The main points of the process of improving the territory of the house with their own hands

One of the main differences between a private house and a "high-rise" is that the owner is the owner of the adjacent territory. Consequently, its improvement in the literal sense - in his hands. There are a lot of options, and there is simply no point in recommending a certain "scheme" for a number of reasons.

First of all, , the sizes of the plots are different, so many wishes of the household can not be realized for purely objective reasons.

Secondly, , this fully applies to the financial capabilities of the hosts. Someone can afford to do large-scale work, and someone will have to confine only to the necessary minimum.

Let's consider all possible variants of competent accomplishment( including, and decorative) of the adjacent territory, and what exactly is suitable for a particular land plot, the reader will decide himself. The main thing is to outline the "directions" of thought, everything else is your own imagination.

Where to start? This is perhaps the most difficult question. And it's not that you need to mark the territory and pick up a shovel. Does it make sense to level and smooth everything, if you can use some features of the relief with the greatest benefit for the design of the territory? The same applies to plantings, if any.


What is recommended?

  • Carefully inspect the whole area and, if necessary, make appropriate measurements( at least approximate) - differences in height, dimensions of notches or bumps.
  • Draw up a plan of the territory with an indication of all its characteristic features.
  • Spend time and study all available materials on this topic;special attention - photos with images of a particular site, an article on landscape design.
  • And it's quite logical - to organize the removal of garbage and all unnecessary. Then the most complete picture will become visible.

After such pre-executed activities there will be really good and quite realizable ideas.


The fact that the main line is connected to the house is one thing, for that it is residential. But what about the whole site? With its watering, with piping "thread" to the gazebo, summer kitchen, garage or other structures, if they are not even yet, but in the future it is supposed to build something. This work is designated as number 1, not least because it will have to be engaged in even small, but earthworks, since it is unlikely that anyone will arrange laying pipes on the ground. And from the point of view of the longevity of the tracks, this is not the best option.



It is necessary not only for the convenience of moving around the site in the dark, as many believe. A well thought out arrangement of luminaires is one of the components of the overall security system of a dwelling. Some lighting fixtures are mounted on racks or poles, so it is desirable to combine such work related to "digging" with the laying of water pipes. About street lighting for the house, we wrote here.

Tracks and platforms

With the first elements of design everything is clear. They are not needed for beauty in the first place. Their task is to prevent the loss of the fertile layer throughout the territory, its deformation after precipitation. The tracks that we leave after drying out are hard to eliminate, and often it does not work right away. How then can we straighten everything out? And is there any point in doing this after almost every rain?

Buy ready tiles( if you focus on the period of operation, then quality) is quite expensive. Here they will need their own hands. On how to make tiles at home, and with little financial costs, is described in detail here.


Now directly on the sites. Even if there is a garage, the site in front of its gates should be landscaped. This is not necessarily done by the method of concreting. There are special materials that can be mounted on the ground, and the weight of the car they can withstand. This is a lawn grate - read more.

You can not forget about the kids. What to put - a swing, a house, stairs, a horizontal bar - another question. But to arrange such a place, even on a stretch of modest size, necessarily follows. A hint how to do this can be found here.



There is no mention of a perimeter fence. Without it, sometimes, even the construction does not begin. But inside the local area separate parts are required to differentiate - arrange a flower bed( flowerbed), trace traces. There are many options, but you can completely do without a curb, which is difficult to mount, and the price "bites."The sale of plastic products, and they are "pennies".And they are called - a decorative fence. In fact, these are lattice sections with "legs" that simply stick into the ground and thus stretch the "tape", and changing its configuration as you like. The assortment is huge, for every taste.


Another option is a hedge. Details about it are told in this article. We only note that such a fence will require periodic withdrawal, and hence time. Therefore, the amateur.

Additional objects

What is meant - pavilions, barbecue, swimming pools, alpine slides. But this is already with large dimensions of the site. Although for small adjacent areas, you can find a way out. For example, a frame assembly / demountable pool, a small brazier, statuettes, lattice constructions of thick wire and so on. A good owner will figure out how to diversify leisure.



Only a few general recommendations:

If you want to drop something, you do not need to look for something exotic, so that the entire county is surprised. It is not yet a fact that the plant( sapling) brought from another region will take root. And it's not just in the climate, but also in the soil. That's it and you need to navigate.

The perspective should be taken into account. The tree will grow, and then what? Will not it completely cover up the windows with your own crown, and you will have to light a light in the house even after dinner? And how are the other plants? It is necessary to take into account the features of the root system. If it is close to the structure, then the foundation will not destroy, but with waterproofing there will be serious problems.

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