Frame houses have become very popular for many reasons. To argue with the fact that prefabricated houses do not have advantages, it makes no sense. But at the same time, it should be noted that frame construction differs in some features, which affect the technology of all phases of work, some of which require increased attention.
One of them is the thermal insulation of the building. A distinctive feature of frame houses is that they do not have the usual, solid( solid) walls. In fact, the entire structure is a "box", which is covered with appropriate materials, at the discretion of the owner. Hence the increased requirements for the installation of a "heat insulator".After all, the microclimate inside the premises of the frame structure largely depends on the correct selection and observance of the laying technology.
Insulation features
- All parts of the house( floors, ceilings, walls) are covered with a layer of heat-insulating material.
- Higher requirements for steam and waterproofing.
- The choice of material for insulation depends largely on the geometry and configuration of the supporting frame, the location of the beams, supports, racks and the like.
- Necessity of arrangement of qualitative ventilation, and natural.
- Installation of insulation material is made both from the outside and from the inside( if necessary).
The appearance on the market of various types of products intended for the insulation of buildings, greatly simplified the process of carrying out thermal insulation work. Virtually no one uses old, "grandfather" methods, when natural materials and homemade compounds were used. For example, a clay mixture containing straw, shavings, sawdust. But since each product has its own individual characteristics, there are also some peculiarities in their packing.
We will consider the most used heaters and the nuances of their installation. We note both the advantages and disadvantages of materials. And we will start with the latter, taking into account the specifics of independent work with the use of the simplest tool.
Disadvantages of
- Low mechanical strength. At the slightest impact, the material bends, breaks, crumbles.
- Rodents are popular in it, which eventually destroy the slabs. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically engage in "spot" repairs.
- In case of strong thermal exposure( fire) foam emits toxic fumes.
- Convenient for finishing flat surfaces. If they have a complex configuration( bends, turns), then it is better to use another insulation.
Advantages of
- Moisture does not absorb, although much depends on its density. Too loose, with a lot of pores, is able to accumulate water. But if you make a high-quality waterproofing, then you can not worry that the thermal insulation layer will get wet. The use of a thick foam( expanded polystyrene extruded) eliminates the need to equip quality steam and waterproofing. Although this should not be completely excluded, since other structural elements of the building need such protection.
- Low cost. Perhaps, one of the cheapest options of warming.
- Easily processed( cut, sawed).
- Well "jamming" sounds.
- "Holds" the form, so it is suitable for finishing any surfaces( horizontal, vertical), since it will not "crawl".
technology The special feature of the installation is that the surface to be trimmed must be level, otherwise the plates will have to make different "samples"( grooves), and this is undesirable. Styrofoam should fit tightly, over the entire area of the sheet.
As a rule, the outside is laid in 2 - 3 layers, depending on the climatic conditions in the region. The joints between the sheets( plates) are easiest to seal with foam. It should be noted that the joints of adjacent rows do not coincide in place, otherwise a "through" gap will form, which will increase heat loss.
The laying starts from the bottom. The method of fixation is gluing. For this, there are commercially available compounds. Glue is better to apply a thin tape around the perimeter of the sheet, and in the center - one drop. After pressing the plate will be fixed qualitatively. But to improve the reliability of fastening, dowels( plastic) are used, which are clogged at the corners.
A reinforcement mesh is superimposed on top, which is covered with a layer of putty.
The inner laying of the foam layer is carried out according to the same procedure. It is necessary to take into account one nuance - the thicker the slab, the more they "hide" the useful area. With respect to one wall, this indicator is small, but in the aggregate can reach a certain value.
Mineral wool
It should be noted that stone wool, produced on the basis of basalt rocks( its characteristics are described in detail here) is often used. But it has a "minus" - it can not be compressed. Therefore, a very precise fit of dimensions will be required, hence, labor costs will increase. The use of glass wool is associated with additional difficulties in installation, in particular, with measures to protect the skin and respiratory tract from its dust.
Therefore, it is more appropriate to use mineral wool. However, one must take into account that working with ecowool requires some professional training.
For qualitative insulation, the mineral wool density must be at least 30 kg / m3.It is better( more convenient) to use the material in the form of plates, rather than rolls. Thickness - 50 mm.
Disadvantages of
- Basic - increased moisture absorption. This causes strict requirements for waterproofing. Advantages of
- High vapor permeability.
- Practically does not "sit down" in the process of operation.
The total thickness of "insulation", usually from 10 cm. Therefore, the laying is carried out in at least two layers, with the displacement of the joints between the plates. They are put "voraspor" between the elements of the structure( racks).The material is slightly compressed, and after laying, increasing in size, tightly fixed in the landing.
Unlike foam plastic, joints are sealed by reinforcing adhesive tape. In this regard, the process of warming is simpler.
General recommendations
- Polyfoam is a dense material, so it will not allow the walls to "breathe".Vata - absorb moisture well. Proceeding from this, the issue of natural ventilation is one of the most important.
- For waterproofing is excellent material such as pergamina. But between him and the heater there must be a gap( air layer for ventilation).
- To reduce the amount of work associated with the processing of material, you need to determine in advance the size of the plates. Proceeding from this, and to mount a skeleton with necessary distance between racks( on width of products).
- For quality foundation protection it is better to use a fixed formwork, which is installed from plates of the same expanded polystyrene extruded. It simultaneously serves as both a mold for pouring, and an insulator( hydro- and heat-).
Regarding the quality of insulation by this or that material, one can find different opinions. One and the same "heat insulator" someone can over-praise, but someone does not like it. Here it is necessary to understand the following.
First of all, , much depends on the right choice of "product".In this case, it is necessary first of all to be guided by the conditions under which it will be operated.
Secondly, , the quality of thermal insulation largely depends on the conscientiousness and professionalism of employees. After all, unreasonable actions, violation of technology and irresponsibility can spoil everything.
Before choosing the appropriate material, it is not bad to consult with people who already live in a frame house, and most importantly - they built it themselves. Their assessment, given to the applied insulation, will be fairly objective. You can read the material on the insulation of the house from the outside, where similar work is described.
There are also cheaper options - filling the gap between the walls with expanded clay, sawdust, even straw. But here everyone must decide for himself, taking into account the following aspects:
- walls will turn out to be thicker;
- maintainability - "zero", as it will have to disassemble the entire structure;
- except claydite, all other materials quickly get wet.
We have indicated only the main aspects of the insulation work. But the wall of the frame house is a "pie", in which, besides the insulation, there are other layers( hydro, vapor barrier).Therefore, it is necessary to study the features of their arrangement, as well as the criteria for selecting the appropriate materials.