated the interior of the kitchen. They find their supporters now.

Two-valve mixers remain in demand today

Two-ventilated mixers remain in demand today

The classic layout of these mixers is two valves, placed on the left and right and spilling in the center. The valves are equipped with metal, plastic or ceramic handwheels of one form or another. Each valve is responsible for the supply of separate cold or hot water, the flows are mixed in the central chamber with a further transition of the to the spout.

The circuit is simple and is reliable , it provides good water temperature adjustment. It is often possible to find opinions that it is these mixers that are considered optimal if the water is heated autonomously in a gas column.

As valves in such mixers are used crane-axle boxes. They, with external similarity, can differ structurally:

Truck crane with rubber gasket

Crane-buster with rubber gasket

Butts with a sliding slide, equipped with rubber gasket. The stroke of the crane - is several turns of the flywheel. The main disadvantages of such a scheme is a sufficiently rapid wear of the rubber sealant, as well as the appearance of backlash in the rotating part. There may be complications with precise temperature control, especially if the water in the system is very hot( for example, an autonomous boiler is used).The point is that the rubber gasket when heated significantly increases in size, changing the amount of the exposed lumen for water, and to maintain the desired temperature of the , will have to make adjustments.

Faucet with ceramic valve

Faucet with ceramic valve

Bags with a ceramic valve are arranged differently. Two ceramic plates with holes are rotated relative to each other, changing the cross-sectional area of ​​the lumen for the passage of water. For such cranes, the range of rotation is limited - there are axles with one revolution, with a half or even a quarter. The cranes are easy to operate, but do not like contaminated water - grains of sand or pieces of metal scale, getting between ceramic plates, can cause their rapid wear. However, in the preliminary mechanical filtration of water, probably, any types of mixers.

Advantage of two-ventilated mixers, except, as a rule, low price, still and in that it is not difficult to replace the failed, leaking or wedging boxes. These spare parts are inexpensive, , if desired, , you can install both "rubber" and ceramic cranes, since they do not differ in principle from the landing thread.

Двухвентильные смесители нередко исполняют "под старину"

Two-valve mixers are often performed "antique"

Sanitary manufacturers do not remove the two-ventilated mixers from production, on the contrary, they even give them interesting retro-shapes , designed for lovers of original kitchen interiors "antique".

2. The most common on the stand-alone moment are single lever mixers. Anyone who has already tried them in practice, with very little reluctance, returns to the usual two-valve, if there is such a need.

Top sellers - lever mixers

Top sellers - lever mixers

Convenience in using them is evident - both the flow rate and the water temperature are controlled by one hand by moving the lever in two planes. So, with the usual, upper link layout, the movement in the vertical plane opens or overlaps the total flow, and in horizontal - regulates the supply of cold and hot water for mixing.

This is achieved by installing a special cartridge connected to the lever in the mixer.

Inside the mixer there is a cartridge of a certain design

Inside the mixer there is a cartridge of a certain design

Cartridges can be distinguished by an internal device. They are of a spherical type - in them there is an hollow ball with holes for passage inside cold and hot streams, and for exit with further water supply in spout .In ceramic cartridges, this clearance adjustment function is carried out tightly with grounded ceramic plates.

There are products where strong plastic is used instead of ceramics. However, it is strong only on the assurances of the manufacturer( usually similar products come from China), and in practice is , that after 2 ÷ 3 months there is a need to replace the cartridge. The only dubious advantage - such products are very cheap .

The layout of the single-lever can be very different. The lever can stand on top, ahead or behind the spout , on the right or left, in a vertical or horizontal plane. There is a choice of , based on convenience and personal preferences of the buyer.

A special variety of single-lever mixers are models in which the lever regulates the intensity of the flow of water. Mixing the same flows to the required temperature occurs in the special device - a thermostat - placed under the sink.

The thermostat always maintains an accurately set water temperature

The thermostat always maintains the precisely set water temperature

The special design of this device ensures a constant flow temperature that can be set in advance by the thermostat flywheel.

The approximate scheme of installation of the thermostat

Approximate scheme for installing the thermostat

This scheme is especially useful when there are very high temperatures in the hot water circuit, over 60 - 60 degrees. The risk of scalding the hands is completely excluded, and this is extremely important if there are young children in the house.

3. Mixers with electronic control appeared in everyday life relatively recently. Of course, their cost is much higher than that of conventional mechanical, but also much more.

Modern approach - mixers with electronic control

Modern approach - mixers with electronic control

Water can be started by with light by touching the mixer itself or to the control panel. It is possible to accurately adjust the temperature, flow intensity. The touch panel itself can be located both on the mixer body and on the spray head spout , and sometimes it is a constructive part of the washing itself.

The touch control panel can be located even on the spout head

Sensor control panel can be located even on the spout head

Sensors can be configured to move under the mixer - in the absence of any action flow alone will overlap with , and the probability that, due to forgetfulness or carelessness of the owner, water will be wasted uneconomically.

In the kitchen, the mistress's hands are often stained with these or other products. It does not matter - you can touch the mixer with the back of your hand or just hold your hand under it to run the water at the set temperature.

Electronic mixers are constantly being improved, equipped with new interesting features, and, I think, they have a great future ahead of them. The remains to hope that the prices for them will begin to decline, making these devices more affordable for the average consumer.

Form and design of spout

On the in in always draws the closest attention - namely this mixer part immediately catches the eye and predetermines the appearance of the entire product. However, looks like - with appearance, but the spout should meet the requirements of ease of use precisely in the kitchen.

  • Spout must be rotary. This is especially important where there are washers with two( and sometimes even more) with capacities. The turnaround sector must ensure the free movement of the spillage into the either side.
  • The spout must have an optimum height, so that it does not interfere with the washing of large-sized dishes or the water set in the by the . However, the , an excessively high "gander" can lead to splashing water from the sink bowl on the sides. It is difficult to give advice here, since much will depend on the depth and geometric shape of the car wash itself.

Conditionally outlets are subdivided into low( up to 190 mm in height), medium ( up to 240 mm) and high( over 240 mm).Optimal, probably, is the average size, but still you need to choose from the design features of the existing sink if the mixer is not purchased with it.

  • Pay attention to the overall design of the mixer and spout .It can be one-piece - such models are distinguished by increased strength, and the absence of joints and joints will reduce the likelihood of leaks. However, they often purchase prefabricated models - the lights are much more convenient to use, although it will be more difficult to take care of them.
Original hinged movable spout design

The original hinged mobile design of the spout

Often the spout is even a complicated hinge design made of several parts. This greatly extends the range of its capabilities. Such models are usually produced by proven manufacturers, and to worry about reliability such an assembly in this case is not necessary.

  • In its form, the outlets can be very diverse - in this respect, the aesthetics, probably, comes to the fore. Some people like straight or rectangular, others prefer S-or U-shaped or other
The spout configuration can be very different

. The spout configuration can be very different

There are also flexible spilled , the shape and length of which can be changed in a certain range.

Flexible spout

Flexible spout

Very convenient if the spout on the end of the is equipped with an divider - a water flow aerator. Some models provide for the choice of the configuration of the jet - from conventional or aerated to shower-divider with a change in the angle of the created water cone.

Many housewives may find it convenient that the spill could turn into a flexible shower with a retractable watering can.

Attention mixers, in which the spout turns into a sliding shower with a hose

Attention mixers, in which the spout turns into a sliding shower with

hose. In this case, the retractable hose is concealed in the body of the mixer, or without , ( usually a high-strength and very elastic PE-X polymer is used).He is connected with shower head, which in the normal position is the head spout .

Two-spout mixer

Mixer with two spouts

There are original mixers that have several spills .So, if necessary, you can use the lower, short, and when in the sink there are dimensional objects of dishes, there is an opportunity to switch to high.

Video: a variety of modern kitchen faucets

Mixer installation site

This is a very important parameter of the , which is necessarily taken into account when purchasing the required model.

The classic installation site is in the appropriate washer hole

The classic installation site - in the corresponding washer hole

  • The vast majority of mixers are designed for installation in a sink in the hole in it. Typically, the manufacturers of kitchen accessories provide for a uniform size of the holes, corresponding to the standard system of fastening the mixers to the studs or to a long nut( Ø 34 mm).
Fastening the mixer with the help of the studs

Fastening the mixer with the help of studs

Among the plumbers there are adherents of both types of fastening, although the installation with the nut looks somewhat more reliable .

Mixer with installation on a tight nut

Mixer with installation on the lock nut

If you plan to install the mixer on the countertop near the sink, you must definitely specify the possibility of such mounting for the selected model. Thus, the length of the threaded part may not be sufficient for thick worktops, and it will be necessary to select a product with with extended hairpins or with a special fixing method to the table plane.

Mounting the mixer on the countertop

Mounting the mixer on the

worktop. The wall-mounted faucets were also used. Sometimes it is a tribute to fashion, but it also happens that it is in this way that the water mains are moved to the sink and it is impossible or inappropriate to change their location.

Sometimes you may need a wall-mounted mixer

Sometimes it may be necessary to use a wall-mounted mixer

Material for the manufacture of mixers

The quality and durability of the mixer depends largely on the material of manufacture. Of course, this always reflects on the price of the product.

  • The most inexpensive for today are the silumin mixers - made from an alloy of aluminum with silicon. In addition to the low cost of other advantages they, perhaps, do not. This material is fragile enough, short-lived, and it is better to immediately refuse to purchase such a product, so as not to be disappointed after a few months.
  • Steel products with chrome plated stainless steel - much is safer than and stronger.
  • Among metals, unconditional leadership is holding tt radial bronze or brass. These alloys do not corrode , do not affect the chemical composition of the water, show excellent strength results, and duration of use.
  • Mixers made of polymer materials have proven themselves not bad, both in terms of strength and durability, and a relatively low price. Nevertheless, , of course, they can not compete on an equal footing with high-quality metal products.
  • Ceramic mixers have become fashionable, for the most part - for their original appearance. Manufacturers in every way praise them, convincing buyers of their high wear resistance and reliability . Nevertheless, , the practice of using such products has already given many examples of their damage( chips, cracks and , .) Upon impact. Metal mixers in this regard are more practical.

External coating of mixer

This criterion predetermines both the neat appearance of the product and the ease of care for it.

Classic version - a shiny chrome or stainless surface. It looks very profitable, it is resistant to scratches, but on it distinctly are visible spots, including from dried water.

On the matte metal, spots and small scratches are less noticeable

Smudges and small scratches are less noticeable on matt metal

To a lesser extent this drawback is inherent in brushed metal faucets - they also look very original and fit any style of interior.

Mixer, covered with colored enamel

Mixer, covered with colored enamel

Mixers can be covered with colored strong enamel. There is an opportunity to choose the overall design of the kitchen, however it is worth remembering that with the entire strength of the enamel all can split or scratch with accented impact.

Always look a lot like bronze, copper or brass mixers

Bronze, copper or brass mixers

will always look great. The Ageless, -wrapped noble patina bronze is an excellent choice, and the from the point of view of quality, and as an interior decoration.

Смеситель с покрытием "под камень" обычно приобретают к соответствующей мойке

Basin faucet mixer is usually purchased for the appropriate washer

For fashionable and very practical kitchen sinks made of artificial granite or marble, you can purchase mixer with the same external coating. Special enamel is very accurate passes "natural" texture of the stone.

Смесители с позолотой - для особо "винтажных" интерьеров

Mixers with gilding - for especially "vintage" interiors

For those who wish to create a special chic in the kitchen, it is possible to purchase a mixer with gold leaf. As a rule, these are expensive exclusive models, usually supplied under the order. However, there are also mixers with a shiny coating "for gold" and at a reasonable price, but they are not particularly in demand - too shocking.

Additional functions of mixers

Leading manufacturers of sanitary ware equip some of their models and additional interesting features.

The mixer can be connected simultaneously with the water pipe and the post-treatment system for drinking water

The mixer can be connected simultaneously with the water pipe and the drinking water treatment system

  • So, for example , there are mixers that are structurally combined with the filtration system and post-treatment of drinking water. In their , the is provided with two channels and two exhaust nozzles, and the body has an additional lever. In the normal mode, the mixer supplies with household water, and when switched to a filtration system, it is cleaned, for drinking or cooking.
GROHE RED - from the mixer you can immediately brew tea!

GROHE RED - from the mixer, you can immediately brew tea!

  • GROHE( Germany) offers an interesting development. Its models of the GROHE RED line - is a stand-alone complex incorporating a mixer and compact electric with an capacity of 4 to 10 liters.
Compact electric boiler is installed under the sink

The compact electric boiler is installed under the sink

. Besides, the boiler warms a certain water supply to a temperature in the set range of 35 ÷ 75 degrees - it will go for mixing with cold. In the design of the electric heater there is a tank for boiling water, and in the mixer there is a separate channel and a valve for boiling water. In any mote nt time the can come to the mixer, open the appropriate faucet and brew tea, coffee or cook some instant products. At the same time, the boiler itself will perform the maximum water heating in just 30 minutes, and while maintaining the temperature of the created reserve , the will switch to a mode of economical consumption of electricity - only about 15 W / h.

  • Special fittings and nozzles for spilling will take care of consumable water. They can be supplied with the of a particular mixer model or can be purchased separately.
A set of accessories for economical use of water

A set of accessories for water use

Nowadays, when ubiquitously is installed devices water, its expenditure should be treated with caution. Installation of such simple and inexpensive devices, as shown in the drawing, will normalize the flow rate - even with fully open cranes, it will not exceed 1.35 liters of per minute - this is quite sufficient for household needs.

Installation of two fittings and an aerator minimizes unnecessary over-consumption of water

Installation of two fittings and an aerator minimizes unnecessary over-consumption of water

  • It is possible to purchase and another one interesting addition - a system of water jet lighting. In fact, it is the same flow aeration device, equipped with LEDs, temperature sensor and power supply( usually - built-in turbine , generating the required voltage).
An interesting addition is the illumination of the jet with a change in color depending on the water temperature

An interesting addition is the illumination of the jet with a color change depending on the water temperature

The color of the jet will vary depending on the water temperature: blue - cold, green - warm and red - hot. This is not just an special design approach, but, in the defined measure, an additional providing security to use. So, at temperatures over 50 degrees, when there is a possibility of getting a burn, the red LED will switch into a pulsed mode, warning of danger.

And a few words at last

  • You should never purchase a mixer with hands or in not calling trust outlets. With a probability close to 100%, the cheap fake will be acquired, which will bring some disappointment.
  • will never be superfluous to look at the Internet and get acquainted with the manufacturer's reputation and reviews of its products. If the company you are looking for is not found on the network - you should not fool yourself.
  • Do not fall for the dishonest and very often used trick - changed letters in the company name. So, one can find the incomprehensible " Nanza " instead of the well-deserved " Nansa ", the obvious counterfeit "Grehe" instead of the famous for its quality " Gröhe " or " Dömixa " of unknown origin instead of the Danish "Damixa "
  • Remember that reputable companies always provide a guarantee for their products, but this requires a mark in the mixer's passport. Any qualitative model must be accompanied by the instruction for its installation.
  • Pay special attention to the completeness of the delivery. Special attention is paid to flexible hoses - very often those in the kit have insufficient length for installation. Check if the diameter corresponds to the diameter of the thread and the type of connection that is available in the kitchen.

Otherwise, rely on the information received, its presentation about the kitchen design, the decency of the sellers and, of course, its common sense. Successful purchase!

Video: tips of a specialist for choosing a kitchen faucet

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